Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Benghazi, American Honor, Little Caesar, and the False Dmitri

By Michael Walsh
PJ Media
“A coward dies a thousand deaths,” to paraphrase Shakespeare in Julius Caesar, “but a hero dies just one.” As we hopefully approach the end of the Barack Hussein Obama II administration, cowardice is just one of the many possible explanations of its catastrophic failure at Benghazi last month, a failure that cost the lives of four Americans, the loss of valuable intelligence assets, the burning of countless Libyan collaborators, whose lives are now forfeit in that wretched land and elsewhere, and the needless handing to the ascendant jihadists of a propaganda victory that might have been avoided and has yet to be avenged.
But wait — it gets worse. According to this story, they knew an attack likely was coming — and still did nothing:
The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps in Benghazi and the consulate could not defend against a “coordinated attack,” according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.
Summarizing an Aug. 15 emergency meeting convened by the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, the Aug. 16 cable marked “SECRET” said that the State Department’s senior security officer, also known as the RSO, did not believe the consulate could be protected.
“RSO (Regional Security Officer) expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support, and the overall size of the compound,” the cable said.
It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of what Obama’s handling of what is sure to go down as one of the most disgraceful episodes in American political and military history tells us about him, his administration, the ethos of the modern Democratic Party, and the state of our nation. The short answer: nothing good."
Keep Reading 

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Myth of Obama

The Spin CycleBarack Obama is probably a good husband and father, and his dog probably likes him. But he isn't the "brilliant and articulate" person that his fans paint him to be. And because they worked so hard to create this false impression, this comparison is bound to keep coming up.

The "brilliant" Obama, who struggles to put five words together without the use of a script written by professional writers... verses the "very stupid" Bush, who can easily speak impromptu, even if he does pronounce a few words wrong.

The democrat left and their allies in the media created this Obama image. But it was all done with smoke and mirrors by inflating his resume and the constant repetition of telling us "how articulate" he was, when he really isn't. And now, they must defend this man whenever he speaks extemporaneously and makes the inevitable gaffs.
* Obama worked as a lawyer for a community organizing group. This was portrayed as "He was a community organizer" ... which is like saying Derek Jetter's accountant must be a great ball player.
* Obama worked as associate lecturer at a law school, occasionally teaching classes. This was transformed into "Obama was a brilliant Professor of Constitutional Law."
* Obama, being half white, and being raised by white people who sent him to the best schools, does not speak with a black dialect, or use very much street slang. This became "He is bright, articulate, and clean" (from Joe Biden). 
* Obama, who is allegedly a brilliant man, is said to have graduated from Harvard Law School where he was the Editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review. Yet all his college records and grades are sealed. There are absolutely no articles in the Law Review written by him. Which makes him the only Editor in the 134 year history of this journal to never write an article of his own.
* Obama has tried to speak without a teleprompter, and has paid a high price every time he tried. He ends up telling us we have "57 states" or that Marines are "corpse-men" and not corpsmen." One can only imagine the ridicule Bush would have been dealt had he made similar gaffs.
Before all the Obama Zombies go ballistic, let me just say... Obama isn't a bad person, he was just WAY over-hyped. His handlers and sponsors created this "Obama Myth" and these folks fell for it. They took the bait.... hook, line and sinker, because they wanted to believe it. He simply isn't anywhere near as bright or as articulate as they want him to be. He is just a Chicago City councilman who got lucky.

Obama is the only President in our history who got schools named after him BEFORE his inauguration, and before he served one day in office.

 Obama was stunned when the Nobel Prize committee awarded him their Peace Prize before he had done anything to earn it. He even said: "I hope I will do something to earn this someday." He went on to escalate the war in Afghanistan, involved us in a war in Libya, and then pursued a "drone war" in Yemen, thereby embarrassing the Nobel Prize committee for their choice.

 Barack Obama is not an articulate man. No sensible person could say this. He mumbles and fumbles and stutters when he speaks. He needs notes or gets things very wrong. Being a marginally better speaker than GW Bush does NOT make him articulate. It just makes him a marginally better speaker than GW Bush.

We have had some Presidents who were great speakers. FDR, JFK, Reagan, and Clinton all leap to mind. Obama is not in this group. And anyone who thinks "Obama is articulate" is just too partisan to have an objective opinion on the matter. 


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

 Publius Minimus to Diogenes....
 "The best jobs program Obama could give America 
is to not seek re-election"

Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally, a Bright Spot in Obama's Economy

While makers of cars, computers, the retail sector and practically everything else saw their fortunes plunge last week, in a  rare bright spot in an otherwise gloomy period for Wall Street, manufacturers of downward arrows posted record profits this week.  
Producers of downward arrows notched double-digit gains, inspiring investors to snap up their shares like never before.  Companies like National Plunging Arrow Corp. and Consolidated Downward Pointy Lines saw their shares rocket as investors rushed to participate in the suddenly red-hot red-arrow sector.

“We are seeing investors move out of Treasuries and Gold and into downward-arrow stocks,” said analyst Farley Boomster, who covers plunging trend-line manufacturers for Morgan Stanley. “At a time when the world is facing extreme uncertainty, the one thing we know for sure is that going forward there will be strong demand for downward pointy things.”

But the euphoria surrounding the plunging arrow sector may be short-lived, as some analysts caution that that investors’ mania for downward arrow stocks may be a bubble, with others warning that downward arrows are increasingly being manufactured in China, where the arrows are mass-produced using far cheaper labor.
 For his part, though, Morgan Stanley’s  Boomster sees a silver lining in such gloomy forecasts: “Even if people wind up losing billions of dollars investing in downward arrows, you know what? There’s only one way to show that.”


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Says He'll Work on that Job Plan Thing When He Gets Back From Vacation…

"On his 938th day in office President Obama also said he would soon have a completed jobs plan. Maybe early fall, something like that. And he complained, "We could do even more if Congress is willing to get in the game."

Monday, August 8, 2011

Excuses Excuses Excuses.......

Headlines Culled from Weasel Zippers

Dem Rep. James Clyburn: "S&P Downgraded U.S. Because They Want To Look Better In Europe…"

DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Blames "Tea Party Tyrants" For U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade…"

Tim Geithner: Obama’s Policies Absolutely Not” Responsible For S&P Downgrade…

Bawney Fwank Blames Military For S&P Downgrade…

ABC’s Cokie Roberts On S&P Downgrade: “The Problem Here Is The Constitution Of The United States Of America”…

Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod Calls S&P’s Credit Rating Cut “A Tea Party Downgrade”…

John Kerry (D-Gold Digger) Takes Just Enough Time Off From Spending His Wife’s Millions To Blame "Irresponsible, Reckless And Absolutist” GOP For S&P Downgrade…

......and from everyone's favorite idiot leftist windbag comes this.....


As the stock market dives and confidence of the American people in the Obama administration's  policies continue to drop due to lack of leadership, all we get is excuses! The only thing they haven't blamed is racism.......oh comes  Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.  

For Immediate Release....

via Mr. Pinko@ IOTW

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Proposed Law Rattles Washington's Elite

A Washington D.C. think-tank today proposed a controversial  new law named, 'No Politician Left Behind', which would pay congressmen and the President solely on the basis of performance. 

 Predictably, the idea of merit pay drew howls of protest from mostly Democrat party lawmakers, many claiming that if the law was pasted and enacted it would result in their financial ruin. Appearances on Sunday morning talk shows, flying around on government planes or blowing smoke up the taxpayers ass on C-Span will not be considered as real work. 
The law, which was proposed by the Bo Bo Braniganskie Institute of Government Policy, “would make a serious dent in the Federal spending because few if any politicians would ever have to be paid,” said the Institutes director, Davis David. “Right now, the President or Congressman  can get paid even when they storm out of budget negotiations in a hissy fit. Under this new law, the rule would be, no budget, no paycheck.”

“If passed, this law would be tantamount to the establishment of ‘Work Panels,’ which would determine whether individual congressmen are accomplishing anything,” said Sen. Al Frankin (D.-Minn).I  for one, would be in deep, deep shit.”

“I’m fairly sure that this law is unconstitutional,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “Now, I have never actually read the Constitution, but if this law were passed I would probably be forced to read it or live in a cardboard box  like my constituents.”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) said that creating performance standards for lawmakers was “an insult to the institution of Congress.”

“We have spent millions of dollars, some of it out of our own pockets, to get to Washington,” she said. “We did not come here to be treated like F**kin teachers!” 

Joe Biden was unavailable for comment. 


Friday, July 22, 2011

The Earl of Ketchup takes to the Senate Floor and Channels the Founding Fathers.

If The Founding Fathers Were Here Today They Would Vote Against Balanced Budget Amendment.

“As I have said in the past, the most compelling argument against this amendment doesn't come from me or from anyone on the floor. It actually comes from the real experts, the people who framed the Constitution of the United States. If they were here on the Senate floor today, they would against this amendment because it violates the Constitution's basic tenet which is major rule” .......Senator John Kerry Heinz

No Mr. Kerry, if the founders were here they would be tar and feathering politicians like yourself and parading you down Pennsylvanian Ave. in the back of a wagon for all to see! And only that after they had run out of rope.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Record-Breaking Golf Streak Ends at 13 Weeks

White House Dossier - One of the great streaks in the history of sports came to an end today after President Obama cancelled a golf outing at the last minute this morning, apparently out of concern over threatening skies. It now appears golf will not be rescheduled for later today.

Obama had gone golfing 13 weekends in row, at least once every weekend since all the way back to April 3. Obama went golfing twice last weekend, bringing his total number of outings to 75 as president, including 17 trips to the links this year.

That he missed golf on a three day weekend is truly a stunning development. The sports and political worlds are in a deep state of shock.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Obama Family Firmly in the D.C. Groove.

Well, 3 out of 4 Ain't Bad

The Obamas
With their schedule filled with wonderful vacation destinations, the matriarch happily nagging the entire nation with great regularity and the daughters thriving at a prestigious D.C. school, the Obama's excel in Washington.  If not for the patriarch's struggles with his temporary job, it's safe to say the Obama's would be batting a thousand. But what a time they are having.

Sure, Mr. Obama has thus far failed to live up to astronomical expectations of the brain dead voter and robots in the media, but have you seen the First Lady's garden!  Soon, Mr.Obama will return to his comfort zone. Once he's back on the campaign trail, people will again be so in awe of his ability to read a teleprompter, to lie tout his record and verbally duel with his Republican rival. They'll completely forget about how he has come off in foreign diplomatic settings just slightly more intelligent then Joe Biden or he struggles to utter even a single word while in the Oval Office being told by key members of the military, 'we need a decision'.  We all have strengths and weaknesses - even the President. Of course the evil Republican spin machine is attempting to convince the nation that the ability to make Americans feel safer is somehow less praiseworthy than actually making us safer.

Until Mr. Obama begins campaigning for a second term, his family will support him every way possible. While the Mr. Obama is thrilled to see his offspring excel in school, they courteously don't completely cover the White House refrigerator door with perfect papers in fear it would remind their father that polling data indicates not everyone is equally satisfied with his work and job performance.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Ultimate SARAH PALIN is a MORON video

H/T Mr.Pinko @iOwnTheWorld

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Has Obama Gone 'Full Biden' on Us?

After Barack Obama was elected, he went abroad and wowed European crowds with his teleprompter skills and youthful energy. Everyone, including the foreign media got caught up in Obamamania. Some in the press even compared the new President to a rock star.  

What a difference two years make. Looking at the record, the rock star of 2008 is looking more like a Vegas lounge act in 2011.   

Like his bumbling through the last two years, much just ignored by an adoring press, Obama's recent European trip have people scratching their heads over the President's continuing bizarre lack of protocol, or as I like to say, "Going Full Biden". While some conservative commentators  take a semi-serious approach to the issue and its impact on American foreign policy, I tend to think of it more in terms of a Rock & Roll fall from grace by the President.

When Obama was elected, people believed he would restore America to prominence in the world by taking a different approach to foreign policy than his predecessor, G. W. Bush. Gone were the days of "cowboy diplomacy" and in came the era of intellectual diplomacy. The world was going to love us again, throw flowers instead of insults and bombs. 

Then, Obama became President and we got to see his foreign policy shaping out to be...well, a freakin' disaster.  Our fearless leader has successfully alienated two of our staunchest allies, Great Britain and Israel, and our relationship with Germany is lukewarm at best.  He tried to buddy up with France (at Britain's expense), and has taken sides in Egypt and Libya that are loaded with dangerous ties to groups that don't exactly dig our way of life.

One of the biggest problems with American foreign policy over the past few decades has been we almost seem ashamed to admit we're American. We're expected to sit there and take everything any tin-horned dictator from a Third World country flings as us, truthful or otherwise, and suffer Jimmy Carter running around the universe acting a fool. Then, we're expected to pick up the damn check whenever that same Third World country needs help from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. And with Obama at the helm, that shame in America will only increase.

And that shame has translated into embarrassment for world leaders who have to deal with Obama's protocol breaches. Some might not agree, but I think this is serverly hurting Obama's image around the world because he doesn't seem to learn from his Bidenesque mistakes. All he does is make bigger, more public mistakes, leaving ally and enemy alike to mock Obama. I guess not much  diplomacy and protocol is needed on a golf course.

Perhaps we should call it the "Biden Effect".

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bumbling Barry's Bodaciously Bad Week

First, before leaving on vacation state visit to Europe, our continent hopping fearless leader gets a big time political wedgie from visiting Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu in front of all the media. (excellent) 

Then while checkin' out all the redheaded cousins in Ireland, the tamales take their toll and 'The Beast' hits high center (no not the first lady, the official Limo) as they leave the embassy in Dublin. The crowds cheer. (The GM OnStar button performed flawless)

In London, while visiting Westminster Abby, Noble Laureate Obama signs the historic guest book for a grateful nation and dates it 2008? Figure that one out and get back to me. (That Ivy League education is bound to kick in soon......... right?)

And once again, our unprepared and in over his head fearless leader at a State banquet goes 'Full Biden' on the host and continues to toast the Queen of England, even after the orchestra starts to play 'God Save the Queen'. That's like yelling "screw you"in the middle of our National Anthem. Everyone stands there all British like and stares straight ahead. Jokes abound, but I'm not even going there because I'm now starting to feel a little embarrassed for this guy! (Sorry Elizabeth, we have to let stupid people vote here too.)

Lets all hope he has more success in the Eastern European part of his trip (snicker) and a safe ride home and leave it at that. (Like us, I'm sure he wishes he was out doing something safe, like golfing)


*Thank You Larwyn for the linkage

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Victory Lap is Over.... Now What?

The death of Osama Bin Laden and recent intelligence treasures being found on Bin Laden's captured computer hard drives gives the appearance we've struck a major blow to al Qaeda and international terrorism. Let's hope that's true. But when taken as part of the totality of the Middle East we may be looking at a vastly different and much more dangerous landscape soon.

If what the government is telling us is true, al Qaeda has split in half on religious grounds with a more radical factions ignoring Bin Laden's leadership. It looks to me as consistent with what we've seen in Egypt and Libya where more radical factions have pushed for the removal of less strident or weaker leaders.  Whether international terrorist groups are leading the charge or going with the flow is immaterial. The real issue is the further radicalization of the Middle East and its impact on the war on terrorism. Dealing a severe  blow to al Qaeda, or at least a portion of it, is a good thing, but if we leave it at that we're setting ourselves up for failure yet again. A failure larger and more deadly then 9/11.

Our fearless leader can do as many victory laps as he wants, no one is really impressed with his arrogance. But he's already come out supporting the forces in Egypt and Libya, both of whom have clear ties to radical Islam. 

Doesn't it bother anyone else how quickly the Obama Administration sided with these more radical elements in North Africa? It's not like they have hidden their agenda or their hatred of America. Yet, we're content to give them cover and let them do the dirty work in getting rid of corrupt leaders we no longer "need" in power. If they succeed, something will have to fill the vacuum and I don't think it's going to be filled by Muslims who want Walmarts or Starbucks everywhere much less peacefully co-existence with the civilized West.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief that Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes, but the war on terrorism isn't over by that one act.  And if recent history and the enemy's perceived incompetence and weakness of our present leadership are any indication, there is a bigger storm on the horizon, and we're not ready for it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just a Note From the 9th Tee.....

Mr. President, for at least a little while I was prepared to believe you were on the verge of salvaging your Presidency. Then you made that obscenely self-serving speech announcing at your word,the demise of Osama Bin Laden.  And now you have the balls to take a Victory Lap at Ground Zero?

I don’t blame G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton at all for not wanting to be seen with you at ground zero. Great opportunity for a photo-op and footage for the coming campaign video, eh Barry? BTW, where were you last two 911 memorials?

 But, your lapdogs in the media and the greater mass of people who voted for you that can't wipe their own ass without government provided step-by-step instructions, or without a government check to buy toilet paper, will hail you as the Great Obama, for a few days at least. And then they'll remember that even if Osama is dead they still can't find work, their country is bankrupt and you're a still an incompetent leader.

I do applaud you for giving the gutsy order to do what should have been done a long time ago, thumbing your nose at Pakistani sovereignty in order to bring the Islamic Pig to justice……. but it's a polite Golf Clap.

And this whole "we're not at war with Islam" stupidity doesn't buy you any friends over there in the sandbox. We may not be at War with Islam, but Islam is at War with us. Get that through your thick skull, Barry. The fact is that your administration, by playing to this nonsense about 'Islamic Sensibilities' like burying Bin Laden according to Islamic custom and not wanting to rub salt in the wound of radical Islam and their terrorist folk hero, and to return to the 'beg Islam to be nice to us' policy is doing itself, and us a major disservice.

The disservice is that without evidence, no one in the Islamic World is going to believe that Bin Laden is really dead. Without evidence, the same people who burned brain cells and wasted air over your birth certificate have new grist for the conspiracy theory mill. It seems as if your administration, true to form is attempting to decide what is and what is not secret depending on what the perceived political and propaganda needs of the Administration are at any particular moment, and in the process only reinforcing what so many already think.

But, having made the right decision to get UBL you are now screwing it all up by making, or allowing your minions to make, all the wrong ones. Having scored major points in an area which was one of your biggest weaknesses, being soft on the War on Terror, you've squandered that advantage and re-opened the floodgates of conspiracy theory and charges of incompetence. UBL is said to have valiantly resisted, and the next we’re told that he was unarmed. UBL was found in part because of what happens at Gitmo and then it was painstaking intelligence work done over a series of years, like someone doing a giant jigsaw puzzle in the dark and with one hand tied behind his back. The CIA says one thing, the Pentagon another. The State Department ,which on a good day might be able to find its own collective ass with both hands and a roadmap, says something else entirely and they all contradict and step all over each other in the process.

The disinformation may be deliberate, but from here it appears as if no one in the government is on the same page, and that always leads to the conclusion that no one in Washington can muster enough intellectual firepower to burn calories, and in this political climate that's rather dangerous for a sitting President .

UBL is dead. Great, I'm proud of you. Now prove it. Release video and pictures from the raid. 


Monday, April 25, 2011

The “I’m In” Campaign.........
