Monday, August 24, 2020

They Fail to Deliver on Even the Most Elementary Responsibility of Those Empowered Only to Serve the Public — Protecting the Lives and Property of the Citizens.

The first words of our Constitution state the first principle of our state, the people are the sovereigns. The source of our government’s power is the people themselves. People create governments; governments do not create people. We are not a state called into being by a king or a prophet.

Those who will exercise rule do so in our name. We are the sovereigns, and only by our consent do our rulers rule. For better or for worse, this is a nation for which we are responsible. Because our Constitution and our government results from our own choices, we have no excuse to slough off the responsibility for how it turns out.  For better or for worse, we are connected to our fellow citizen-sovereigns. Whether that citizen is a fool or a genius, kind or insensitive, intelligent or boorish, that citizen has exactly the same status as every other – one vote, one share of the national sovereignty.

To try to evade the need to communicate by requiring  and intimidating others to think, speak, and act only in a way they define is a stark betrayal of this most basic building block of our republic;  We, the People.  Public servants who are loyal to the government at the people’s expense have proven their incompetence and their disloyalty to their citizens, as we now are witnessing in our Democrat run big cities. 

By fighting racial bias by being biased doesn’t work.

By protesting unthinking and illegal brutality and violence by using unthinking and illegal brutality and violence doesn’t work either.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Mao-ling of a Generation

This is what happens when malevolent narcissists don’t get slapped and thrown to the ground. The kind of psychology we’re seeing, over and over again, overwhelmingly from the left, is an exercise in bad faith, a fundamental dishonesty.  It therefore isn’t amenable to correction with facts or debate, or appeals to reciprocity or some higher purpose.  Tolerating such behaviour and worse, deferring to it, will only encourage an escalation of vanity, malice and sociopathy. It may, however, be discouraged with reminders of physical consequences. Ideally, physical humiliation. A reminder that nasty little egos can be publicly broken.

These are people who will lie as readily as breathing in order to excuse their antisocial urges. They aren’t being obnoxious reluctantly, in desperation or under duress. They harass, provoke and delight in domination because it gives them pleasure. It makes them feel important and powerful. Power being conceived solely as power over others. It’s a focus for their spite. Anything else is a fig leaf, a pretext. Among Portland’s mentally uniform radicals, the ones exulting in the alarm and misery of others, there is no good faith. And so, you can’t engage with such creatures on their own ostensible terms.

And just as in Mao's Cult of Revolution, the leaders, in this case the only blacks you will see, have a grip on the microphones and bullhorns, only to retreat to the back of the pack while their adherents do their intolerant bidding.
Taunting From Last Night's Siege of a Portland Police Precinct-
A Teddy Bear in a Guillotine 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Social Justice Movement has Degenerated into a Bizarre Coalition of the Aggrieved & Weird

Fat Phobia Is Rooted in Racism Against Blacks

The whole point of the political movement and religious cult of "intersectionality" is simply to construct a Coalition of the Aggrieved, and create a religious architecture that binds them completely so that they will not defect from the coalition.

This requires claiming that wealthy white women's travails are similar to those of impoverished black street kids. Muslims' oppression in AmeriKKKa is just the same as a transgender's. Note that some of the biggest fights in the Coalition of the Aggrieved come when this proposition -- that this group's alleged struggles are just as bad (or worse) than this other group's struggles, or likening one group to another group they don't like -- is tested and pushed. 

But again, intersectionality is not meant to be taken as literally true. At least, not by the people running the grift. It's simply a political claim which absolutely no one believes which is repeated like a mantra to keep the Coalition of the Aggrieved voting and rioting together.

That's a decent context, I think, for evaluating a Fat Acceptance pyrsyn's claim that if you're anti-obesity, that must be because you're also anti-black.
"A professor who regularly writes about race and health issues recently argued that the stigma surrounding obesity is linked to racism. Sabrina Strings, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine told CBS News that the medical community's approach to weight issues stems from anti-blackness and oppression...."
"We cannot deny the fact that fat-phobia is rooted in anti-Blackness. That's simply an historical reality. Today, when people talk about it, they often claim that they don't intend to be anti-Black ... they don't intend all of these negative associations, and yet they exist already, so whenever people start trafficking in fat-phobia, they are inherently picking up on these historical forms of oppression."
Any claim which ties one part of the Coalition of the Aggrieved to another part is a useful claim, and all useful claims must be insisted to be true even though they're plainly false or even plainly bonkers. 

She also claims the mass-body index is racist.

Because: Of course.

[The College Fix]
[Ace HQ]

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tater Wrote a Book

In an industry where the sum total of testosterone would fail to equal that found in a single 19-year-old paratrooper, CNN’s Brian “Tater” Stelter stands out as an example of how a fat, balding guy can try to pull off an androgynous look and fail miserably. Ostensibly a “media analyst” with a show named, hilariously, “Reliable Sources,” Stelter was arguably saved from anonymity by political satirist Mark Dice.

For the past four years, Stelter has had two fetishes: he pushed every hare-brained Russia Hoax allegation that appeared anywhere, and he hates Fox News, in particular, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, with the heat of a thousand lumps of burning soy product.

Stelter has a new book out, HOAX: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, in which he undertakes the role of a one-man Truth Commission to attempt to discover why Fox continually kicks CNN’s ass in ratings. As you can see from his Amazon blurb, the answer is Sean Hannity:
"CNN anchor and chief media correspondent Brian Stelter tells the twisted story of the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News. At the center of the story lies Sean Hannity, a college dropout who, following the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes, reigns supreme at the network that pays him $30 million a year."
To promote his book, Stelter writes a preview of the book in Vanity Fair. It includes this bit about were Stelter’s whines about being punked by Sean Hannity, his sole encounter with his bête noire:
"I ran into Hannity at a holiday party hosted by the TV-news tracking website Mediaite. Hannity greeted me by putting both his hands on my shoulders and exclaiming: “Humpty!” His nickname for me was Humpty Dumpty. I asked if he ever felt bad about the name-calling. 
“No,” he said. He took his hands off my shoulders and moved toward the bar."
Self-deprecating humor is one thing, but there are stories men just don’t tell about themselves. I know we’re living in an age where masculinity is out of fashion, but this seems to be taking it a bit too far. It would be humiliating enough to be publicly ridiculed and demeaned in that fashion in front of friends and colleagues. But to write a whiny, sniveling…adjectives fail me at this point…plea for sympathy, a transparent attempt to try to get all the cool kids to tell him that they all think he was the bigger, more rotund, person than Hannity by being publicly crapped on and dismissed is just sickening.

But this is quintessential Tater. This is just who he is.

[Vanity Fair]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

And Now Let's Listen in on the Future Unicorn Breeders of America

I think we can all agree Democrats in The Year of Our Lord 2020 sound as if they are pod people from a different world, and their mission is to make the rest of us like them. By force of need be. This election season, to go along with the weirdness of the senile man in a basement, is a sometime surreal nomination show so Kafka-esque that it looks like it should be playing on a flickering Trinitron in the background of a David Cronenberg movie. (check out the ending to night one).

The nightly primetime events contain nothing of any substance. With the exception of a few carefully obfuscated nuggets in the old commie curmudgeon Sanders speech and the babbling marxist AOC, you’d be hard pressed to know what the Dems actually want to do. For that juicy information, you need to watch the DNC panel discussions.

These broadcasts may be little more than torturous endurance tests, but they’re also where the meat meets the road of the Dems’ plan for your life. This is the stuff that lefties like Rashida Tlaib want to see in the party platform. It’s where you get a sense of the base’s true goals.

Let's listen in shall we....

Yeah, these are the kind of 'citizens' who will be teaching children, and in positions to decide if you get euthanized because your kidneys are going bad and the limited medical resources are better spent for transgender sex changes procedures......


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Purge of the Anti-Woke

Free speech is under attack from all sides – from illiberal laws, from a stifling climate of conformity, and from a powerful, prevailing fear of being outed as a heretic online, in the workplace, or even among friends, for uttering a dissenting thought.

Satirical tweeter accounts like Titania McGrath, created by comedian Andrew Doyle as a radical intersectionalist poet and activist who, in spite of her immense privilege, is convinced that she is oppressed, are being censored with extreme prejudice.
Titania is but one of many victim. Jarvis Dupont, Guy Verhoftwat, Tolerance Police, Liberal Larry and Sir Lefty Farr-Right QC – all remain suspended.  All the accounts did was make fun of wokeness.  But it seems virtue-signalling Silicon Valley nerds can’t take a joke. Apparently, this kind of comedy needs to be silenced.

Jonathan Swift would not have fared well on Twitter, nor Voltaire or Diderot. Satire is part of Western tradition. That's why it is loathed by the Left.

Ironically, Twitter’s purge of the anti-woke satirists is a complete vindication of their work. In banning those who make fun of wokeness and criticise its censoriousness, Twitter has made it even clearer how authoritarian that wokeness is. It has also shown wokeness to be totally humourless mindset.


Spike Mag.
H/T Althouse
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Don't Blame Donald Trump if the Post Office Loses Your Vote

Just minutes before the start of primetime coverage of the first night of the 4 night Democrat Infomercial "Vote For Biden Because He's Not Trump" was to begin, Conspiracy Central's Joy Reid on her new MSNBC Crazy Negro Hour ramped up dangerously irresponsible rhetoric and conspiracy theories by her and her guests that would make even Ricky Maddow blush.

Not only were they openly accusing DJT of dismantling our democratic process before our very eyes and of intentionally destroying the Postal Service to rig the 2020 election, but of taking calls and directives from authoritarian world leaders on how to ensure he doesn’t leave office in January.

Worst yet, this evening's most renowned Crazy Negro was the unhinged fear-mongering liar, Russiagate conspiracy theorist Malcolm Nance, who said if worse comes to worse and DJT wins, Americans will have to take to the streets like in Belarus and try to remove Trump from office by force. Video Here.

By now you've probably heard from various soft skulls like CNN's Tater Stelter that DJT and the Postmaster General "are sabotaging democracy in plain sight" through a mix of nefarious ploys ranging from removing "blue Post Office drop boxes" to scrapping mail-sorting machines to allegedly mandating a slowdown in delivering the mail,  supposedly doing everything possible to block what is expected to be a historically high level of mail-in ballots.

The truth is far less incendiary, though still troubling. As USA Today concluded in a fact-check of various rumors floating around:
...."it is false to say mail is intentionally being slowed, despite reports that a new USPS [United States Postal Service] system might inherently cause delays. 
The Trump administration said the president did not direct USPS to slow down its deliveries, and USA TODAY found no evidence of that claim being true either."
In any case, as NPR and other supposed news outlets have reported, the president has said he'd sign a bill including more funding for the Postal Service, including aid dedicated to processing any surge in mail-in votes.

Here's a little bit of math that should give voters succor.
In 2016, about 140 million total votes were cast in the presidential election, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Now assume, for the sake of argument, that the same number of votes will be cast this year as in 2016. 
Even if all voters used the mail and posted their ballots on exactly the same day, that would comprise only 30 percent of the amount of mail the USPS says it processes every single day.
So if the USPS screws up delivering votes in a timely and efficient manner this fall, it won't be because of any sinister actions by the White House.

It will be because of longstanding, well-documented managerial and cultural problems that gave rise to such stock portrayals of letter carriers as Seinfeld's Newman and Cheers' Cliff Clavin.

It may take weeks for a final tally of all votes this fall depending on the closeness of the race on Election Day, and that waiting period may be excruciating to live through. But that has less to do with the USPS and more to do with local and state voting boards.

For those who are interested in the post office's chronically bad performance and "unsustainable" situation, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has produced a long list of studies on where the problems come from and how they might be addressed. The short version is that Congress and government workers unions have blocked all sorts of serious reforms to an operation that has seen a 33 percent decline in mail volume since 2006.

If the election is stolen or rigged in any way, you can bet it's done by our friends who lost touch with reality, and vow revenge for what they believe was stolen from them in 2016.

[Reason Mag]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~