Saturday, November 12, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Tiger in the Hog Pin

Last week the big uglies from Alabama came to the Tiger house and managed to pull out Nick Saban's 200th career win, but got his ego bruised in the process.  Now the Tigers have to back it up as they travel to Fayetteville to take on the Arkansas Razorbacks. 

From 1913 to 1936 and again from 1953-56 and sporadically thereafter, the annual Arkansas / LSU game was played here at fairgrounds Stadium (now Independence Stadium and home of the Independence Bowl) as part of the draw for the Louisiana State Fair. In 1992 Arkansas join the SEC and the games reverted to home fields

Saturday the Hogs will be flying high after they ran through the vaunted Florida Roosters defense last week, exposing them for the fraud they are.

But this game in the Hog Pin is one I circle on the schedule every year because regardless of standing and the win column, you never know which Hog team will show up. The Piglets or Angry Papa Boar.

And I don't have to remind anyone that the last couple of years this is where the Tigers took their belly-flop after the loss to the Crimson Tide. This year I don't think that will happen. The Tigers have easily shut down better passers then Austin Allen in past weeks, and I see no reason they won't him too.

I say Tigers by 17 

#1 Alabama vs Mississippi St.
Line up the ambulances!
I say Tide by 38  

Auburn vs Georgia
Auburn should count their blessings they're not playing Alabama this week. And I'm not gonna say Auburn is Lucky, but #9?
The Bulldogs give them fits.
I say Auburn by 6  

Ole Miss vs Texas A&M
Both teams have lost their starting QB's so this is a toss-up.
After the embarrassment last week by Miss St. I think the Aggies defense rules the day.
I say Aggies by 14  

South Carolina v Florida
The Gamecocks are said to be coming into their own late in the season and the Florida Roosters are.......well, just overstuffed Roosters.
I say Gamecocks by 6  

One for the Road:
6-3 USC outlast undefeated Washington at home. 
UPSET: USC by 3 

Attention Election Protesters: A Special Middle Finger Symphony Performance Just for You!

With Lyrics, Because We Know You're Kinda Slow to Catch On.....

You're Welcome.

This Day We Honor Our Veterans

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Glass Ceiling WAS Shattered. Just Not By a Crook!

Donald Trump's campaign manager will go down in history as the first woman to ever manage a successful presidential campaign. (AP Photo/John Locher)
 W. Examiner:
Donald Trump's intrepid 49-year-old campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, will go down in history as the first woman to ever manage a successful presidential campaign.
The veteran Republican pollster and mother of four became Trump's campaign manager in late August, shortly after her predecessor, Paul Manafort, was booted from the post. Manafort had assumed the role of campaign manager following Trump's firing of Corey Lewandowski, a New Hampshire native and GOP campaign operative who ran the operation through the primary.
From the moment she was placed at the helm of Trump's campaign to the final 72 hours of the election, Conway seemed to possess an acute understanding of how to guide the blustery billionaire toward discipline and his eventual success. Toward the end of the election, Conway told reporters that she never hesitated to air her frustrations when Trump would wander off message or land himself at the center of controversy after making some outlandish remark.
Immediately after she took over the campaign, and again in the waning days of the election, Conway was credited with ensuring Trump remained exceptionally disciplined. She tethered him to a teleprompter, placed restrictions on his Twitter privileges and worked diligently to boost his appeal among women and minorities, while strengthening his existing appeal among blue collar workers and the white working class.
Conway also spent months defending her ideas and strategy against the contrasting suggestions by other senior staffers, namely Manafort (before his departure) and Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon. She prevailed more often than not. 

The Picture of the Week......

Just milliseconds before Ricky Maddow’s head explodes…

Meanwhile, Back in Chappaqua.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Election a 'Wake Up Call For the Media

Donald Trump's electoral victory took some Americans by surprise, but perhaps none were as stunned as the liberal news media. MRC Vice President of Culture and Business Dan Gainor called Trump’s win a “full on repudiation of the elites in news and entertainment” who “act like nothing goes on in the rest of America.” He appeared on Fox Business Network’s Intelligence Report Nov. 9.
“I think it should be a wakeup call for the media. They’re tied into this New York, LA, DC axis, and they act like nothing goes on in the rest of America. “They don’t wanna cover people in their faith, they don’t wanna cover people in their jobs, they don’t wanna cover the impact of these climate regulations, how they’re devastating coal states across the country,”
After Trump won the election liberals in both the news media and Hollywood had a collective meltdown. ABC’s Martha Raddatz got choked up as she bashed Trump, Andrea Mitchell claimed “history put on hold yet again,” and celebrities whined about wanting to puke over the election results.
See Video Here
Alex Pareene, editor of Deadspin, an off-shoot of the sewer media 'Gawker', unleashed an extended diatribe in reaction to the election of Donald Trump Wednesday: 
"Blame white people. Blame white men in particular, but reserve plenty of blame for white women. Blame old people...Blame rich people, as always. Blame the public...for Donald fucking Trump getting more votes than Donald Duck....Blame the Founders for enshrining white supremacy in our constitution and making it nearly impossible to fully expunge. Blame a political system that advantages rural areas at the expense of urban ones, mostly in order to preserve our white supremacist heritage."
Blame the deep-seated misogyny of the...conservative press, which—with a clutch assist from much of the mainstream press—caused a politician who is calculating and ambitious in mostly ordinary ways to be perceived as a conniving Lady Macbeth, while somehow allowing a man with an incredibly well-documented history of chauvinism, harassment, and outright sexual abuse to pawn it off as regular, if slightly old-fashioned, alpha masculinity....." 
And people wonder why we don't elect Presidents by popular vote. 


Trump Victory Prompts Psychiatrists Rush to Blue States

Attention: Volunteers Needed
Strong backs and weak minds needed to help Babs Streisand, Cher, Steven King, Samuel L. Jackson, Amy Schumer, and a host of other attention starved B Grade celebrities no ones heard of, pack their shit and be ready to move outta the country as promised before inauguration day Jan. 20th. Below minimum wage I'm sure.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Power of Unity

Trump Supporter And Clinton Supporter Hold Each Other’s Hair While Vomiting 
Out Of Election Anxiety

If this doesn’t prove what’s beautiful about America, we don’t know what does.  Politically, Sarah Goodwin and Colleen Cassidy agree on almost nothing. They vehemently oppose the other’s candidate of choice and couldn’t differ more on the direction our country should be heading in. Yet, as this heatedly divisive election cycle comes to a head, these two demonstrated just how powerful a united American people can be when we put our differences aside and work together: Sarah, a Trump supporter, and Colleen, a Clinton supporter, held each other’s hair back while vomiting out of intense election anxiety.

In a campaign season as contentious as this one, you really have to stop and appreciate moments like this.  LOL!

Trump Has The Loonies Leftist at Salon Looking for a "Safe Place"

Wealthy Liberal celebrities have threatened to leave the US if Donald Trump wins the election, some even claiming they will leave the planet. That however pales in comparison to what D. Watkins, an editor for the lefty website Salon, wants black people to do. He says they should all move to Atlanta Georgia, and then split from America altogether.


D. Watkins has a funny feeling that Trump is going to win and that isn't sitting well with him. In fact he says, “If Trump wins, we’re outta here” because apparently he speaks for all black people. He also raises the alarm that all black people are “doomed” if Trump wins unless they can find a safe space.

Which brings us to his grand plan of migration and succession:
"Atlanta can be the capital of a new black nation. 
Donald can’t send us to Africa, and the idea of a massive black migration to Canada is unrealistic. But we can all make to Atlanta, which might be the most progressive black-majority city in our country. It’s kind of how Brooklyn is for white people now. There’s an endless number of black lawyers, doctors, accountants and business owners — plus everybody is nice and they’ll all love to take a listen to your mixtape. 
Beyond all that, maybe we can pool our money together, redefine education, start our own army and even build a wall. A real wall — far more impressive than the one Donald is lying about building between us and Mexico. A massive bulletproof structure to separate us from Trump, the KKK, his supporters, his KKK supporters, all the heavily armed George Zimmerman types and the rest of the morons who hate and or try to destroy blackness — like Ben Carson and Stacey Dash."
Who is going to protect all of the black people in this black utopia from other black people, who are the ones who actually kill most blacks? Donald Trump, the KKK, and George Zimmerman have collectively killed exactly one black person in this century and that was a justifiable case of self-defense. Black people on the other hand kill between 8,000 and 10,000 other black people every year. Cramming every black person in this country into a walled-off Atlanta is unlikely to reverse the shocking level of black-on-black murder.

But wait, it gets even crazier:
"I would also like to extend the invitation to all Mexicans as well — because even though we disagree on everything from dance moves to our taste in music to the way we wear our jeans to how rice should be prepared, we all have to unite and protect ourselves from Donald Trump and the long list of angry supporters who are going to be even angrier when he doesn’t make good on any of his promises."
Imagine 37 million blacks and 50 million Latinos occupying the 132 square miles of Atlanta, surrounded by a “massive bullet proof wall.” Things are going to get a little cramped and violent. You couldn't find a shittier more frightening place on the planet. Syria and Iraq would look like luxury resorts compared to this “new black nation.”

There are obviously some big problems with this plan beyond the fact that this black/Mexican utopia would have approximately 90% of all criminals living in it. There aren’t 87 million jobs to be had in Atlanta, and won’t be any hard working white people paying taxes to support the 86.6 million unemployed residents of this hellhole. 

Last time I checked was owned and run by white people. But, then again, no one ever accused the left of being rational.....