Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Voter Fraud Is Just a Myth They Say......

A forged signature swapped for $1 -- or sometimes a cigarette. The crude exchange played out hundreds of times on L.A.'s skid row during the 2016 election cycle and again this year, prosecutors said Tuesday as they announced criminal charges against nine people accused in a fraud scheme. Using cash and cigarettes as lures, the defendants approached homeless people on skid row and asked them to forge signatures on state ballot measure petitions and voter registration forms, the district attorney's office said.

The defendants -- some of whom were scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday -- face several criminal charges, including circulating a petition with fake names, voter fraud and registering a fictitious person. The charges, which were filed three weeks ago but made public Tuesday, followed a Los Angeles Police Department crackdown on suspected election fraud on skid row earlier in the year. - Los Angeles Times
This issue has been marginalized within the newsrooms of the liberal elite media and Democrats in general. It doesn’t happen often is their defense, though when they lose elections, like Georgia’s gubernatorial race, oh yes—you’re going to see charges that voter fraud cost them the race, not their straight trash views on public policy.

The lengths liberals go to deny the obvious is laughable. A Wisconsin paper which happens to be part of the USA Today empire reported that there were about 200 cases of vote fraud in WI in about 18 months. But of course according to them these don’t count as vote fraud because they were not organized vote fraud – just 200 lone wolves I guess. Meanwhile back in Florida, the state Democratic Party is under investigation. At least we know the backdating of ballots was all completely innocent.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Once Again the White House Correspondents Dinner Will Not Invite a Comedian to Speak.

The White House Correspondents’ Association announced on Monday that again this year no comedian would entertain at its annual black-tie dinner in April.  Last year the Association decided to do things different and brought in an obnoxious pseudo-feminist and third-rate alleged comedy writer that looked like a cross between a circus clown and an Irish Setter to hurl insults at prominent attendees. It didn't go well, a total disaster and an embarrassment.

Last Years WHCD Featured Speaker
Michelle Wolf
Usually the president delivers a comedic monologue of his own, lending the evening a sense of good-natured parity. But since the press and the president don't like to be in the same room when not necessary, a night of formal schmoozing with reporters and their government sources is not to be. And who can blame him? 

The dinner was originally intended to be a lighthearted celebration of the practitioners of the first amendment, but as all things good that liberals touch, the dinner is destined to be either sycophantic, on one extreme, or mean spirited, on the other. Neither is a good look at a time when trust in media is tenuous. This years speaker will be the most excellent writer, author and historian Ron Chernow, who, like last year would never be mistaken for a comedian either.

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Trump Pardons White House Turkey. Democrat Calls for Investigation

 Representative-Elect Alexandria Ocashew Cortex Wants Answers Why No Turkey of Color is Ever Pardoned

Monday, November 19, 2018

There He Goes Again! Awarding a Medal of Freedom to Elvis. That’s Racist, You Know!

Vernon and Gladys Presley's Boy

Okay, for sure in this day and age the sense that everything anyone ever does could qualify as racist under some leftist's definition somewhere, and when the person doing the doing is Donald Trump it’s not complicated to go rummaging through the racist thresholds and find one that fits. He’s Donald Trump. He did something. Ergo, it’s racist. We’ll work backwards from there and retrofit the premise into some sort of rationale that will work, or we’ll just manufacture a new one. Hey. Why not? It’s not like there’s a limit.

Apparently, according to one music critic (i.e. failed musician) at the Washington Post, Elvis’s racial crime was to do well performing the type of music you might associate with black artists. So we’re kinda sorta talking about “cultural appropriation,” but there’s more to it than that because the charge is also that black artists should have enjoyed the acclaim Elvis experienced, but he went and hogged it from them. And here Elvis thought he was just trying to sell records and pack concert halls. He had no idea he was laying down some sort of line of racial demarcation.

But this is the Washington Post we’re talking about, so you had to know they’d come up with something like this:
"Yes, this overture looks ugly to anyone who feels antagonism and regression radiating from Trump’s promise to “make America great again.” And yes, it all feels especially absurd to members of the hip-hop generation — its eldest citizens now past middle-age — who learned how to feel about the legacy of Presley the moment they first heard Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power” blasting a hole through our national mood in the summer of 1989. 
Yeah, you know the Chuck D line I’m talking about: “Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant s— to me.” 
Yes, Trump desperately wants to look like a real president — Reagan, Richard Nixon, whomever. Yes, he knows all about that iconic bizarro snapshot of Nixon and Presley shaking hands in the Oval Office, and yes, Trump surely wishes he could have been the president who famously cheesed with the King instead of being the president who nervously accepted a lopsided hug from Kanye West. Yes, it’s all a bit pathetic."
To those who identify with hip-hop as opposed to rock and roll, Elvis is nothing and no one. The writer clearly goes further than that, suggesting that Elvis’s acclaim was actually an affront to black people because he was similar in style to the great black artists and really no better than they were, and more widely loved because he was white.(yeah, you knew that was coming).

But one of the curious characteristics of Trump critics is that they seem to think the president is constantly on the lookout for ways to disrespect them. Thus, awarding the Medal of Freedom to Elvis for his creative achievements and his cultural impact can’t possibly just be a sincere recognition of the man’s success. The Trump of their imaginations never operates that way. His first thought is always: “What oppressed societal group can I further wound with a passive-aggressive action thinly disguised as a tribute to someone else?”

Remember: If Trump does something, it has to be racist. You can always go back and fill in the rationale for that belief later. Anything will do. Especially when you write for the Washington Post.

(Western Journal)

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, November 16, 2018

Judge Rules Jim Acosta Gets His Lil' Pecker Back

A Trump appointed judge ruled Friday morning the Constitution say DJT doesn't have the basic powers all other Presidents have. The president can not deny a press pass to an unprofessional grandstanding insufferable reporter from a disgraced basement ranked news network who physically pushes away an intern, and declares that Jim Acosta now has his press pass back. This is an emergency injunction, not a decision following a full trial, but the judge found a substantial likelihood that CNN would prevail on the merits (which is necessary finding for granting an injunction). The judge said the government could not say who initially decided to revoke Acosta’s hard pass. The White House had spelled out its reasons for revoking his credentials in a tweet from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and in a statement after CNN filed its lawsuit. But the judge said those "belated efforts were hardly sufficient to satisfy due process."

The judge also found that Acosta suffered "irreparable harm," dismissing the government's argument that CNN could simply send other reporters to cover the White House in Acosta’s place. The suit by CNN alleges that Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights were violated by suspending his hard pass. While the judge didn't rule on the underlying case, he signaled they were likely to prevail in their claims. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders released a statement responding to Jim Acosta’s temporary reinstatement of his press pass via a court ruling: 
“The court made clear that there is no absolute First Amendment right to access the White House. In response to the court, we will temporarily reinstate the reporter’s hard pass. We will also further develop rules and processes to ensure fair and orderly press conferences in the future. There must be decorum at the White House." 
"A few CNN reporters told me that they’re embarrassed by Acosta & CNN. A WH correspondent from a major network (not Fox) told me “This isn’t the Jim F*ing Acosta Show. We all hate him. He’s an asshole and he actually is disrespectful to the president.” - @Arthur Schwartz‏
The judge framed all this as a matter of process, which justifies Trump issuing a set of rules of decorum. I assume the rules will include a requirement that a reporter who has received a response (whether it's to his liking or not) must relinquish the microphone once the President (or press secretary) has moved on to the next questioner, and that there can be no physical interference with a staff member who is there to retrive the microphone.

(The Tweeter)

Hillary Finally Wins An Election

The Texas State Board of Education have elected to keep Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller and several other historical figures in the Texas social studies curriculum. Clinton, Keller and other figures were on the chopping block, but ultimately will remain as well as (much to the chagrin of leftest) the biblical figure Moses, who is currently listed as a basis of Law in the U.S. government curriculum.

The board undertook this curriculum streamlining effort to save teachers time and provide them more flexibility in the classroom. Students are resorting to rote memorization instead of real learning, the board said, and one way to tackle this would be to cut down on what they're required to learn.

Helen Keller and Her Beloved Cat 'Mittens'
Volunteer working groups were convened to find places to cut and tweak the curriculum. The board then took up these suggested changes in September, voting to eliminate Clinton, Helen Keller and dozens of other historical figures. Since then, the story has gone viral, with the majority-Republican board accused of allowing its politics to influence what kids are taught in classrooms. The board voted 12-2 to keep Clinton with Republicans Pat Hardy of Fort Worth and Geraldine "Tincy" Miller of Dallas voting for elimination. Hardy said she voted to axe Clinton because "she doesn't represent good citizenship."

And finally on Wednesday, the board shot down an attempt by board member Erika Beltran, D-Fort Worth, and backed by all other five of the board's Democrats, to cut Moses from the high school U.S. government standard that describes him as an 'individual whose principles of laws and government institutions informed the American founding documents'.  "This particular individual, we have no evidence that he actually influenced the founding fathers," Beltran said, to which board member Bradley who objected replied, "I'm going to go ahead and err on the side of caution. I'd rather disagree with you than Moses."

The board also rejected a recommendation to remove a reference to the “heroism” of the defenders of the Alamo, meaning, as a Board of Education release said: "Texas schoolchildren will still learn of the heroic ‘Victory or Death’ letter penned by Lt. Col. William Barret Travis while besieged in the Alamo."

Carisa Lopez, political director of the leftist nonprofit Texas Freedom Network (which describes itself as the “state’s watchdog for monitoring far-right issues, organizations, money and leaders”), reacted to the latest vote by the board in expected ironic fashion:
"When it comes to writing curriculum standards for our kids’ schools, it’s painfully clear that the personal beliefs of politicians on the state board matter more than what countless historians and teachers have told them is factually true. Rather than teaching the truth, too many board members stubbornly mislead students on fundamental facts from our nation’s history. Texas kids deserve a lot better than a politicized version of history that fuels so many of the divisions in our country today."
Bless Her Heart....

(The Dallas Morning News)
(Washington Post)  

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Deep State Plot: Billy Idol Just Became a US Citizen. Do You Know What This Means?

We Will Now Be Inundated With Holiday Music From Hell:
Billy Idol sings ‘White Christmas’

Doc Marten meets Dean Martin in Billy Idol’s plodding version of 'White Christmas,' which has all the appeal of a Christmas stocking full of steaming reindeer crap. The musicians backing him sound like a German wedding band after an afternoon of knocking back steins of Hefeweizen at the local beer garden. It don’t mean a thing if ain't got that swing, and these cats couldn't swing if they were hanging from a lamp post in a hurricane. It is enough to make Santa slit his wrists with a rusty razor blade.

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

In Plain Sight


The brazenness of the theft is astounding. The theft of elections, even defying court orders to stop while the whole world is watching, is a new low in American politics, and testifies to the Left’s overriding lust for power. The Democrats have never recovered their equilibrium after losing to Donald Trump in 2016, and now appear to be willing to stop at nothing -- absolutely nothing -- to neutralize Trump and regain their hegemony.

But there is more to this open theft than just that. The shamelessness and unapologetic audacity of this election fraud is no accident. The Democrats in Arizona and Florida and their allies in the establishment media piously intone that “all votes must be counted” as this fraud unfolds before our eyes, but they’re neither stupid nor naïve. It is much more likely that their very brazenness is not a bug, but a feature. The Left is doing this out in the open to send a message: There is nothing you can do. We will win. If we lose, we will cheat. We will lie. We will steal. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do about it.

The election fraud in Arizona and Florida is a continuation of the Kavanaugh hearings. Just as the outrageously false allegations of sexual assault and rape against Brett Kavanaugh did, the election fraud demonstrates that there is no low to which the Democrats will not stoop to gain and hold power. They will even affect a self-righteous mien of moral superiority while stooping.