Monday, October 15, 2018

Face It Lizzy, You're Just Another White Girl.......

We all laughed at Rachel Dolezal, a woman so obsessed with racial politics that she found her skin to be so offensive to her that she literally did what was necessary to pass herself off as a black woman. Even the left, who was ironically shouting that boys could be girls and vice versa thought her a loon. They need racial issues to be a set thing in order to keep up a thriving privilege narrative and racial divide for healthy voting blocs.

Elizabeth Warren has been struggling against her whiteness for some time. As a Senator, there isn’t really anything special about her. She’s a wealthy, upper-class white woman who has no stand-out characteristics in her personality, except she can be obnoxiously verbose. As far as she goes, she’s another brick in the Democrat sewer drain. What Warren does have is a need for attention, an edge.

She chose to claim Native American ancestry and has benefited from her deception. She was laughed at by the right as tribes denounced her claim due to not finding her lineage in any of their carefully kept records. Regardless, she continued to double, triple, and quadruple down on the claim. She had to because if she didn’t she would just be white. According to the media, Senator Lizzy has now proven that she has Native American ancestry, but mostly has proven she has about as much Native American ancestry as everyone else. And the natives ain't happy.

To make matters worse, she wasn’t even actually tested against Native American DNA (much less Cherokee, which was her original claim). Instead, she was tested against DNA from…Mexico, Peru, and Colombia.

Yes, you read that right. The reason for this is obvious. She clearly didn’t have any Cherokee DNA as she claimed, so the tester decided he’d use just Latin American DNA as a stand in so he could prop up her claim. He found a tiny bit of Latin American DNA within her heritage and used that to say that she has Native American heritage. How does he make this claim? Because some Native Americans, going back to crossing from Russia tens of thousands of years ago, kept going and ended up south of the modern United States. 

But the wagons were circled  and the talking points in her defense went out to the media.

In 2020, any mention of this will elicit claims that she was telling the truth, that the media reported on it, and that it’s a closed case. They are already trying to frame this in the same vein as the birther non-sense. It’s all nakedly transparent.

(Bonchies Diaries)
H/T Konan The Bar Barron

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Sunday Matinee

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, October 12, 2018

Just What America Needs, More Baldwin.

Looking Like He's Fresh From A Three Day Drinking Binge, Hygiene Challenged 
Actor Alec Baldwin At A Recent Public Appearance - Getty Images

ABC/Alec Baldwin Throttle Up for New Train Wreck Talk Show 

Hollywood wash-out, B-list TV actor and New York's favorite angry white guy,  Alec Baldwin and The Disney Corp are teaming for a new ABC network talk show. The project is based on Baldwin's WNYC radio show/podcast 'Here's the Thing With Alec Baldwin.' Baldwin being a vehement Trump hater who gained favor with lo-info millennials was awarded an Emmy by the Hollywood leftist for helping rescue most every weekend a pathetically unfunny SNL with his over-the-top portrayal of the Donald Trump.

The new talk show would expand Baldwin's relationship with the network where he currently goes through the motions as a bored, bloated card reader, hosting mostly other show-biz has beens on the game show 'Match Game'.  I'm not sure it matters where they schedule Baldwin show if you remember his last unscripted shot at TV talk over at MSBNC. 'Up Late' with Alec Baldwin" was the painfully worst late-night talk show in the history of human media pathology. 

The series lasted a mere five episodes and aired Fridays at 10 p.m. from October 11 to November 8, 2013 and Alec got his ass fired from MSBNC for two homophobic incidents within the span of about 6 months. He's volatile, he's cantankerous, but for some reason people seem to like him.  Well, except Hollywood who won't touch him with a ten foot pole......

NBC: "No one could make a bigger mistake than we did hiring Megyn Kelly!" 

ABC: "Hold my beer."
MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mugging America in Broad Open Daylight

After the sanctuary city of San Francisco expanded voting to illegal aliens in some local elections, desperate California lefties now want to fraudulently boost its Congressional representation and federal funding by continuing to include illegal aliens in their census. Now leading the charge is none other than the disgraced Senator San Fran Feinstein herself, who seems confused by the fact those of us who are citizens might not want people from other countries vote on who represents us. Surprised?

As we wrote in March: 
The Commerce Department confirmed  that the 2020 census will ask respondents if they are U.S. citizens or not. On the face of it, that’s a pretty innocuous question. It was used until 1950 but was part of the short form starting in 1910 until its removal in 2010 after the dems and Barky Obama got their clocked cleaned big time in the mid terms and lost an historic number of seats.  But the lefties now believe that beneath the surface it’s part of a vile Trump style voter suppression move. 

New York City, who continues to coddle illegal aliens and defy Federal law, created a “NYC-ID” card that was meant to help undocumented illegal aliens with a card for identification, health care, and governmental services (you can bet there's no hanky-panky going on there) all payed for with New Yorker's hard earned tax money. 

Vanita Gupta, a former Obama toadie and president & CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (they do love to give themselves names with Civil and Human Rights in the title don't they) said that “there is already data that the heightened level of fear among Latino populations, created by the Trump administration’s hostile policies and rhetoric and could depress their participation in the 2020 census. You mean a heightened level of fear because They Are Here Illegally?!

The results according to experts means less power for Democrats. Under-counting of Latino populations, which will in turn affect government services, budgets, and voter rolls. No, they shouldn't be accounted for in 
government services & budgets. They Illegally Entered the Country!!  Non-citizens can’t vote, (yeah, you keep sayin' that BS ) but they are still counted for congressional districts and state congressional representation, which they shouldn't be because They're Here Illegally! 

It’s quite possible that California will lose one or more of its seats in the House of Representatives if enough illegals don’t respond to the census, so says the California Attorney General. This is also particularly galling to snowflake progressives because the 2020 census will also not count how many LGBT queers there are in America, mainly because they are counting heads, not sexual orientations... and no one really cares!! 


MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Triggered by the 'M' Word

Rand Paul is warning that there will likely be assassinations in the future, thanks to political actors (and I assume he includes our dreadful media in that) has turned up the rhetoric to 15. That's what the media claimed during the "Climate of Hate" days, right? So if they believed that then, they must also believe it now. Or do they just not care, because they think the likely trigger-pullers will be their leftwing allies taking care of some turbulent priests. Minnesota Educator Placed on Leave Over 'Kill Kavanaugh' Tweet.

But the lovely Brooke Baldwin of CNN, who suffers from acute public mascara overdoses, will hear none of this. She won't even acknowledge that a mob of angry leftists chasing Ted Cruz and his family out of a restaurant (a mob which presumably wanted to shout some "commonsense solutions" to them)  was actually a mob at all. Not only that, she's triggered by none other than a fellow traveler, a writer from the leftist  'Daily Beast', and repeatedly denies that a mob was in fact a mob.

As you can see, Brooke Baldwin is now aging quite well out of her role as just another Bubblegum Blonde Teleprompter News Reader.

It's significant that the leftwing media continues encouraging violence at the same time their former presidential candidate declares the end of civic peace, at least until Democrats take back power, of course. I keep saying this but now that the leftist media has expressly endorsed the tactic of nonstop public harassment of public political figures, such as the Democrats' PR arm the Media, it is only a matter of time before these same threatening, likely-to-lead to violence tactics are visited upon them.
At a time when Republicans are being shot, stabbed, doxxed, beaten, mailed powder, run out of restaurants, and sent death threats, Hillary Clinton urges Democrats to be even more uncivil. What an irresponsible statement. Every Democrat should denounce. - U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D (R- LA) 
Anyone who turned on their TV this last month saw a mob screaming at lawmakers, trying to prevent hearings from happening, storming barricades, yelling at law enforcement, and trying to bang down the doors of the Supreme. - U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
When Brooke Baldwin can never eat in public in peace, she'll start asking Republicans to white knight for her and condemn the tactic. And I'm sure some cucks will be eager to take a CNN's thirty pieces of silver to do so -- cucks'll sell their mother's virtue for airfare and a per diem. 

(The Tweeter Thingy)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Slow Ugly Self Demise Of The Leftist Media Machine

by Burghal Hidage 

Underneath it all she had always been a petulant little witch. The type who at the age of twelve and a half was permitted to join the adult table, yet could not simply content herself with the honor. She doesn’t even bother with the makeup any more. She’s been exposed to all, to the most intimate detail. She still carries the same skin, even if all of the dough beneath has settled to form unsightly bags and cellulite deposits. In her own mind she’s still all that. Where this is present in some it inspires a certain admiration for such security in one’s self.

In Gazette’s case it can but inspire pity, for we see not a woman liberated of her inhibitions; instead, a woman drunken on her former glories. She longs to once again feel that intoxication experienced in her heroic age, the days of The Pentagon Papers and Watergate, not realizing that this dragon will ever elude her grasp.

She is one of them now, the predictable fruit of every other revolution. We needn’t feel embarrassment for her, our pity is to be reserved for those more worthy of such tender mercies. Gazette now seeks neither sympathy nor solace. She has grown petty and thin-skinned, her only purpose now is vengeance. Throughout her sordid history she has (for convenience, amusement or both) made her bed with some equally unscrupulous characters. In her glory years these were singular encounters, a darkened rendezvous with a Deep Throat. As her star faded she had morphed into just another useful tool, until she graduated to a full on gang bang with the Deep State.

Gazette’s real kink has always been about being on the inside, recipient and disseminator of rumor, gossip and palace intrigue. Being invited to and becoming the life of all the best DC circuit cocktail parties. In her day she was the Grand Mistress to all, the whore incarnate within her home circles; while posing the Madonna face to the contemptible masses, cooing her gentle, motherly scold to the unwashed curs for their ignorant transgressions against the public virtue of the day. Her manipulations were masterful, her physical dexterity superhuman: contorting to any position required that might offer an orifice to all comers. And this was how she was to be repaid? No, no, no….not her. This will not stand.

Make no mistake, my friends. This lady still has more tricks in her. One does not rocket through her orbits and not come into the possession of certain, shall we say “leverage points”. In days of old these might still hold some currency. Had she kept her circle of friends to a more exclusive membership she might still be able to survive with this play. Not so in today’s world. She has left herself too widely exposed. The parties inside of her bubble may not hear much of anything that comes from outside of it, but they certainly do one hell of a lot of talking within it. Gazette always wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She wanted to enjoy the privileges of being on the inside without having to assume any of the risks. She realizes now, too late, that with her sources compromised she is no longer any value and, by extension, no threat. She is equally compromised, fully implicated and in short: reduced to an accomplice.

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Monday, October 8, 2018

What's a Four Letter Word for 'Tone Deaf Fake Indian'?

Senator Lizzy Warren (D- Mass)

If anyone knows about brazenly stealing things from Native Americans, it’s Elizabeth Warren. It’s sad enough that lefties have tried to erase Christopher Columbus from history, but of all people to tweet at #IndigenousPeoplesDay, Senator Lizzy manages to show her tone deafness, or that she just doesn't have any shame:

Of course as always, someone was peeking over the fence....

But, Senator Lizzy was in good company.........

And of course they never mention the slavery, genocide, atrocities against their fellow native american tribes, or the patriarchy that was already here when Columbus arrived. We won't talk about that.......

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport &
WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning