Showing posts with label Ma Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ma Clinton. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Hillary Guest-Edits Slutty Teen Magazine

Excerpts from DownTrend

"Having spent the last two months promoting her grimoire of grievance What Happened?, Hillary continues to linger like a bad case of gas on the day after Thanksgiving.  And now in an announcement that is sure to thrill the dead-enders and the next generation of feminists, Hillary will be guest editing the upcoming issue of Teen Vogue which is one of the last print editions. The issue is scheduled to hit newsstands in early December. In doing so it would seem that Hillary is putting her personal seal of approval on Teen Vogue’s often reprehensible sexual articles that promote ideas of being sexually promiscuous to a target audience of girls 11-17. 

This is the same magazine that drew outrage over July’s controversial “A Guide to Anal Sex” which is only one of the raunchy articles that the rag publishes on an ongoing basis and resulted in a boycott movement that may have impacted the publisher’s decision to put an end to the print edition. Traditional  mothers were outraged that the content was sending the message to their daughters that it was cool to be sluts.

Some other examples of the fare that seems directed at grooming future victims of sexual predators like Hillary’s Hollywood donor Harvey Weinstein are:“If I Have Oral Sex, Am I Still a Virgin?”- “Consent and BDSM: What You Should Know” - “Myths About Your Vagina You Should Not Believe”- you get the picture."

The Hill quotes Clinton: 
“Teen Vogue takes teen girls seriously and understands that style and substance aren’t mutually exclusive,” Clinton writes in the statement, saying she jumped at the chance to guest edit. “I love seeing articles about the search for the perfect makeup remover next to essays about running for office (I have strong opinions on both topics, but we’ll get to that later). Teen girls are a powerful force for good in the world, and it’s refreshing to see that reflected in these pages,” she continued. 

They call the issue “a celebration of resistance and resilience.” Having recently been swept up by the leftist propaganda hate train, it wouldn't surprise me if there was article titled "Contemplating Social Justice while giving your boyfriend a blowjob".

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

On This Date In History.......

Anticipating a Clinton victory, New York magazine writer Rebecca Traister said there was “an electric current running through” her body upon waking up that morning. Zara Rahim, Clinton campaign national spokeswoman told Esquire that she was already planning her Instagram caption. “We were waiting for the coronation........."

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Welcome Home Hillary

The mudslinging and scandal-mongering section of the Trump Psychopathic Derangement Ward has been scraping deeper and less fruitfully into their barrel lately. The weekly festival of hysteria has sputtered down to a pathetic squeak last week with the claim by the race-baiter of the day that the president mishandled a call of condolence to the widow of a black soldier.

But as Ma Clinton returns home from her overseas Madam "Should-Have-Been" President book tour to a country that is finally beginning to look seriously at what the Clinton Foundation, former president Clinton, and then-Secretary of State Clinton did in the Uranium One affair.  The combination of gifts and pledges to the Clinton Foundation by interested parties of somewhere between  $131 million and $145 million, and the approval by the secretary of state and Attorney General Eric Holder, as is required under national-security legislation, of the sale of substantial American uranium resources to Russia in 2010, are a good deal worthier of official scrutiny than is the phantasmagorical charade of Trump-Russian collusion. And a bird is getting ready to start singing.

Had there been even a hint Donald Trump had any part in such a sequence of transactions, the press and Resistance character-assassination squads would darken the air with their insentient salvos of calls of treason, and all the hot-air-balloon-brained film stars in Weinsteinwood and Late-Night pseudo-comedians would be screaming like banshees.

And now it looks like, just as I have said here many times, there's gonna be a lot of egg on peoples faces before all this political nonsense over.  As the Democratic National Committee is imploding and in shambles, we now hear Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC violated federal campaign finance law by hiding their payments for the infamous Donald Trump Dossier, as another bomb goes off in the Democrat's dugout. 

Welcome Home Hillary........

Monday, October 16, 2017

At Least She Didn't Blame It On The Russians......Well Not Yet.

DT - Big news out of London: Hillary Clinton fell down and broke her toe. Actually, that’s not big news because Hillary falls down all the time, whether it be fainting spells or getting taken out by an errant golf ball.  The actual interesting thing about this is how completely full of shit she is in explaining how she broke her toe. She may not be running for anything anymore, but she still has the Clinton Lie Machine cranked up to 11.

Now here’s how it happened according to Hillary:
“I was running down the stairs in heels with a cup of coffee in hand, I was talking over my shoulder and my heel caught and I fell backwards."
We seem to have some physics problems here from the woman who claims Republicans don’t believe in science. If her heel caught, that would propel her forward, not backwards. If she had slipped and her feet came out from underneath her, that would cause her to go backwards, but that ain’t what she said.

Next, we have some anatomy problems, again from the woman who takes the science-believing moral high-ground any chance she gets. Toes are on the front of the foot, not the back. If she somehow managed to defy physics by falling backwards after catching her heel, her toes wouldn’t have come in contact with anything. How did she manage to bust a toe with this unlikely scenario?

The answer is because she is such a lying sack of crap she feels the need to lie about something as unimportant as this. She literally can’t turn it off. That’s how being a compulsive liar works. And to prove this explanation isn’t all that truthful, she used it to score some political points:
“I tried to get up and it really hurt. I’ve broken my toe. I’ve received excellent care from your excellent health service." 
See what she did there? She gave a shout-out to Britain’s socialized medicine system as way to attack the health care system in the United States, which she is partially responsible for BTW.  Of course she didn’t mention that as a rich and famous person she received special treatment while the average person in England would have to wait to get the same treatment. What she should have said was that the health service was excellent for the privileged few like her.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hillary Clinton Thinks Moral Of ‘1984’ Is That We Should Trust The Government And Media

Are you reading Diogenes Middle Finger again?? Report to your Party Official at once! 

We as Americans are fortunate that this woman is not running the country right now. That isn’t to say that Trump is the bee’s knees, but seriously, who reads 1984 and comes out with this lesson? Sadly she probably has long thought this. Don’t question authority and “experts.” her. They know best. The woman is on the verge of checking out mentally...... 
Daily Caller - Clinton’s memoir “What Happened,” released Tuesday, suggests the goal of the government-sanctioned torture featured prominently in Orwell’s novel is to erode trust in the authoritarian overlords who control all aspects of society. This perspective is diametrically opposed to the central lesson most readers have drawn from the book since it was published in 1949. 
 Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism. This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos. This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered. The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, ex-perts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves. For Trump, as with so much he does, it’s about simple dominance.”  
"The origin of Clinton’s counter-intuitive interpretation of the work is unclear. Somehow, after reading a terrifying account of government overreach creeping into every aspect of human life and choice, Clinton drew the lesson that individuals should be able to trust the government, and society’s various information gatekeepers. A number of Clintons’ fellow Democrats have condemned the contents of the campaign memoir as unnecessarily divisive and derided her for the timing of its release. One former Clinton staffer told Politico that Clinton’s book release and the resulting news cycle was her “final torture” for the party."

Maybe Ma Clinton should spend a little less time grifting and more time with head in a real book. But since we don't think that will happen, we're sending this "expert" literary explanation of 1984 along to her in hopes it helps her understand.......

(Daily Caller)
h/t Crazy Cousin Olivia

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sounds like Something Hillary Would Do.....

In her newest scam book, Ma Clinton admits she thought about make voodoo dolls of her political enemies and media reporters, and “stick them full of pins” out of frustration over the coverage of the illegal email server scandal.
“It was a dumb mistake, but an even dumber ‘scandal.’ It was like quicksand: the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. At times, I thought I must be going crazy. Other times, I was sure it was the world that had gone nuts. Sometimes I snapped at my staff. I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins. Mostly, I was furious at myself.”
In her previous book, Hard Choices, Clinton described attending a voodoo spirit ceremony with a “voodoo priest” during her honeymoon with Bill Clinton in Haiti in 1975. She wrote:
"One of the most memorable experiences of our trip was meeting a local voodoo priest named Max Beauvoir. He invited us to attend one of his ceremonies. We saw Haitians “seized with spirits” walk on hot coals, bite the heads off live chickens, and chew glass, spit out the shards, and not bleed. At the end of the ceremony, the people claimed the dark spirits had departed."
Yeah, I think I know where they went!
Nothing says Honeymoon like a trip to a hell hole like Haiti and a voodoo ceremony with people biting the heads off chickens. No wonder these Clinton people are evil to the bone.

And speaking of Voodoo Queens, Check this out.....

Gatekeeper of DC Society Sally Quinn Comes Out as Occultist

(Daily Caller)
(Breitbart)                                        Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pointing Her Bony Finger at Barky

In case you haven't been keeping track, Ma Clinton has blamed just about everyone and everything for her epic election loss including James Comey, the Russians, Sexism, Trump collusion with Russia, Middle Finger News Service, James Comey, the Media, Bernie Sanders, Seasonal Jock Itch, the Russians, side three of The Beatles' White Album, and Toenail Fungus. But missing from this list is Hillary Clinton herself, who shouldn’t be held accountable for running a shitty campaign. There is one notable name missing, and we find Ma did finally indeed get around to blaming Barky Obama himself.

Why Hillary Always Wears Pant Suits
Tidbits of her new book that looks back at the 2016 election, “I F*cked Up And It’s Your Fault” have been leaking in advance and it’s full of her pointing the finger at everyone but herself. In the latest excerpt we learn that Obama is also to blame:
“I do wonder sometimes about what would have happened if President Obama had made a televised address to the nation in the fall of 2016 warning that our democracy was under attack. Maybe more Americans would have woken up to the threat in time. We’ll never know.”
What she is referring to is the bullshit narrative that the Russians hacked the election and stole it from her. The reason why Barky didn’t give a public address on the subject is because he knew it wasn't true. Sure, Barky loves lying, but at that point he was in legacy building mode and didn’t want to leave office on a bigger whopper than “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

If only Barky had lied for her, she would be president right now. That's a very Clinton thing to say, don't ya think? 

But after 8 years of an horrendously lawless and deceiving presidency, people were not all that psyched about another democrat in the White House. Especially another Clinton.  She stills fails to see that. But I do think we finally found something to be grateful to Barack Obama for......

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Clinton Points Boney Finger At Middle Finger News

CNN World - After blaming the Russians, WIKI Leaks, Trump Operatives, the DNC, her Campaign Staff, James Comey, Tweeter, Facebook, Climate Change and Toenail Fungus for her unexpected loss in November, Thursday Hillary Clinton again skirted her own blame by pointing a crooked arthritic finger at the up and coming Media Giant 'Middle Finger News Service' and it's Corporate Owner, Diogenes Middle INC.

Speaking before a gathering of Adult Diaper Manufactures Thursday, Mrs. Clinton fired both her whining barrels at the respected news organization as she became visibly upset:  
"I took great care to warn my replacement as Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry, about this vicious bunch at Middle Finger News, who he later labeled "Unamerican, Uncosmopolitan, Despicable Hooligans" after his own experiences with them.  I directly blame them for playing a large part in my ......*BURP*.... election loss for the false and totally unfair  portrayal of me to the American electorate. Especially that elusive witch who goes by the name Diogenes and her cohort.... that smartass Earl of Taint, both for their vicious satire and distorted imagery of me as a Drunken, Bumbling, Bloated, Radical Grandmother and Crime Family Boss with one foot in the grave. It's a G** D*** good thing for the whole bunch of them that I didn't get elected!!!"...... Those Rat Bastards are gonna pay!!........You HEAR ME!!!!!"
Mrs. Clinton then began repeatedly banging her head on the podium and broke down in tears and a raging coughing fit, and had to be helped off and attended to backstage.

When CNN contacted the MFNS HQ about the statement by Clinton, an unnamed MFNS spokesman refused comment, but the newsroom was heard to break out in uproarious laughter. When our reporter informed the spokesman he had never heard of Middle Finger News Service before, the spokesman laughed and responded "Don't get out much do ya Skippy? Shit, Go ask Anderson Cooper, we made him cry too!"

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bill & Hillary Decide to Attend Trump Inauguration

Photographers Will Be Salivating Over This Photo Opportunity. 

You just know there are going to be some awkward and uncomfortable looks on someone's face on January 20th.  And every photographer within a quarter of a mile will have a lens trained on Hillary Clinton as the Oath of Office is administered to Donald Trump.

CNN has reported former President Bill Clinton and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton have decided to attend President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. To me, it's good to finally see a democrat these days have a moment of lucidity and decide to act like an adult for a change. That, or Bill talked Hillary into attending hoping she strokes out or goes stark raving mad afterwards and he can finally be rid of the shrieking witch.

My fear was that something crazy would happen on the 20th, like Hillary taking a peaceful walk alone in the woods of Chappaqua during the inauguration ceremony and be mauled by a wild bunch of angry woodchucks or something and dominate the news cycle for the next two days. But now, my fears have been laid to rest. That is, if Hillary doesn't come unglued and stands on her chair, tearing at her clothes and yelling "the Russians rigged the Election!" Remember who we're dealing with here.  

Meanwhile, former President George W. Bush's office stated he and former first lady Laura Bush will also attend "and  are pleased to be able to witness the peaceful transfer of power", the last according some of our friends on the left.   Previously, Jimmy Earl Carter was the only former commander in chief who had publicly said he would attend Trump's inauguration. With Jimmy's dictator pals Hugo and Fidel dead now, he really hasn't anything to do anyway. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hillary's Pathetic Attempt at Humor in Benghazi Hearings

This testimony is playing out like a trial where a republican asked questions and the a democrat cross-examines and defends her against all the previous questions. The strange thing about this, to me at least, is that the democrats don’t really do this in the form of questions but instead just kinda present evidence and ask somewhat rhetorical questions. Her replies to democrats, when not yes or no , seem very rehearsed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Old People Yelling and Hillary Tells a Truth

Besides the expected old people yellin' about Republicans and Bernie Sanders looking like he should be angrily stamping your Property Tax Assessment, last nights debate did have one surprise I think no one saw coming.  It is indeed a historical moment in politics when someone named Clinton actually utters a verifiable truth. Hillary shocked the world last night by speaking about one particular topic. She has a vagina.
ANDERSON COOPER: Secretary Clinton, how would you not be a third term of President Obama?
CLINTON: Well, I think that’s pretty obvious. I think being the first woman president would be quite a change from the presidents we’ve had up until this point, including President Obama.
She mentioned nothing of foreign policy, the economy, or even unemployment. She basically said, “I am a woman. I have a vagina and that makes me better because Barack Obama does not have a vagina, but I do.” Maybe someone should clue her in on the fact that our current commander-in-chief doesn’t seem to have any balls, so being a woman doesn’t make her that different from Obama. (One wonders if she's seen those shots of him on a bike in Martha's Vineyard? She might be surprised at how not at all novel her gender-based qualification really is).

Hillary obviously “won” for her brilliant ability to answer questions without really answering them at all and because, well, she’s a woman, so that automatically makes her more qualified than anyone else on the stage. Just ask her, and she’ll tell you. Actually, you don’t even have to ask her, she’ll still tell you, over and over again.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Is Poetic Justice on the Horizon?

"There's a bigger story hidden inside the New York Times report that 'a special intelligence review of two emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton received as secretary of state on her personal account -- including one about North Korea's nuclear weapons program -- ... contained highly classified information when Mrs. Clinton received them, senior intelligence officials said.' The review was undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which presumably originated the material. They concluded that the material had originally been given the U.S. government's highest secrecy classification. Even if one of Clinton's aides stripped the markings (a felony), Secretary Clinton surely knew satellite intelligence and North Korean nuclear deployments are the U.S. government's most highly classified information.
"The media correctly saw the news as political trouble for Hillary, but they missed two other crucial elements of the story. Somebody high up in the intelligence community leaked that story. And Hillary faces far more than political trouble. She's being fitted for an orange jumpsuit. ...
"The intelligence services remember how seriously the Department of Justice dealt with former CIA directors John Deutsch and David Petraeus, who mishandled documents. They will demand equal treatment here. They will keep the heat on by leaking to the press. The Times story shows the faucet is already open. ...
"If Hillary's political troubles keep piling up, she won't make it to the general election. If her legal troubles keep piling up, she's going to wish the next president was Gerald Ford." - Professor Charles Lipson, University of Chicago 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

They're Shocked! Just Shocked.....

Ma Clinton has been handing out beer koozies to Des Moines residents and inviting Cedar Rapids soccer moms to private dinners where she can pick their brains, her numbers have been tanking across the board - not in early states, but in the swing states she needs to top Republicans in the eventual 2016 contest. According to a new poll from Quinnipiac, Clinton is being creamed by the three top Republican candidates everywhere it counts.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ma Clinton Says She’ll Only Appoint Supremes Who Will Overturn Citizens United Decision

But in the Meantime, She'll Take the Big Money

At a meeting with financial supporters last week, Hillary Clinton revealed she will only  nominate those to the Supreme Court committed to overturning the 2010 Citizens United ruling.  Clinton’s decision to make the Citizens United ruling a litmus test for the High Court nominees is her answer to reigning in the power of billionaires and multi-millionaires who wield unprecedented power over the American political process. You know, the very people who padded her campaign chest to over flowing before her street cred started south here of late.

I've always found it a beautiful irony when the very tactics so useful to democrats get use against them, and they start their stompy-footin' and hollerin' it's unfair!

Now any American with a political pulse knows there is to much money and lobbying influence in politics. But it wasn't until 2008 that independent political contributions, before the  Citizens United decision, skyrocketed in the 2008 presidential campaign. And it was not rich Republican Billionaires that put Barack Obama in office. 

But Ma Clinton and the democrats didn't seem to have a problem with big money before the Citizen United decision. Every wonder why?

Let's take a look shall we..... 

  Top Ten Contributors to 2008 Election Cycle Before CU:

   And Now the Top Ten from 2012 After CU:

It's easy to see by the blue (D's) and red (R's) lines to the left of the graphs who was racking in big money contributions in 2008. Of the top ten contributors to dems, 5 where labor unions, organization who extort millions from members who don't always vote Dem.  No outrage from the left there. But after CU the playing field began to level, and the results in part are now a Republican congress and a potential (thanks Barack) of retaking the White House in 2016. 

In 2012, the Super Pac's of  Thomas  Steyer of San Francisco and Mayor  Michael  Blommberg of New York together gave over 84 Million dollars, and those evil Koch Bros. (liberal gasp) that live rent free in the minds of many on the left, and have driven Harry Reid to the edge of insanity, gave combined contributions of 7 Million.  But the left speaks not a word of George Soros, who personal peeled off a cool 3.3 Million from his pocket outside his  super pac and millions he fronts numerous left wing causes to influence LoFo voters.

Granted, the argument for and against CU are complicated, but the SCOTUS decision boiled down to this:

From the ruling:
"Barring independent political spending amounts to squelching free speech protected by the First Amendment.
"The First Amendment protects not just a person’s right to speak, but the act of speech itself, regardless of the  speaker."
And from the dissenting opinion:
"The First Amendment protects only individual speech, not speech by associations of individuals."
"Government may prevent corruption, and campaign spending can be corrupt when it buys influence over legislators. Therefore government may impose spending limits on corporations and unions."
Simply put:  As long as big Labor Union contributions are consider free speech, but corporate and personal money is not, freedom is infringed.

Mrs. Clinton is showing by her statements on Citizens United and her litmus test for Supreme court nominees just what another Clinton Presidency will look like. More federal control through the courts, and democrat subversion of freedom and the original intent of the constitution.

And my point is this:  (1- We do disparately need Campaign finance reform. Fair reform. That is doubtful to come soon. And (2 -Three sitting Justices are approaching 80 years old, one is 82. Three other sitting Justices are in their 60's. 

The next president may have to appoint as many as 3, and possibly more justices in their first term in office. With the constitutional issues facing American today, Mrs. Clinton, or any Democrat elected to the nations Highest office in 2016 would be disastrous for America.