Monday, April 30, 2018

No Time For Pulitzers. The Great Missing French Oak Caper

If Only the Media Were As Zealous About Finding Hillary's 
33,00 Missing Emails

Americans and French citizens can now breathe a sigh of relief. Soon after major network investigation units swung into action, the riveting mystery of the missing French oak tree planted by President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron on the White House lawn has been solved.

Something of a mystery had taken root at the White House when a media Lieutenant Columbo type noticed the oak tree sapling went missing. Rumors swirled after a picture posted by Reuters photographer Yuri Gripas appeared to show a bare spot on the South Lawn of the White House where the tree had previously stood. The media jumped into action and were hot on the case. 

The sapling was a gift from the French president during last week's ballyhooed state visit. But less than a week later pictures by the media sleuth showed only an off-color patch of turf where the sapling had been last seen.

Not surprisingly, the White House did not immediately respond to the media inquires and requests for comment. (but laughing was said to be heard coming from the direction of the West Wing). 

After all the brouhaha, it turns out the tree planting was only ceremonial, as the plant needed to be quarantined before it could be permanently planted in accordance with U.S. Customs and Border Protection guidelines. Late in the day an official from France's presidential office said the jig was up and finally told Reuters the tree, imported from France's Belleau Wood forest, needed to be quarantined in order to prevent the spread of any potential parasites or diseases and it would return in the near future.  Even a tree from France needs to be thoroughly vetted and quarantined before entering the US. So Why Not Immigrants??

CNN White House Correspondent Jimmy Acosta Contemplates
Another Pulitzer Prize Story That Got Away 

(Associated Press)
(ABC News)

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Why We Can't Have Nice Things.....

James Carville famously once said of Paula Jones,"If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Well,  we know now what you get if you drag an invitation to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner through the alley behind the Comedy unattractive, unhinged and shamelessly vulgar leftist with a voice that will peel paint named Michelle Wolf.  #Keep It Classy Dems

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

A Special Double Feature - Live from Daryl's House

No Drink Minimum & Dancing is Encouraged! 

Friday, April 27, 2018

The MFNS News Photo of the Day

It’s a Slow Burn Cultural Revolution

The Famous Statue of The Father of American Music - Stephen Collins Foster

The Marxist Cultural Revolution is alive and well in America, and has claimed another victim. The city of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania's iconic monument to native son Stephen Collins Foster, the Antebellum songwriter widely acknowledged as the Father of American Music has been deem offensive and the 117 year old statue removed from public view.

At morning' first light, the 1,000-pound 10-foot-high bronze statue that stood at the entrance to Oakland's Schenley Park for 74 years, moved from its original location near the entrance to Highland Park to prevent vandalism, was remove on orders of the city's cultural commissar public art and civic design manager, Yesica Guerra. Never-mind the leading citizens of late 19th century Pittsburgh selected the statue's design and commissioned the noted Italian émigré, sculptor Guiseppe Moretti to create it, and was dedicated with great fanfare in 1900.

Foster, who was born in Pittsburgh on July 4, 1826, wrote more than 200 songs, including such time-honored classics as "Oh Susanna," "Camptown Races" and "Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair." The statue had stirred controversy for years because it depicts Foster standing with a black man playing a banjo at his feet. The hyper-sensitive I'm offended crowd have described it as racist and demeaning to blacks(?) Others have argued that it depicts Foster gaining inspiration from a black musician. While some of Foster's songs contain graphic, derogatory depictions of slaves, he is credited with being among the first musicians to dignify and humanize blacks through his songs. He died at age 37 on Jan. 13, 1864 in New York City, with 38 cents in his pockets.

The city plans to replace the statue with a memorial to black women and has scheduled public meetings to gather suggestions before deciding on a theme. Perhaps a large black granite depiction of Michelle Obama's Ass would satisfy the shit-weasels. 

(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
(Trib Live)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Diversity On Demand.

Diversity On Demand
Rent-A-Minority is a revolutionary new service designed for those oh-shit moments where you've realized your award show, corporate brochure, conference panel is entirely composed of white men. For, like, the fifth year in a row. Suddenly you're being called out on Twitter and you need to look not-racist and not-misogynist fast. Actually doing something meaningful to disrupt institutional inequality would be way too much work; so why not just Rent-A-Minority instead?

We have a minority for every occasion. 
Whether it’s a tech conference panel, an awards show, an advert, or a business meeting, we will collaborate to find the right minority for you. All of our minorities have been vetted to ensure they are not “too black” or “too Muslim” or “too much of a Feminist.” We know how awkward that can be. Each minority comes with bespoke pricing based on a proprietary algorithm that analyzes current states of supply/demand and the Degree of Diversity (TM) intrinsic to the potential hire.

H/T   Shamelessly Stolen from Gerard VanderLeun

And The Moonbat Fever Swamp Erupted With a Mighty Din.

He dared to violate the rules of the anti-Trump hive mind by supportive comments of the legitimately elected president. And now he is being brutally scourged by his peers as the whips are loudly cracking to discourage more blacks willing to exercise critical thinking. Not only did the husband of bubble-butt bimbo go rogue, but so did another who tweeted that “black people don’t have to be Democrats” and will surely join him on the gallows. The shadows on the wall are the Democrats and their promises to blacks that are all lip service and only used to keep this crucial demographic in line for the next election. Not only did he commit the unforgivable sin of speaking well of Trump, but he also pointed out that the Teflon-coated bullshit salesman Barack Obama was a phony. Bitch slapping Obama made their heads explode......

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

You Never Once Saw A Picture OF Michelle Obama Like This....

Shining a Light On the Media's Sycophantry

DT- Amy Chozick, a so-called “political reporter” for The New York Times published a new book Monday, “Chasing Hillary,” that recounts her experiences “chasing this luminous figure” since meeting her as a child, as reported by Kyle Smith of National Review.

In the book Chozick readily admits that she dreamed of she and Clinton trying on clothes together at a fashion retailer named Zara.
 She admitted that “it felt damn good” to “bask in the girl power” when Clinton won the Democrat nomination and that when she touched Clinton’s shoulder at a party she “felt the luscious satin of her chartreuse tunic beneath my palm." She also readily admits that she found Clinton’s email scandal uninteresting and irrelevantYes, of course, because who the hell cares if Clinton’s recklessness compromised the identity of a CIA informant who later wound up dead, right? RIGHT?

Chozick also admits that practically every other female leftist-media reporter felt the same way as her about their queen:

"Chozick says that perhaps 18 out of 20 reporters on the Hillary beat on a typical day were women, and she makes it clear that this wasn’t an accident: The crew were excited about the prospect of what they dubbed the “FWP,” for First Woman President. When awaiting an offer from the campaign to take a group photo with their idol, Chozick relates that the reporters excitedly chattered amongst themselves about the prospect in text messages. It doesn’t make the women look great."
Nor does it make them look great that when some pretty boy actor who supports Clinton showed up to talk to them, they started acting like horny monkeys:His ‘feral grey eyes’ caused the women ‘to abandon whatever story we were working on to flip our hair and ask useless questions.'” It also doesn’t help their image that after Clinton lost the election, they experienced a “breakdown” and had to comfort one another with shoulder patting. Yet Chozick had the audacity to write that “I still wanted, more than anything, for Hillary to see me as a fair reporter,” before admitting, “The less I interacted with Hillary, the greater her imperial hold on my brain became.

Behold the liberal mainstream media, ladies and gentlemen … These are same charlatans who argue daily “that the mainstream media should be the key verifiers of information, that alternative news outlets are somehow shoddy in their pursuit of the facts while outlets like the Times are the gold standard. 

These are likewise the same amoral, unethical swine who believe self-avowed commentators should be silenced because their perspectives lack legitimacy. And theirs DON’T? A far-left and utterly blind media, to be more specific, that still remains perplexed at why a majority of Americans view them as “fake news.” - Read More