Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Porn Performances to Help Fund Ferguson Protest

What’s the best way to express your outrage over the attack on a police officer and killing of black thug.  Porn of Course!

In Ferguson to Take Some Big Ones for The Struggle
Sasha Pain, a San Francisco porn actress, was so upset at the police shooting of Michael Brown, and the response to the  rioting and looting, that she has decided to help the troubled situation and donate all of the money from her internet web-cam porn performances to help out in Ferguson, MO. 

Since last month’s police shooting of “gentile giant” thug Brown, the agitators of Ferguson have been protesting the perceived injustice by destroying property and stealing things that don’t belong to them. Adult actress Sasha Pain was so moved by the civil disobedience and chaos that she left her home and traveled to Ferguson to support the cause.
But Ms. Pain is not just in Missouri to join the protests, she has vowed to donate all of the money she earns from performing pornographic acts on webcams to help fuel the civil disobedience.
"Pain, who makes webcam sex videos, says she won’t stop working just because she’s on the road. When she has an Internet connection in Ferguson, she’ll make sex tapes and donate proceeds from videos to buy supplies to protect protesters from tear gas, she says."
“Everything that I make while I’m here that I don’t need to feed myself, the people I’m with and over my bills is going toward buying food for protesters and gas masks,” said Pain."
If the people of Ferguson thought they had a champion in Eric Holder and the Justice Department, they must be over the moon knowing that a Z-list porn actress is on the scene to protect their civil rights. Read More

Whether or not Pain makes any money in Ferguson with her web-cam or not, no doubt there will be no shortage of black gang bangers and gettho thugs lining up to help out the little White Girl enhance her web-cam performances. 

Ferguson, Missouri: Stupid on Steroids

by Robert Janicki
Not satisfied with putting Ferguson on the map as a city of mindless vigilantes and looters bent upon a hanging, rumor is abounding that Ferguson will look like a reprise of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 should the grand jury investigating the shooting of Michael Brown, not bring back a true bill of indictment of murder for Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
The facts be damed.  The vigilantes want their day in court or, more precisely, they want to see Darren Wilson in a kangaroo court long enough to find him guilty, but not too long for these criminal scum to find a rope and a tree to execute a death sentence upon Wilson.
These hushed threats are meant to intimidate the Grand Jury during their investigation of the facts, which would merely get in the way of a guilty sentence and a summary execution of Wilson by the assembled kangaroo court of nut cases, savages and barbarians.  Justice be damed.  The mob wants blood and their kind of justice.
"Far from finding peace after a round of summer protests and riots, Ferguson remains a city on the brink, its nearly every step troubled. The last week has been especially fraught.
In separate incidents, one Brown memorial went up in flames and part of another was run over.
When Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson tried to speak to demonstrators one night, clashes broke out with officers."
Now for a view from the other side of stupidity.  Okay, it's still stupidity, just another view.
"Then there was the city’s newly hired spokesman, brought in to help Ferguson repair its image. He was fired after it was revealed that he had been convicted of shooting and killing a man in 2004. "
I'm beginning to think that burning down Ferguson might not be all that bad, since it seems the participants deserve each other at this point in time and it might reduce any further protests from arising in the smoking debris that will surely be left behind by the mob from Group Stupid.

Read the Los Angeles Times account of Ferguson on fire here.  http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-ferguson-shooting-20140928-story.html

Monday, September 29, 2014

Trouble in Talk Show Land.......and That Didn't Take Long

Tempers explode on the set of The View
'I'm so sick of your s***!'

More of Your Tax Dollars at Work For America

 A $300,000 Study on How Bicycles Work?
 The Week 

While the movements of bicycles may seem fairly straightforward to most people, Washington is a bit confused. Apparently feeling that "even the simplest models of a bicycle with a rigidly attached rider have yet to be completely understood," the National Science Foundation spent $300,000 on a nearly four-year study of how bikes work.

Our Government is Puzzeled by the Mysteries of 19th Century Technology

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis and was titled "Human Control of Bicycle Dynamics with Experimental Validation and Implications for Bike Handling and Design."

Despite the extensive research that goes into designing bikes for events like the Tour de France, the study begins by claiming that the last century of research "has resulted in no useful design guidelines for the construction of bicycles with desired handling qualities." Worse yet, "Deeper questions regarding the fundamental control methods and objectives of a human rider also remain unanswered."

The researchers distilled their results into a slide presentation that establishes key points like the fact that bicyclists use their eyes, ears, and sense of touch while riding. The slideshow also features video of a researcher attempting unsuccessfully to ride a bike on a treadmill.  

A Legacy of Racial Politics

Eric Holder leaves a dismal legacy at the Justice Department, but one of his legal innovations was especially pernicious: the demonizing of state attempts to ensure honest elections.

Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. Well-established evidence show that voter-ID laws don't disenfranchise minorities or reduce minority voting, and in many instances enhance it, despite claims to the contrary by Mr. Holder and his allies. As more states adopt ID laws, the more left has railed against them with increasing fury, even invoking the specter of the Jim Crow era to describe electoral safeguards common to most nations, including in the Third World.

Ascribing racial animus to people who are trying to safeguard democratic integrity is a crude yet effective political tactic that obscures the truth. But there's something even worse than name-calling: legal interference from Washington with valid state laws.

A Good Monday Morning

Christian Science Monitor Joins Main Stream Media in the Stupid End of the Pool

Questions if Oklahoma Beheading was Really a Terrorist Act?

According to a staff writer at the Christian Science Monitor, the islamic beheader of Moore  Oklahoma may not have any formal connection with terror groups, and seems to just be "deeply sympathetic toward extremist Muslim groups" as proven by his post of "rambling Islamist invectives, photos of Osama bin Laden, and an image of a decapitation" on his social media outlets. 

In other words, his lack of possessing an official sanctioned islamic beheading permit, it wasn't an actual act of terrorism.
Jail House muslim convert Alton Alexander Nolen
by Rob Janicki
Hasn't CSM heard about "self radicalized" terrorists being encouraged to act out as "lone wolves" by ISIS and other islamist terrorist groups?  Seriously, just how dumb can CSM be?  They're so open minded, their brains have fallen out.  Okay, they're liberals, so that explains their confused and convoluted reasoning.  But it doesn't excuse their duty to report the facts and let readers draw their own conclusions.  
Not satisfied with showing the world how open minded they are, CSM goes on to demonstrate that they are completely clueless in the real world by trying our patience with their over intellectualizing of a very simple concept.  Nolen engaged in an act of savage barbarism commonly practiced by the most evil of the evil islamic terrorists.  He was an acknowledged convert to radical Islam.  The first step to prove his bona fides was to go out and convert infidels to islam.  The second and more important step was to kill infidels who refused to convert.  That pretty much defines his intent to prove himself to others in the Islamic terrorist movement.  
I'm not even certain CSM would accept a confession from Nolen that he was acting as an islamic terrorist.  I suspect CSM would jump in and claim he was merely lead astray for the moment when his true intent was to kill based upon the silly ass concept of "workforce violence".  The trouble with this idea is that Nolen did not seek out and kill anyone in his former work group that may have lead to his firing, which CSM seems to be asserting was his motivation for decapitating one woman and seriously injuring another woman.
At one level or another, liberals are nothing more than apologists for terrorists, much like they are apologists for minorities that cannot control themselves and engage in all kinds of mayhem, including murder, because they have been socially and economically deprived by the dominant white society.  That's plain bullshit that has been called out by Black conservatives as ridiculous and not based n demonstrable facts.
You can read more of he Christian Science Monitor drivel here.  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2014/0928/Oklahoma-beheading-Was-it-an-act-of-terrorism-video 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Off the Rails Democrat Tweet of the Week

Vice Chairwoman of the DNC

I once again apologize for my state foisting upon America such leftist moonbats as former Al Gore Campaign Manager, Donna Brazile, and the infamous James Carville among others. Luckily, Democrats are a dying breed in this state outside of their traditional strongholds in the deep southern parts of the state.  

"I've Always Had a Business Type Relationship With Putin..."

".....Firm and Blunt" - Barack Obama on '60 Minutes'

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Welcome to Gulag Obama

 Therapeutic Counseling and Re-education Camp for Political Dissidents. 

by Robert Janicki  
 "A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced Dinesh D’Souza to five years of probation, including eight months in a community confinement center, ordering no jail time for the conservative author and pundit who pleaded guilty to using straw donors to make an illegal campaign contribution...." 
 "U.S. District Judge Richard Berman handed down the sentence, which also includes a $30,000 fine. D'Souza must attend weekly therapeutic counseling sessions and perform community service, the judge said....."    
When was the last time anyone heard of a non-violent Federal Election Code conviction and sentencing including "therapeutic counseling sessions'?  That strongly smacks of a communist Russia gulag re-eduction camp experience for political dissidents.  But the judge wasn't finished by any means.  In addition to the excessive $30,000 fine, the judge committed D'Souza to 8 months in a half way house, which means he can leave during the day to earn a living, except for the "therapeutic counseling sessions" and one day a week of community service teaching English to immigrant children.  Frankly, I'm surprised that the judge didn't shame him further by ordering him to trot around the entrance of the half way house during his incarceration hours carrying a placard saying he was convicted of a crime against nature and all of humanity.

I challenge anyone to find a comparable sentence handed down for a similar violation of the Federal Election Code.  It just doesn't happen, unless you're the president's biggest and most observable and articulate critic on a national level.

D'Souza's crime was convincing two friends to each donate $10,000 to the political campaign of an old friend from college, with the proviso that he would repay them at a later date.  That was it.  That was what D'Souza was convicted of under the Federal Elections Code.  Now, I'm not saying D'Souza is innocent, but what I am saying is that the sentence handed down was not consistent with similar violations of the Federal Election Code. 

That's where justice has been seriously blurred with the retribution of a  political outcome.

Craigslist Job Opening for “Attorney General "

MFNS Exclusive – First Pic Of Chelsea’s Baby Girl

Educational Crash Course # 651

 Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

'The Theory Scientific Method of Global Cooling
 Global Warming  Climate Change
Climate Disruption Explained'

Next in Series: 

"Integrity in Public Service"
A Dissertation by Eric Holder

Best Dinner Table Comeback of the Night......

"Excuse me, but my 'White Privilege' doesn't allow me the ability to function consistently at a mediocre level and still attain advancement because of my skin color." BAM!! - Spoken to a liberal by a state employee passed over for promotion 3 times for a lesser qualified minority candidate.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Creativity is Now the Purview of the Emperor Obama

Plans Required Permits for Photographers in National Parks

Ansel Adams made himself and our national parks famous for photographing the natural beauty he found in the great American west. Now, in this land of “freedom and liberty,” Obama plans to prevent any more Ansel Adams by forcing photographers to get permits to be allowed to photograph our parks.
Adams roamed freely in this land of the free and captured images that have been beloved by naturalists all around the world.
But now Obama is planning to put a stranglehold on new Ansel Adams by controlling who is *allowed* to take photos in our national parks with a new “permit” system. Worse, Obama plans to charge up to $1,500 for these permits according to a report by the Associated Press.
"Mickey H. Osterreicher, general counsel for the National Press Photographers Association, said such rules would be a clear violation of the First Amendment and raises concerns about press freedom, including whether denying a permit would amount to prior restraint.
“What if they deny you a permit because they don’t like the story you’re working on?” he asked.
Oh, Obama’s regime has all sorts of reasons for this new system, but none of them hold water.....