The Chinese Coronavirus has disrupted our world as we know it. But trillions of dollars are on the horizon to help float the economy and save the nations essential small businesses and related jobs. And while the most powerful of American industry are in line for help, according to a post in the respected Columbia Journalism Review, the media and policymakers aren’t talking enough about how a recovery and stimulus package could help journalism.
Yes, a 'Social Change & Racial Justice' non-profit 501c3 named Free Press (original ain't it) knows there is more money to come down the pike and is on the forefront of calling not just for a welfare money grab for the nation's over-saturated journalistic endeavors, but tax credits for subscriptions to their leftist political propaganda.
"We’ve long campaigned for more federal and state support for public media and argued that journalism is too important to democracy to be left to the whims of the market. In the face of this pandemic, the public needs good, economically secure journalists more than ever. To support that work, we need a journalism stimulus now....""Too important to democracy to be left to the whims of the market." In the days of a more or less unbiased media, whims of the market were of no concern. But just as the Free Press admits it's own bias in it's description of Social Change & Racial Justice and today's leftist opinion masquerading as a poor excuse for news, the last thing we need is more state sponsored media greased with taxpayers money.
"Free Press is asking for at least $5 billion in emergency funds right away—which would be less than half of one percent of a trillion-dollar recovery package—and that Congress put a foundation in place to help sustain journalism over the long term......"Just so you know, a proper journalism welfare package should include:
*Doubling federal funds for public media. This would amount to an additional $930 million. Congress should dedicate an additional $70 million specifically to a fund for small nonprofit newsrooms and startups.
*$2 billion over the next two years to fund newsroom jobs. The industry’s worst wounds were self-inflicted, but the emphasis now needs to be on keeping reporters employed and refilling some of the empty seats.
*Direct, emergency subsidies of $25,000 per news gathering position, Just $625 million would help retain 25,000 newsroom jobs.
*Journalism Tax Credit could offer $40,000 per newsroom employee hired during the remainder of calendar year 2020; the tax credit would apply through the end of 2021. forthcoming recovery or stimulus bill should also include another $2 billion to seed a “First Amendment Fund” to support new positions, outlets, and approaches to news gathering.
*Household Tax Credits for paid subscriptions to local news outlets.Yes, I know Jeff Bezos is taking a little hit over at Amazon, but I'm sure the richest man in the entire solar system would appreciate a little recovery and stimulus cash to help pay the limo service for the editorial board members over at The Washington Post. And I heard Wolf Blitzer needs new glasses.
~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~
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