For the past four years, Stelter has had two fetishes: he pushed every hare-brained Russia Hoax allegation that appeared anywhere, and he hates Fox News, in particular, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, with the heat of a thousand lumps of burning soy product.
Stelter has a new book out, HOAX: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, in which he undertakes the role of a one-man Truth Commission to attempt to discover why Fox continually kicks CNN’s ass in ratings. As you can see from his Amazon blurb, the answer is Sean Hannity:
"CNN anchor and chief media correspondent Brian Stelter tells the twisted story of the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News. At the center of the story lies Sean Hannity, a college dropout who, following the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes, reigns supreme at the network that pays him $30 million a year."To promote his book, Stelter writes a preview of the book in Vanity Fair. It includes this bit about were Stelter’s whines about being punked by Sean Hannity, his sole encounter with his bête noire:
"I ran into Hannity at a holiday party hosted by the TV-news tracking website Mediaite. Hannity greeted me by putting both his hands on my shoulders and exclaiming: “Humpty!” His nickname for me was Humpty Dumpty. I asked if he ever felt bad about the name-calling.
“No,” he said. He took his hands off my shoulders and moved toward the bar."Self-deprecating humor is one thing, but there are stories men just don’t tell about themselves. I know we’re living in an age where masculinity is out of fashion, but this seems to be taking it a bit too far. It would be humiliating enough to be publicly ridiculed and demeaned in that fashion in front of friends and colleagues. But to write a whiny, sniveling…adjectives fail me at this point…plea for sympathy, a transparent attempt to try to get all the cool kids to tell him that they all think he was the bigger, more rotund, person than Hannity by being publicly crapped on and dismissed is just sickening.
But this is quintessential Tater. This is just who he is.
[Vanity Fair]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~
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