Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It's Either One Or The Other.

Is racism a uniquely heinous offense against humanity, such that it needs to be treated as beyond the pale and outside the acceptable bounds of civilized society? Or is it so common that basically everyone is guilty of it? Because it can’t be both. 

If racism is an attitude of extremist cranks on the fringes of society, then the vast majority of us who don’t embrace racism can isolate the cranks and deny them the ability to impact society in accordance with their misguided, evil racist notions. But if racism is more or less in everyone’s hearts, and in fact that includes a great many people who don’t really overtly hate minorities and don’t mean anyone any harm, then how can it be treated as a fringe, evil belief? It’s one or the other. 

What the left wants to do is treat it like the existential threat the former scenario suggests, but nevertheless presume just about everyone in the country to be in on it. That doesn’t work.

You do have to hand it to Starbucks on this score, however: Have you ever seen a bigger overreaction to an isolated incident? One employee loses who doesn’t know how to manage a fairly innocuous situation ends up calling in the police, and the next thing you know 8,000 stores are closing for the day. Granted, this situation is tailor-made for activists who want to turn this one employee’s poor judgment into a global “Starbucks is racist” narrative, but is anyone surprised that Starbucks is essentially conceding the point with the way it’s reacting?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Consideration Being Given to Officially Recognize Crying Babies In The Senate Chamber

The present Congressional Democrats have proven to be useless muttering whiners, obsessed with non- existent scandals instead of addressing serious needs facing the country. They also like to try and move the goal post or change the rules  just for themselves in the middle of the game.

In this latest example, it's pure privileged being showcased. Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth is the ultimate token for the Dems, she's Asian born, a women, and she is a military veteran who lost both of her legs in combat while serving in Iraq. Unfortunately, she is constantly trotted out by the Democrats as a show of how much that they care about the military and the troops.  They don’t. But Duckworth has assumed a key role as the dems attack dog every time the left wants to slam Donald Trump’s lack of service or on issues involving the military, and has been applauded for nicknaming the POTUS “cadet bone spurs”.

According to Politico, Duckworth, who just a few days ago became the first sitting senator to pop out a baby while in office (top that Chuck Schumer) has gone to great lengths calling for the Senate to change the rules and submitted a resolution tailored just for her so that she can bring her newborn onto the Senate floor during votes. It’s cynical as hell to say it, but I will, it's hard to see how the infant isn’t going to be more of a prop to elevate her national profile in the media because Democrats have proven to be very adept at exploiting children for political gain.  There is no way that the Senate won’t vote to allow babies on the floor. Just imagine the amount of fiery social media hell that will be brought down on anyone who dares to say no.

I just hope someone has the balls to ask the good Senator before they vote on the matter why the full senate should take up a resolution that is gender specific and narrowly applied, thus discriminating against the majority of the male Senate body. I also would hope someone would ask why she isn't just taking full advantage of the 'Family and Medical Leave Act' that dems beat everyone over the head to get into law, and stay home and bond with her child like mothers should?

But then again, someone would probably counter by saying the House of Representatives is already recognized as being chalk full of wailing crybabys called progressive democrats.

The Left's All-or-Nothing Mentality

Pretty Much My Attitude About Leftist Protest These Days

PJM - These days we've almost become immune to the stunts that members of the left in this country pull to get attention. Nothing liberals do seems far-fetched anymore. That's what made the suicide by immolation of attorney David Buckel so shocking. Buckel set himself on fire and ended his life not over the issue of gay rights, but as an environmental protest. His suicide note stated that he had burned himself with fossil fuel to serve as a metaphor for the destruction of the planet.  

Buckel is one more example of the all-or-nothing mentality of the left in America. To borrow the old phrase from the '60s, the personal is political for American leftists, and the political is personal for them too. Witness the tribalism in this country. Yes, we see it on the right too, but the smugness of liberals and their seeming willingness to shut down all debate raises the stakes of tribalism. Taking a look at the aftermath of the 2016 election as the best recent example, Pew Research revealed that almost half of liberals surveyed said that a friend's support for Donald Trump would "put a strain on friendship," compared to only 13 percent of Republicans who said the same about friends who voted for Hillary Clinton. 

This mentality is the same one that led New Yorker writer Dan Piepenbring to label Chick-fil-A as "creepy" in a recent piece. It's not possible to enjoy some of the best fast food around if you're a liberal. No, Chick-fil-A must be rejected because its founders are Christians who take conservative positions on social issues. All or nothing! The desire of so many on the left to achieve totality is so great that it turns many leftists against each other.

Take the gay rights movement that is often called upon to speak for the wider LGBTQA community. These figureheads are overwhelmingly white, cis-gendered, able-bodied men and women — and that can be a problem, given that they are representative of only one aspect of the LGBT community. After all, one can't speak for everyone if one holds one form of "privilege" over others. It's all or nothing to the left even when it comes to dealing with each other!

I believe that this all-or-nothing attitude on the left stems from the fact that the so many on their side are activists, while the majority of conservatives are out living their lives and only touching on politics from time to time. The idea that liberals tend to associate with only others like themselves feeds this taking of politics personally. David Buckel's case does represent the all-or-nothing mentality of the left to its extreme, but given how the personal and the political collide for so many on the left, it makes you wonder how many more cases like his will we see? - More at the Link

Monday, April 16, 2018

'Special Ed' Schultz Claims He Was Fired From NBC for Supporting That Nutty Socialist Guy

Former Prominent Inmate of the MSNBC Loony Bin

We all remember Ed Schultz, once known far and wide for his spitting, slobbering, blood vessel bursting left-wing tirades on MSNBC, now claims he was forced out at MSNBC in 2015 because of his support for his friend, Batshit Crazy Bernie Sanders. Schultz often interviewed Sanders before the Vermont senator's presidential campaign. Crazy Ed has since moved on to his present stint as a tool for the Kremlin propaganda network RT (Russia Today) long before the leftist American media turned on Vlad Putin for ruining their anticipated progressive dynasty and helped Donald Trump steal the throne of their exalted Queen Hillary. 
WFB - Ex-MSNBC host Ed Schultz in a recent interview ripped his former network as "in the tank for Hillary Clinton" and suggested he was fired in 2015 because of his support for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.). Schultz  told National Review‘s Jamie Weinstein in an an interview posted Friday that MSNBC chief Phil Griffin was a "watchdog," and he said he was often given direction on what stories to cover. 
Sanders gave his official campaign launch speech in Burlington, Vermont on May 26, 2015, and Schultz said he was the only cable news host planning to air it live. Griffin called him five minutes before air time at 5 p.m. EST, and said, "You're not covering this." It got rather contentious, Schultz said. He said he was forced to cover something "totally meaningless" in Texas, devastating flooding in Texas and Oklahoma and the unrest in Baltimore over the death of Freddy Gray. 
Schultz opined he was forced out because of MSNBC's water-carrying for Clinton.
"I think the Clintons were connected to [NBC News chief] Andy Lack, connected at the hip. I think that they didn't want anybody in their primetime or anywhere in their lineup supporting Bernie Sanders. They were in the tank for Hillary Clinton, and I think that it was managed. 45 days later I was out at MSNBC. I thought it stunk" 
Schultz, despite previously ripping Vladimir Putin for his "nasty" human rights record, joined the Kremlin propaganda network in January of 2016. He told Weinstein his anchoring gig at RT was the best job.
"...the most freedom I've ever had. I'm doing real journalism. It's not opinion. There was more oversight and more direction given to me on content at MSNBC than there ever has been here at RT. I think that it's very sad that story is not getting out." - More at the Link

I think it's a sad commentary on the media in this country that someone who escaped it, and now works for Russia's state-funded TV network of all things, at the least perceives he has more journalist freedom then he had in the American media. The same media once admired as the standard of the free world.


                                                   Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wow, CBS. How’d This One Get Past the Editors?

Former Obama Political Operative Loretta L. and Her Onetime Homie Comey 

An unexpected take from the CBS website
"Lacking evidence of actual wrongdoing—in last night’s interview, Comey yet again refused to accuse President Trump of obstruction—Comey turned instead to the petty and political. He talked about Mr. Trump’s appearance (“His face appeared slightly orange with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles”), the size of his hands (“As he extended his hand, I made a mental note to check its size. It was smaller than mine, but did not seem unusually so.”) and he called the president “morally unfit.” It was the sort of snarky partisan punditry found on cable news 24/7." 
"Then again, should we be surprised? If Comey ever did see actual wrongdoing by Mr. Trump, do we really believe we’d just be hearing about it from a notoriously leak-friendly fellow like Comey?"
"...…As Nate Silver of tweeted, it’s “not particularly honorable, if you have information you believe is of immediate and vital national importance, to wait 11 months to release it until you can have a giant book launch and publicity tour.” Silver—no Trump fan– calls the book "A Higher Royalty."

A Good Monday Morning

I hope that in some way this post counts as penance for subjecting 
my readers to the image in the previous post. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 13, 2018

'I Might Have To Leave America’ She Says.

There's nothing wrong with adopting a child who happens to be of a different ethnic group from yourself. We're all God's children. There IS something wrong with purposefully adopting black children as a social and/or a career marketability statement, as they do in Hollywood.  And I'm really not sure how privileged children of a millionaire actress would need to fear America. But Hollywood is great at overreacting after all, since they're paid very well to do it. In an interview published in Elle magazine, South African born actress Charlize Theron warned that racism in America was so bad that she “might have to leave.” And no surprise to you I'm sure, among other things she blames the Trump administration. 

In the interview with the alleged comedian Chelsea Handler, the South African actress expressed her feelings on racism (since she’s from a country that had apartheid, she apparently is an expert). She give no specifics, but keeping with the Hollywood group-think, blames the "new administration" that's been around for lets see...... a year now. But wait, according to Ms.Theron, it’s not just the administration that’s to blame, it’s also America in and of itself: 
“Of course, I have two black kids, but that was always something I was passionate about. I don’t even know how to talk about the last year under our new administration. There are some places in this country where, if I got a job, I wouldn’t take it. I wouldn’t travel with my kids to some parts of America, and that’s really problematic. There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I’m like, if this continues, I might have to leave America. Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe.”
After coming under fire for comments comparing the press to rapists, mainly because she drew A LOT of unwanted attention for shacking up with the greasy leftist Sean Penn, Theron decided earlier this year to raise the feminist banner, calling herself “a fucking feminist.” And now, apparently, she has also decided now to condemn the United States all of a sudden as unsafe for her children, since “racism is much more alive and well than people thought.” 

Yes perhaps, Ms. Theron, you should take your five dollar feminism and run away from evil America before the violent black culture takes hold of your children. That's what you should really be concerned about. Maybe you would be more comfortable back in your homeland of South Africa where they are conquering racism by murdering children of farmers and landowners along with their parents. Worry not Ms. Theron, unlike Chicago they are killing mostly white children. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage! 

FCC Chair Tells Democrat Senators To Go Pound Sand

It seems one of the best government appointments to come out of Trump’s election was Ajit Pai as Chairman of the FCC. He’s stood in the fire against all manner of leftist hysteria and verbal non-sense when it comes to net neutrality, censorship, and federal overreach at the FCC. He also stood up to the President when he made the ridiculous suggestion that certain broadcasters should have their licenses pulled. Pai isn’t partisan, he’s principled.

Thursday, he reaffirmed those principles again by formally rejecting an insane request from a dozen Democrat Senators (including Lizzy Warren, Bernie Sanders and Cory 'Scatman' Booker) asking the FCC to “investigate” Sinclair broadcasting for “purposely distorting the news.” Yes, the same Democrat party that shits bricks every time Trump says “fake news” now wants to use the power of the Federal government to investigate the editorial decisions of news agencies because their own media allies got called out. I’d go ahead and call them all hypocrites, but would I be telling you anything you didn’t already know? 

Here’s the money quote from the Dem's Clown Posse's request… 
“We are concerned that Sinclair is engaged in a systematic news distortion operation that seeks to undermine freedom of the press and the robust localism and diversity of viewpoint that is the foundation of our national broadcasting laws,” the senators wrote. They added that it “may have violated the FCC’s longstanding policy against broadcast licensees deliberately distorting news by staging, slanting, or falsifying information.”
This is nuts for many reasons, i'll give you two.  For One, all Sinclair did was tape promos saying they’ll be honest, diligent, and not report fake or unsubstantiated stories. I’m no English major, but where in any of that did Sinclair “stage, slant, or falsify” information? Or are we saying because local news promos are staged, they are actually illegal?

And secondly, suggesting they should have their broadcast license pulled is exactly the kind of idiocy that Trump was
excoriated for by these very same Senators! The FCC does not have the power to, nor should they go around pulling broadcast licenses based on their determination of what is “slanted” or any other such qualifier on a free press.

Luckily for freedom loving Americans at least, FCC Chair Ajit Pai responded in kind Thursday, and he didn’t hold back…
"Dear Senator Cantwell: Thank you for your letter requesting that the Commission investigate a broadcaster based on the content of its news coverage and promotion of that coverage. In light of my commitment to protecting the First Amendment and freedom of the press, I must respectfully decline. 
A free media is vital to our democracy. That is why during my time at the Commission I have consistently opposed any effort to infringe upon the freedom of the press and have fought to eliminate regulations that impede the gathering and dissemination of news.
I understand that you disliked or disagreed with the content of particular broadcasts, but I can hardly think of an action more chilling of free speech than the federal government investigating a broadcast station because of disagreement with its news coverage or promotion of that coverage. Instead, I agree with Senator Markey that “any insinuation that elected officials could use the levers of government to control or sensor the news media would represent a startling degradation of the freedom of the press.” I also take this opportunity to reaffirm the commitment I made to several members of the Senate Commerce Committee last year that the Commission under my leadership would “not act in a manner that violates the First Amendment and stifles or penalizes free speech by electronic media, directly or indirectly."
While he does keep it civil, he points out just how ludicrous and “chilling” this request by Democrats was. The idea that any aspect of the Federal government should delve into judging editorial choices of the free press is antithetical to everything this country stands for. To have elected representatives demanding the FCC go after local broadcasters for filming a promo spot (that doesn’t even say anything false) is outright dangerous.  By that standard, there is no standard. The government could shut anyone down for basically any ginned up reason. Even worse, to do so would be blatantly unconstitutional. 

The 1st Amendment isn’t ambiguous, but then again, to democrats the constitution is only viable if it meets their usefulness. After this episode of foolishness, none of these Senators nor the larger contingent of Democrats who went after Sinclair, have any credibly to speak on freedom of the press. What they have made clear is they don’t actually believe what they’ve sold in the past. It was never about freedom of the press for these people. It was just about freedom for outlets they see as helpful to their cause.