Monday, July 15, 2019

The ‘Squad’ Responds to DJT's Tweets at Press Conference


So....this is where we are – tweets on tweets on tweets, then press conferences about the tweets, most likely followed by more tweets on tweets on tweets..... And I find it tremendously ironic that a group who have a recent history of anti-White & and anti-Semitic statements should be criticizing anyone on the subject. But, here we are.... 


Ocasio-Cortez refuses to condemn the far-left terrorist attack on the ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington - The terrorist used Ocasio-Cortez's rhetoric in his manifesto.

Ilhan Omar repeatedly *refuses* to condemn the terrorist attack on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Tacoma, Washington.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Nuts Were Jumping Out of the Trees At The Nutroots Nation Conference.

For more than a decade Netroots Nation, an original creation of that nest of crazies at The Daily Koz, has hosted what is the closest thing to a religious celebration for leftist. At the annual conference Proglodytes, Deviants and Gucci Communist gather to listen to learned panelist drone on about how bad America is, to discuss more effective ways of calling you a racist..etc. all while trying to come to some semblance of cohesion among themselves that never materializes because these are people who will never be satisfied no matter what.

This weekends get together featured, among others, the little commies who are now engaged in a civil war with Nancy Pelosi: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. The fake weave maven Pressley in particular went off the rails, throwing bombs at the Congressional Caucus' of Colored People for not being colored enough and supporting San Fran Nan in their girls locker room feud.


In the context of the panel, she’s clearly saying two things. That black or brown or sexually deviant representatives only speak for people like them and people who aren’t like them can just f*** right off. She’s also saying by implication that the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are disloyal to their own heritage presumably because they are supporting Nancy Pelosi.

The Democrats, both establishment and “Justice” varieties can try to tamp this down but the fact is that the Justice Democrats have no interest in winning the 2020 election–Trump is a much better foil for them than any Democrat–and probably no interest in retaining the House if that means that the Democrat caucus has a lot of members who are from purple districts or who are trying to hold onto seats in Red districts.

They want a more cohesive and more radical majority in charge before trying to gain control. This is nearly a remake of the Menshevik-Bolshevik split in Revolutionary Russia. Just this week, AOC accused Nancy Pelosi of fomenting death threats against her and her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, who both called Blue Dog Democrats in the House the equivalent of segregationists.

I suggest you stock up on popcorn. It's just gettin' gooder and gooder.......


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair Of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

AOC Suffers Third Degree Burns Over 90% Of Her Butt


Much of the lackluster American intelligensia, or what passes for it, seems to have an inability to distinguish glib from intelligent (that’s how late night comedians became the thought leaders of the Democrat party). This is certainly the case with freshman communist Democrat Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex.

If any other human had uttered the patent nonsense that has emanated from this person’s mouth, they would have been given the Dan Quayle treatment long ago. But because of the effortless and pseudo-lucid way in which she spouts stunningly stupid statements, people claim she’s smart. Much of this is pushed by sexually frustrated hipsters who thing if they White Knight her that she may notice them. Seriously, when was the last time you heard a member of Congress praised for a high school science fair project? Or being called a “scholar” because you have a bachelor’s degree?

But what happens when she goes up against someone who actually understands the subject matter, who is smart, and who recognizes that AOC compares unfavorably to your random bag of clawhammers? We now have the answer to that. 

 I’m not going to give you a transcript of this because I want you to watch it. 

You Can Read More Here

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Friday, July 12, 2019

CBC Accuses Commie Front Group of Targeting Black Lawmakers Districts

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are accusing the Justice Democrats, a far-left group that supports policies like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, of trying to unseat longtime African-American lawmakers through primaries. Justice Democrats, a commie front group masquerading as political action committee, founded by 'synthetic socialist' Kyle Kulinski and communist Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, and now controlled by radical Hispanic activist Alexandra Rojas, are perhaps best known for backing Rep. Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex’s primary bid against congressman Joe Crowley, and are now backing primary challengers against 10-term incumbent Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who is viewed to be a potential successor to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In the 2018 elections, 7 candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats won in the general election: Raúl Grijalva, Ro Khanna, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Pramila Jayapal. Look again at those names.

But Justice Democrats may not be stopping there, according to The Hill. Four other black lawmakers could be next:
"And CBC leaders are fretting that Justice Democrats may target other black lawmakers in the coming weeks and months, including Reps. Yvette Clarke(D-N.Y.), Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), Emanual Cleaver (D-Mo.) and Anthony Brown(D-Md.). Brown said the group has been making calls in his district, actively trying to recruit a challenger to run against him." 
"It just seems strange that the social Democrats seem to be targeting members of the Congressional Black Caucus, individuals who have stood and fought to make sure that African Americans are included and part of this process,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) told The Hill."
Race has been a hot topic among congressional Democrats this week. Ocasio-Cortez accused Pelosi of picking on “women of color” like herself and Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). Several members of the CBC defended Pelosi against Ocasio-Cortez’s attacks.
“It does make you wonder what’s going on,” said CBC member Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.). “Some names that have been mentioned all seem to be people of color, and more so CBC members.”
Looks like the Caucus of Congressional Black Folks have yet to come to the realization, whether they want to or not, that the more idealistic communist leaning youngsters who don't think their clown show just yelling racism at everything with little to show for their years of pathetic pandering and leaching off the taxpayers, are saying get outta of the way.

It's no longer the homegrown.  It's now time for sons and daughters of third world foreign immigrants, with no allegiance to the American Ideal or respect for her heritage, to take the reins of the useless party they have become.

(The Hill)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Media Matters Beclowns Themselves. Makes Best Video Yet Exposing Dem's Far Left Stooges

In their ongoing anemic attempts at attacking anyone in the media to the right of Vladimir Lenin, the intellectual sinkhole and self-appointed media ankle-bitters known as Media Matters edited together video clips to show Fox news as "Lashing Out at Women of Color in Congress". What their video really does is reveals & catalogs truths about certain members of congress and their idiocy, racism and bigotry, while accusing Fox News of doing something wrong by pointing them out. This should be an RNC commercial. 

Somewhere I've heard this referred to as "Stompin' On Your Own D**K".  But I doubt anyone there is so equipped to do that, and since I run a classy joint here and don't use such shitty language, we'll just call it the "Don Lemon Effect."

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Democrat Donors’ Sex-Creep Club

By Michelle Malkin

Well, well, well. “Follow the facts,” Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking indictment this week.  Some of “our faves” could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi daughter warned, so it’s time to “let the chips fall where they may.” Too bad Ms. Pelosi’s mommy hasn’t adopted that same attitude of accountability.

While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed or excused the sleazy habits and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Dem pervs — from former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and Anthony Wiener to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the matter of two of their other “faves,” Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed Buck.

Here, let me help.

Terry Bean is the prominent gay rights activist who co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned “anti-bullying” material to children’s schools nationwide. Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims — including a 15-year-old boy. After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department’s sex crime units and two county district attorney’s offices, authorities charged Bean with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-degree sex abuse. His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse.

Then there’s Ed Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs. An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated Buck’s sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential campaign contributor was a “predator” who lured vulnerable minority men into his filthy orbit.

Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, and LA District Attorney Jackie Lacey.

That’s a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most about sex assault and human trafficking victims. Will Pelosi “follow the facts,” like her daughter recommends, or continue to cover up?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

They Left the Barn Door Open Again.....

Like that great philosopher once said, or did I hear it in the movies, "one barn door closes and other door opens and a fool rushes in" or something like that.  The door might've closed on the grand presidential ambitions of California gun grabber Eric Swalwell, but in rushes California billionaire Tom Steyer, who purchased the door and the rest of the barn from the looks of his video announcement.

This is just what the Democrat primary needs because their billionaire-underrepresentation problem is now solved. They already have a resident from another planet and could use a billionaire so Bernie Sanders will have someone handy to gesture angrily toward during the next debate. Steyer has no political experience but disappointed dozens in January when he announced that he wasn't going to run, but would instead focus his "time, energy, and resources" on his organization, Need To Impeach. He vowed to do "whatever it takes for as long as it takes" to remove Trump. Impeachment is going nowhere, so Steyer has decided to try defeating DJT at the ballot box. 
"Really what we're doing is trying to make democracy work by pushing power down to the people."
The media helps further the narrative by constantly describing him as a "billionaire activist" like he's secretly Batman or something. But he's not all talk or an Oprah-enabled flake. He founded NextGen America, which works to fight climate change by supporting candidates who actually believe it exists. He's even praised Alexandria Ocashew Cortex's Green New Deal. (most of his money was made on fossil fuel energy corporations, but we won't mention that).  AOC stated once that a world that allows for billionaires is "immoral.", so Steyer is trying to put his best billionaire foot forward by pledging  to donate half of his fortune to charity during his lifetime: That's ... zero fewer dinners out, but sure, great! Tom plans to live to 150, so there's no hurry. 

But can a white male corporate savior thrive in this primary race full of commies, expert race baiters, and dare I say,  nasty women?  The timing of Steyer's announcement is interesting. It's been a couple weeks since Crazy Joe's shaky performance at the Democrat debates. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have steadily risen in the polls, because they are 'Crockett and Tubbs' awesome.  So Tommy plans to take $100 million from his couch cushions and spend it on his campaign to see if it will help secure Steyer a spot at the next Democratic debate down on the far end of the bench with the lovely Marianne Williamson.

(LA Times)
(Journal of Progressive Regression) 

Monday, July 8, 2019

If Donald Trump Were a Democrat.

Using a combination of scientific research and learning A.I. algorithms, this is an approximation of President Trump's media coverage if he were a Democrat.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport & WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~