Monday, January 15, 2018

Who Knew You Could Buy a Journalist for the Price of a Hooker?

A contributor to the scuzzy feminist website 'Jezebel', and purportedly a self described comedian (?) Sara Benincasa, tweeted out Saturday that she would offer $300 to any journalist who asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with the country of Wakanda and gets him answering on video. If you're like me, you too have no idea where Wakanda is. Just so happens Wakanda is the name of the fictional place where the Marvel's cartoon superhero Black Panther comes from. Um-Kay....

Granted, a story of this caliber would, in fact, be a step up from Benincasa’s usual fare know for pieces like “I am So Not Sorry About My Vagina, and Other Apologies We Should Retract.” (sorry but I don't link to this website). In her lengthy thread on the tweeter, Benincasa encouraged others to offer monetary incentive saying she would start up a crowdfunding or Venmo thingy whereby any others who wish to thank the intrepid reporters bravery can add to the purse. Benincasa recommended that journalists who wanted to score the $300 prize could “casually drop the name of Wakanda in among a list of other things he’s never heard of, like Estonia and Ethics.”
"I am offering $300 to the journalist who very seriously asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with Wakanda and gets the question and answer recorded live on video. I know $300 doesn’t sound like a lot to some people but I also know what most reporters make so...$300. @SaraJBenincasa 
According to The Media Research Center, the Huffington Post’s Jason Linkins tweeted, “I will match Sara’s $300.” Best known for his articles in the HuffPo headlined, “Trump Era Ignorance Triumphs Over Shakespeare,” “James Comey Calls Donald Trump A Liar (Because He Is),” and “The Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory is Emblematic of the Trump Era,” the offer seems to fall in line with the rest of Linkins’ political narrative. TV Guide editor Alex Zalben threw in his two cents, tweeting:
 “If you follow this up with a question (that he answers) about whether Wakandan/American relations are complicated by them granting asylum to the terrorist fugitive James Buchanan Barnes, I will double the offer.” 
She also encouraged successful journalists to “donate the money" somewhere like the Committee to Protect Journalists. The CPJ recently placed President Trump on a list of authoritarian leaders with the label, “world’s worst press oppressors.” He was the winner of the “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom,“ and runner up for “Most Thin-skinned.” Trump was listed along with world leaders who use actual terrorism to influence the press. But that doesn’t matter. It’s all anti-Trump, which means it must be worthwhile, right?

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Maybe Someone Needs To Rethink The Saying "It's So Easy Even a Caveman Can Do It."


DT - The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results, but that wisdom is lost on Democrat Al Green and his quixotic mission to bring impeachment charges against President Trump.

Green is one of the more obnoxious members of the self-segregating Congressional Black Caucus as well as one of the butt-ugliest human beings that has ever prowled the halls of Congress. The former head of the Houston NAACP turned politician has repeatedly seen his efforts go down to defeat, often in an embarrassing manner. But for what Green lacks in intellectual firepower, he more than makes up for in persistence. Green is once again vowing to impeach Trump over referring to “shithole” counties as “shithole” countries because like everything to a black identity progtards with a twisted worldview EVERYTHING is racism when it comes from the man who replaced Barack Obama in the White House:
Congressional condemnation of racist bigotry is not enough. In Congress, talk is cheap-it’s how we vote that counts. Next week, I will again bring a resolution to impeach @realDonaldTrump. I will put my vote where my mouth is. #RepealandReplaceTrump.
Green’s imbecilic outburst should also provide fodder that a similar constitutional amendment be created mandating a basic civics test for members of Congress. The Constitution pretty much defines what is and is not an impeachable offense and unfortunately for goofy Green, having a serious case of red-ass over your guy losing an election isn’t one of them. This sorry excuse for a congressman wouldn’t recognize the document if it sneaked up behind him and bit him in his ignorant, grandstanding ass.

In a sane society with a functional media and political leadership that puts America first it would be funny to watch the Democrat clown car careening around but unfortunately, we don’t live in one. The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum since Hillary’s crushing loss and they are making a break for the fences… READ MORE

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Apparently, Not Wanting to Repeat Errors of the Past Makes you a Racist.

Sure, ideally it would be nice if the President of the United States wasn’t quoted as describing other countries as Shitholes. But these places are Shitholes. They’re places where for the most part the local culture is unquestionably dysfunctional, and where civil society as we know it does not exist. Personally, I don't care if he said it or not. And if he did, it accurately reflects the sentiments of much of America. Not wanting to repeat errors of the past does not make you a racist. This has nothing to do with color. It's about culture.

And really, is there any question Haiti is a Shithole?  If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be one of the most prominent recipients of American charity aid on Planet Earth. And it isn’t like this country has ignored Haiti — America has been trying to lift it out of shithole status for more than a century, with absolutely no result whatever. There is no poorer country in the Western Hemisphere than Haiti, though given time Communist Venezuela might well change that. And no, it’s not racist to note Haiti is a shithole.

And yes, El Salvador is also a shithole. When your country has the world’s highest murder rate, you qualify for shithole status. Know what you get when you take in an unlimited number of illegal Salvadorans? You get an MS-13 street gang spreading its vicious tentacles into every Hispanic community in America in the same way the Italian mafia achieved a chokehold in the Italian community in this country a century ago. It was the determination of  Ronald Reagan, by use of American treasure and a bit of blood as well, which kept El Salvador from becoming a Communist shithole rather than an ordinary one, an effort which has resulted in little thanks from anyone in that region.

Who’s up for more immigration from Somalia?  What has America derived from mass immigration from Somalia? Machete attacks on street corners in Columbus and mall stabbings in suburban Minneapolis. And if you like, you can ask the current and former residents of Lewiston, Maine, what a boon Somali immigration has been to that town. 

Afghanistan, anyone? How much of Afghan culture would we like to pour into our national melting pot? One imagines we have suitable populations of Hollywood and New York sophisticates who would find the Afghans’ use of little boys as sexual playthings rather quaint and charming. The open-borders crowd doesn’t want to talk about that, though, and it wants to call you racist if you’re opposed to a deluge of immigrants from an abusive cultural who have no desire to assimilate.

That’s why Trump’s “Shitholes” objection is big news rather than the fact there are so-called political leaders who can’t agree to reorient our immigration policy toward a merit based system and taking people who can contribute and successfully assimilate here.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

RĂ©sille Vendredi

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Phony Steele Dossier Intelligence: Read For Yourself

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Dems Appoint Two Bonehead Leftist To Judiciary Committee

Democrats have taken advantage of the the present cultural and political climate to install two of their most radical and outspoken up & coming Barack Obama clones on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker both come from law backgrounds, (Harris slept her way to the top to California Attorney General) but have publicly professed support of Black Lives Matter and other radical minority organizations, and also have recently made statements which have given some pause because of their ignorance of constitutional matters and past history. 

But we all know that's not what they're there for. Harris and Booker, while both come from mixed race heritage, identify themselves as black and thus able to shield their radical partisanship and positions from criticism by the threat of racism accusations. 

According to the Washington Post, Harris was seen early on as a likely candidate to replace Al Franken after he announced he would resign amid accusations evidence of being a pervert.  Booker was more of a surprise since he had testified against Jeff Sessions when he was nominated for attorney general. That kind of move against a fellow senator was highly unusual at the time, but proved his worth as a useful idiot in doing the Dems racist dirty work.
The Trump administration has repeatedly demonstrated its hostility to the ideals of civil rights and equal justice for all,” Booker said in a statement on Tuesday. “As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will make it my mission to check and balance President Trump and Attorney General Sessions.” 
Democrats were able to appoint two members to the committee because of the new makeup of the Senate. When Doug Jones was elected to be the Senator from Alabama, his election shrunk the majority hold that Republicans had on the Senate.  Booker and Harris are generating buzz as 2020 presidential candidates and you can expect both to resist with a full-throated chorus any Trump Administration's future High Court nominees or policies/ civil rights initiatives. Get out-da-way Oprah!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Norks Break Their Silence on "The Oprah 2020"

Donald Trump Named Top Global Oppressor of the Press

U.S. News Media No Longer Allowed to Lick Their Own Balls

The Committee to Protect Journalists has named Donald Trump winner of its “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom” in its “Press Oppressors” awards. The CPJ named Trump as the leader who most undermined press freedoms in 2017, despite the fact numerous other world leaders actually work to block the free press in their countries.
"While previous U.S. presidents have each criticized the press to some degree, they have also made public commitments to uphold its essential role in democracy, at home and abroad. Trump, by contrast, has consistently undermined domestic news outlets and declined to publicly raise freedom of the press with repressive leaders such as [Chinese President] Xi, [Turkish President] ErdoÄŸan, and [Egyptian President] Sisi."
He gets a lot done with those tiny hands, doesn't he. Just goes to show a little determination goes along way. I mean China has the great firewall that censors speech in real time and requires news outlets to have licenses. Turkey, well they just kills journalists Erdogan doesn’t like, all the while Trump hasn’t even proposed legislation against the fifth estate, he just tweets.

Meanwhile, journalists in countries hostile to a free press are facing persecution every day around the world. According to Reporters Without Borders, all Middle Eastern, Asian, eastern European and most South American, Central American, African and Caribbean countries have a less free press than in America, yet their leaders aren’t as oppressive to journalists as Trump?

The committee actually maintains a list of countries where journalists are most likely to be killed by the government. I suppose the fact America isn’t on the list was why committee felt comfortable presenting their award here despite having the worlds worst oppressor of journalists. Either that or these people being professional journalists are acquainted with uses of words the ordinary person might not be.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!