Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Nutty Negress Of MSNBC and Another Fact-Free Brain Dropping

None other than the New York Times recently declared Joy Reid ‘the heroine of the Resistance” and few would argue with that. The media arm of the Resistance exists solely to lie and smear Donald Trump because the whinny leftist lost their Chicago Jesus and upset most of America doesn’t share in their liberal lunacy. And nobody is as full of shit and better at lying with a smile on her face as Joy Reid. In her latest line of things that are completely untrue, the MSNBC host puts forth the theory that Trump's ICE units have a quota to deport innocent people like math teachers and baseball dads, whatever the hell those are. Here’s the latest drivel and fact-free theory from Reid:
"A friend with experience in the intel world said something to me today that has stayed with me: that the Trump ICE raids terrorizing COC have the feel of filling a quota, and doing so by going after immigrants who will be easy to arrest (non-violent people with community ties.......DREAMers who after all, self-disclosed their addresses and other contact info).
Before we go any further, you maybe wondering what a “COC” is. So am I.  There about a million things that are abbreviated as COC, but none of them seem to fit. If I had to guess I’d say she’s saying “communities of color” because to the left everybody is colored these days, and she she is talking about illegal aliens. Whatever she means, here’s where she’s going with this:
 "If that is the case, are ICE agents essentially behaving the way police departments have when given quotas.. ....Are we living a national "Ferguson scenario" where ICE agents are engaged in deportation number inflation to allow Trump to say he kept his campaign promise to run "illegals" out of the U.S.? Of course Trump will claim they are "dangerous aliens" and gang members...but ICE doesn't have to deal with as many actually dangerous people when they can grab math teachers, doctors and baseball dads who won't resist"
There are many easy ways to disprove her theory, but I have the easiest one – If ICE were targeting innocent math teachers and baseball dads for deportation, that’s all there would be on the news, and that’s not the case. And Trump deported less illegal aliens in his first year than Obama did in his last year. If ICE has a quote system under Trump, their goal or their plan is do less than the previous administration. 

But I refer you to a more respectable news source that, unlike rumor and innuendo of MSNBC, uses actual facts.  And that would be The Washington Times of Feb 15.... 
"Despite claims that ICE agents are rounding up “innocent” illegal immigrants, the agency’s records show that some 90 percent of all arrests last year had criminal convictions or were wanted on charges. Just a bit over 10 percent had no known criminal convictions or charges. A new analysis of data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement done by the Pew Research Center not only popped claims that big percentages of non-criminal illegals were being arrested, but it showed that former President Obama’s administration was much more guilty of arresting non-criminal illegals. 
Pew titled their report, "Most immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, a big change from 2009."

[The Tweeter Thingy]
[BoBo's House of Marshmallows]
H/T Konan The Bar Barron

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

This is Chelsea. Don't Be Like Chelsea.....

The noted Social Scientist, Substance Abuse Researcher, High Ranking Foot-Soldier in the Resistance, Psychic and believed by some to be Comedian, Chelsea Handler, took to the tweeter yesterday to share her latest research on the direction of humanity and our society.

That’s not actually a Darwin quote or even a paraphrasing of his ideas and yet somehow that’s the thing that’s least wrong with this tweet. As you can see Handler says we all need to be brown or gay, or be on board with the brown or gay thing to get on the train to the future, or we are not welcome in her society and will go extinct because we are not equipped to survive like brown & gay people. I think there are about 1.4 Billion or so Chinese that may just have a real problem with her thinking....

"I’m intrigued by Handler’s command that we all need to hop on board this brown & gay thing. How do we do that? I guess people could just become gay, but I was under the impression that homosexuality was inborn and not a choice. While it would be hilarious for Chelsea Handler to try and explain this tweet, it would be infinitely funnier if she actually attempted to do what she’s telling us to do. Who wouldn’t want to see her drunk ass transform into sassy gay Jamaican or a super-butch Puerto Rican dyke? There wouldn’t be anything offensive about that because she’s a woke-ass liberal white elitist that we all know can do no wrong."
This could also all come from a drunkin' stupor, letting loose her secret fantasies of being a Kardashian mud-shark, spittin out little pick-a-ninnies everywhere.......or maybe I’m trying to read to much into this.  After all, with Handler’s substance abuse, crippling emotional distress because of DJT, and liberal lunacy, this could just be her attempt to order a pizza that got away from her.

[The Tweeter]
h/t Dallas Alice

Obama's Heralded "Painted Portrait" Looks More like a PhotoShop Job

Monday, February 12, 2018

PoonChang Olympic Update

BULLETIN- 2/12:  Despite Kim Jong Un's Ugly Sister Yo grabbing the American Media's full praise and filling their drool cups to the brim for giving VP Mike Pence the Stink Eye at the opening ceremonies, and the fact Global Warming has delayed many of the scheduled outside events due to  cold and windy conditions, this weekends real action and news took place inside on the IceHere are just a few highlights from this weekend:
The flamboyant Mike Pence hating gay Ice Skater, Adam Rippon, got his panties in a twist for only placing 3rd in his portion of the team competition Sunday. So good was he, his Rump Ranger commentator friend Johnnie Weir said, “Had me quaking.”  Note to Adam: Don't act more effeminate than the female skaters on the team and stop dressing like Nancy Kerrigan.....then maybe you will impress the judges, just sayin..... 

In the women's portion of the team skating event, the sole female member of the Palestinian National Ice Team, Hadia Mohammad Tashid, shown here after her failed attempt at the first ever "Quaduple axel-backflip-triple toe loop reverse spin salchow" in ice skating competition, just after she lost her place on the ice when her Hijab slipped down over her face. The Palestinian team finish 26th, just edging out the team from Somalia.

In one of the biggest upsets of the night, the Canadians swept the Skateless Ice Dancing Pairs competition after the odds on favored World Champion Team from Spain, seen here executing their signature "Barcelona Butt Spin", scored low on style points after making uncharacteristic mistakes. 

Although he is barred by governments from entering almost every country on the the Asian Continent, MFNS Ace Correspondent, Earl Of Taint ,has managed to sneak into South Korea to give us his first-person report from the PoonChang Olympic Games. 
Earl sent along a this excellent report complete with pictures of this weekends skating competition.

Shown here is the creepy NORK Cheer Squad cheering North Korean No Phuc Du during 5000 meter Speed Skating Team elimination finals.

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Yoh Attention Preece!

BULLETIN 2/10 - For those of you who don't do Twitter, maybe just don't have time to stay caught up on the latest from the Winter Olympic games, or like many of us who just don't want to listen to NBC coverage and the annoying voice of bubble head Katie Couric drone on in painful detail about some heroic human interest stories like a part Mandarin, part Nigerian athlete with 25 brothers and sisters, who overcame a debilitating childhood disease like infantile toe fungus to become the greatest 400 meter Ice Hurdler of all time and a hero to people of color the world over! Or maybe you just don't want to see space alien looking Tara Lipinski and her freakish flaming gay side-kick who acts like he dropped acid and raided Cindy Crawford's makeup kit and dresses like he broke into the Liberace Museum as they do their snarky commentary on ice dancing.  If you are one of those people, we are here for You!! 

In the spirit of sportsmanship, togetherness, world peace  and all that other stuff we hear so much about at this time, we at DMF will bring together all the best Olympic news in one place including periodic updates from the Korean games via one of the Far East most notable News sources and leading sports authorities on the Korean Peninsula (a favorite of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un) The DPRK News Service ,direct from Pyongyang North Korea.  

There are  rumors that our own Middle finger News Service correspondent, Earl of Taint may even be on his way to the Korean peninsula at this very moment. We will endeavor to keep you up to date with the best Olympic news we can find because we're just like that.......

UPDATE 2/11:

Olympic Officials are looking into concerns the North Korean Bobsled team's equipment might not meet Olympic rule requirements.

Update from PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games Opening Ceremonies:

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Fishnet Friday