Sunday, January 26, 2014

Barack Obama’s 2014 Election Theft Commission

Barack Obama attended a little meeting Wednesday at the White House that was all but ignored by both media and pundits. It’s with a group his White House, under the direction of Valerie Jarrett, initiated last year involving the election process. Now tell me reader, how comfortable are you with the idea of THIS White House, working extra hard to influence the upcoming election process? Yeah, me neither…
Check out this portion of the president's White House schedule for Wednesday:

10:45 am || Meets with the President’s Commission on Election Administration on voter access.

Here’s an official blurb on the newly formed group, from May of 2013:

Presidential Commission on Election Administration Launched
WASHINGTON, May 21, 2013 — The Presidential Commission on Election Administration was officially launched today, following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union pledge to identify non-partisan ways to shorten lines at polling places, promote the efficient conduct of elections, and provide better access to the polls for all voters.

Now check out this public statement given Wednesday by this same organization:

Presidential Commission on Election Administration Presents Recommendations to President Obama
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2014 – The Presidential Commission on Election Administration today presented President Obama with a series of recommendations designed to help local and state elections officials improve all voters’ experience in casting their ballots. The Report is based on a six-month study conducted by the 10-Member Commission of the problems that have plagued voting in the past and the issues that will confront the American voter in the future.
The Commission concluded unanimously that the “problems that hinder the efficient administration of elections are both identifiable and solvable.” The Report offers certain key recommendations and numerous administrative best practices to improve the problem areas identified in the President’s Executive Order charging the Commission.
Ah yes, the use of Executive Order. It is no accident that Barack Obama so recently came out declaring himself ready to expand his use of Executive Power even further in 2014 – just as it is no accident Executive Power is a foundational component of this newly formed Election Commission.

h/t Ulsterman

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

President Signs Executive Order to Extend 5 Second Rule

(MFNS) Washington - The president today took an important step, without congressional approval, in forwarding the agenda he set for his second term. Sighting a study by Manchester Metropolitan University on food safety, Obama ordered the FDA to extend the 5 second rule for food that has hit the floor.

"The government is to tackle food poverty by officially doubling the five allowable seconds for food dropped on the floor to ten seconds" Obama told a small group gathered at the White House. "The action could see millions of pounds worth of pizza slices, nachos and ice cream reclassified as edible".

"I've got a pen and I've got a phone -- and I will use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions to move the ball forward on important issues like this 5 second rule extension."  

An FDA spokesman said: “We knew that any dropped food item is perfectly safe to eat if retrieved within five seconds. This applied irrespective of whether the surface was carpet, wood or whatever and how clean it was. But further research has shown that germs are actually even slower to notice the food and leap onto it than previously thought, so we are able to double that limit. And obviously if you’re drunk – which boosts natural immunities to bacteria, colds and gastric illness – that can be extended to 60 seconds provided a pet hasn’t started licking it.”

The extension is one of many measures introduced to stop food waste, including a ‘three strikes’ law giving mandatory life sentences to anyone repeatedly buying and not eating bagged salad.

The Executive Order also brought in a sliding scale for sell-by dates based on income, with any household earning less than the median family income level instructed to ignore them and eat away.

The FDA spokesman continued: “There’s no food crisis and there’s no need for food banks, which aren’t proper banks anyway because they don’t pay their workers huge food bonuses.

Afterward, the President invited the media and guest to lunch after the signing and told them “Now shut up and eat your dinner or you won’t get any pudding.”

What does the NSA Know about Obama?

CFP - National Security Agency (NSA) veterans Bill Binney, Russ Tice and Kirk Wiebe spoke at a Friday news conference at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., with Tice declaring that the spy agency monitored Barack Obama’s telephone conversations—and those of his wife—in 2004, apparently as a result of Obama’s run for the U.S. Senate and emergence as a major figure in the Democratic Party. This should have been big news. However, the claim was ignored or dismissed by most of the major media.

A major exception was NBC News, which posted a clip from the press conference and an item noting that “Former NSA analyst Russ Tice says that, during his tenure, the NSA had a program that spied on phone and email messages of Congress, the Supreme Court, reporters, military and an up-and-coming politician named Barack Obama.” These are sensational charges.

Jeff Mason of Reuters interviewed Tice about Obama’s proposed “reforms” of the agency, but didn’t include any comments on the agency’s alleged surveillance of Obama.

Why would the NSA watch Obama? Could it have something to do with his communist and foreign connections?

Tice, who says he supported Obama for president even though he had been a conservative Republican, told Russia Today (RT) television that “...a high-level person at NSA told me this was being directed from the vice president’s office. That would be Vice-President Dick Cheney. I don’t know that for sure, but that’s what I was told from a very senior person at NSA.” Tice also told the Moscow-funded propaganda channel that Obama may somehow be “controlled” as President as a result of its surveillance of him.

Tice cannot be dismissed completely as a nut by the Left, since he was one of the sources used in The New York Times’ reporting in December 2005 on domestic surveillance activity. The media have treated him as credible in the past. His affiliations reportedly include his roles as a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency." 

Read More 

This is not your Grandfather’s Democratic Party.

"In the Spring of 2011, National Security Council staffer Samantha Power sent emails to top Pentagon officials. Her emails contained GPS coordinates in Libya. She demanded that the Pentagon launch immediate air strikes on top of these coordinates, no questions asked. Power, you see, had friends in NGOs on the ground in Libya looking to borrow American might for a moment or two.

Her emails were ignored at the Pentagon. But her cavalier and hasty email demand that American airmen be launched on a dangerous mission to benefit her friends might seem incompetent and reckless.

But like so much about the age of Obama, Republicans mistake leftist ideology for incompetence. In the five decades-old orthodoxy of the foreign affairs left, pilots in supersonic jets with laser guided missiles are most appropriately used in small ways, and to serve small causes. To radicals like Power, American might should be used for their political ends, and the old conventions on target selection, chains of command and strategic aims are obsolete.

Some in America still can’t understand why President Obama’s policies and his nominations are so radical. It doesn’t make sense, you think, for him to pick extremist nominees who would have radical skeletons that would have disqualified them in any other administration. They also can’t understand why he continues to lurch left on almost every foreign and domestic issue.

It isn’t 1990 anymore, and leftist radicalism is a prerequisite for jobs in this administration, not a disqualifier. Leftist radicalism is the administration’s reason for existence.

This is why Obama chose John Kerry as Secretary of State.

Kerry first distinguished himself as a stooge for America’s enemies. In his first campaign for Congress, Kerry said, “I’m an internationalist. I’d like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.” He even travelled to Europe to hold talks with North Vietnamese Communists while American soldiers were dying in Vietnam. His views about American power didn’t moderate over the years, as he continued to aid America’s enemies. Now he is Secretary of State.

History never stops turning the soil and what seemed impossible not long ago is always possible. Had you brought up fears in 2005 that the federal government would take over General Motors, shut down coal plants, destroy secured creditor rights of Chrysler bondholders, or taken over the health care system, polite company would have moved to the other side of the room. “Couldn’t happen here,” would have been the response."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Who Are the Real Extremist?

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo,  a pathetic power hungry shadow of his father the former Governor and respected liberal thinker Mario Cuomo, again shows which party exemplifies the bigotry, intolerance and extremism of today's America. Fostered by a racial divisive media and a corrupt empirical president protected by that obedient media, democrats drag America further and further towards a cliff and a more divided country. 

Cuomo's statement that mainstream conservatives are “extremists” and have “no place in New York” is just the  latest  testimony to the evidence to who are the real extremist. 

"Cuomo is an extremist, and he joins other Democrats who have sought to push mainstream views completely out of the national conversation. Rather than win arguments on the merits, Cuomo, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former Boston Mayor Tom Menino and other Democrats are making mainstream, traditional beliefs taboo, while they seek to make what was once taboo mainstream. “They have no place here” could be a Democrat Party slogan.
The fact is, if Democrats had their way there would be no opposition to them at all. All traditional beliefs would be swept aside and the church, to the extent that is allowed to exist, would be co-opted by politicians and used for their own ends. Their endgame is to push traditional beliefs, indeed anything that offers any alternative to government power and authority, out of politics at every level of American life...."

The Perfect Liberal Democrat.

Read More@ All the Right Snark

Nat Hentoff: Impeach Him

Liberal Icon Urges Obama Impeachment

Hentoff, one of the foremost authorities on the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court, columnist with The left leaning Village Voice for 51 years, from 1957 until 2008 until he looked into the abortion industry and was shocked by what he found, now sees the time for Impeachment of Barack Obama. 

The First Amendment expert still hews left on many issues, railing against former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the National Defense Authorization Act.
But he hasn’t liked Obama from the start.
“Within a few months after he was elected, I wrote a column saying he was going to be the most destructive, dangerous president we’ve ever had."
Hentoff said people he’d known for years told him to stop being so negative and to give Obama a chance.“Well, we’ve given him a chance. I understated the case a little.”
In other words, Hentoff thinks Obama IS the most dangerous and destructive president ever.
A big part of the problem, the journalist believes, is what he calls the utter ignorance of a huge portion of the population, which is not outraged at losing its basic right to be self-governing.   
He says Obama gets away with it only because there is no outrage in Congress, no coverage by the media and no knowledge by the public.
“He’s in a position now where he figures he’s going to do whatever he wants to do.”
In fact, Hentoff said, Obama doesn’t even pretend to care about the separation of powers between the executive branch and Congress anymore, because “He’s the boss and hardly anybody cares enough” to stop him. I would say that never before in our history had a president done these things." 
"Obama doesn’t give a damn, because he can get away with whatever he wants.”
He noted that while Nixon merely claimed that winning an election gave him the right to do what he wanted, Obama is actually doing whatever he pleases. The journalist said he doesn’t think any other president has acted so lawlessly as a matter of habit.
“So, if this isn’t a reason for at least the start of an independent investigation that would lead to impeachment, what is?”

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kerry Seals Historic Non-Aggression Pact with Canada

"Peace in Our Time"

Despite the prospect of escalating war in the Middle East, the free world can breathe a little easily today with the signing of the North American Non-Aggression Pact between Canada and the U.S. in Ottawa Last Night.

(MFNS) Ottawa - "Peace in our time" declared U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as he held a puppy tightly while standing next to a befuddled Canadian Minister of National Defense, Rob Nicholson and a small contingent of reporters outside the Royal Canadian Hall in Ottawa last night. 

"At last the specter of death and destruction that have held the people of our two great nations in the grip of fear and uncertainty has be exorcised" Kerry told the crowd. 

Later, the Canadian Ministry told MFNS  that Kerry's plane radioed he was on a secret mission and requested landing rights at a Royal Canadian Airbase. Kerry rushed to the Ministers side and began babbling  incoherently about an agreement between the two nations. 

"At first I though I was being punked, as you Americans call it, by some ridiculous late night program.  But it soon became apparent The Secretary was serious."

Nicholson told us Kerry "looked scary, haggard and somewhat out of his mind", ranting about conservative bloggers in the U.S. making fun of him, and that he "needed an earth shaking international agreement to show those bastards!"

"Just between us", Nicholson told us, "I suspected Secretary Kerry was still a bit ill from his recent butt fat injections or had been dipping into his wife's ant-psychotic medications, so we just played along with the whole thing for his benefit."

There has been no word from the White House, but when told of the agreement, Vice President Joe Biden said " this just proves John Kerry and former Secretary of State Hillary Swank made us a formidable team of diplomats  that understand the difficult workings of international affairs almost as much as I do, and with this agreement have brought peace to the Canadian Continent ."     

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Liberals Historically Think They Are Intellectually Elite

Why else would you see the majority of Democratic Presidents not surrounding themselves with the very people that keep the economy running and taxes coming in. 

Government produces nothing, private sector produces everything. Does it surprise you where Obama lands on the graph?

What we have here is a Dupe for a leader and
a failed leftist Affirmative Action experiment.

h/t Nod to the Gods

Biden Surfaces Long Enough to Replenish Foot-in-Mouth Supply........

God Bless Ya Joe
"Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday thanked Ford Motor Company executive chairman Bill Ford Jr. “for saving our ass.” The vice president was referring to the 2008-2009 auto crisis, according to the pool report. 
Ford was the lone American automaker to not receive government bailout aid.
“Mark my words — not just in automobiles, but manufacturing coming back to America,” said Biden. “It's coming back because we have a legal system that protects people's contract rights, where intellectual property is protected.
Biden also predicted the revival of Detroit, home to the nation’s auto industry, and the largest American municipality to declare bankruptcy.
“This is not only an important city, but an iconic city,” said Biden. “It represents, symbolizes the manufacturing might of the United States of America all through the 20th century.....”
I guess Joe forgot about THIS

Leading Purveyor of Violent Movies Plans Anti-NRA Drama

Hollywood Hypocrisy

After making millions giving America a plethora of senselessly violent movies, film producer and studio executive, Harvey Weinstein, producer of such violent films as Reservoir Dogs,  Pulp Fiction,  Jackie Brown,  Kill Bill and Django Unchained announced on Howard Stern’s radio show that he and actress Meryl Streep are to make a full feature drama to try to destroy the National Rifle Association.

Weinstein: Mucho Dollars But Short on Sense 
"Mr. Stern asked Mr. Weinstein on Wednesday whether he owned a gun. The Hollywood heavyweight replied that he did not and never would. “I don’t think we need guns in this country. And I hate it,” the producer said. “I think the NRA is a disaster area.”
Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”
The shock jock asked whether the film was going to be a documentary. Mr. Weinstein said no, that it would be a “big movie like a ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’”
The movie mogul said his vision was to scare people away from firearms. He foresees moviegoers to leave thinking, “Gun stocks — I don’t want to be involved in that stuff. It’s going to be like crash and burn.”
Weinstein thinks guns are necessary for self-defense, but only in other countries, during genocides and if the weapon is not personally owned." 
The chairman of the Weinstein Co. (formerly Miramax) is one of President Obama’s biggest fundraisers. He brought in more than $500,000 from his Hollywood friends for the president’s re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2012."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ready America?

Obama Daughters Listed as ‘Senior Staff ’

Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Obama Girls Summer Africa Vacation
Conservative Angle
"A Freedom of Information Act request was submitted by Judicial Watch and the documents revealed a few things we never knew. The total trip was estimated to be greater than $424,000, and it seems that the Obama girls are catagorized as “Senior Staff ”.
Upon arriving , Senior Staff brief the President on the upcoming activities and official
US State Department directives in event of encounter with
horny giraffes or capture by cannibals
 Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496). Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown of the costs to taxpayers.
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit.
Read More

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Queeen of All America Return Expected

After 3 weeks on vacation in Hawaii, including ten days without the other Royal Family members, The Queeen is expected to be In The House Wednesday. Holed up at BFF Oprah Winfrey’s fabulous pad on the island of Maui since her husband and their daughters departed on January 4, she is scheduled for an event Wednesday afternoon. Rumors among the little people of Royal discontent have been skillfully sidestepped here at home.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Nothing Says World Peace Like a Box of Potatoes.

John Kerry Goes Full Biden .......

When Secretary of State John Kerry met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Paris on Monday ahead of peace talks on Syria scheduled for later this month, he thought he would break the ice with…potatoes.

Kerry said the potatoes came from Idaho, which he had recently visited.
Lavrov said the potatoes were “impressive.”

Actions speak louder than words:

Epic Response to the Democrat Congressman Who Says Bush Didn’t Care About Our Troops, But Obama Does.

U.S. Representative Elijah “I know the president” Cummings accused former President George W. Bush of lacking empathy for the troops he put in harm’s way in the national interest.

via Young Conservatives

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Obama Sidesteps Rumors About Marriage

Shocking News Out Of The National Dungball League

by Earl Of Taint for MFNS Sports
"The world of professional dungball was rocked on Friday with word that ace roller CGI would be released from the Obamacare team after just 3 years on the roster. There has been no official word from team contacts or the League as yet but the rumors are considered reliable. Team Obama had paid CGI $700 million dollars over three years, only to see poor results. Now they’ve reportedly signed free agent roller Accenture to a $90 million dollar contract to step in and get that dungball rolling bigger and faster..."
Read the whole report HERE 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Our Enemies Would Tremble at Her Feet

One More Circle of the Drain......

Senate Democrats Thursday blocked a Republican attempt to restore military pensions cut in last month’s budget deal, denying a vote that would save up to $20 billion by closing a loophole that allows tax refunds to go to illegal aliens.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.) called an effort by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) to repeal the military retiree cuts “fiddling while Rome burns.”

Earlier this week, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Carl Levin (D., Mich.) backed away from support of Ayotte’s bill after first signaling his support. Levin was not aware of how the measure offset the cuts, and does not agree with closing the loophole that allows illegal immigrants to receive tax credits.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Queen of All America

The Obamas are the perfect socialists. Socialists are the same everywhere. They talk about how much they want to help the poor, then when they get into power, they live like royalty at the expense of the taxpayers.

Washington Times:
"An under-reported story is playing out in Hawaii right now — the story of Michelle Obama and her royal, incredibly luxurious, taxpayer-paid vacation in Hawaii.
As America stays mired in the Great Obama Depression, Michelle Obama acts like a queen, sticking it in the eye of unemployed and under-paid Americans. Many of them are out of work thanks to her husband’s policies, his signature program, and the failed policies of socialism.
This is not simply the vacation of a private citizen. Because she is the First Lady of the United States — FLOTUS — her vacations cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. Because she is a queen, she considers that cost her just due.
In Hawaii, security zones have been set up around the Winfrey estate. Residents and business owners are being inconvenienced to an exceptional degree. Security checkpoints have kept customers and vendors away from businesses, effectively shutting them down. But the people who are hurt are little people, nobodies. Who cares what happends to them as long as Michelle Antoinette gets her vacation?
In 2011, The Mail Online, a British newspaper reported that Michelle’s vacations over the space of one year alone had cost the American taxpayer over $10 million. Her royal holiday excursion in Hawaii will cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands more in direct costs. The indirect costs to local businesses may be large, even catastrophic to those involved, but to Michelle, they are inconsequential."

They Just Don’t Make Political Scandals Like They Used To...

"In 1903, the sitting lieutenant governor of South Carolina shot and killed the editor of the state’s largest newspaper in broad daylight, in front of the State House. Jim Tillman believed the paper’s attacks cost him his bid for governor.  
He was acquitted in a trial controlled by his uncle — former governor and then U.S. Sen. 'Pitchfork Ben' Tillman. He literally got away with murder.
Now that was a scandal.
Yesterday Gov. Chris Christie held a 107-minute presser responding to a story about the politically motivated closure of several traffic lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge." Michael Graham, Boston Herald

Fishnet Friday

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More DOJ Race Based Justice

"The people in Washington running our federal government are more interested in skin color than they are in education." - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal 

"President Obama’s Department of Justice has admitted it cannot prove that Louisiana school choice is violating desegregation efforts, yet it continues to seek the ability to tell a parent their child cannot escape a failing school because their child is not the ‘right’ race. The Department of Justice proposal reeks of federal government intrusion and proves the people in Washington running our federal government are more interested in skin color than they are in education."
So not only does Eric Holder find ways to stifle the betterment of state education improvements by injecting race, he wants race based results in disciplining of problem troublemakers in schools.

"Holder said the problem often stems from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that too often inject the criminal justice system into the resolution of problems. Zero tolerance policies, a tool that became popular in the 1990s, often spell out uniform and swift punishment for offenses such as truancy, smoking or carrying a weapon. Violators can lose classroom time or become saddled with a criminal record."
Attorney General Eric Holder(left) with Unidentified Advisor
"In American schools, black students without disabilities were more than three times as likely as whites to be expelled or suspended, according to government civil rights data collection from 2011-2012. Although black students made up 15 percent of students in the data collection, they made up more than a third of students suspended once, 44 percent of those suspended more than once and more than a third of students expelled.
More than half of students involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement were Hispanic or black, according to the data."
Zero tolerance is one of the only things keeping public school order, and any strike against it is a strike at a chance for a fair start in life for many who want to learn. Blocking school choice, paid for with state tax dollars is oppressive government at it worst and denies a child of any color a descent atmosphere to learn by people in ivory towers who's children attend elitist private schools.

Joe Knows Foreign Policy

I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.- Robert Gates

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Man, The Statesman, The Wee Wee Dance......

Saudi Prince all Wee-Wee'd -Up over US Oil Production

Note to Prince:  The Civilized World is tired of making your two-faced over privileged oppressive pedophile gang of tablecloth wearing thieves rich while you play footsie under the table with terrorist. Fill your gilded swimming pools with your oil and go play in your sandbox.

CNSNews -
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and nephew of Saudi King Abdullah,  said the production of shale oil and natural gas in the United States and other countries, primarily done through fracking, is a real competitive threat to “any oil-producing country in the world,” adding that Saudi Arabia must address the issue because it is a “matter of survival.” New shale oil discoveries “are threats to any oil-producing country in the world...."
"Ninety-two percent of Saudi Arabia’s annual budget comes from oil. Definitely it is a worry and a concern.” Alwaleed also commented that many Saudi leaders did not comprehend the threat posed by oil and natural gas production from shale..."
Because of fracking, America is projected to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the largest oil producer in 2015, according to the EIA.
In 2008, the United States was producing 5 million barrels of crude oil per day; because of fracking, America is now producing 7 million barrels per day. According to the American Petroleum Institute (API), “A little more than a decade ago natural gas production from shale accounted for 2% of total U.S. output. Today that figure is 37%, and another HIS Global study projects that natural gas developed through the use of hydraulic fracturing will rise to more than 75% of the domestic supply by 2035.”

Monday, January 6, 2014

Science We Much

Better Off Being A Plumber

via sig94
"Since 2011, humanities majors at UCLA are forcibly disassociated from classic Western European thinkers (mean old dead white guys) and force fed the Newspeak socialist, gender-sensitive, hand wringing BS that passes for history in liberal colleges. These colleges are poisoning the minds of our children; they are slam dunking future generations into useless automatons who cannot think outside the herd."
From The American Thinker:
"Where previously, undergrads would have to take one course studying Chaucer, two for Shakespeare, and one on Milton, a "revolt" by junior faculty forced "a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Post-colonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing...."
The implications are frightening. This trend will not reverse itself. People who get postgraduate degrees in gender studies or post-colonial exploitation are only able to find employment in liberal colleges, or else in establishments that require the placement of frozen hamburger patties on a hot surface.

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Researchers Use Social Media to Try and Find Time Travelers

No Doubt Funded with Grant Money from Your Pocket
PC Mag
In a bit of news from the "we really studied this?" department, researchers from Michigan Technological University have taken a gander at various social media postings in an effort to determine whether any were made by people who would have otherwise had no knowledge of the future events they described in their posts.
If that sounds about as confusing as a flux capacitor, consider the logic: If person A posted some absurdly precise information on Facebook, for example, and that data turned out to be exactly true, then it's reasoned that said person either got extremely lucky, had advance knowledge of the event, or is presumably from a future time period (Great Scott!)
We'll let authors Robert J. Nemiroff and Teresa Wilson explain their three big methods for using social media in an attempt to prove time travel: 

The Kim Jong-un - Barack Obama Secret Hawaiian Summit

Thursday, January 2, 2014

We Live in Eldridge Cleaver’s World Now

"In a free country, you are not obligated to do things simply for the privilege of breathing oxygen north of the Rio Grande and south of Niagara Falls. But this isn’t a free country anymore; this is a country in which you get things for free. And there is a big difference between those two things.

"We live in Eldridge Cleaver’s world now, a world with no more middle ground. Where not doing anything does not mean you will be left alone. This is no longer a nation founded on the curious premise that the government should leave people alone unless they are causing problems.

That peculiar idea was held by a nation of farmers and merchants who fled religious persecution, and whose great contribution to human history was the notion that governments shouldn’t be all-powerful and that everyone should mind their own business when it comes to other people’s affairs. Our present-day rulers revile them as racist slave owners who only cared about money, but they also happen to be racist slave owners who only care about money, and they have far more of both. 

The average American still holds the fanciful belief that, if he isn’t annoying anyone, he should be left alone. To the people running his country, this is as bizarre and unworkable as Phrenology or the Geocentric theory or handing out universal health care without also compelling everyone to buy it.

This is not a nation where people are left alone anymore. This is a nation where they are hounded from the moment they are born until the moment they die by the arms of a regulatory state run by men and women weaned on Cleaver, Alinsky, Fourier, Marx, Wells and countless others. This is a nation where, accordingly, being left alone is the greatest of luxuries."



Wednesday, January 1, 2014