Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jeff Bezos Addresses Rumors of POTUS Aspirations

MFNS Jeff Bezos, the creepy looking Amazon founder and CEO,  held a hastily called press conference in front of the 100-foot polished brass plated blast-proof doors guarding the entrance to his underground headquarters at the base of Mount Rainier. He called reporters together to address recent rumors and make clear that he has “No illusion or aspiration for the office of president of the United States.” Reporters in attendance struggled to hear Bezos over the din of endless dodecacopter drones whisking heavy machinery into the subterranean factory/AI hive/research facility.

Bezos explained that a step down from his current position to the office of POTUS would be a mistake on par with “having a Facebook account in this day and age,” but left open the idea of a lateral move. 
“I would certainly entertain taking a position of comparable importance and meaning… something along the lines of Prime Minister of Earth.”
When asked if he meant “earn” or “seek” such a position, Bezos answered in his normal, matter of factly manner,
No, I said take the position. That’s what I meant.” 
Bezos, who some quietly whisper is not of this earth, recently claimed the title of Richest Man on the Planet, which press kits point out is actually “Richest being in the solar system, and known universe.” And since his acquisition of Whole Foods Co. and the Washington Post Inc., Bezos has made major inroads into future control of the worlds food supply as well as the dissemination of truth and information.

When asked by REDACTED, correspondent for REDACTED, if the recent unveiling of his cardboard Blue Moon Lander was “just some dumb Amazon dot com publicity stunt,” REDACTED was quickly whisked away by Amazon robotic security and disappeared, and any trace of him erased from history. To confirm this, we searched online archives for any mention of REDACTED or his work at REDACTED and found no results.

The wealthiest creature in the Galaxy has more important things to do besides being your President, like sucking the precious bodily fluid outa the Moon.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Yes, Everything You Know Is Wrong.

 Social media, and the internet have helped to foster a cult of ignorance. 

We are witnessing an incredible accelerating wave of anti-rationalism and emotion over reason in public debate, and blurring of lines among fact and opinion and lies. Today, everyone knows everything. Today, it is absolutely true that all voices, even the most ridiculous are demanding to not only be heard but to be taken seriously, to be given equal seriousness to every other voice, regardless of the disparity in educational achievement. And attempts to verify or qualify the credibility of a person or group of people claiming to know things, are dismissed as hate-speech and/or fascism.

Tom Nichols, author of 'The Death of Expertise' has this to say:
"the increasingly democratic dissemination of information, rather than producing an educated public, has instead created an army of ill-informed and angry citizens who denounce intellectual achievement."
We're seeing this everywhere. On college campuses, in political campaigns, in debates on cable news masquerading as journalism, where twenty-something “Experts” pontificate about subjects they know little about.  And it’s not only the death of expertise, as explained by Nichols, it is also the death of reasoned debate, and, ironically, it is the death of tolerance.

We are told we only have 12 years left until the world ends from climate change…if you disagree you are a climate denier.  We need to break our addiction to fossil fuels or our coastal cities will end up under water…if you disagree you are anti-science.  

If you oppose abortion you hate women and obviously want to rule over them....If you oppose higher taxes you’re anti-government and want potholes, dirty air, and anarchy....If you support a secure border you’re not only xenophobic, you hate brown people.....If you are against Socialism you know nothing about Sweden and of course, you hate poor people… If you support Capitalism, you’re obviously against the environment and hate poor people.…

If you wear a “Make America Great Again” hat, you hate blacks, women, Mexican, gays and you want to bring back Jim Crow, back-alley abortions, and slavery….If you support DJT you are a sexist, bigot and a fascist who hates democracy and the rule of law… If you oppose gender-neutral bathrooms, you clearly hate transgender people…etc, etc,etc.

Remember, everything is right until it’s wrong. Believe me. You can take it to the bank......

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

No Kamala, You're Not a Victim. You're Just An Extremely Unlikable Person.

According to Sen. Kamala Harris, it’s no coincidence that the top three Democrats leading in 2020 Democrat primary polls are white guys.  According to her, it’s the result of biased media pundits shaping black folks views with discussions on who is electable in today's america.  In her case, I'm sure her lack of perceived electablity has nothing to do with the Creepy Voodoo Witch persona she sometimes projects.

Speaking to the folks at the NAACP’s Fight for Freedom Dinner in the democrat run paradise of Detroit, the 2020 contender pathetically whined about her lack of popularity, saying that the media’s discussions about “electability” are leading minorities to believe that only a white man can defeat Donald Trump.  I don't know, kinda sounds like Kamala is calling black folks stupid and can't think for themselves. According to The Washington Post, her message to her predominantly black audience was to “stop believing the pundits’ take and get behind the candidates you align with personally.  Or, can't you see I'm black and a women dammit!

Unfortunately for Kamala, in the most recent Quinnipiac survey, only 2 percent of voters think she can beat Trump.  The number is the same when "controlled for voters of color."  The angry black woman in Manolo Blahnik shoes act is not playing well in middle America, black or white.  Even Harris’s fellow California lawmaker, Sen. Di Feinstein, has reportedly abandoned her in favor of white guy Joe. Feinstein confirmed Tuesday that because she’s known Biden for 20 years, she intends to vote for him.

Sorry Kamala, but America is not the slobbering leftist women at the table on 'The View' ya know.  Maybe it just hasn't hit her yet that most American people don’t care for her proposed commie policies, taking away the American's health care provider choices, guns and wealth.  Or maybe even democrats now realizes what they did to the county by reelecting Barack Obama.  We are paying dearly for it culturally now.

  ~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS  & MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Los Angeles Renames Three Mile Road After Famous Skid Mark

City fathers of the law-defiant, out-of-touch, morally bankrupt, sanctuary city of Los Angeles renamed a 3.5-mile long city street, formerly known as Rodeo Road, officially Obama Boulevard’ on Saturday. The Boulevard, not to be confused with Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, runs through a predominately black neighborhood that includes Rancho Cienega Park.

While Mr. Obama was unable to attend the dedication ceremony, he did express his gratitude in a letter to the tens of hundreds who gathered in his honor.  It's good to see he’s achieving as much in retirement as he achieved as President, and demonstrate what a boy born in his grandmother's back room in Kenya can become.

With mostly left turns and the road signs that appear after you pass the turn, the newly-named street intersects with Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. The new street name that indicates you definitely made a wrong turn intersects with the old street name that indicates you definitely made a wrong turn. As Chris Rock once said, the last street you want to be on at night is any of them named after Martin Luther King.

Signs along the presently feces, homeless camp and used needle free street, state the work of revitalizing the area was funded by Barack's stimulus package' but oddly no work was known to every have been done. Never has so many bestowed so much on so few who have done so little to earn it. It seems like the less a politician accomplishes, the more they're lionized.

Quite ironical, Obama was apparently unable to inspire investment in the community during his eight years, but now there is an “opportunity zone” adjacent to Obama Boulevard as the result of the work done by Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Ben Carson and President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

In a related story: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has effectively ended homelessness in the city by planting a mural and encouraging people to walk. If you don’t understand how that fixes everything, you’re probably one of those alt-right Nazi guys with a MAGA hat.

(Daily Wire)
(La Times)

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage ~

Monday, May 6, 2019

Like, OMG. Like "Food that comes out of dirt! It’s magic!”

The republic is doomed. We’ve read the Roman empire was destroyed by lead water pipes and the Chinese empire by bureaucracy. Historians will say the American republic succumbed to the abject stupidity of its elected representatives. Perhaps AOC thought vegetables were manufactured at a Ford plant. I can't wait until she finds out where BABIES come from......

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Attention White People: You Have Been Given Permission To Enjoy Cinco de Mayo

Yes! Our tolerant and moral betters at the Huffington Post have given you almost guilt-free OK to drink beer and appropriate Mexican cuisine for yourselves this weekend!!! You may proceed to the store for your Dos Equis and Cuervo and salsa. Getting a pass from an outlet so plugged into progressive puritanism is a big deal don't ya know. But tread carefully, Gringos. HuffPo’s Garin Pirnia is on to you:
"May 5 is Cinco de Mayo, an American-Mexican marketing holiday in which people drink an excessive amount of margaritas and Coronas, stuff their faces with discounted tacos and probably have no idea what the holiday actually represents...."
Uh, Yeah. And we already know about the kickin' Napoleon's nephew out of Mexico thing. So your point is?? 
"Despite the commercialism of the holiday and the way people (usually white people) can disrespect Mexican culture by wearing sombreros and fake mustaches, a couple of Mexican chefs are fine with the day."
I guess this wouldn’t be the Huffington Post we all have grown to point and laugh at if the cat ladies didn’t have a tortilla chip on their shoulders. Not that it really matters. We’re only talking about it because, as Pirnia put it:
"In the late 1980s, Mexican beer companies discovered they could make loads of money from an Americanized holiday."
People making money serving delicious food and drink, and people having fun. What a disgrace! Anyway, don’t have too much fun, oppressors. You’re still on probation for that Cinco de Mayo party you threw in 2006 -- you know, with the hat dance and the pinata full of airline bottle liquor, downed margaritas, donned fake mustaches and ate tortilla chips out of oversized sombreros!  White people -- is there anything they can’t ruin?

Jose' Biden Para El Presidente / Veinte Veinte


~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~