Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nation's Largest Progressive Gathering Featured Empty Seats, Racialism & Molotov Cocktail T-Shirts

The annual national gathering of proglodytes, Netroots Nation, is wrapping up their three ring circus of far left pseudo-intellectual political craziness in the Big Easy this weekend. This year’s conference of the left's who's who, akin to a sewer dive and given little media coverage, was plagued with "many nearly empty events, racial incitement and wild radicalism" far outside of the American mainstream, including vendors allowed to sell items seemingly condoning violence.  The Keynote speeches for this years festivities were delivered by the most exalted nuts in the sack, Lizzy Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory 'scatman' Booker, moonbat actress Cynthia Nixon, and self-described democratic socialist savior Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex.

This group of speakers along with the conference’s legion of like-thinking panelists, pushed for a unrelenting era of racially-focused activism, identity politics and 'put it to the man' in-your-face organizing most patriotic americans wouldn't recognize as welcoming. But the problem for the NutRoot Nation, bless their hearts, was much of the time there was nobody there to even hear it. 

The entire conference was plagued by nearly empty events."This is What Democracy Should Look Like" was a panel featuring Atima Omara, A’shanti Gholar, and Carol McDonald. With seating for more than 200 at the event, barely 20 Netroots attendees came to hear. Among the topics at Netroots Nation were race, mobilization, race, voting rights, race, and cultural oppression by the dominant patriarchy.

Nutroots were entertained in the concourse by a Mexican Mariachi.
Naturally, the band didn't bring their culturally offensive sombreros.
It was a musical safe space at Nutroots 2018.
Much attention was devoted to the "myth" of voter fraud and the need to retool the language associated with talking about voter fraud. Voter suppression — a term that never appears in any federal law and is used by the Left to group legal activity with illegal activity — was the hot topic at a voting rights seminar (that was again attended by very few people).

Progressives view giving the right of felons to vote as the key to flipping several purple states blue and red states to purple. They openly said, probably correctly, that Amendment 4 is the way to turn Florida blue. To them, it was all about creating angry racial bloc voters. The conference was characterized by a heavy dose of race-is-everything messaging.

But despite the "race heavy" agenda, it still wasn't enough for some. During the closing keynote addresses, members of the activist group “Black Ass Caucus” took the stage in protest. In a 15-minute speech, the Caucus excoriated Netroots Nation and its white attendees for perceived slights, while demanding that minority leaders and panelists be given more control over conference programming. When the Caucus asked conference-goers to boycott next year’s Netroots Nation if demands were not met, the audience uniformly rose to its feet in agreement.

And what progressive gathering would be complete without a nostalgic reflection on the Left's heritage. For $20 you could buy a t-shirt with a Molotov cocktail......

[PJMedia]                                    * Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Life Past the End of Your Nose......

Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ….get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed. - Abraham Joshua Heschel.

Then there's Doug:

(a friendly reminder from the archives of DMF - April 2016)

Friday, August 17, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

And One For The Road Aretha...... 
One of The Best Soul Tunes Ever Laid Down on Tape.

I Think We Can All Agree.....Somethin' Just Ain't Right About Those Cuomo Boys

It's bad enough that Cuomo the Younger, Fredo of CNN, almost daily makes a fool of himself by trying to justify liberal this or liberal that, interviewing long lines of Trump Haters or spewing almost sophomoric commentary that makes little sense in the big picture.  But just days after the little one drives the CNN crazy train completely off the rails, not to be out done, Cuomo the Elder, who holds aspirations of being the exalted leader of the free world, has once again shown he has his own problems with his mouth outrunning it's supply lines.

We have all heard Cuomo's remark that "America was never Great". Realizing that Cuomo the Elder had stepped in it big time, his press secretary scrambled to salvage his disastrous utterance by admitting Cuomo was responding directly to the Trump slogan, "Make America Great Again." This slogan inherently recognizes that America has been great and Trump wants to restored to it's economic and political greatness. Cuomo intended to contradict that assumption but didn't say that America used to be great but has fallen and that we need to restore it. Cuomo was quite clear. In his view and that of so many on the left, America has never been that great. Sadly, in the leftist worldview, it will never be that great. No matter how many reforms are implemented, no matter how much blood is spilled, no matter how many constitutional amendments are ratified to extend legal equality and equal opportunity to all Americans, it will never be enough for the left.

For the Cuomo boys and their friends on the  left, the discontentment about America isn't just or even mostly about the plight of minorities. It is about America's founding principles.

Say what you will of the father of these two Cuomo boys, the proud traditional northeast liberal and son of immigrants himself, three term Governor of NY, Mario Cuomo, who I suspect would have a lot to say to these two, raised in privilege, and with all the greatness America made available to them who now defend violence in the streets and spew a poisonous litany against their country.

Thank You WhatFinger News  & MJA @IOTWReport for the Linkage! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

People Would Rather Watch Bizarre Theories About Space Aliens Building Pyramids Than CNN.

I know this probably doesn't come as a great surprise to anyone who has tuned into any cable news as of late. Lowly CNN continues to circle the bowl as it plummets even further in the ratings, finishing a distant seventh place behind HGTV, USA, the History Channel, and even TBS and it's 80's movie reruns in the most recent ratings. CNN’s direct competitors, Fox News and MSNBC, easily put the cable news channel loser in the weeds.

CNN’s ace primetime lineup hosts Anderson Cooper and Fredo Cuomo have to be biting their pillows at night being beaten handley by the History Channel which includes show like Ancient Aliens, which delves into the conspiracy theories about space aliens and the illuminati breeding reptilian mind reading shapeshifting pyramid builders and stuff. The History Channel had 1.06 million viewers in primetime while CNN scored 992,000 average viewers, most of whom were probably stuck at an airport with nothing else to watch. The network didn't fare much better in the ratings for its daytime programming, finishing in sixth place, lagging far behind Fox News, MSNBC, and Spongebob Squarepants. 

H/T Konan the Bar Baron                         
Thank You WhatFinger News  & MJA @IOTWReport for the Linkage! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

CNN's Fredo Cuomo Sides With Violent Antifa Thugs

This is why CNN should not ever be considered a legitimate information source of any kind. Case in point: CNN’s Chris Cuomo seemed to have driven the crazy train completely off the rails last night when he excused the violence from the left and disagreed with equality before the law:
“Be aware, there are many more of us who see you as unequal, as less than, and you will be opposed at every turn because what you are about is wrong. And fighting you is right.” - Video Link
All we see is hate from the “anti-hate” groups as CNN has begun to call them. These groups were screaming at and attacking police officers who had to endure hatred for them without responding. Cuomo never mentions they at times have even physically attacked the media also at this weekends protest. Anyone in their path who doesn’t agree with these extremist groups are attacked.

Cuomo is giving the #AltLeft an "escape hatch" with this moral equivalency BS. What makes Fredo think he or anybody else he knows has the moral authority to decide who can beat up whom. I really can't believe CNN's is allowing their platform to be used to make such ridiculous and biased rationalizations. This is a very dangerous territory and messaging that violence is less wrong if you're doing it "for the right reasons" and encouraging the left to become violent if they decide it's for a good cause. Antifa and their fascist minions don't show up to fight against hate... they are hate. Show some backbone Fredo, and call them what they really are.

Monday, August 13, 2018

It Ain't Mount Rushmore, But it Seems Appropriate...

National Park Service Dedicates National Monument Near Mount Rushmore 
to the 44th President Barack H. Obama

Thank You WhatFinger News & GOP Briefing Room for the Linkage!

Media Mob Mentality

Apparently this is not a joke. It's going to happen later this week:
"The Boston Globe’s editorial page is proposing a coordinated editorial response from publications across the United States to President Trump’s frequent attacks on the news media. ‘‘We are not the enemy of the people,’’ said Marjorie Pritchard, a deputy managing editor of the Globe, referring to a characterization of journalists that Trump has used in the past. The president, who contends he has largely been covered unfairly by the press, also employs the term ‘‘fake news’’ often when describing the media." 
‘"I hope it would educate readers to realize that an attack on the First Amendment is unacceptable,’’ she said. ‘‘We are a free and independent press, it is one of the most sacred principles enshrined in the Constitution."
"The Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what the newspaper called a ‘‘dirty war against the free press."
If I'm remembering correctly from my American History Studies, the First Amendment included the right to say things you disagree with, including the President for that matter? Or, ladies and gentalmen of the press, is the First Amendment only for words you like?
DJT is free to call you "fake news", and if you honor the First Amendment then by the very principle you claim you must respect his derision of you. It is only if you do not, and in fact want to arrogate to yourself power you don't have, to censor information and opinion you disagree with,that you would claim otherwise.

Yet that is exactly what you propose here - to shout down someone you disagree with. May I remind you that "hate speech" is not only in the eye of the beholder because the very term "hate speech" is subjective. The right, even the kooky far right, doesn't show up at a restaurant and verbally & physically assault people. The far left does, routinely. May I remind you that it was the far left that literally prevented then-candidate Trump from speaking in Chicago, and the means by which they did so was through the initiation of violence?

Where is the reporting on the video evidence that over the weekend a mob of "anti-hate" thugs assaulted news crews, left-leaning mainstream media news crews? There was more than one incident yet I haven't seen any criticism of these leftist protesters on that in the so-called "mainstream media." Why not? Cannot two dozen or so people with a point of view that others find abhorrent or offensive speak without being assaulted with bottles, sticks and other assorted weapons? If not then what sort of "Free Speech" and "First Amendment" does the media claim to support?

The First Amendment only guarantees your right to speak; it does not provide a promise that you will be listened to nor does it give you a right to demand a response to your questions. No member of the press has that right. The NY Times does not, CNN does not, MSNBC does not and I do not.  The media is free to be as ridiculously biased as it wishes. It is even free to lie about its bias, which it does daily. Indeed it's even free to write gang-style editorials blasting the President. But if they think doing so advances the cause of the First Amendment, their soiled reputation or good standing as the shadow resistance, may I remind them that a mob is a mob is a mob, no matter which side of an argument said mob is on.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Consuming Virus and Unhealthy Stench in the Air

It's ironic that the loudest of Trump haters routinely breach the very civil standards of decency they claim justify their antipathy. Others are just creepily obsessed. Trump haters from both sides of the political aisle have fretted themselves into a consuming frenzy against the president. Whatever worldview they had, it is now overlaid with a Trump-animus fixation that obscures rational thought. It has slain their civility and subordinated their passion for certain policies. For them, everything in the Trump era is personal.

Convinced of Trump's pure evil, they remorselessly suspend rules they previously observed. Defiant professions of their spitting contempt for Trump are a defense to any charge of misconduct or verbal abuse. They shame Trump supporters for their tribalism, but we've not witnessed anything like the cohesiveness and ferocity of their Trump-hating tribalism of a president before.   Many of the most virulent Trump loathers on the right jump at any opportunity to appear on liberal TV and radio shows to exchange fond glances of admiration with liberals who stand for myriad things they have always professed to be against — a stunning irony, considering that one of their main complaints against Trump supporters is their alleged abandonment of conservative ideals in exchange for membership in a cult. Sadly, their Trump derangement syndrome induces them to believe these myths in good faith.

Just surf the web on any given week and see whether you don't find a dozen stories documenting liberals' insane, despicable or disturbingly bizarre behavior. The offenders, even when exposed outright, rarely apologize, because they are defiantly proud of their intentionally obnoxious infractions in the name of advancing the cause of Trump hatred.

Can none of them see the paradox in becoming what they profess to hate?

Of course not, because there are no rules in this game, as long as you are serving the tribe-hating super-tribe. This phenomenon is so far-reaching that it can even justify a patently indefensible position such as praising the notorious MS-13 gang — because Trump is tough on immigration, one supposes. Honesty demands that we recognize there is an unhealthy stench in the air — and there's way more of it aimed at Trump than coming from him.

*Excerpts from David Limbaugh's Column "Trump Hatred, a Consuming Virus"

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, August 10, 2018

Yes Virginia, "In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"

Yesterday the left lost their lunch over remarks perceived as incendiary or inflammatory by commentator Laura Ingraham. From the pages of DailyKos and Splinter to even writers at the formerly respectable RedState stridently went after Ingram for her commentary, some even calling for her punishment. I happen to have been watching when she responded to remarks by the loony leftist Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex and her repeatedly gleeful commenting on America’s changing demographics.

From what I heard, I give Ingraham the benefit of the doubt and believe she was referring to assimilation, not race:
"Because in some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people and they’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration that of course progressives love."
I read her comments as referring to assimilation because of context, the inclusion of legal immigration, and her past statements. She's become a big target for the left, but far from being the robe wearing racist they make her out to be. She's adopted three children from foreign countries, and not here to clean her pool or cut her lawn, eh Hollywood?

But still, to some these latest comments by Ingraham somehow prove her inherent racism, because as we all know, any white person born before 1970 is a closet racist.  The demographic change she notes goes hand-in-hand with the political changes being foisted on the country, and that is what she comments on, Politics.  There ARE enclaves of immigrants (both legal and illegal) who would prefer NOT to assimilate into American society and culture, and even some elements that would prefer to radically alter it. There ARE fewer and fewer people who identify as strictly “American” and would instead prefer to be a member of the growing number of hyphenated groups.

What leftist media keyboard stalinist refuse to acknowledge is that not every negative comment about immigrants or black celebrities, sports heroes and politicians is born of racial or ethnic animus. Those who make those connections through their righteous indignation and their propensity to signal their virtue while seeing a racial/ethnic bogeyman behind every tree, one has to ask: who is the one preoccupied with race or ethnicity??