Saturday, December 2, 2017

No Sex After Surgery

San Francisco - It is being reported the House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is suing a major medical facility in California claiming that "after her husband had surgery there he lost all interest in sex." A hospital spokesman responded to Mrs. Pelosi's claims saying "Your husband was admitted to have cataract surgery. All we did was correct his eyesight."

Friday, December 1, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Y'all Take a Deep Breath and Relax

We were greeted this morning with the news that Robert Mueller let Michael Flynn off with a relatively minor plea deal to one count of lying to investigators:
JUST IN: @BrianRoss on @ABC News Special Report: Michael Flynn promised "full cooperation to the Mueller team" and is prepared to testify that as a candidate, Donald Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians."
Of course this tweet was from none other then ABC’s Brian Ross, who we all know has a rep for reporting unverified info in the past in order to be the first on the air.  I was told when his statement was read live on "The View" that two of the more vehement Trump Hating Banshees literally had orgasms right there on camera and, like many lefties on The Tweeter, it was Whoop There IT IS!........Proof of collusion!........Trump Needs to Resign! Blah Blah Blah...

However, the more believable Reuters, as well as others like Fox News were reporting that the prosecution is focusing not on Candidate Trump, but on President-Elect Trump. Big difference. 
Prosecutors say Flynn was told by the senior member of Trump transition team to reach out to other countries to influence the U.N. vote to delay or defeat the resolution 
An order from a “senior member of Trump transition team” could mean Trump. It could also mean Chris Christie, Mike Pence, or one of the Trump family.  It could also mean combinations of them or all of them. But valid reasons exist for a president-elect to reach out to foreign governments, although not for the purpose of interfering with the current administration’s foreign policy, as Flynn now appears to have admitted doing with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyal in December. If it’s just about the transition, it might be that Mueller wants to make a Logan Act case, which hasn’t been tried for almost 200 years.

There is lots to be learned about all this yet.

But seeing the former late night comedians have pretty much run out of Trump material and have had to turn on old men in Alabama as well as rely on made up stories lately, see post immediately below, all this comes at a great time for them.........

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Journalistic Midgets and Manufactured News

One of the most pathetic features of today’s journalist wasteland is the non-ending stream of mindlessly dishonest hit pieces on Donald Trump, his family, and anyone in his administration. Unlike in years past where this kind of stuff was relegated to hyper-partisan writers at self-identified leftist media outlets, today it passes for mainstream journalism. Take this story from the journalistic midgets at Newsweak Newsweek: IVANKA TRUMP PLAGIARIZES ONE OF HER OWN SPEECHES IN INDIA. (I won't link to this pathetic rag. You can Google it)

This intrigued me because plagiarizing yourself is one of the few things that is actually impossible to do:
We can argue whether Ivanka should have been using parts of campaign stump speech at this event, but to call it plagiarism is an exercise in slander because Newsweek knows that recycling your own material without attribution is not an issue to anyone who is not trying to manufacture and scandalize an issue, as weak an issue as it is no less.  But, we are talking of a organization that was once bought for $1.00........

[The Tweeter]
H/T Konan The Bar Barron

Michigan AG Candidate Really Wants You to Know She Won't Be Whipping Out Her Penis

Michigan Attorney and Candidate for State Attorney General, Dana Nessel,  decided to capitalize on all the recent male sexual harassment news by reassuring voters she is running on a "no Johnson" platform and that there is no way she would show anyone her Penis.  And since the left has gone to great lengths to explained to us that you can call yourself a woman and indeed have a penis, it's important for this Democrat to point out to voters that she is not so equipped and has no penis to flash at you or her staff if elected. 

After watching her campaign commercial I hope she is as emphatic about keeping her moustache shaved as not doing any staff harassin' or showing her no-no parts.

And I ask you, in this video below, does she not look like
 Anthony Weiner in Drag????

Vote for me because I have a vagina.
Is anyone else getting a feeling of deja vu all over again here?

[CBS Detroit]
H/T Broadside Betty

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Left's Circular Firing Squad Training Video


By Garrison Keillor


And life comes at you fast.....

STATEMENT FROM MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO REGARDING GARRISON KEILLOR AND A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION NOVEMBER 29, 2017 - Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is terminating its contracts with Garrison Keillor and his private media companies after recently learning of allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him. Last month, MPR was notified of the allegations which relate to Mr. Keillor's conduct while he was responsible for the production of A Prairie Home Companion (APHC). MPR President Jon McTaggart immediately informed the MPR Board Chair, and a special Board committee was appointed to provide oversight and ongoing counsel. In addition, MPR retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of the allegations.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Citing Continued Butt Hurt, CNN Will Be Boycotting White House Christmas Party

CNN may very well be the best example of a bloated corpse rotting in the middle ground of the wasteland that is American cable news. And being ground zero for Trump's criticism of “fake News” and childish journalist nonsense like the recent PieGate, the journalistic snoop dogs of CNN told POLITICO Tuesday it will be boycotting the Trump White House Christmas party for the media this year:
“CNN will not be attending this year's White House Christmas party.  In light of the President's continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests. We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants.” 
Now I'm pretty sure this news didn't break any hearts around the White House, and as a hint how the self-important breaking news was received, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted out Tuesday night:
“Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from @CNN.”
And CNN surely knew what was coming, a predicable sarcastic twitter eruption:

Boycotting is almost like an extension of CNN’s stupid #FactsFirst campaign; that is, an empty gesture to regain some credibility that never should have been lost in the first place. But here we are........

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!