Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Very Serious People

To this day, the average Very Serious Person would still rather give a grizzly bear a tongue bath than admit that the Right has ever been right about anything, especially at the cost of admitting that they themselves -- these highly-paid professional havers of opinions -- had not only been completely wrong about the one specific subject area for which they were being paid for their alleged special expertise, but had also made it a point of pride to shit all over those on the Right who had actually been right about the Left all along.

But hey, this was always going to be a tough war that was never going to bring us either money or fame, right? That's not the immediate problem.

The immediate problem is that far too many Very Serious People people who should absolutely know better by now -- people in the media and in elected office -- still cling desperately to the fiction that there are a non-trivial number of "good conservatives" out there somewhere just waiting to be persuaded they are wrong and to (as one wag put it a thousand years ago) grow opposable thumbs and climb down out of the Stupid Tree.

There aren't. But I believe that this continued irrational faith in an obvious fiction is, in part, because the idea of fully facing the ugly truth -- that we are in a for-real war to save our democracy from being destroyed by our own family members, colleagues and neighbors -- and then facing moral and civic obligations that truth imposes scares the living shit out of them.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Packaging an Unattractive Jew-Hating Homophobic Racial Bigot Proves Difficult

Joy Reid has a lot of problems. Being ugly is just one of them. The gay-bashing homophobe and proven liar, is facing a dramatic rating collapse.  On top of being anti-Semitic and a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, she’s almost ridiculously unappealing.  Ricky Maddow might also be a liar and conspiracy theorist, but she at least has a sense of humor, charisma, and a personality that can shift into a gear other than “smug.”

Nothing can paper over the fact that Reid has no charisma, isn’t terribly bright, is a painfully predictable ideologue, vindictive, and an intolerant bigot. Leftists were willing to put up with anyone to get their fix of Trump Hate, but now that DJT is gone, it’s just Reid and her endless crazy rantings and parade of anti-white guest babbling about mythical systemic racism.

Reid’s struggling program had its worst turnout among the crucial news demo of adults age 25-54, averaging only 149,000 viewers in the category that helps keep the lights on. “The ReidOut” finished the week as the No. 29 program in cable news among demo viewers, finishing behind 15 different Fox News offerings, five different MSNBC shows, and even eight programs from rival liberal network CNN.
Who loses to CNNLOL??? 


Monday, June 28, 2021

The Fire Marshalls of Free Speech

Mathematician & Economist Eric Weinstein (brother of Brett, and also a professor of a heterodox bent) railed against the current system of censorship we have.  Specifically, we are forbidden by the Church of Woke from departing from any of the Consecrated Lies, until a pope of the Church of Woke, like Jon Stewart, issues a papal decree giving us permission to speak the obvious truth.  He also notes that singer Arianna Grande took a selfie without a mask on and suddenly the left declared it was safe to go maskless.  Because she, being a celebrity, is also a pope in the Church of Woke.  But Weinstein doesn't use the church/inquisitors metaphor.  Rather, he likens our current censorious era as one of Free Speech Fire Marshalls.  The Fire Marshalls tell you when free speech is too dangerous -- not crying fire in a crowded theater, but actually fire in a crowded theater.  But then the Fire Marshalls also tell us, sometimes, that now it's safe to use some free speech again.

Eric Weinstein @EricRWeinstein

"We've had many recent stunning reversals that all have the same exact pattern. The mainstream says when the obvious may be acknowledged.

A) Time mag. says: There Was a conspiracy against Trump in the Election.

B) The Lab is Likely the Covid Origin.

C) You can enjoy Outdoors.

I could have been maskless outdoors long ago. I knew the Lab was never a racist wildeyed idea. And I knew tech was conspiring against even anti-Trump accounts that were off-narrative. They did the same on masks. And on flu worse than "no big deal" COVID. The exact same pattern.

Okay. Where is the story: "a lot of people we call crazy got everything right before we did... but we get to determine who is allowed to think and speak using platforms." The platforms are punishing everyone who doesn't wait for the signal.

Mostly conservative refuse to wait. It's like an intellectual fire drill where we all get marched out of the building of sane rational thought while lunatic firemen search for the fire that isn't there. Jon Stewart is a narrative fire Marshall. "You can't be sane just yet... Okay... Now it's safe to use your mind."

This is what conservatives and disaffected liberals have in common. We don't wait to use our mind because the New York Times or NPR isn't sure what will happen if we think for ourselves. 

Ariana Grande is a Fire Marshall. When she dances with no mask, we all can. Thx @ArianaGrande ! I think this is the common cause I feel with Conservatives most. I hate outsourcing my brain in my one beautiful life to people appointed to control when it is safe to think. I don't want intellectual fire Marshalls unless D-day is next week and we can't afford a misstep. Ariana Grande is pretty. And she can sing. But she ain't Francis Crick or Sydney Brenner [both Nobel Prize winners for medicine], and they would *never* ask me to stop thinking until Ariana and Jon Steward give the all clear.

This is why smart people hate this fire Marshall system. It's going to happen again. End it. Moral. It's not that conservatives are smarter. It is that they aren't obedient. 

The Democratic Party is becoming the party of obedient thinkers. Good puppy. Now lie down. Good boy. Now say "Flatten The Curve." "Come on. Come on boy. You can do it. Yes! You said it. I'm so proud." At some point it'll be allowable to say Anti-Racism is racism rebranded. But everyone who jumps the gun is not a good doggy. It will be acceptable to say intersectionality developed into a shakedown. But the key is did you wait for the stewardess to stand or did you jump the gun? Yes the plane is still. Yes the pilot left the aircraft after shutting the engines. But if you decide to get up before air hostess Ariana dances you are a bad bad person. 

That's not for you to decide. That's for Ariana. And Fauci. And Jon."

By the way, conservatives are in fact smarter than liberals, if you take education level as a proxy for intelligence. (Which liberals, almost to a man, do.)  Conservatives have higher rates of graduation from college.  Liberals can point to a higher number of Ph.D.'s, but that is a very small group and doesn't outweigh the big advantage conservatives have in college-level education.

Excerpted from "Eric Weinstein: Kill the Fire Marshalls of Free Speech" @AceHQ

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Sunday Matinee

Mississippi Blues Guitar Legend Kenny Brown joins the Black Keys
in a live version of "Goin Down South"

Friday, June 25, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Like Don Quixote on a Three Legged Donkey

It seems so long ago Joe Biden raised his hand and bold face lied to God and the entire nation he would faithfully carry out the duty of defending the Constitution and Country from enemies both foreign and domestic. He has done neither.  His pack of rabid neo-marxist, racial identity adherence yelling "our democracy is in danger" placed in positions of power is not going unnoticed by anyone paying a least bit of attention. The dems party's control of the White House circus, Senate, and the House is just a few months old, and it looks like the fully expected incompetency has risen to view.  The border situation is intentional, and more and more Americans see it as such.

The debate over strong-arming away the ballot boxes is over for now, the so called infrastructure talks are still dragging on, and the evil (only when dems are in power) filibuster isn't going anywhere. Democrats seem lost about what to do next, except tear their hair out and point fingers at each other. Convinced just months ago they finally had the country firmly in their socialist's grasp, even with the media carrying their feces dems are now in pillow biting mode and privately said to be entertaining the possibility they may get slaughtered in mid-terms.

The party's strategies have hinged on getting the big parts of 46* agenda passed before the 2022 election, after which it might be too late. So confident they were, there doesn't seem to be much of a Plan B.

Plan A -- passing dramatic power grabbing legislation like climate change and emptying the national treasury in the name of compassion to buy voter loyalty depended on eliminating, or at least weakening, the filibuster.  Just to repeat the obvious: Democrats have just 50 votes and Kamala Harris' tie-breaker vote in the 100-member Senate; it takes 60 votes to overcome a filibuster.  Stymied by rules, democrats can't ram down the throats of America their bold and innovative cancerous racial tinged anti-capitalist agenda. And it is also worth noting Republicans also hold a majority of state legislatures and governorships.

There's always a danger when commenting on politics to believe that the way things are now is the way they will always be.  But it's also the case that the democrat's contingent of disturbed anti-Semitic, anti-White radicals pushing far left wing agendas, coming redistricting, and growing minority vote for Republicans scare the shit out of dem who face a future with an ever-narrower path to power.