Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Your Big Ass Mid Week Open Thread & Presidential Debate Commentary Post

Now Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, knows we all will probable tune in to Great Debate, if even for just a peek, to see our two Great Elder Statesmen {insert laugh track here} spend ninety minutes spouting stats, denying responsibility and calling each other liars. Joey B. has been down at the retreat cramming info into blank spaces in his head to memorize things he has no idea was done in his name, while DJT has chosen the freeball it and just make Joe defend his horrendous record. 

It's 45 vs *46. 

*46 and his Debate Secret Weapon 

Unfortunately, Your Beloved Blog Editrix's presence is necessary at the musical note capturing facility during the debate time, but will be monitoring from time to time the debate audio via FM, along with this post via the magical hand held Samsung communication thingy. The MSNBC after debate commentary team, led by the esteemed and always vivacious Joy Reid and the hunky Ricky Maddow, should be comical. 

And Earl was keen enough to dig up the 411 on some of the MSNBC Post Debate Panel and colleagues and their the goings on pre-debate: 

Click Image to Biggify

 Spokeshuman's statement from Earl's Report
"Joy Reid’s Hairless (Heads only) Summer is going on now and the whole MSPSD crew is joining in support! We do want to thank the fine Caregivers from What’s Left of Your Life Head Injury Rehabilitation Home for bringing over Lawrence O’Donnell to be part of the event, He’s come so far in his recovery from that head-on crash into the men’s room toilet rim at Fistme Freddy’s. We couldn’t be prouder of our friend, good ol’ Birdbath Giraffe…snicker. Also Kudos to Chris Hayes in his efforts to replace Brian Stelter’s role as the standard Effeminate Media Fanboy and Hairless Fragile Rotunded Potato. Chris is practically a lock".
I therefore open up the floor. So Don Your Blogging Thongs and Share Ye Links & Bicker.
And I'd really like to hear your comments on the debate, during or after. 

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