Monday, March 14, 2016

Let's Meet Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee Finalists Shall We?

The White House has reportedly narrowed its list of potential choices for Supreme Court sacrificial lambs nominees to three down from five, two of which have donated generously to Barack Obama's political campaigns. The three federal judges who will be interviewed by the White House for the nomination are federal judges Sri Srinivasan (who has donated $4,250 to Obama), Paul Watford ($1,000 to Obama), and Merrick Garland, who has not donated to Obama that we know of.

The two women on the short list of five got the boot: The activist Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and the middle aged unmarried Obama Law school pal Judge Jane Louise Kelly (hmmm). Sounds like she might have gotten along fabulously with Justice Elena Kagan.
Get a grip lil' Staci, have some ice cream or something.

So now we present Obama's three present nominees for Associate Supreme Court Justice: 

First we have Judge Sri Srinivasan, a native of Chandigarh,India. He was part of the legal team that presented arguments before the Supreme Court against the Defense of Marriage Act in the case of United States v. Windsor. He was also was one of three judges on a panel that refused to halt the Obama administration’s highly restrictive climate change ruse, "Clean Power Plan". He worked as a clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and was confirmed 97–0 in 2013 to the DC Court of Appeals. 

Next up we have Judge Paul Watford, of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, known as the leftist favorite place to shop their anti-constitutional cases. Among other things, before reaching the bench, Watford is noted for partnered with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) in two cases to oppose Arizona’s 2010 immigration bill.  He was also a former clerk to Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg, so we probably know where he's coming from, now don't we?

And last but not least, Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the DC Circuit. Back in 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo a D.C. Circuit court decision striking down one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. The liberal District of Columbia government had passed a ban on individual handgun possession, which even prohibited guns kept in one’s own house for self-defense. He also voted to uphold an illegal Clinton-era regulation that created an improvised gun registration requirement.

Garland has a long record and it leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms. 

So there you have your three. A liberal minded foreign born, a Black Activist Appeals Court judge, and a left-wing Jewish Judge who believes you have no right of self protection. You'd think after what's happened to his people in the past, he'd be a bit more reasonable. 

So now I ask you, does that big eared  Kenyan really believe any of these three deserve the seat of Antonin Scalia?

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 13, 2016

U.S. Doubts North Korean Nuclear Delivery Capabilities

Nork Weapons Scientists Explain New A-Bomb Technology to Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un

John Kerry Still Undecided Whether Islamic State Atrocities are Genocide

Singling out a group to murder, kidnap, rape, sell into slavery and destruction of their places of worship, Genocide?......Guess it takes some deep though, eh John?
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is nearing a decision on whether to formally declare that Islamic State group atrocities against religious minorities, including Christians, constitute "genocide." Kerry must weigh whether the Islamic State group's targeting of Christians and other minorities meets the legal definition of "genocide," which is "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group," according to the U.N. Convention. Kerry denied reports that his legal advisers were reluctant to support a determination of genocide but suggested he was not satisfied with their initial opinions.
I guess this is what we get from a government run by lawyers and an administration that refuses to use the term"Radical Islam"as not to upset anyone. Far be it from us to call a bunch of uncivilized murderous Neanderthals the bad guys and purveyors of genocide before getting the OK from the legal department. ISIS might get mad and not like us....

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Few Choice Words.......Take 'Em or Leave 'Em.

I'm not surprised, but I am rather disgusted. Every decent person should be disgusted and no one surprised. America has seen this before. The self righteous on the left, prodded by well financed totalitarian organizers, continue to believe that childish antics on the street which feed their egos have no consequence except those they desire.
The streets of Chicago smelled of riot in 1968. Young white people mostly, protested a far off war that made less and less sense as the loses in lives and treasure increased daily. The vast “silent majority” was disgusted both with the stupidity of the war as well as the vagrant mobs that burned the flag and mocked much of what the “silent majority” believed in. Labor unions found themselves in turmoil as the workers strayed to the Republican Party in a cosmic roar heard by few except those that listened.

None of what took place last night in Chicago should come as a surprise after we first saw the Occupy Wall Street loons and their totalitarian masters began to block traffic and cause havoc in large cities. The Black Lives Matter rioters gave us the same warnings. Now the totalitarian left has a new target: Donald J. Trump.  

Well organized hoodlums, disguised as “protesters”, invaded the auditorium where a legitimate Presidential candidate (agree with him or not shouldn't matter in this case) was to speak and achieved their aim to “shut this down”. Like the 1968 protesters, the BLM criminals, the OWS totalitarians, the enemies of free speech rejoiced with self-congratulations and great noise. What they did not hear was the “silent majority” ready to vote on Tuesday.  With those elections in mind, opportunist like Marco Rubio, and sadly Ted Cruz,  joined in solidarity with the thugs and criminals of Chicago, BLM, OWS, and the enemies of free speech who demand “politically correct” speech as well as the “politically correct” nonsense labeled “tone”. 

And what I'm finding just as disgusting is the countering of healthy debate on legitimate right leaning websites like "Ace of Spades" and "The Right Scoop", while debasing themselves in such vehement hate of Donald Trump. The once powerful "HotAir" website is likewise just a clump of cinders because of blind hatred.  

Likewise we have the Pro Trump at all cost, conspiracy central " Conservative Tree House" and their fanciful theories and unnamed witnesses, rivaling the fruitcake Alex Jones, squashing any debate and banning commenters who dare to respectively question them. And "Red State" is a dead state to me, seemingly wanting violence against Trump supporters:
"My advice for reporters and protesters visiting Donald Trump events is simple: You have a right to keep and bear arms. Use it. If Trump's brownshirts know their targets are armed, they'll get less handsy, fast." 
It may serve some well to go back and read William Shire's "Berlin Diary"  Disregard the time and place of the events, and just read what can lay beneath unyielding blind political support and what squashing of speech can lead to. It can very well happen anywhere. The consequences and importance of the next election are not to be understated.

Islamic Glassmaking - The Art of Fire and Sand

Thursday, March 10, 2016

'Most Interesting Man in the World' Retires

F. World -The famed Mexican beer company, Dos Equis has said 'adios' to 'The Most Interesting Man in the World', thereby retiring him from the brand's ad campaign to replace the pitchman with a new face.

Amsterdam-based Heineken's Dos Equis announced in a series of ads on Wednesday that the 77-year-old actor Jonathan Goldsmith who has represented the brand since the start of its 'Most Interesting Man' campaign, will no longer appear in their familiar commercials, Washington Post reported.  Following the Dos Equis tradition of dramatizing commercials, this change was revealed in videos showing Goldsmith departing for a “one-way mission” to Mars. “From superheroes to superspies, our fans are accustomed to and enjoy different takes on the same character. We know ‘The Most Interesting Man in the World’ will continue to endure and grow, as the character’s story is bigger than one individual.” said Katz in a report by Deadline.

(h/t Dr. Tar)

It's Not His Fault You Don't Love Him....

Obama: “I Have Not Contributed to Dividing the Country.”
The Spectacle:
Barack Obama may have spent most of his morning press conference holding babies and snuggling Canadian Prime Ministers (they're best friends! though they've only met once), but he took a moment to reassure those gathered in the Rose Garden that he is definitely not the reason that the country seems to be at war with itself.
He's uniter, not a divider, and it's simply not his fault that people resist their basic urge to like him, thus upending the natural order.
“I do all kinds of soul searching in terms of, are there things that I can do better to make sure that we are unifying the country. But I also have to say… that objectively it’s fair to say that the Republican political elites and many of the information outlets, social media and news stations, talk radio, television stations have been feeding the Republican base for the last seven years a notion that everything I do is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal, that maximalist, absolutist positions on issues are politically advantageous, that there is a ‘them’ out there and an ‘us’ and ‘them’ are the folks who are causing whatever the problems you’re experiencing and the tone of that politics, which I certainly have not contributed to.” 
Did you hear that, Republicans? He's such an idyllic figure, so kind and gentle, so warm and compromising, that it's simply impossible not to love him. As such, you should be swept off your feet by his charm and grace, and if you're not, well, it's simply your fault for putting up such a resistance
Of course, if you notice, not once in his narrative about searching the depths of his soul for what he could do better, did it ever occur to him to change the latter half of his speech from a scorching criticism of the opposition party's "tone" and unwillingness to listen to a conciliatory invitation to gather by the fire, roast s'mores and sing songs on an acoustic guitar. It's the Republicans who have been fed the notion of my partisanship! Damn those Republicans!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Earl's 2016 Official Voters Guide

Earl dips his Di.. Toe into the Waters of the Lucrative World of
Campaign Media Consulting - Read More at EARL'S DESK

And Now a Few Words on Behalf of Bernie Sanders.

And I say any man who dances like this has no business in the White House!


Monsoon Season Has Arrived Early.....

In most of Louisiana we always have our annual monsoon season. Here in 'Sportsman's Paradise', it makes for happy ducks, active gators and the great fishing afterwards, not to mention beautiful Azalea gardens.  But this year it has arrived early, and with a vengeance. We've had 8-12 inches of gully washing rain in the last 36 hours, with another 7-14 inches on the way up from the coast. Some places further south have received as much as 18 inches. Rain is said to continue for the next two days. Places that rarely flood are now flooding, and the SPD has closed the bayou bridge on the road to my house. Boo Hoo for me. It's gonna be a tee-shirt, shorts and barefoot extra long weekend. 

But, as long as the power holds out, it's a chance to catch up on some personal correspondence I'm behind on, and write some post I have been bouncing around in my head.  

Now, where did I put that corkscrew....