Monday, March 12, 2018

Flying Headlong Into The Belly of the Beast

Nestled in a gated community, the secretive nature of the event is by design, as Southern California isn’t exactly Trump country. Donald Trump’s fundraising dinner party on Tuesday at an undisclosed location will be very un-Hollywood. The President's surrogates have thus far done a remarkable job in keeping the venue — in or near Beverly Hills — a secret. Attendees have provided their personal information to the president’s security team and assured the powers that be that they’d not reveal details of the event, according to people who spoke to The Hollywood Reporter on condition of anonymity.

Several Facebook groups, in fact, are planning protests, even though they won’t know the president’s exact whereabouts. One industry invitee when asked about the unusual level of secrecy quipped:
"The atmosphere in Hollywood is so toxic — you wouldn’t know unless you were on the receiving end of it. We’re not talking about classy people like Cary Grant and Lauren Bacall, they’re worried that some nobody actor will scream 'motherfucker' at the president." 
"Obama would come to town with 30 cars and close down Wilshire Boulevard, but the President's people want to get in and out quickly."  
While the cheapest ticket runs $35,000, or $50,000 for a couple, some are encouraged to donate up to $250,000 to go to a variety of conservative causes. On the other hand, there will be some at the party who paid nothing, invited because Trump wants to meet with them or reward them for past support. - The Hollywood Reporter

Thank You Pookie@The Briefing Room for the Linkage!

CEO of Investment Firm Threatens Trump and Supporters

Ross Gerber is the Co-Founder, President and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management. He oversees Gerber Kawasaki’s corporate and investment management operations and is a frequent guest on CNN, CNBC, Fox Business News, and Reuters as well as a contributing writer for Forbes. He is ranked as one of the most influential investment advisors and Fintech innovators in America. The Gerber Kawasaki team oversees $650 million of investments in technology, media, entertainment and communications companies for clients and the firm. Just one month ago, Gerber appeared on Fox Business News to talk about how he took advantage of the short plunge in Trump’s bullish stock-market. Gerber gushed to the Fox Business host: 
“This [Trump’s] economy is phenomenal” and then doubled down on Trump’s successes by saying how much the tax cuts have helped the economy and the markets. We are very bullish” about this market!” 
But, apparently Ross Gerber is a world class hypocrite and has acquired an epic case of 'Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder' (TURD) took to Twitter in what looked like a call for latino rabble to hit the streets and cause disruption, and another tweet that some took as direct threats to the President and his supporters in California.

Disrupting the Presidents Motorcade is not Civil Disobedience - it could be considered a threat to the President and unexpected consequences could occure.  And sounding more like a 1930's Brown Shirt than an Investment manager, he also directly threatened to Dox and endanger private citizens: “If you are hosting or attending the Trump fundraiser in LA we will identify who you are to the media and public."  He later deleted the tweet, but the Ladies at 100% Feed Up had the foresight to grab a screen shot. 

Gerber called Trump supporters “scumbags” and speculated about who he believed would be hosting a Trump fundraiser:
“Trump will be in San Diego working on his wall and west LA getting money from scumbags. We will find out who is doing the fundraiser and we will be there. I bet Tom Barrack and his fraud company Colony are hosting. I’ll find out where he lives. Come join me. #Resistance "
This is an excellent example of the unhinged, pure hate and blind hypocrisy of some influential people in American society who stand to gain greatly from Donald Trump and America's success, yet they fight it tooth and nail. They continue to wade further into the deep end of the pool,  and without their water wings.....

[100 Percent Feed Up]
[Gerber Kawaski]

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

I'm Beginning to Believe Every Damn One of Them are Nuts!

It’s really never been a secret to anyone with an IQ above room temperature that the American print media have long had a bias they really haven't tried to hide. And here is a creepy little story that shows just how deep the leftist rot is in some of the most influential media circles. 

The first female editor of the New York Times and author of “Obama: The Historic Journey,” published in 2009, Jill Abramson, was the paper’s executive editor from 2011-2014 until she was unceremoniously booted out of the NYT's Ivory Tower, and as was the 'woke' thing of those days, replaced with a black male. Being a good little leftist soldier that she is, she quietly excepted her station in those gotta be politically correct times.
Ah Jill, Sweetie That's Not a Doll

In a new piece she wrote for The Guardian Abramson has fessed up that she has been so distraught by Donald Trump's ascension to the Presidency and all that has come with it, that she is carrying around a Barack Obama “therapy doll” in her purse:
"It’s easy to look at what’s happening in Washington DC and despair. That’s why I carry a little plastic Obama doll in my purse. 
I pull him out every now and then to remind myself that the United States had a progressive, African American president until very recently. Some people find this strange, but you have to take comfort where you can find it in Donald Trump’s America."
Yes Jill, people do find this strange! Especially when it comes from someone who claims to be the self-appointed guardians of the truth. It's pretty obvious that Abrahamson OD'd on hopium and changium during the Barky years. People like this need to spend some serious cash and extensive time in therapy because a lost election should not bring on this sort of mental trauma with sane people. Bless Her Heart!  

Thank You Gerard VanderLeun @ American Digest for the Linkage!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Squinty & Meat Puppet Upset There's No Porn Stars on The Front Page of Their Morning Paper!

Joe & Mika's Circle Jerk of Smug, Out of Touch, Inside the Beltway Media Elites

Just when you think Squinty Scarborough can't say anything 
more stupid he says "where's the camera" 

How dare Donald Trump distract from a perfectly good scandal with something as frivolous as foreign policy!! Viewers of MSNBC will be relieved to know there is still at least one show determined to talk about the real issues. Joe and Mika can see straight through the charade of a Donald Trump meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un for what it truly is: an attempt to bury the Stormy Daniels scandal!!
"He makes a decision on North Korea because of Stormy Daniels, and people can deny that all they want, but if you're doing that, you're in the tank for Donald Trump, because it is painfully obvious that's exactly what's going on."
This bowl of stupidity is almost out-weighed by MSNBC's gender confused Ricky Maddow's near meltdown over possible talks with the Korean Fat Kid. That creepy little freak (I’m referring to Kim Jong-un, not Maddow– I see where there could be some confusion there) only responds to a show of power and intimidation. That’s what Trump’s been doing. DJT isn’t going over there to talk to an equal. It will be a sheltered kid who was handed the leadership of his country as a birthright versus someone from the cutthroat world of negotiations in New York real estate. He’s going over there to talk to a deranged lunatic. And does the left really believe Trump would walk into talks with the Kim without having done any homework?? No, but he managed to give the media another running shit fit!

[NewsBusters]                               Thank You RightNation.US for the Linkage!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

San Fran Nan Goes Drag Racing

The ever-blurring lines between politics and pop culture grow fuzzier, but so much more fabulous! Nancy Pelosi, who represents California's 12 district that includes all of San Francisco paid a visit this week to famous Drag Queen RuPaul's Drag Race All Star TV show. It's safe to say Nan has found her way around a few drag queens or two in her day.

Pelosi stopped by the extravaganza of bad wigs and clownish makeup drag queen contest to show her solidarity with the LGBTQ community because Donald Trump be all hating on Gay people and stuff for not making North Carolina allow guys dressed up like Bette Midler in the girls restroom or forcing Colorado bakers to make gay cakes.

After the filming of the show Nan told an interviewer she was so excited and couldn’t resist being on the show and that she believes politicians could learn authenticity from drag queens. "This idea of people believing in themselves, being themselves, taking pride in themselves, is not just a lesson for politicians but for everyone in the country." I guess the crazy moonbat had one of her famous brain farts and just didn't realize that authenticity she was talking about is MEN PRETENDING TO BE WOMEN. Earth to Nancy!

Nan said she hadn’t considered what her drag name might be, but I can think of a few, but I'll be nice and keep them to myself.......

Thank You MJA  and American Digest for the Linkage!

Bill Maher Reminds Leftist Their Media Are Liars and BS Artist

Every once in a while a little ray of light will hit Bill Maher’s brain. It’s always brief and fleeting. As rare as it may be, it does occasionally happen.
"No wonder fake news resonates so much with Trump fans, because so much of it is fake. It’s just nonsense meant to keep you perpetually offended with an endless stream of controversies that aren’t controversial, and outrages that aren’t outrageous because places like the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed and Salon make their money by how many clicks they get. Yes, the people who see themselves as morally superior are are actually ignoring their sacred job of informing citizens of what’s important, and instead sowing division for their own selfish ends. Hey, wait, isn’t that what Russia was doing to us? Yeah, it is. And we have to stop both of them from using us as the cocks in their cock fights......” 
Case in point: 

Thank You Gerard VanderLeun @ American Digest for the Linkage!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Your Handy 'Californian to Texan' Translation Guide.

NOTE: This guide can and should be applicable in most all Southern Red States.
So if you're coming this way, get with the program.....

H/T Broadside Betty