RS - CNN is really hitting its stride this morning. Jake Tapper opened the hearing by asserting that his audience was about to hear the GOP lie over and over. Because real journalism is pre-judging something and then proclaiming that everything one side of the aisle says is a lie before they even say it.
The other thing CNN is doing is playing up the idea that today is a heart wrenching, solemn occasion for Democrats, who’d otherwise prefer to be supporting the President and not impeaching him. This is what living in a bubble looks like. No one outside of the beltway, except the crazies in the street that will protest a cloud passing over head, are really even paying attention right now, much less viewing this as a “momentous” occasion.
"You can feel it in the air here. It feels different," @DanaBashCNN says. "It is palpable – that this is momentous. That this is grave. And it is... not something this speaker wanted to do..."— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 18, 2019
Note: @SpeakerPelosi is wearing black. One of her colleagues told me several of the female Democrats did that intentionally to signal it is a somber day #impeachment— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) December 18, 2019
Pretend we're being serious! is maybe the funniest thing yet about today— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) December 18, 2019
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~
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