Tuesday, March 6, 2018

CNN Has Gone From Dumpster Diving To Chasing Parked Cars

As CNN is seemingly intentionally beclowning themselves in a one network race to the bottom. Aside from interviewing drunks on the air, they're dispatching reporters around the world to help dig up clues and finally get to the bottom of the Trump campaign’s Russia ties. In attempts to remain relevant, last month the network infamously sent a reporter to St. Petersburg, where he literally dug around a dumpster looking for leads. Now CNN has sent a reporter to Bangkok to interveiw a hooker who claims to have the goods on the Trump camp's alleged under-the-table dealings with Russia.

The woman, Anastasia Vashukevich, who is also a self-described “sex coach,” (wink wink) is currently locked up in Thailand prison, and hopes that U.S. will offer her asylum if she spills some beans on the mythical Trump collusion. CNN hyped her possible credibility in noting that she was once photographed with a Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, whom Paul Manafort was associated. Wow! After all the time, money and effort expended trying to lynch Donald Trump, the media, including The New York Times which ran a 1,000+ word exposé on Vashukevich’s allegations last week is down to desperately seeking out imprisoned hookers for any possible clues and leads. 

And they don't call them the Clown News Network for Nothing...... 

Monday, March 5, 2018

What Could Possibly Go Wrong??

New Startup Wants to Determine For You What is Fake News

What could go wrong. Put dozens and dozens of people in a room, (hopefully with the proper amount of diversity in skin color, plumbing, and sexual practices) many who were taught in journalism schools their mission was to decide the truth, change the world and tell people what they should think, and give them the job of rooting out and labeling Fake News on the internet.

In a world where the left is so f**kin stupid that SNOPES has to officially tell them CNN didn't really buy an Industrial Strength Washing Machine to spin the News, maybe they could use a service like this. The Startup founder and CEO, Steven Brill stated the mission and the goal of their venture: To help consumers distinguish between sites that are trying to get it right and sites that are trying to trick people.

The irony of this is he said it on Little Chubby Stelter's show on the Fake News Network CNN.
"What we're doing is no more and no less than telling people the difference between The Denver Post, which is a real newspaper, and The Denver Guardian, which broke a bunch of,  you know,  completely fake stories right before the election," said Steven Brill, the co-CEO of the new venture. 
He said several dozen journalists will be hired to produce the reviews. The pitch is naturally appealing to journalists -- he's saying algorithms aren't cutting it, so real-life reviewers are needed to judge reliability. 
Websites will receive green, yellow, or red ratings. There will also be "nutrition labels" with more detailed information. The labels "are intended to let readers know if they need to take particular brands they see online with a grain of salt -- or with an entire shaker." 
"Imagine coming to a National Review story about affirmative action versus one from the Nation. Both totally legit publications,  but unlike the old days when you knew what brands were,  on a feed or in a search they both just look like headlines."
NewsGuard will try to license its reviews and nutrition labels to search and social networking platforms like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and the Tweeter.

"How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?"

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *
Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Theater Music Director

Friday, March 2, 2018

Got Some Good News and Some Bad News......

The Good News is Michelle Obama is not gonna be your next president. The Bad News is she wants to create "thousands and thousands" more Michelle Obamas!  Yeah, just what Amerika needs, more big ass angry black girls who think a skanky Beyonce is a good role model, and is bad at pretending money can buy class. You can take the girl outta the ghetto......

Mich spoke at an event Tuesday in New York where she explained that her work with the Obama Foundation (their tax exempt, Clinton like money laundry using indoctrination and Alinsky tactic to infiltrate the public schools with a Far Left agenda to ’ fundamentally transform ’ white, capitalist, Christian America into another third world nation run by Democrats, preferably by blacks and self-loathing whites) has made her hopeful and “optimistic” for the future of the country.

According to Obama, the results of that work with young people is the reason that she will not run for U.S. president. Thankfully, we dodged that campaign experience!
“This is why I’m not going to run for president because I think it’s a better investment to invest in creating thousands of mes. We don’t need just one [Michelle Obama] — we need thousands and thousands....”
No class but at least she's modest! She also said that after spending eight years in the White House with Barky, she feels it’s time for older leaders to step aside to allow the younger generations to usher in change. *rolls eyes*

So you may now relax and bask in the glow of the beauty and grace of Mich O' and contemplate her deleterious future vision of America, knowing that she has thrown herself on the sword and will not be your next president!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Televisions Been Full of Schiff For Over A Year Now.

"The Republican National Committee has just released a study on the Democrat party’s top Russian conspiracy monger Adam Schiff (D-CA)and how he has a rather cozy relationship with the media networks that are determined to remove President Trump from office. 
The slimy little prick is the representative for Hollywood and the celebrity Trump haters, something that has not once been pointed out on CNN, MSNBC or any of the other dishonest gabfests that have given this bug-eyed geek a forum to spew his nonsense. The RNC’s report “The Schiff Show” details 227 times that Schiff has given television interviews, a feat that would have been difficult for even an attention whore like John McCain to have matched during his heyday." 

According to the RNC Report,  Adam the Lying  Shitweasel, ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Democrat's Minister of the People's Truth, has used the House Russia investigation to becoming a constant presence on cable TV and become the dem's lead propagandist. From January 23, 2017 until February 25, 2018, Schiff  gave 227 live interviews clocking a total of 26 hours, 4 minutes on camera.  He participated in 111 interviews with the geniuses at MSNBC for a total time of 12 hours, 6 minutes, and went slumming 87 times for interviews at CNN for a total time of 10 hours, 59 minutes.

Between television appearances and phone calls trolling the Hollywood pervs back home for campaign bucks, in 2017  Schiff spoke on the House floor a total of 10 times for a total of 36 minutes, and 29 seconds.

Just the thought of Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters as the faces of my party would seriously make my skin crawl.....

So, the White House is in Need of a New Communications Director. If I May Be So Bold As To Make a Suggestion.........

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Weinstein Apologist and Poster Boy For Mental Health Funding Gets New ABC Late Night Talk Show

 “Alec’s intellect, wit and wealth of life experience afford him a voice and perspective we haven’t seen
before in this format."
  - Channing Dungey, President of ABC Entertainment

As if ABC hasn't pushed the limits of good taste to the edge with the nasty hygiene challenged lookin' Whoopie Goldberg and the nasally Trump hating, self-loathing bigot from Queens NY, Joy Behar, along with the rest of the Cackling Hens of 'The View' in daytime talk, the brilliant people at ABC have decided to Baldwin all over late night.

For those of us who plan on not watching the Academy Awards will sadly miss a teaser for Alec Baldwin's 'Sunday With Baldwin' set to air right after the Oscars telecast. 

The powers that be at Disney/ABC see the man who the left is crediting with resuscitated Saturday Night Live by dawning a bad toupee and made the ancient sketch comedy show relevant again (as if making SNL great again means anything to the average American)means he gets a pass on his personal actions over all these years, including his disturbing interactions with women in the past, and attacking the accusers of his many Hollywood predator friends.
Looking Like He's Fresh From a Three Day
Drinking Binge, Bloated B List Actor

Alec Baldwin At A Recent Public Appearance

Maybe ABC will encourage Alec to open up and share his life stories and his history of Homophobic Rants,  or maybe his numerous  public acts of violence, or maybe even that time he gave the Big Apple a Big Middle Finger.  No, but because even though he's  has been bulldozing his way through the past few months, attacking anyone who disagrees with his stances on the #MeToo movement, he's still a darling of faggish NY stage theater crowd and good NY progtard. That, and he wears one of those goofy "I too have a gay hairdresser who makes me look like I'm a homeless wino" haircuts. Yeah, he gets a pass.

It's probably good that they scheduled Baldwin's show in late night where the low-info millennials seem to pool. If you remember his last unscripted shot at TV talk over at MSBNC. 'Up Late' with Alec Baldwin' was the painfully worst late-night talk show in the history of human media pathology. He's volatile, he's cantankerous, but for some reason people seem to like him.  Well, except Hollywood who won't touch him with a ten foot pole......

NBC: "No one could make a bigger mistake than we did hiring Megyn Kelly!"

ABC: "Hold my beer."

Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Why the Left Opposes Arming Teachers

by Dennis Prager for TownHall

Why does the left oppose allowing a small number of highly trained teachers and other adults who work at schools to arm themselves? When asked, their response is consistent: “It’s a crazy idea.” And “We need fewer guns, not more guns.”
A New York Times editorial offered the following argument against having any armed teachers:
“Nationwide statistics on police shooting accuracy are not to be found. But if New York is typical, analyses show that its officers hit their targets only one-third of the time. And during gunfights, when the adrenaline is really pumping, that accuracy can drop to as low as 13 percent.”
But if that is an argument against armed teachers, why isn’t it an argument against armed police?
And that argument was Aristotelian compared to this one from a Los Angeles Times editorial:
“If a pistol-strapping chemistry teacher had grabbed her .45 and unloaded on today’s gunman after he killed, what, one student? Three? Five? That would be good news?” 
Of course, no murder is “good news.” But to most of us, one or three or five as compared with 17  murdered is good news. Only those who think it isn’t good news think permitting some teachers and other school staff to be armed is a bad idea.
Beyond such arguments, the left rarely, if ever, explains why allowing some teachers and other adults in a school to be armed is a crazy idea. They merely assert it as a self-evident truth. But, of course, it's not a self-evident truth. On the contrary, having some adults who work at schools be trained in the responsible use of guns makes so much sense that the left's blanket opposition seems puzzling. It shouldn't be. On the question of taking up arms against evil, the left is very consistent. - Keep Reading


This Kentucky school district just voted to let teachers carry concealed guns -