Friday, June 21, 2024

WH to Replace KJP With Actual Gaslight

MFNS - KJP's utter destruction and exposure of a massive MAGA conspiracy to doctor video footage to make Biden look weak, frail and decimated by mental decline, sometime in full vapor lock, sometime just frozen in time as not real, but a “cheap fake” has so endeared her to the Intelligence community she will be moving to a new position.

A representative of the (non-existing) Deep State told Middle Finger News Service, off the record, that the Deep State (that does not exist) higher ups believe KJP is so good at lying with a straight face for a bumbling fool like Biden, is wasting her talents in the WH. press room.

KJP shall soon quietly assume the duties with the intel community as the new liaison officer between the Deep State (the one that does not exist) and their public mouthpiece MSNBC. She will advise the network on "Truthing the News" and help save democracy and stuff. 

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