Sunday, October 12, 2014

Prominent Historians Propose a New Constitution

It's not enough for leftist who have used the courts to justify their agenda by twisting and perverting the words and intent of the present constitution. No, they want to write their own, and in their image of what America should be.

New American
We need a new constitution.” That is the direct declaration made in a two-part essay written by imminent American historians Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg.
Not only do the pair of professors pronounce the current Constitution dead, but they introduce us to its replacement before the body is even cold. From the very title of the first installment, however, the saviors of our “democratic republic” start down a road that might lead to a new constitution, but get the very essence of our government wrong.
“Here’s how we save American democracy from charlatans, loudmouths and the 1 percent,” they announce before launching into a lengthy exposé of all that’s wrong with America, taking particular aim at the Constitution.
As anyone who has bothered to read the words of the men who wrote our Constitution knows, America is not a democracy and most of the men whose signatures appear at the bottom of that document would have left without endorsing it had they thought for a minute they were creating a democracy.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

US Drone Strike Destroys Classic Dylan Album Supply

WASHINGTON- MFNS — The Pentagon is refusing to either confirm or deny that late friday night one of its unmanned Predator Drones targeted a undisclosed warehouse somewhere in the middle east containing a large stock of the classic Bob Dylan album "Desire", which features the 7 minute iconic track “Isis”

At a press conference Saturday a Pentagon spokesman, while refusing to comment on the alleged strike, did asserted that the U.S. military does not include music warehouses on it's terrorist target list, or intentionally target civilian or humanitarian supply depots.  “Ultimately the responsibility for this sort of tragic collateral damage lies with the ISIS terrorists group themselves,” the source said.

The carefully-worded statement leaves open the possibility that someone high up in the pentagon is still pissed off about Dylan’s controversial 1965 embrace of electric amplification at the Newport Folk Festival, and may have left him open to attack.

NBC News Crew Breaks Ebola Quarantine

Ebola-exposed NBC Crew Placed in Mandatory Isolation

In a deal with the CDC and the New Jersey Health Department, the NBC News crew agreed to stay home and take their temperatures for 21 days after one of their colleagues was diagnosed with the virus.  The team was reporting on the Liberian Ebola outbreak when its cameraman fell ill. The group, which includes the network's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Nancy Snyerman, was asked to isolate itself  for the Ebola's incubation period after their colleague Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with the virus earlier this month.

New Jersey health officials ordered a mandatory quarantine for the NBC News crew after one of the group violated the terms of its self-confine agreement. On Friday night, they were all placed in a mandatory quarantine.
"Unfortunately, the NBC crew violated this agreement and so the Department of Health today issued a mandatory quarantine order to ensure that the crew will remain confined until Oct. 22."
(NY Daily News)

Sleazy Wendy Davis Goes for The 'Hate The Disabled' Vote

by Robert Janicki
Wendy Davis, Democrat candidate for Texas governor is at it again with her despicable campaigning against Republican candidate, and current Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott.  Davis' latest sleazy ad, not unlike her other ads, centers around Abbott's wheelchair bound status, a permanent condition since 1984 and caused by an accident with a tree falling on Abbott.  Abbott immediately became permanently paralyzed from the event.
It should be noted that Davis is the state senator that held up the Texas senate at the end of their last term by filibustering against an anti-abortion Bill that Governor Rick Perry was about to sign with the vote of the Republican senate majority.  Davis is pro choice (read that as pro baby killer) and strongly supports every other radical liberal position under the sun.
Davis is the worst of the worst liberals you can imagine.  There is nothing that Davis will not stoop to  in her driven desire to win high public office at any cost.  Just ask her ex-husband how far she will go to use people.  Davis filed for divorce from her husband the day she graduated from Harvard Law School, which her husband, at the time, paid for.  How deceitful is that?  That's just typical Wendy Davis.
Well, the cost of Davis' political mudslinging is mounting to epic proportions and Davis' reputation as a someone who will smear an opponent as the low life politician she is, will cost her this November 4th.  She is currently trailing Abbot 49-40 in the latest polling.  It's doubtful that Texans on the political fence will let this egregious and despicable smear go unnoticed when they vote against the low life that Davis really is.
You can see the Davis wheelchair ad at Politico and judge for yourself if this is a despicable smear or just politics Texas style.  I'm thinking you'll be just as revolted as I am.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Joe May Be Absent for a Little While......

Clicky to make Biggie

No Racist Intentions Found...... Must Be Racism Somewhere!

Judge Appointed by Obama Administration
Rules Texas ID Law  Racist  

The surprise timing of the ruling could spare an estimated 13.6 million registered Texas voters (dead or alive) from needing one of seven kinds of photos identification to cast a ballot in a state with historic voter fraud. 

From issuing fines for traffic citations in Municipal court 
to a lifetime appointment to the Federal Bench..... 
HuffPo - A federal judge in Texas struck down the state’s voter ID law on Thursday, calling it an “unconstitutional poll tax” intended to discriminate against Hispanic and African-American citizens that creates “an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote.”
In a 147-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos, an appointee of President Barack Obama confirmed to the bench in 2011, ruled that the law passed by Texas legislators and signed by Gov. Rick Perry (R) took an “unorthodox” approach they knew would have a disparate impact on minority voters. The law requires voters to produce a state-issued identification before casting a ballot.
While Ramos found no “smoking guns” of racist intentions in passing the legislation, she said the state legislature's 2011 session was “racially charged.” She concluded that the sponsors of the measure “were motivated, at the very least in part, because of and not merely in spite of the voter ID law’s detrimental effects on the African-American and Hispanic electorate.”
The underpinnings of our Judicial system are being rotted away by political correctness and affirmative action appointees to the bench.

 How Democrats Win Elections

The Secrets of a Glamorous First Lady

Ten Buck Friday

During the 2010 midterms, conservative bloggers united in a movement called “Ten Buck Friday”. The concept behind TBF was to encourage a contribution of $10 each week to select campaigns to help elect fiscal conservatives to Congress. 

Republicans need just six seats to oust the corrupt, senile moonbat, Dingy Harry Reid as majority leader and put the fool back in his place. Every Friday between now and November 4th we are asking our readers to strongly consider contributing $10 to the campaign of the candidate(s) we have highlighted that week. 9 races are still a toss-up, and need help to keep the ball rolling to Nov.4th 

This week we highlight the campaign of  Dan Sullivan.

The former Attorney General of Alaska is in a tight race with first term Senator Mark Begich, but has opened up a small lead (RCP poll has him +4.8) THIS IS A VERY WINNABLE RACE. So we give a special appeal to donate 10 bucks to the Sullivan campaign this week. 

If you wish, you can also contribute to any of the others listed below. 

Contribute to Dan Sullivan  Here
Contribute to Tom Cotton Here
Contribute to Joni Ernst Here
Contribute to Bill Cassidy Here
Contribute to Thom Tillis Here

(If you mark your contribution as "Ten Buck Friday", they'll see the blogosphere give them a little bump.)

And be sure to visit our fellow Ten Buck Friday bloggers:

* Adrienne's Corner * Fishersville Mike * For God, Family and Country *  Laughing  Conservative * Left Coast Rebel  * Mind Numbed Robot * Political Clown Parade *Polination  * Proof Positive  * Theo Spark * Texas Conservative News  * Wyblog

Once Upon a Time..........a Democrat Spoke the Truth.

But That was Long, Long Ago:

Obama Tripled the Deficit, Now Brags He Cut It in Half

Familiar is the parable of the boy who murders his parents, then seeks leniency because he is suddenly an orphan.  When it comes to budget deficits, Barack Obama is more like the boy who knocks off his parents, then brags that he drove them to the morgue.

While his public approval rating plummeted this week to a new low of 37%, here was Obama in a press conference rationalizing his refusal to even negotiate over the nation’s debt limit: “Don’t tell us that the government is going bankrupt, when the deficit has been cut in half!”

The only problem is that Obama tripled the deficit before he cut it in half. As a result, he has only accelerated the government toward bankruptcy. Consider that when he ran for the White House in 2008, the deficit was $498 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars.

On the campaign trail that summer, Obama labeled that so severe as to be “unpatriotic”: 
“The problem is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years, is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first forty-two presidents – number forty-three added $4 trillion all by his lonesome – so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we’re going to have to pay back - $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic!”

So what did Obama do with that “unpatriotic” level of deficit spending? He tripled it, and gave us the single worst economic recovery in U.S. history. 

Read More 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seems I Remember These Same Warnings Before........

Let's see, I remember a few years back they told us another virus wasn't
contagious unless you had contact with blood or body fluids........
and how many irresponsible people caused their own death
and death to others because of that virus?


Each day 150+ travelers arrive in America
 from Africa’s Ebola stricken countries and 
enter our population centers.

Obama is Becoming Nixonian.

"One of the more interesting political/psychological pastimes these days is to watch how President Obama deals with his crumbling presidency. The answer is: Not well.
What is worth paying increasing attention to, I think, is the emotional state of the president. It’s in front of his donors that his most authentic feelings seem to surface, and it’s clear he’s becoming increasingly isolated, embittered, and thin skinned. His excuse making is now chronic and habitual. He’s even displaying some signs of paranoia. Everyone is against him.
Obama is becoming Nixonian.
The man who by a wide margin has received the most worshipful press coverage in at least the last half-century is complaining that the press is mistreating him. A president who routinely misleads the public on matters large and small, who first ran for president on the promise of unifying America but governs based on dividing it, and who allows the most important national-security matters to be decided by crass political considerations is blaming others for feeding cynicism.
Watching a narcissist struggle to deal with massive, multiplying failures can be a poignant thing, especially when everyone gets what’s going on except the narcissist and his enablers. When this happens to a sitting president, however, what is poignant becomes alarming. Because it’s always better that the president of the United States live in reality rather than creating his own."
(Commentary Magazine)

Last Minute Shake-Up in the Mary Landrieu Campaign

Landrieu Replaces Campaign Manager:
Brings in Old Trusted Advisers

Embattled 3 term Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, who has slipped in the polls and endanger of not making the December run-off, has shaken up her campaign as a last ditch effort to gain ground on Rep. Bill Cassidy and his lead in the race.
N.O.Times-Picayune -Facing the toughest battle of her political career, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., is replacing her campaign manager and bringing in experienced hands from her previous three successful Senate runs to help with the final push to the Nov 4th open primary. Adam Sullivan, who had been campaign manager, is leaving that role but continuing as an advisor to the campaign. 
Spotted Recently in a New Orleans Cafe
"As Sen. Landrieu has done in all of her races, she is bringing on some of her long-time and trusted advisers to assist during the last month of the race to lead us to victory on Nov. 4," said Landrieu campaign spokesman Fabien Levy.

Aides didn't say why Sullivan is being replaced, other than to say Landrieu is bringing in people she's comfortable with and has relied upon for previous campaigns. Winning a Senate seat has never been easy for Landrieu in a state trending more Republican and conservative, but this race appears to be her toughest yet.

Landrieu is facing stiff challenge from a field led by Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy of Baton Rouge and Tea Party Conservative Republican Rob Maness of Madisonville.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hawaii Officials Drop Plan to Name Park for Obama

(HONOLULU NEWS - MFNS) - Two Honolulu city councilmen have dropped plans to rename a popular beach for President Barack Obama. The beach is a popular for bodysurfing on Oahu's east side. It was a favorite for the president as he grew up. He bodysurfed there while on vacation during his 2008 campaign.

The councilmen last week introduced a resolution to change the name of Sandy Beach Park to President Barack Obama’s Sandy Vagina Park.

What Might Have Been
Photo Courtesy of MFNS Hawaii Correspondent Earl of Taint

Martin says in a statement that he heard historic and cultural sensitivity concerns from the community about the name change.He says there may be other public facilities more appropriate to honor the president and is taking suggestions for the memorial from MFNS readers HERE  

Artist Concept of Possible Alternative Honor

Ebola: A Media Briefing Hot Mic Moment

 What the Media Thinks, But Won't Tell You.

h/t From the Trenches