Friday, July 30, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

R.I.P. DUSTY HILL 1949-2021

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Why Democrats Embrace Suicide Missions

Democrats appear to be on a[nother] suicide mission, determined to pass trillions in new spending and embracing an undependable electric truckload of far-left positions on issues despite warnings that this will surely cost them control of Congress. One might expect Democrats to be more careful considering the shellacking that's been laid on them in response to similarly aggressive pursuits of left-wing legislation in recent past midterms. Given consequential historic defeat and loss of congressional seats during the Clinton and Obama Administrations, why would Dems risk their narrow majorities with a far more robust cornucopia of extreme leftist policies now??

Because Democrats play the long game. Where Republican victories are always temporary – their tax cuts and deregulation efforts are easily undone when power shifts – major Democrat achievements are forever. In their calculation, temporary loss of the House and Senate is a small price to pay for establishing new entitlements that will never go away.

Through incremental victories over the decades they have planted their hooks and inexorably transformed America into a big government welfare state. Because their achievements cannot be undone, the country has eventually adapted to their imposed realities. FDR’s New Deal did not end the Great Depression. LBJ’s Great Society did not end poverty. Those liberal landmarks were failed promises that have become sacred programs that no politician dares to question, or even reform.

The fact they continue to push unpopular policies illuminates an ignored but central aspect of the party’s character: Democrats have never truly been democratic.

Since the 19th century when it was controlled by wealthy white supremacists in the South and machine politicians in the North, the party has always been a top-down institution in which cultural and political elites decided what was best for everyone else. This is why progressivism, which is based on the idea that a small group of learned experts should organize and run society, made its home in the Democratic Party in the early 20th century. Woodie Wilson, FDR, JFK and LBJ prided themselves on attracting “the best and the brightest” to run an ever-expanding government. The tax-and-spend policies they embraced were not evidence of their deep compassion but tools they used to buy votes to expand their power.

Democrats like to say they cast aside their racist history and completely reinvented themselves during the 1960s. The party’s defining characteristic as a top-down organization – now dominated by rich white coastal elites and African American activists – never really changed. Neither did it's tendency to smear its opponents.

Back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, its target was the “Negro menace.” The party’s organs routinely depicted African Americans as dumb, irrational and violent creatures who posed a grave moral threat to public order. Today, Democrats use these tropes to describe Republicans, continuing their racializing of public life by beating the drum about white supremacists. There is a straight line from Jim Crow to Joe Biden – even though Biden likes to use that phrase to tar Republicans.

If the past is prologue, Democrats will continue to push their ambitious spending plans, the voters be damned. They will pay with another shellacking at the polls, but so what? They're used to it. All their losses are temporary, but their victories are permanent.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Officer Harry Dunn: One of Pelosi's Handpicked Witness.

One of the Pelosi's chosen "Insurrection" Capitol Hill police witnesses, who claimed he was called a "nigger" numerous times, is a black activist who expressed overt political and racial biases on social media. Dunn should’ve scrubbed his social media before putting on his uniform and propagandizing with crocodile yesterday. The receipts are brutal.  

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

On the Olympic Shitfest...

I Swear These Are The Same Guys That Work at the
Garden Nursery Down the Road

Excerpts from Our Friend Matthew @My Planet, My Rules
"I have professed a deep and abiding disgust with the sordid marketing campaign known as "The Olympic Games" on this page (and elsewhere) many, many times. I hardly need, I should think, to regurgitate my talking points on why the Olympics Suck Harder Than Kamala Harris, so I will, instead, shit all over the tertiary aspects of this years shitstravaganza. 
The only reason these "games" are taking place is because of money. Money is the only reason why this farce continues every four years, since the real juice of past Olympic Games -- nationalism -- is now considered uncouth. 
NBC paid a fortune for the rights to televise them. The Japanese government spent billions of yen constructing facilities. The IOC wants nothing more than to pretend that it does something useful and worthy of continued funding. Despite a worldwide pandemic and only 30 or so countries sending teams, not to mention the lack of spectators, these competitions in mostly-unwatchable sports are being pressed forward for the purposes of reaching demographics that are "underserved" in the sports-advertising world, which is to say Gay Men and Women. 
It's also an opportunity for the Kumbaya crowd to express their own repressed feelings of nationalism under the disguise of a "world-unifying event". 
Except their strain of nationalism tends towards the Communist version. 
The guy at the bar who usually turns his back on the NBA, MLB, NFL or NHL game on the television and professes no interest in sports (an aspect of White Male Domination and Fascism, of course), suddenly becomes an overnight expert on the Zimbabwean Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and knows all the rules and stratagems of Water Polo. 
But, there has been one event surrounding these games which has garnered a modicum of my attention......" 
Go Read More on the Olympics, in addition to the Overlord's opinion of this ridiculous activity of 'Gender Reveal Parties'👍

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, July 23, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Please Don’t Just Scroll Past This...

Scroll past it with gusto. Scroll past it with fire in your heart. For every post of the thousands of posts you scroll past, the good, the bad, the memes, the cats, the politics and the art you can reblog or ignore and scroll on by but not this post. This post you have to scroll by with style.

For all your time on this site you’ve moved your mouse or touched your touchpad looking forward to the next image or scrap of text and you’ve so rarely noticed the motion of your hand, the swish of your finger. Not this time. This time you’ll feel it and you’ll understand the simple beauty of scrolling and though you’ll rarely think of it again, for one moment you’ll have been aware, truly aware of the act of motion. So don’t just scroll past this. SCROLL past it!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. Please Pick Up the White Courtesy Phone

 Inspector Lewis Erskine & Inspector Trainee Jacques Clouseau Jr.

Back when the world was still in black and white, most peoples idea of the FBI was a cadre of honest and upstanding men and women of law enforcement. The best at the ready; G-Men willing to risk life and limb to prevent crime or solve one, like super heroes always getting their man, and always within the span of one-hour.  No one ever thought the FBI would be tasked with creating a crime.

The plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer was, from the start, doomed to fail. It was never going to happen because in the ranks of 14 cartoon characters were, at a minimum, an additional 12 G-Men. These informants are supposed to be like mall cops. Observe and report. They are not tasked with creating a crime, but that is apparently what the FBI does now.