Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Creepy Ol' Lady From NY Threatens To Be Your President

Reeking of Moth Balls and Cheap Scotch, She Reminds Us She's Still Around

The Democrats have launched their impeachment inquiry circus for which there is no evidence and are now stuck in a position where they either have to impeach DJT for no particular reason, or admit that they tried to impeach him for no particular reason. Over at the party nomination sideshow area there is a bunch of totalitarian socialist carnival barkers yelling 'vote for me, because Trump!'

Meanwhile, there's a crazy lady in NY who has been called the Inevitable One in two, alas, failed presidential attempts. She has been referred to as the best prepared person ever to run for president. Recently she's popped out of obscurity and is suddenly everywhere. She’s been spotted at an art show in Italy sitting behind a mock Resolute Desk in a replica of the Oval Office pretending to be president while reading her infamous private server e-mails. I honestly can’t think of a sadder spectacle.  She’s been on all the low-rated liberal cable news channels, and made the daytime va-jay jay talk show circuit with her ugly kid Charlie Chelsea, all while reminding us of someone who got stood up for the prom and is still wearing her prom dress 30 years later.

But right now there are bookies actually putting money down she will run again. There are Democrats speaking of her candidacy in hushed tones. Her lecher of a husband who has been living in a feminist-imposed exile, is whispering in her ear and dreaming of his reemergence from under his bed in Chappaqua. She has been booking appearances on television and calling President Trump an “illegitimate president.” 

I say Hillary is doing more than mulling over her next run for the presidency. I think she readying herself for the call.  The call that will come when the dem's collapse is enviable. I think she's already planning her next bumper sticker.

Monday, October 7, 2019

NYT Columnist: Deep State Exists To Protect Us From DJT

NB - Appearing on NBC’s Today show on Monday, New York Times columnist James B. Stewart hawked his new book, Deep State, by hailing bureaucrats undermining the Trump administration as noble public servants “protecting the Constitution” and the American people from the President. He denounced any criticism of the “deep state” as “very dangerous.”

“The disclosure of a second whistleblower with firsthand knowledge of President Trump’s phone call with the leader of Ukraine has led to new accusations by the President that the so-called ‘deep state’ is seeking to undermine his presidency,” co-host Savannah Guthrie declared as she introduced Stewart. She then asked her guest: “And his central allegation is that there are people inside these government agencies actively working against him. What did you find?”

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, October 4, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Looks Like Dems Are Gonna Need a Bigger Can of Turd Polish

News that Washington didn’t tell Ukraine it was delaying aid until a month after the President's phone call to its leader punches a gaping hole in Dems' impeachment case. The Ukraine President believed the military funding was already granted to Kiev when he spoke with DJA in August. Dems are charging the DJT held up the money to pressure Zelensky to probe Joe Biden and his son. Hard to see how that works when Zelensky didn’t know about the aid holdup, but hey, the media got it out there.

This follows the awkward fact that several of the whistleblower’s other claims about that call aren’t borne out by the transcript. Then the case grew fishier still when the New York Times reported that the whistleblower first consulted with a Schiff aide, who suggested he file a complaint. (and if you believe Schiff was at a distance on this point, I have a talking frog to sell you).  Add in Thursdays nine hours of testimony behind closed doors that turned out to be another smelly turd on the dems front porch.  Fact is, this is really starting to look as meatless as the “Russian collusion” fairy tale which explains why Schiff is bringing back a familiar fallback, warning that any resistance to Congress’ demands for testimony or documents counts as “evidence” of obstruction of justice. It's becoming quite obvious that dems pulled the trigger on impeachment before they had the goods.

This attempt is truly desperate: poorly planned from the beginning, and so poorly executed that every one of the conspirators, especially Adam Schiff, CNN’s Fredo Cuomo and Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Ricky Maddow and Larry O’Donnell sound like used car salesman with one day left to hit their monthly quota.

Breitbart has a list of '11 facts that have already unraveled the Ukraine Hoax'.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Lucky for Bernie Medicare-for-All hadn’t been implemented yet.

Tuesday at a campaign event, Bernie Sanders began experiencing chest discomfort.  He probably thought it was just his white-hot anger at capitalism, but the problem didn’t go away.  Doctors determined that he had a blocked artery and was admitted to the hospital to undergo a procedure that surely saved his life.  This life-saving surgery was performed under the evil capitalist model of health care that Bernie is trying to destroy, but for some reason he didn’t refuse treatment on his twisted socialist principals. When a guy owns 3 residences while pushing for a communist takeover, chances are he’s not quite as committed to socialism as he claims, especially when it comes to remaining alive.

Lucky for him Medicare-for-all hadn’t been implemented or he’d have been waiting a long time to even see a physician.  Thanks to the evils of the capitalist system, his wealth allowed him to get an immediate procedure in which two stints were inserted to unblock the artery.

Sanders campaign senior adviser says everything is fine now: “Sen. Sanders is conversing and in good spirits.”  That has to be a lie. When is Bernie ever in good spirits?  The guy is pissed off 24/7.  It’s like that old joke when a guy asks the doctor if he will be able to play the piano after undergoing a medical procedure.  The doctor says yes and then the guy say that’s amazing because he was never able to play the piano before.  Maybe Bernie is still high from the meds, but even that doesn’t make sense considering intoxicants tend to amplify someone’s existing personality.  Bernie’s an angry guy and stoned Bernie would probably be even angrier.

And in reality, things are looking bleak for Bernie, or at least his campaign.  Bernie cancelled a $1.3 million ad-buy in Iowa. Hopefully Bernie hangs in the race, if for nothing else to provide endless entertainment with his hypocritical communist fanaticism.
 Who doesn’t want to see him try to explain how crappy socialized medicine is better than the capitalism health care that saved his life?

Our Friend Brian Anderson@Def-Con News

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~