Thursday, March 5, 2020

Sexism Had Little To Do With It.

You knew it was coming sooner or later, just like the sunrise: someone inside the democrat party blaming sexism for failed female presidential campaigns. I admit that part of me was disappointed to hear that Lizzy Warren was dropping out of the presidential race because I was looking forward to watching Liz and Bernie politically destroy each other and their party (during the convention) along with it. 

Her supporters wanted her to remain in the race in part because she was the last woman standing outside of Tulsi Gabbard , who is sticking around more or less as sand in the democrats butt crack then anything else. So imagine my lack of surprise when reactions from “feminists” and prominent former presidential candidates like Kamala Harris started rolling in, trotting out the “woman” card to explain why campaigns like her’s and Lizzy's failed.  Both Warren and Harris may think it sounds good to suggest the fact that they are women played a starring role in the failures of their respective campaigns, but the reality is that’s just not true. 

Nay, the real reason for their failures are the electorate judged them as tone deaf, pandering, unlikable persons with extremely annoying voices!!  In Kamala they saw a Creepy Voodoo Witch persona with a horrific track record, a coastal lefty and a terrible candidate. She actually thought she could appeal to clueless suburban soccer moms at the same time fanning the flames of racial resentment with talk of reparations and pretending to be down with the struggle.

In my mind, Lizzy conjures up a vision of a self-medicated crazy cat lady, shaking like a speed freak, jumpin' the stage and spouting some expensive goofy leftist policy idea in an annoying voice that wore thin very quickly. Her spastic style of dancing alone should disqualify her from any public office on this planet. I suspect Lizzy already has a book deal in the works and will fire both barrels at you misogynous bastards.

Truth is neither's strong suit, appealing to sensible people is not in their skill set. They’re using the “woman/sexism” card-playing as an excuse to mask their real failures. It’s embarrassing and yet predictable all the same.

[Sister Toldjah]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

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