Sunday, November 14, 2021

Your Sunday Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
Got Something to Say? Well Say It Dammit! 

This Week Your Sunday Open Thread Is Sponsored By: 
"This Is Some Gourmet' Shit" - Jules Winnfield

Friday, November 12, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Music Chair of Music

Macron Knows Him Some Nasty When He Sees It. 🤣

Poor Kamala. She's already reeling from the embarrassment of being dragged on social media for her demented clown cackling not to mention her approval rating hovering just above flaming hemorrhoids, but this had to really burn.

French President Emmanuel Macron bobbed and weaved to avoid giving the unmasked Vice President the traditional kiss on each cheek when they met Wednesday. It’s possible Macron was just not feeling it after the submarine deal got ripped-off.  But believe me, French guys will kiss anything with boobs and a pulse.  So I'm leaning toward Macron was hesitant not knowing where she's been putting that face. 🤭


~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Reminiscing With Brian Williams.

Brian Williams, the veteran anchor of NBC News, who was busted down to the network's ugly insane step-sister, conspiracy central MSNBC in 2015 after a critical on-air gaffe  he got caught lyin' his ass off numerous times sensationalizing his reporting of events while anchor of “NBC Nightly News”, has announced he will be parting ways with the network's smarmy nest of leftist lunatics and racial bigots. 

So, in the spirit of Throwback Thursdays, we look back on the famous career.....

from the DMF archives of February, 2015

Brian Williams Interviews Mark Twain 


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It's Their Unholy Alliance That Endangers the Republic.

The events of the past couple of weeks have given pause to many, and in some circles say the present swing of the pendulum's direction has used all it's energy. But even with the embarrassing, epic incompetence we are witnessing in DC, and the current upheaval in the war for the culture, some things will remain constant. 

The Democrats are torn between far left totalitarian instincts on one side and the Liberals' complete political malpractice on the other. Their seething contempt for the conservation of anything valuable and rational in governing remains whole, complete and total. It is psychologically and professionally impossible for anybody on the left to admit the simple truth that the Right has been right about the Left all along because it would mean being forced to eat the seething contempt for all things conservative that has been wired so deeply into their identities for so long.

The result of this crippling and impenetrable psychological block is that is remains imperative to the left sense of self that the right (that'd be you and me) continue to be caricatured as fucking awful humans. 

Everybody knows that the democrat party has been a shitpile of closeted bigots and imbeciles for decades. They sometime do not try very hard to hide it.  Others will contend that because they live in distant and violent land the natives call Blue States, that despite their self proclaimed superior political expertise, the Left are destructive, clueless mopes whose fecklessness may yet topple the republic as we know it.  So it should come as no surprise that the mainstream media has found a comfy chair for every race-baiter or Never Trumper with a book to sell or grift to flog. (lookin' at you Squinty & Meat Puppet)

The American media will never get better. It will just keep getting worse. But why, Diogenes', you ask? Why is it so bad everywhere, from the national media to your local, dying newspaper? How is it that this vast, shambolic, humiliating, and very public failure of our Fourth Estate, a failure that is dragging out democracy down with it,  just goes on and on getting worse and worse?

Simple. Because there are no equally powerful countervailing institutions out there in the world in charge of pushing back against it or in any way holding it accountable. Instead of operating as a vital civic institution the media is basically Facebook's older, stupider cousin, without Facebook's malevolent, precision-guided algorithms designed to prolong "engagement" and keep your eyes on its ads, but with the same "Sponsors Uber Alles" ethos informing every decision.

And the reason nothing can stop it is because, other than catching the occasional fine for saying "fuck" on broadcast teevee, there are no consequences for pumping the public's skulls full of toxic garbage. As for the gory details of how and why the media is everywhere top-heavy with leftist hacks and mopes and frauds, no insider with deep knowledge of the hows and the whys is every going to rat them out. 

There will never be a Joe Valachi of the media, exposing how the business really works to the entire country. Forget the "respectable" press. They're as relentlessly profit-driven as everyone else, and to them those tens of millions of deranged bigots and imbeciles on the Left (and their friends an relatives) are just current or potential customers.  No matter how many buildings the fascist Teefa Soy Boyz burn down, the "respectable" press will always leaven that news with their certainty that some conservative somewhere, real or not, has probably (or will probably) do something just as bad.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

They Picking on Tater again

Tater Stelter, a grown man with what can only be assumed is a full-time job, actually felt it worth his time to respond to being called a name by a rival news network. And not just that, but to try to snarkily hit back.  And as he has failed to learn, he is no Diogenes, and his feeble attempts always backfire disastrously. His attempt to retort with a witty insult himself, he unwittingly admitted he was indeed a “useful idiot.”
This was a self-own in more ways than one, as Fox News has long beaten out CNN when it comes to ratings, so one really has to wonder what on earth he was thinking when he voluntarily drew attention to Fox’s ratings and called himself a “useful idiot” in one fell swoop.

But many of Stelter’s tenderhearted viewers however were kind enough to soothe his bruised ego with the fierce loyalty of a mother whose child just got teased at school and rushed to insist that he most certainly was not an idiot, and those bullies at Fox News were probably just jealous.

[Western Journal]
H/T Konan the Bar Baron


Monday, November 8, 2021

Secretary Pete Joins WH Daily Manure Spread

Pete Buttigieg has finally reported for work, tanned and rested from chest feeding duty as a new mother, to joined the White House Deputy Deflector of Questions as Special Guest at Monday's press briefing.  And he/him/whatever didn't disappoint anyone who was anticipating more krazy shit we all have come expect from this bunch:

‘Highway underpasses are racist’

Highway underpasses are built low for many reasons including technical reasons and mostly to restrict commercial vehicles shortcuts through residential and tourist areas. But to Biden's pack of geniuses, most everything is racist......

~ FJB ~

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Your Weekend Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
 Got Something to Say? Well Say It Dammit!