Friday, December 14, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Unbeknownst to him, BLUESJUNKY has chosen a tune from one of my five All-time Favorite Albums.  I know it's a bit of a daunting task if  you've never given it much thought, but I would truly be interested in hearing what the MFST audiences own five all-time favs are. (and a couple of Honorable Mentions maybe) Think about it a while and tell us in comments. 

                                     ~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!~ 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

New York AG-elect Gives New Meaning to the Word Thug

Previous New York Attorney Generals have worked to weaponize the office for the purpose of investigating any possible illegal activities concerning anything Trump. But the new AG-elect, Letitia James, vows to go one step further than her predecessors, going full on thug and threatening to get him any way she can, even to go as far as attempting to change NY laws to do so.

Once the toast of NY, awarded for his civic activities, support of civil rights, and charity to the people of NYC, there should be no doubt left in anyone's mind that now DJT is marked for an open and public take down, any way possible, his family name smeared and anyone associated with him suspect.

A perfect tool, James, being black is untouchable by criticism is signaling the possible use of tactics not even used against mobsters and Organized Crime.
NBC - New York Attorney Gen.-elect Letitia James says she plans to launch sweeping investigations into President Donald Trump, his family and "anyone" in his circle who may have violated the law. 
James campaigned on passing a bill to change New York's double jeopardy laws. James told NBC News she wants to be able to pursue state charges against anyone the president were to pardon over federal charges or convictions and whose alleged crimes took place in the state. Under current New York law, she might not be able to do that. 
"We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well," James, a Democrat, told NBC News in her first extensive interview since she was elected last month. She's also enlisting help from some prosecutorial heavy hitters, like former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, as a part of her transition to help her identify important hires for her office with an eye on bringing in experts for its Trump-related investigations. 
Some of the probes she intends to pursue with regard to the president, his businesses and his family members include:
  • Any potential illegalities involving Trump's real estate holdings in New York.
  • The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian official.
  • Examine government subsidies Trump received
  • Whether he is in violation of the emoluments clause in the U.S. Constitution through his New York businesses.
  • Continue to probe the Trump Foundation.
Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told NBC News that the president has "considerably more vulnerability" when faced with New York state investigations because he can't hold out the offer of pardons or fire investigators, though he said James' scope would be limited to matters occurring before Trump became president. - MORE

Regardless what happens in the future as far as DJT's presidency, good or bad, this man, his family and people within sphere of influence will be smeared and harassed for the rest of their lives if the left and their fellow travelers in the media are allowed to continue to run amok in America.

~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!~ 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The New Punks. Chuck & Nancy

If you watched the footage from the meeting with DJT, their body language speaks volumes. No amount of blathering from either of them could disguise the fact that they were both rhetorically pantsed by the president on national television. And the cherry on top was Pelosi spewing loudly about how she and the Democrat House are going to be totally transparent, unlike the Republicans, and then within a nano-second she insisted that the TV cameras be turned off and removed from the room. Brilliant. - J.J.Sefton

Look Chuck. Look!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I've Got Your Sanctimonious Oscar Ceremonies Host Right Here

They'd Be Far Better Than Anything The Academy
 has Come Up With For A Long Time

The Oscars Academy Is considering going forward with No Host at All. That's probably because of the #WokeStasi political purges, and no one in their right mind would put himself through the Struggle Session Gauntlet of going on TV and and pretending to enjoy themselves, telling terrible jokes and knowing there's someone just waiting to pounce on a wrong word.

This will be a spectacular televised demonstration of The Great Disappearing, because they #Purged the last one and no further volunteers for the bloody altar of Political Correctness are volunteering.

And we'd have an Oscars with no audience and no host
Kevin Hart's abrupt departure as Oscars host has left the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences scrambling to find someone to take the gig. As of now, the situation remains fluid as the group's leadership explores options, including going host-less. 
The Academy is now said to be gun shy about going with someone anyone who might be too edgy..." 
Another option being tossed around is not having any host at all, but rather "a bunch of huge celebs, something 'SNL' style, and buzzy people" to keep the show moving..."
Yes, let's see a group of people we can hang from the fucking lampposts for our Ritual Mortification Amusement.
And I saw a strong Tweeter proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the envelope, and to loose the seals thereof?
And no man in hollywood, nor in the comedy circuit, was able to open the envelope, neither to look thereon.
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the envelope, neither to look thereon.
    ~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Most Democrats Wait Until They've Been Sworn In Before Acting A Fool. But Not Her!

And here we thought nobody could be as entertaining as Joe Biden. Little did we know..... After being mocked merciless over the weekend for saying the age requirement on running for president only applies to men, and then telling Hanukkah celebrants at a synagogue that she was Jewish, Alexandra Ocashew Cortex, in a response to a tweet bashing outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan, compares herself to Paul Ryan and claims to be being treated unfairly because of a double standard.
What I think Ocasio is really trying to say in her tweet is that she’s being mistreated because....she’s a woman. Yeah, that’s not it at all. The 28-year-old Paul Ryan wasn’t espousing ridiculous socialist nonsense when he came on the scene. And he didn’t sound like an airhead either.

Ryan was experience as a congressional legislative aide and foreign affairs adviser to a US Senator before seeking office. Paul Ryan never promised medicare-for-all but couldn’t explain how to pay for it. Paul Ryan never wanted to get rid of the electoral system…because slavery! Paul Ryan never wanted to take back all three CHAMBERS of government…  Paul Ryan never compared Jews fleeing Nazi death camps to immigrants trying to break into our country.

Better thicken your skin there girly. I wonder if you realize there is a universe of difference between campaigning for an office and appearances on talk shows as the darling of the media as apposed to  actually having to deal with embedded DC politicians who don't take kindly to idealist newbies who throw bread at the table......Maybe talking less would help you look smarter. That was Mark Twain’s advice, anyway. In your case it might be to late to convince anyone now.

~Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!~

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Linky Randomness

Central Committee of Linky Randomness

Get Your Notorious RBG Bra Right Here!- Harper Wilde to show their support for the women who will serve in Congress.

Daughter Makes Her ‘Shakedown’ Daddy Proud: She’s her father’s daughter, alright.

"I'm scared by him. I can’t imagine what his 3 a.m. is like."- What starlet was in danger from Harvey Weinstein, when Streep knew about him, and kept his secret? What about her 3 a.m.?" 

She Produces More Whoppers than Burger King.- Alexandra Ocashew Cortex Now Claims She's Jewish. - Calls Gen. John Kelly a Coward.

Some people clean your windshield for money while you wait at a traffic light, some people hold cardboard signs. Then there's this acrobatic trio

Media Platform Commits SuicideTumblr's announcement that the blogging network will no longer permit pornographic content on its platform has been met with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Seen by most non-users as a haven of pornographers and communist 14-year-olds who believe they're actually elves or wolves or dragons or some such nonsense. Not many F**ks given. 

And In the Spirit of the Season, a Holiday Bonus:

~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!~

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, December 7, 2018

Not Sure There's Much of a Doubt About It.....

Given her apparently complete lack of knowledge regarding American history, the Constitution, and civics, she will undoubtedly do something so stupid that the MSM will regret having manufactured her appeal. They won't admit it, of course, but they will regret it.

~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!~