Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Inordinate Amount of Attention That's Paid to the Least-Intelligent and Relevant Among Us.

By Our Ol' Comrade Matthew @My Planet, My Rules

Americans were always known for thinking Big Ideas and then going out and doing Big Things, and very often these Big Thoughts and Deeds were indicative of a culture that was serious, concerned, vibrant, dynamic, smart, motivated by a desire to do good. Examples abound.  Americans have always sacrificed something of themselves (often, all of themselves) for the benefit of others. Our Founders defied an authority that could have had them executed in the quest for Freedom for the individual. We have shed blood by the gallon on battlefields, most often for the benefit of others and for little other reason than because it was the right thing to do.

And so it is a great sin, a tragedy of our time, that at least some of the inheritors of these sacrifices, people have often done nothing in the slightest to validate or respect that noble bloodshed, nor earn the dividends it produced, should be given a public platform to do little more than to advertise their careless ingratitude and deliberately-cultured ignorance.

There are three varieties of these clueless, walking mouthpieces who have elbowed their way to a Prominence of Fucktard polluting our culture: the least-important (but loudest) is a new generation of leftist politician, usually the progeny of immigrants from all the waste places of the Earth, who befoul our public spaces with their unceasing whining about how hard it is to be them and how America could be made better by turning it into the Sudan or Venezuela (see: The Squad).

The second is a parade of even more-useless mouths who's primary (and largely unnecessary) function is the entertainment of the lowbrow, with names like DeNiro, Baldwin, Swift, or DiCaprio.

The last is a generation of "branded" (in the commercial sense) athletes who do things every society can easily do without, like catching touchdown passes, hitting home runs, or dunking basketballs.

The one common thread among all of these useless mouths is that they occupy a position -- socially, economically, culturally -- that is directly a result of the sacrifices of others, but disproportionate to their own, quantifiable contribution. The American Athlete, once great figures that stood for something, whether it was just the "integrity of the game", the idea that in America every little kid could be a slugger or World Champ, or something more-important, like a struggle for equality and freedom, has become, like the actor or the television "personality", not just a tragic figure, but a comic one. Because they have, just as their counterparts in politics and entertainment have, been given this stupid idea that anyone really cares what they think, do or believe when they aren't sweating in shorts for 20 or so minutes a night.

It's not as if we're talking about some of the real heroes in sports of my youth, here. The Lebron James' of the world did not have to struggle, and in the process, advance the character and quality of American Life by their example, like some of my childhood heroes did. Lebron James is no Hank Aaron, suffering death threats for being good enough to threaten a cherished record, or being a -- maybe THE -- visible symbol of the pernicious, past influence of racism.

James wouldn't be judged worthy to hold Muhammad Ali's jockstrap, on his best day. He certainly couldn't make you think about a common humanity, couldn't be a universal symbol of hope, like Ali did and was.

Jim Brown would run Lebron James over and trample him into the dirt, demanding respect. Just respect. James will never have the grace, the quiet dignity, or garner the universal love, of a Gayle Sayers.

In fact, James is most likely the visible symbol of the moral decay and decadence of the Modern Athlete, and symptomatic of the greater trend in society wherein people who obviously couldn't find their own asses with both hands and a road map consistently have microphones shoved in their faces with an expectation that they will -- as if by magic -- make some profound statement that will occupy the intellect and nourish the soul.

Because "they're famous", and the assumption is that fame carries with it some form of genius, some proof that by virtue of notoriety one vicariously ascends the intellectual and moral ladder until finding oneself upon the virtual Olympus of the Consequential with the likes of Einstein, Shakespeare, Lincoln, Archimedes, MLK, Hawking, Ghandi or Mother Theresa.

And so it was that Lebron James, inheritor of the sacrifices by which he is a free man, by which he has become the first "Billion Dollar Athlete", through which millions of young children dream of one day imitating his exploits on a basketball court, was somehow asked to make a comment regarding pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, the NBA's response to them, and his personal views on the entire smorgasbord of self-interested douchebag that surrounds the entire production.

James insists he stands with the forces of righteousness. Until, of course, the circumstances of righteousness demanded that he make a sacrifice. With his wallet. And then he puked up a self-serving statement -- which cast him and the other NBA players as something of victims in this whole thing! -- and...came out against righteousness. Which makes everything he's ever said on the subject of freedom and equality in other contexts completely invalid.

Society can survive without what you do, Lebron. It survived before Naismith invented your retarded game; it will continue without it. You add nothing to the fabric of life by tossing a ball through a hoop, and serve about as much use as a flea does to a dog. In fact, one could make the argument (I certainly am) that when it comes to parasites, NBA players are at the top of the list. 

What you do is not important. Therefore, neither are you.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, October 21, 2019

Beto Stuns Sharpton By Out-Sharptoning Sharpton

We have all come to know if you have a “D” after your name, Al Sharpton will smile, nod, and agree with anything you say, usually because he has no idea what you're talking about. It doesn’t matter how outlandish your claim may be, if you’re a member of the correct party he’ll give you a blank check. Want to claim there are whales are flying over New York? He’ll proclaim it bad for people of color and ask you how you will to fix the avian whale problem.  How far past the line do you think you’d have to go to shock Al Sharpton? Would flying whales do it? Nope.

Enter the Psychedelic Warrior Beta O'Rourke. If someone polling at 0% wants a double take from Sharpton, they have to go big, all the way to comparing the DJT to Joseph Goebbels, and America to the Third Reich.
“President Trump, perhaps inspired by Goebbels and the propagandists of the Third Reich, seem to employ this tactic that the bigger the lie, the more obscene the injustice, the more dizzying the pace of this bizarre behavior, the less likely we are able to do something about it.”
This stunned everyone’s favorite tracksuit enthusiast and amateur linguist as Beto repeatedly compares modern America to Nazi Germany:
"Did I hear you say that perhaps he was influenced by Gurgle [sic] and the Third Reich? I just want to make sure that’s what I heard you say."
Undeterred, Beta runs with the Nazi analogy and reinforces his growing reputation a complete moron. (video below)
"There is so much that is resonant of the Third Reich in this administration. Whether it is attempting to ban all people of one religion and saying that Muslims are somehow inherently dangerous or defective or disqualified.  
Outside of Nazi Germany, it is hard for me to find another modern democracy that had the audacity to say something like this and then this idea from Goebbels and Hitler that the bigger the lie and the more often you repeat it, the more likely people are to believe it."
For the record, most of what Beto outlines in his argument never in fact happened. Trump didn’t “attempt to ban all people of one religion.” He never said “all Muslims were inherently dangerous or defective.” He’s not “de-humanizing immigrants,” and the Obama administration was responsible for the policy of “people in cages” practice.

Beto may want to read up on the things that led the German people to embrace a monster like Hitler, and scapegoat an innocent minority, before he opens his uneducated trap again. If anyone is acting like Nazis, it's beto and his allies on the left.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWSMJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, October 18, 2019

Disturbed Woman From NY Warns To Fear the Red Menace!

Y'all remember that time Hillary lost the 2016 election and then joined that wacky Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, in a recount effort that was certain to reveal massive voter “irregularities” they are quick to claim only happens when they lose?  Yeah, Good Times, Good Times....

Clinton now claims that Jill Stein was, and remains, a Ruskie operative controlled by Vladimir Putin who was used to deny  Clinton her rightful place as President of the United States, and she believes that the red menace is once again going to use a third party candidate to divide the left. Specifically she accuses US combat veteran Tulsi Gabbard of being a Putin puppet who is being “groomed” to damage the Democrats in 2020. 

For the record, there have been third party candidates in almost every election dating all the way back to (at least) the early 1800’s. There may even have been some who weren’t Soviet agents. However, everyone, and everything, who had anything to do with a Democrat’s loss is now part of a Russian scheme. Hillary declares it, so that’s just the way it is.

For the record, Stein was on the ballot in 45 states in 2016. The Green Party, crazy though its members may be, has been around a long time. They’re not “Russian assets” any more than any other socialist, including Bernie Sanders, and Hillary didn’t seem to have a problem with them when they were launching their recount effort.

The bottom line is High-level Democrats, including Hillary, are trashing anyone who doesn’t 100% toe the official Dem line. You can agree or disagree with Gabbard on Syria, but there’s no evidence to suggest she’s some sort of Manchurian Candidate. Dems’ simply have no substantive attacks, so they’re trotting out Russia at every opportunity.

Unless they have some severe skeletons in their closets, Gabbard and Stein should sue the hell outta Hillary for defamation.

UPDATE: Tulsi Gabbard Responds 


Dems Plan to Name Prescription Drug Bill for Bullet Head Cummings

According to Roll Call, Nancy Pelosi told reporters in her weekly news briefing that Ways and Means Chairman Richard E. Neal has suggested they name their prescription drug bill HR3 after the Maryland Democrat Elijah 'Bullet Head' Cummings. "Prescription drug prices were a focus for Cummings as chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. He just fought to the end," Pelosi said.

I guess it apropos that a drug bill be named for a representative of a congressional district who's economic engine offers so many steady and prosperous employment opportunities in street corner free lance pharmaceutical distribution and a constituency as major consumers.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage ~

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Does This President Make My Ass Look Big????

Pope Fran, There's An Angry Fat Black Woman That Would
 Like To Have A Talk With You.

Pope Francis lamented today in a message to Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization saying that improper eating habits call for “a conversion in our way of living and acting". The Pope is of the belief nutritional disorders can only be combated by the cultivation of lifestyles inspired by gratitude for the gifts we have received and the adoption of a spirit of temperance, moderation, abstinence, self-control and solidarity. Makes much sense to me. 

But in a country where any and all personal and cultural failings of minorities are blamed on the easy out, you can leave it to a black affirmative action gender studies professor at a prestigious university to find a way to use Racism as the cause of her personal failures.

This sad excuse for an educator who looks like she hasn't missed a meal since Jimmy Carter was President is Brittney Cooper, a professor at Rutgers (and you thought it was just their football team that sucked). She's telling women that they are unable to succeed and prosper under a roaring economy and current social-economic conditions and bare no responsibility and have absolutely no control over their lives. Yes stress doesn't help!! I have a stressful job, but I try and eat right.

But the good professor also just happens to be an MSNBC contributor and staunch critic hater of DJT.  So I guess, when you want to feel good about your self-inflected problem like an extra 6 chicken wings, you can always claim to the world you're oppressed and have a white guy to blame. I guess no one stop to ask the good professor where DJT was for the first 38 years of her life?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS  and 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Oh Sweet Jesus They're Not Really Doing This Again are They?? Dems Debate #41 of 120

It's time for another Democratic debate!  There is only 80 or something more of these before the candidate field is finally whittled down to the top five or so, none of  which will be as good as the SNL versions.   I'm convinced CNN is intent on killing once and for all what little ratings they still have after their last town hall 'Queer Fest and Men in Dresses Extravaganza' that would have turned off most of America if they had known it was on.

The DNC is done spreading the debate manure over two nights when there were more than 10 candidates and made most dems dream of something more pleasant, like dysentery, and probably will again because ALL 12 BOZOS are going to be on the stage at the same time.  Enforced time limits (for everyone but Kamala cause the nasally Voodoo Queen just won't shut up) won't actually offer time to make a real points or use those lame canned zingers they payed staff to think up.  And who not will miss Joe and his annoying professorial verbal bullet points. #1 blah blah blah, #2 blah blah blah......  

And despite how the DNC tried to move the goal post to keep Tulsi Gabbard out of the primaries because she's not down with all the sissy men wearing dresses and has a little problem with Mohammedans running around cutting peoples heads off, will be one on stage and will surely take, and give some fire.

But I won't be watching because Marianne Sparkleshine Stardust Williamson didn't make the cut and won't be there. It's just not the same without her focus on the love, the light of the universe from the third eye that shines down upon us and bask us with the warmth of feeling and brings harmony together across the globe.

No, just not the same........

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

One For The Road....
R.I.P. Ginger Baker

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, October 11, 2019

And Lo! For The Lizards Shall Enter The Valley of Death. Saturday Down South - Week 7

Two Go In, One Comes Out
6-0 Florida vs 5-0 LSU

The last time the Florida Gators and LSU Tigers met as both undefeated top 10 teams was Oct. 2015 in Baton Rouge.  Saturday Night in Tiger Stadium they met again as one of the top offenses in CFB meets one of it's top defenses. If I may quote from my preseason post:
"But I will say this - with the exit of the Squirrel McElwain at Florida, I believe Dan Mullan can recruit better there than he ever could at Cowbell U. and is going to bring the Gators quickly back to prominence in the East. This year? Who knows which Fippy Franks will show up?
The latter question is answered, and the former seems even more likely than when I wrote those words.  The Gators have been winning ugly, but no matter, you have to respect 6-0.

Saturday will be the biggest test for both teams so far this year. Each of the past 7 games between the two has been decided by a touchdown or less. That may not be the case this time. This will be the best defense the Tigers have faced as well as the most productive offense the Gators have had to defend against. The Tigers lead the nation in scoring at 54.6 points per game and are second in total offense at 571.2 ypg. The Gators lead the SEC in defense and are 5th in the nation in points allowed at 9.5 per game. Somethin' gotta give.

Both teams lay claim to DBU. That will be settled Saturday night. There's a lot of talent on both sides and I expect to see more than one interception before it's over.  All in all, I think the Gators are more then capable enough to slow down the Tiger offense. But if they don't bring a better game then they did last week, I don't think they can hang with the Tigers all night.

This is night game in Death Valley, and the Gators won't be playing against a freshman QB.