Monday, January 16, 2017

The 2017 DMF Snark Hall of Fame Award

This year there was no argument, debate, drinking binges or throwing of chairs to decide this years winner. The choice was easy. The winner has been a favorite of ours since finding his blog through a link on a site of which he contributed. His graphics are always clean, well done and first class. His snark and satire are always timely and spot on. If you are not a regular visitor to his site, you should be!

Please help us welcome this years Inductee to the DMF Pantheon
of Hall of Fame Snarkers and Snarkettes. 

Springer's Blog!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bad Times For The Circus Business......

Local Lefty Business Man Extends Welcome To Refugees

Blinkie Carsdale - Owner Operator of Mystical Coffee Bar and Bong Emporium 

My Independent Coffee Shop Welcomes All Refugees That Can Afford a Six Dollar Latte

Op-ed by Blinkie Carsdale

The Mystical Coffee Bar is all about coffee and inclusion. That is why our new policy is that all refugees are always welcome in our café so long as they can afford a six dollar small latte (cash only).

Owning a small independent coffee shop is about more than just making money. It's about being a part of a community. A community that we would love to welcome you into, just as soon as you decide what drink you would like. I take my role as a community leader very seriously. I'm not just some uncaring businessman ripping people off. I am fueling the members of my neighborhood as they start their day so they can go out and make a difference in the world.

This would probably be a good time to mention each refugee needs to buy his or her own drink if they wish to stay in the café.

Now I know that our latté’s aren't cheap, especially on a refugee salary, but that's because we pay our workers a fair wage and only use cruelty-free beans in our coffee. We charge more because we are fighting back against a capitalistic system that marginalizes common people to enrich the powerful. Moments like these are why I started my own business. I truly look forward to you coming to the register with your six dollars (cash only) so I can show you how much The Mystical Coffee Bar supports the downtrodden of our society.  

But I do have to ask that you not beg our customers for money. It makes them feel uncomfortable.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Barky Surprises His Best Bud With The Highest Honor

The outgoing President has honored his bestest friend Joe Biden with the highest honor in the land. And we here at DMF whole heartedly agree, if not for the same reasons as Barky.

Through Obama's eight long years of lies, deceit and narcissism, Joe Biden has supplied America with the best in comic relief. He was a boon of material for bloggers and graphic artist as no other outside the White House.  You earned it Joe, for just being yourself and giving us so many opportunities. And I'm sure if there was a Blogger Community Award for best comedic inspiration, you'd win the day!

We gonna miss ya Handsome Joe!

Here's just an small sample of what you gave us here at DMF......

♫ We Have Friends In Low Places 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Goodbye Note from Kim Jong Un

Dear President Orack,
Soooo, people kick yu out of Big House, huh? Ha Ha!
I still Supreme Leader of Magnificent Korean Empire
Would invite yu to come to Peoples Paradise and live in splendor, but yu monkey butt ugly wife would scare chilren. Ha Ha!

Rotts of Ruck Big Ears!

Kim Jong #Un!   

Dear Korean Fat Kid,

I thank you for the offer to live in the Peoples Paradise of Korea, but you see, I've made out like a Korean Mountain Bandit the last eight years and I'm a very rich MoFo now.
And if I may be so bold to make a suggestion. I hear the new American President, Mr. Trump, reallllly doesn't like effeminate little Korean Fat Boys with funny hair cuts.  Maybe you should drop him a line next week.

And Good Luck ever getting those bricks you call missiles to fly, Fatso,

Orack Obama
Thank You MJA and IowaDawg for the Linkage! 

4Chan’ Pees On The Internet Again, Media Says It’s Raining

Buzzfeed, CNN and to some extent our very own government GOT PUNKED! Totally punked as they all jumped on the dossier on Trump (the one with the pee hookers) they believed came from an MI6 agent… when in fact, it came from the internet group 4Chan.

According to 4Chan some documents were created by a 4Chan user and sent to anti-Trumper Rick Wilson knowing he would act on this tip. Posing as friendly foreign intelligence, they emailed documents to #NeverTrump Wilson.  4chan backs up its story that it was a hoax created by one of its users with a link to a post from November 1st. 

Some totally random 4chan user invented fake intelligence with a crazy story about Donald Trump paying for pee hookers and gave it to GOP strategist Rick Wilson, who then gave it to the CIA, who then gave it to the press so they could embarrass Trump with it right before his inauguration.  

You see, the thing a lot of people don't understand about 4chan is that they're not “sources of intelligence.” They're internet trolls, and the purest definition thereof.  They want chaos, and they want reactions.  They're the somewhat grown-up version of the boy sitting behind you putting gum in your hair and getting excited over you getting upset. They want people to think that they can create elaborate and believable hoaxes,  but sometime they've been found out within hours. 

In the past they've convinced the world that Twitter feminists were trying to #EndFathersDay because they just really hate men? Or the time they convinced radical feminists to #PissForEquality and Pee on Thyself  campaign to show support.  The number one rule of 4chan is to never, ever take 4chan seriously. 

Many of them, in fact, see the entire election of Donald Trump as a successful troll on our country. By and large, they are mostly bored idiots with so little going on in their lives that their only joy and amusement comes from the jolt of power they get from a successful troll. They do it, as they say, “for the lulz.”

Barky's Bye Bye

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Pompus Pretenders Call for Massive Strike to Punish Their Fictional Version of President

Dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists including the usual suspects like Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long protest to stop President-elect Donald Trump. “No! In the Name of Humanity We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!” reads a full-page ad placed in the New York Times last week by the group Refuse Racism. "Donald Trump, the President-elect, is assembling a regime of grave danger," the ad says. 
"Millions of people in the US and around the world are filled with deep anxiety, fear and disgust. Our anguish is right and just. Our anger must now become massive resistance – before Donald Trump is inaugurated and has the full reins of power in his hands."
Other Hollywood celebrities who have also joined the campaign are calling for an all-out strike that would span the entire movie industry in the hopes that such a move would urge the President-elect to resign from his position as the newly elected President of the United States.  A spokespeople for the Refuse Racism group told The New York Times: 
"We’re calling for a general strike that would include every single person involved in making motion pictures in Hollywood, starting with the actors and celebrities themselves and encompassing companies in charge of making props, movie memorabilia and even souvenir shops,”   “It’s about time people understood that we’re the ones with the power and that the president is there to serve us, not the other way around."
Asked to elaborate on why the group is targeting Hollywood out of all the industries in the country as their bargaining chip, the spokesperson argued that:
“Simply put, Hollywood is the base of the entire modern American culture. It is the foundation of the country, so to speak, the glue that’s holding it together. And think about what happens when you destroy the foundation of a house. It comes crashing down, right? Well, that’s exactly what’s going to happen to America unless Donald Trump realizes how real the danger of that actually is, and chooses to step down as President of his own free will. And while we’re on the subject, between you and me – nobody wants Hollywood to stop doing its thing, but this is a necessary move."
“Besides, it’s not like the billionaire-businessman-turned-president hasn’t ventured into movies in his day, right? So, he’ll understand firsthand what’s going to happen if Hollywood goes to strike. Without the work of Hollywood and the lifestyle promoted by it, there will literally be no more America to rule for Trump. So, in effect, it’s not us that are going to force Donald Trump to resign his office; it’s the people of America who are going to make him do it, because the God’s honest truth is – without Hollywood, there is no America. It’s like trying to run Nazi Germany without Hitler at the forefront – it just becomes pointless,”
"Without Hollywood, there is no America." ?????
In case anyone has any debt what so every that these pompous self-absorbed celebrities who make a living pretending to be someone else, feigning class they don't possess, travel with armed personal bodyguards and live in gated mansions far away from real life have any idea what America is all about, this should put those doubts to rest. And they should remember, strikes and boycotts can cut both ways.......   

(NYT)                                        Thank You IowaDawg for the Linkage!
(The Rightist)

What's the Most Obvious Thing To Do By Our Most Vacationed President and First Lady After Relinquishing Office........Take Another Vacation Of Course

One Last Ride Out of Town Aboard Air Force One

It's literally one of the biggest perks of being President of the United States: Air Force One. The White House announced Barky's trip to Chicago for his farewell speech, and the subsequent return to Washington will be his final flights on AF1 as POTUS. But he gets one more complimentary ride after January 20th, as press secretary Josh Earnest told the White House press corps Monday afternoon:
“It is obviously tradition for the former president to take one last flight aboard the Presidential aircraft at the conclusion of the Inauguration.”
George W. Bush departing Washington on Marine One, on his way to AF One
at Andrews AFB for the flight home to Crawford Tex. after Obama was
sworn-in as President: Inauguration Day, January 2009
Obama, too, will get a lift on Marine One to Air Force One on that final day of his presidency. But unlike the Bush family, who were transported to their ranch in Texas, the Obamas who took numerous lavish vacations every year and just returned from two weeks in Hawaii, are headed straight for another vacation, using our freakin' plane. 

Yeah, been a couple of tuff weeks with all that goodbye partying and stuff. 
“That's certainly what I would anticipate, yes. The president and first lady will be leaving town shortly after the Inaugural Ceremony. But they will return, of course, to their rented house in Washington, D.C.”
No official word where exactly the former first duo will be headed, but Obama told Oprah Winfrey during an interview last month that he was going to take Michelle on a trip to a less wintry locale.  The People's Paradise of Cuba maybe?
“We're going someplace warm. See ya.”
And he'll get to take Air Force One, a Boeing 747-200B series airplane, a massive, customized plane with more than 4,000 square feet of space and three levels. It can be refueled in mid-air, which means it can stay up as long as need be.  He told Ellen DeGeneres when he went on her show last February that he "doesn't miss flying commercial, taking your shoes off and all that.”

Might want to get used to it Barky. Come January 21st you and Mooch aren't royalty anymore and vacationing on America's dime. Just regular old folks like the rest of us. 

[IJR]                                Thank You MJA - Larwyn's Linx - and Pirate's Cove for the Linkage

Monday, January 9, 2017


If the headline sounds insane, that’s because it is. Modern day Progressives have always been crazy, but the election of Donald Trump has exposed their madness in an epic way. An editor for Think Progress is so traumatized by the President-elect that he’s having paranoid delusions that his plumber is a Nazi capable of extreme anti-Semitic violence. This is going to be a rough 4 and maybe 8 years for the left. 

Ned Resnikoff is a senior editor at liberal shitpile Think Progress. Recently he this on social media:
"I Wanted to share an experience from earlier today. This afternoon, I had plumber over to my apartment to fix a clogged drain. He was a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional. But he was also a middle-aged white man with a southern accent who seemed unperturbed by this week’s news." 
"And while I had him in the apartment, I couldn’t stop thinking about whether he had voted for Trump, whether he knew my last name was Jewish, and how that knowledge might change the interaction we were having inside my own home. I have no real reason to believe he was a Trump supporter or an anti-Semite, but in my uncertainty I couldn’t shake the sense of potential danger. I was rattled for some time after he left.  
Potential danger?  Of what, a clean running drain?
"I’m very privileged insofar as this sense of danger is unfamiliar to me. And I know I feel it much less accurately than a lot of other people right now. I’m still a straight, white guy who can phenotypically pass for gentile."
"But today was a reminder that ambiguous social interactions now feel unsafe and unpredictable in a way that they never did before. And even if Trump is gone in four years, I don’t expect to ever reclaim that feeling of security. That’s just one more thing you voted for, if you voted for him." 
Okay people, let's recap. A gainfully employed middle-aged white man with a southern accent was a nice person and did his job well, and the liberal now fears for his safety because of Donald Trump. This is both parts sad and hysterical.

From Lil' Ned's Tweeter Page