Friday, September 28, 2018

The View From the Far End of the Sofa

Now that the spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearings, Part 2: “Tales From the Yearbook” and the grilling of a Supreme Court Nominee about high school fart jokes are over, it becomes obvious that the Democrats have overplayed their #MeToo hand. In their zeal to derail the nomination of a highly qualified judge, they played to the lowest denominator and seemed swept up in the frenzy of that movement and they may have inadvertently decimated the #MeToo movement. In its original incarnation, it was a movement about sexual assault and violence. In its current incarnation, it has morphed into an ugly catch-all for leftist complaints, now encompassing pay disparities, power structures, whisper networks, and intense personal hatred of white males with power.

As this latest round of the Kavanaugh hearings shows, reason, argument and even the law are outmoded. It has become an orgy of outrage. All men are nasty predators and the accuser is to believed no matter how preposterous, unsubstantiated,or uncorroborated the accusation is, witnesses to the contrary be damned. And if all men are nasty predators who carry a presumption of guilt, that makes all women victims. The feminist of old would cringe if alive today to see their gender relegated back to the role of victim…by women themselves.

Guilt cannot be presumed simply for carrying the Y chromosome. Awkward advances and clumsy moves are now defined as sexual assault. Sexual assault is not some guy coming onto you, and proclaiming it over Facebook does not make it so. Neither is “abuse” regret after the fact. And did anyone notice no one followed up on the fact she herself admitted to drinking on the occasion of her accusation?

After yesterday's testimony, yes I'm of the belief Christine Ford may have been, sometime and somewhere, a victim of an attempted assault that she may have stored away in her unconscious for decades. I am also equally convinced her attacker was not Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dems Resort to Use Of Federal Court to Stop Kavanaugh Vote

With the media and democrats and their grandstanding creepy porn lawyer friends having turned the Kavanaugh Conformation into the circus, and with little left but grasping at *straws (*not legal in some states) have turned to the one thing they have left, leftist federal judges. According to Politico, back-bench junior Senator and Chuck Schumer toady, Jeff Merkley (Leftist-Ore.) on Wednesday announced that he's seeking an injunction in federal court designed to stop a final vote on Brett Kavanaugh, asserting an obstruction of his constitutional duty to advise and consent on nominees. Kinda makes you wonder if Jeff Merkley has ever read the constitution......
"Merkley's filing in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia comes as Senate Republicans vow to push ahead with a vote on President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee in the coming days — and hours before a landmark hearing slated with Christine Blasey Ford, who has alleged a decades-old sexual assault by Kavanaugh. Merkley's bid for an injunction hinges on the Senate's constitutional duty to provide advice and consent on nominees and charges that he's been prevented from fulfilling that due to the withholding of records on Kavanaugh's past service in the George W. Bush administration. 
“The events of the past ten days have only underscored how critical it is that the Senate conduct a careful and comprehensive review of a nominee before giving its consent,” Merkley told POLITICO in a statement. “The unprecedented obstruction of the Senate’s advice and consent obligation is an assault on the separation of powers and a violation of the Constitution. The President and Mitch McConnell want to ram through this nomination come hell or high water, without real advice or informed consent by the Senate, but that’s just not how our Constitution works.” 
Ford's allegation is not directly cited in Merkley's filing, which is unlikely to succeed in stopping the vote. But the entrance of the Oregonian, who's indicated interest in a 2020 presidential bid, into the Kavanaugh debate further heightens the politically charged atmosphere shrouding the nomination. Merkley delivered a 15-hour floor speech last year in an ultimately failed bid to stop the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch."
Unprecedented obstruction of the Senate’s advice and consent obligation indeed! Unfounded, unprovable 36 year old allegations by women who no one will back up?

 Stilton Done This. 

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

A Massive Overdose of Liberal Double-Think and Hypocrisy.

As Kavanaugh's accuser's ramp up their protests and complaints about the terms of engagement, through their rhetoric and demands they demonstrate ever more clearly the reality behind the agenda of their supporters and mouthpieces: the totalitarian drive for absolute, unaccountable, and unopposable control over lives, words, and actions,  and the threat of personal destruction of any who dare to stand in their way or expresses the slightest criticism of the narrative and code of behavior and thought processes that they would impose on society.

This is a movement that, on the one hand, claims to empower women to live full lives but that at the same time treats them as such untouchable fragile vessels, who will irreparably fall apart unless they can fully control their interactions with the world around them. A movement that arrogates to themselves infallible possession of “truth”, asserts control over defining the standards for evaluating their truth claims, and enforces this “truth” on everybody else just because they say so.  They will use all means necessary, including intimidation and force, to silence and destroy any dissent, and by projection labeling any such dissent as oppression in good Orwellian fashion.

A movement that claims unprecedented authority to dictate to the members and staff of the U.S. Senate the entire structure and rules for their witness, seeking to overturn centuries of covenant and jurisprudence for judgment of public accusations, and in its place, seeking to control who can speak to them, what can be spoken in the hearing or by any person outside the hearing in any setting, while at the same time being granted untrammeled power to tell their narrative and to bully and silence any contrary view. Twisting historical rules and custom into a pretzel. A movement that would spread fear and exalt anger far and wide in our land to create a climate of suspicion and distrust between individuals, a world in which a vocal minority with media hegemony can dominate conversation and though  manipulation, create a false “consensus” and “settled truth”. 

It’s time to for the Republican members of the Judiciary committee and Senate leadership to start playing hardball and stand up for, if nothing else, simple decency and fair process and civilized behavior.

(RS Diaries)
H/T Crazy Cousin Olivia

Monday, September 24, 2018

Yale Law School Cancels Classes So Future Michael Avenattis Can Yell at Brett Kavanaugh
Dianne Lake, a second-year Yale Law student, helped plan Monday’s sit in at the Sterling Law Building

According to The Cut, Yale has cancelled classes at Yale Law so students can protest against the 'very real threat' to America, Brett Kavanaugh. These future lawyers of America have been protesting both on campus and in Washington to convince lawmakers to vote against confirming Kavanaugh, so the school cancelled more than 30 scheduled classes Monday morning in anticipation of widespread absences. More than a hundred students traveled to D.C. to protest at the Supreme Court and to meet with Senators about the nomination. The increased protest activity is owed to another sexual assault allegation by Deborah Ramirez, who told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh had assaulted her.

“As a community, we are here today to show that we take allegations of sexual assault and harassment seriously,” said Diane Lake, a second-year law student, according to the Hartford Courant. “We are here today to discuss the very real threat that Brett Kavanaugh poses to this country.” Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken issued a statement supporting the students’ calls for a thorough investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh. From the Courant:
"Many of our faculty and students have taken actions to raise these concerns about the confirmation process. “Students have worked with the Law School administration and faculty so that the community can come together as a whole to discuss this important moment in our country’s history."
Now I may be mistaken, but I thought law schools taught the basic right of all, that you are innocent until proven guilty. Seems Yale Law, class of 2018, have put politics above the law, a sad thing indeed, and have condemned the Judge with only the word of a person who has already shone herself to be a liar, and no one seems willing to backup her sketchy story. So, I offer to you some unsolicited advice to take to not trust a lawyer with Yale Law on their resume from this year forward.....

(Hot Air) 
MJA @IOTWReport for the Linkage!

It's No Longer About The Truth

NKT - The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer appeared on CBS’s “This Morning” on Monday to discuss her reporting regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh exposing himself to Deborah Ramirez while a freshman at Yale and admitted that corroborating sources to the incident did not actually witness the event. 

On Sunday, the New Yorker reported:
“Ramirez said that, when both she and Kavanaugh were freshmen at Yale, she was invited by a friend on the women’s soccer team to a dorm-room party. She recalled that the party took place in a suite at Lawrance Hall, in the part of Yale known as Old Campus, and that a small group of students decided to play a drinking game together. “We were sitting in a circle,” she said. “People would pick who drank.” Ramirez was chosen repeatedly, she said, and quickly became inebriated. At one point, she said, a male student pointed a gag plastic penis in her direction. Later, she said, she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words, as that male student and another stood nearby. (Ramirez identified the two male onlookers, but, at her request, The New Yorker is not naming them.)” 
CBS News’ John Dickerson asked Mayer about where the corroborating witness to Ramirez’s allegations came from and where he got the information about the alleged incident from. “He remembers it from from he was in the same dorm, same little building on Yale’s old campus,” Mayer said. 

“But did he see it?” Dickerson asked Mayer.

“No, as I’ve said, he heard it from someone that was there,” Mayer responded. Mayer said that her source was sure of his memory of the event, but CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell followed up, “But, as you admit, he was not at the party.”

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Joe Biden Plans Vice Presidential Library

Biden Takes Part-time Job to Raise Funds for New Library

Middle Finger News Service Wire:

MFNS - Wilmington Del.- Unnamed sources close to Joe Biden have told MFNS the former VP has decided to build his own Vice Presidential Library in his longtime home District in Delaware. The source told us supporters of Biden convinced him of the need of on honor, he being the historic 2 term VP of the first black President of the United States, and as Biden himself likes to say, "The Cream in the Coffee of the Obama Administration."

The initial plans set forth for the library are said to include a Bidenesque design of three wings. One showcasing his early life and lengthy time in the Senate, another housing pictures and mementos of his two terms as Vice President and a third holding his personal notes and the many proposed initiatives and ideas brutally shot down by President Obama. 

The building is planned to also feature a Gift Shop, 51 Political Correct Gender Specific Restrooms, an Indoor Super-Soaker Tactical Training Course, a Free-Range Fried Chicken Cafe and a Starbucks.

The project is said to be funded totally with moneys raised by private contributions. The FOB's (Friends of Biden) last month started a Go-Fund-Me page to raise money for the project. The target is $5.5 million. As of this writing the fund has so far raised $12.17.

In the meantime Biden has gone to work as a consultant for 'Turd Burglar Waste Disposal' to help in the financing of the project. 

Biden leads the members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a
Chorus of 'Movin' on Up'

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport & WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Spartacus Booker: "17-Year Olds Too Immature to Be Held Accountable for Actions"

Senator Spartacus (D-NJ)

Well this is interesting. While attacking Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Booker is sponsoring legislation that proposes letting juvenile offenders off the hook. (this is to gain minority favor and yes he is running for president). As all the the world knows by now, Judge Kavanaugh stands accused of assaulting Christine Blasey Ford when both were in high school. Blasey did not report the incident to authorities or apparently anyone else at the time. There is zero evidence.  Kavanaugh was 17 years old at the time.

As it happens, Senator Booker is a co-sponsor of something called the REDEEM Act along with Senator Rand Paul. The proposed legislation centers on expunging the records of juveniles convicted of non-violent crimes, thus ensuring some teenage mistake does not follow them for a lifetime. While what Kavanaugh is accused of presumably would be classified as “violent,” again, he was never charged much less prosecuted for this. But in an explanation of his concern for teenagers who get in trouble, as here at the Senator’s website, Booker says this, bold print supplied:
"Studies of youth brain development have found that the decision-making functions of the brain do not fully develop until much later than was previously believed to be the case. Despite this, some states still try 17-, and even 16,-year-olds as adults by default. 
The REDEEM Act incentivizes states to establish 18 years old as a floor for original jurisdiction by adult criminal courts by allowing preference to be given to Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant applications that originate from states that have enacted similar or stronger provisions."
In other words? If one assumes that Christine Ford’s account is accurate, it happened for one reason, the reason that no less than Cory Booker himself has — truthfully — asserted. Again, that is this: Studies of youth brain development have found that the decision-making functions of the brain do not fully develop until much later than was previously believed to be the case.

In other words? The activities of a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh, not to mention 15-year-old Christine Blasey, were the result of immature teenagers whose “decision-making functions” were impaired to begin with because they had brains that were not “fully” developed. Not to mention that if Booker is literally sponsoring legislation that would make it the law of the land to seal youthful criminal records, there is no way that Ford’s 36-years later allegation, when no charges were even filed in the day, should be relevant in the first place.

There is zero evidence — say again zero — that Kavanaugh has ever exhibited this behavior in his adult life. Say again, zero. To the contrary. One woman after another has come forward to describe him in terms of being a gentleman on a personal level and an utter professional in the workplace. 

Contrast this with the behavior Democrats are silent about this very minute.

(The Spectator)
H/T Crazy Cousin Olivia
Thank You Whatfinger News for the Linkage!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Best Giggle Snort Tweet of the Year.

Why I Don't Write Satire Anymore. They Write It for Us.
The Comments are Hilarious!

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