Friday, May 5, 2017

How Cruel: The Increasingly Unhinged Left Will Have to Pay for Their Own Anti-Psychotic Medications.

Republicans cruelly ignored a rapidly spreading epidemic as they crafted the partial repeal of Obamacare that passed in the House yesterday: They failed to include any provision in AHCA that provides mental health benefits for balmy liberals whose thin tether to sanity has been severed by the success of the GOP and Donald Trump. His victory in November and his successful collaboration with Senate Republicans on the confirmation of Neal Gorsuch for SCOTUS have already turn them into gibbering Tards.

Their conditions have now been exacerbated by the passage of AHCA, yet it provides no subsidy to pay for their Seroquel. And they are in dire need of anti-psychotic medication. Elizabeth Warren, whose multiple-personality disorder occasionally manifests itself in the form of a verbose U.S. Senator and other times as a remarkably pale indigenous princess loosed the following war whoop on Twitter:
“#AHCA will devastate Americans’ healthcare. Families will go bankrupt. People will die.”
Settle Down Lizzy and take a pill....

On the latter point, she may be onto something though. Some of the outbursts our progressive friends are foolhardy enough to put in print are causing so much mirth on the tweeter that increasing amounts of leftist may end up in the Emergency Rooms.

The Democrats and their partners in the media and the entertainment industry have become a case study in mass hysteria. Perhaps AHCA should have included some provision for pre-existing hysteria. These people need sedatives and a long spell at a country retreat before they hurt themselves. They have already done considerable harm to us.

But there is good news on the horizon for the Hysterical Booger Eating Leftist of America:

Scientists at a number of universities including Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say parents should not discourage their children from picking their noses because they contain 'a rich reservoir of good bacteria.

And we should certainly listen to the Ivy Leaguers, they're experts at producing healthy leftist Booger Eaters.......Read More

(PJ Media)
(The Telegraph UK)
(Deplorable Garden Nome)

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, May 4, 2017

They Never Fail to Deliver, Even When They're Not Performing

The Navy Blue Angels arrived in town today in style for their annual appearance at the Holiday in Dixie Barksdale AFB air show this weekend. From above a thin cloud ceiling of about 1500 ft. the Angels announced with the roar of their engines their arrival by circling the city twice, then swooping down through the clouds to slowly pass over the city with Red White and Blue trailing in their wake as they slowly separated for line up to land across the river.  God, What A Beautiful Sight!

It's Getting More and More Difficult To Tell a University From An Insane Asylum

First Amendment Rights a State Tactic to Preserve
White Supremacy Over Feelings

With the election of Barky Obama, minorities in America came to falsely believe they were finally running things in America. With the election of Donald Trump, they now believe America has taken a step back into the 19th century. Denial of free speech to anyone who disagrees with them somehow seems right. But as we have seen, as more minorities combine into a majority, they themselves are taking on the the very cloak and mindset of oppression.

America, and all it stands for is under attack by the least oppressed people in the world. Whites are being taught to be self loathing and join with people who can only identify themselves by their sexual orientation, ethnicity or skin color. Feeling over Freedom and the Law. Classic Western Liberalism that has freed Millions is under attack. Modern Progressivism is on the verge of becoming Regressive-ism. Case in point:

A rambling screed posted to the Daily Californian by a UC Berkeley student on Monday declared that the First Amendment right to free speech is nothing more than a tactic used by the state to preserve white supremacy. What should matter more, argued Juniperangelica Xiomara Cordova-Goff, a student senator at UC Berkeley, are the feelings of so-called marginalized students. (by marginalized he she means non-whites)
"I am over the debate on this campus between UC Berkeley conservatives and those on the left who still have energy to argue. Free speech has always been a tactic used by the state to grant the illusion that all voices in this nation are valued, yet there is a reason why Black female senators are discredited and why there is a white supremacist in the Oval Office. Somewhere in all our political discourse, we lost the point. We forgot that the people, the victims, the survivors of state violence we casually discuss are people living the experiences we have the privilege of discussing from a theoretical, omniscient perspective."

"On the morning students woke up to Sproul Plaza flooded with fully armed police officers last Thursday, I was shocked and traumatized. I want to say that I do not feel safe on this campus. Living on the streets for six years did not prepare me for the violence of UC Berkeley. We cannot let free speech become a tactic that asks oppressed people to tolerate their oppressors in hopes of peaceful compromise. I guess I am just at the point where I’ve studied the genocide of my people and am tired of living it today. I do not understand how we can fill the streets demanding justice and then magically separate ourselves from the movement to protect conservative voices who want a soapbox and our death certificates. This has done nothing more than maintain the white supremacist, capitalistic and patriarchal nature that allowed colonizers to protect their power centuries ago and that has allowed their descendants to elect an openly racist, queerphobic, Islamophobic/xenophobic and anti-poverty adminstration"
"I’m not here for free speech. I’m here for Black lives. I’m here for undocumented lives, queer and trans lives, femme lives, incarcerated lives and poor lives. I am here for the lives Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter want dead. I am here for the lives Donald Trump wants to ban. I am here for the lives BCR cannot fit in their “socially moderate, fiscally conservative”fantasy." 
I hope you are as enlighten as I am to know a confused nose-ring, dress wearing bearded Mexican man who thinks he's a woman straighten out the hard working tax paying American about their awful right to free speech they have fought and died to protect is used to degrade them as White Supremacist!  The writer is very ignorant of recent history to think that this article would not be censored and banned in many places if it weren't for the strong tradition of free speech and the legal protections for free speech - which she is trying to destroy.

Oh delicate children, we of the real world urge you to stay in school and get a whole bunch of degrees because life outside those ivory tower walls is a F**KING CONTACT SPORT, KIDDIES. 

Three words Mr. Ms.  Juniperangelica Xiomara Cordova-Goff: Mental Health Expert!

(Daily Californian)                                       Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
(Conservative Firing Line)
(Broadside Betty)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Making America Fit Again: Anti-Trump Aerobics

Nothing coming out of San Francisco should come as a surprise to anyone. This little bit of nonsense should be no different. The Alley Cat Book Store, located in the San Francisco's Mission District, is ordinarily a quiet space for book lovers to peruse multicolored shelves for their next literary adventure. But on Sunday, the small bookstore buzzed with energy as a group of leggings-clad Bay Area residents protested Donald Trump's presidency in the form of a sweaty cardio workout.

"We are here because in this era, in this nation, we need to use our full bodies to resist fascism!" cried Margaret McCarthy, one of two organizers of the event. "This is a wonderful example of bringing levity and community to the resistance," said Vanessa Schneider, an aerobics participant, before the session. "I really hope it includes some of Trump's specific movements, so I can expand my repertoire of gestures."

McCarthy, a performance artist, and Liat Berdugo, an artist, writer, and assistant professor at the University of San Francisco, led the attendees in an uproarious routine involving Democratic-blue sweatbands, Trumpian red ties, and rhythmic slogans: 

"Don't buy Ivanka's shoes!" McCarthy called out, marching to the beat. "Don't buy Ivanka's shoes!" the participants echoed. "Fuck Mar-a-Lago!" she continued, swinging a tielike a golf club. "Fuck Mar-a-Lago!" they mimicked. "Don't read his tweets," Berdugo said in hushed voice, using the tie to shield her eyes. Each new slogan ended with cheers and whoops. As the session wound down, McCarthy and Berdugo asked each participant to knot their red ties together to form a large circle.

The group assembled for a rigorous hour of Anti-Trump Aerobics as the final event in an artist- and activist-organized series called 100 Days Action. The calendar of events, which kicked off on January 20 with an Inaugural Ball, responded tit-for-tat to the Trump administration's activities in its first 100 days. 

Events included Hats for Science, where participants knitted caps for the Science March, and Black Lives Matter at ATA, a film night about racial justice in honor of Black History Month. The night before the aerobics event, the collective also threw a 100 Days No Ban Dance Party, featuring music from the seven countries targeted in Trump's blocked travel ban. You can see a little taste of the nonsense Here.

It has become so much fun to watch the very presence of Donald Trump on this planet continue to drive the lefties absolutely insane.....

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

(Mother Jones)
(Attila the Hunk)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Baton Rouge Prepares for Explosion and Chaos

No DOJ Charges Expected in Alton Sterling
Police Shooting

Everybody you talk to in Baton Rouge is dreading what is commonly understood to be the impending announcement by the Justice Department regarding the Police shooting death of Alton Sterling last summer.

According to the Washington Post, the announcement could come in the next 24 HRs. No charges against the BR officers are expected to be filed.  Combined with the the chaos last night just 80 miles away in New Orleans, where a various tattooed snowflake millennials, some rag-tag neo-communist Antifa loons, project trash and a few Black Lives Matter members showed up at the Jefferson Davis monument to berate and rough up some of the preservationists who took up peaceful residence there in an effort to save Davis’ statue from a similar fate to that befalling other monuments torn down last week, South Louisiana has turned into a tinderbox.

Last summer, witnesses reported Alton Sterling was threatening people with a gun outside a convenience store. When police arrived Sterling refused to to cooperate with police and was tasered twice by BR officers, but didn't go down. In the ensuing struggle to handcuff sterling, he tried to pulled a gun from his pocket and was shot by police.  

Baton Rouge totters on the brink of racial chaos and has already suffered greatly from violence brought on by racial hatred with the deaths of three police officers, and the wounding of three others last summer after the New Black Panther Party publicly called for retribution for the Sterling shooting.  Worse, the city’s murder rate is up 80 percent over last year and there are lots of questions about whether the local leadership can handle ordinary challenges much less what's at stake with the Sterling case.

With the animus created downriver with the monument controversy, perhaps this is a bad day or week for the Sterling announcement to come down regardless of everyone’s expectations. But there is no indication things will get better the longer DOJ waits to get this over with.

(WVLA 33)
(The Hayride)
(Washington Post)

I Found It!

One of the Rarest Photographs in Existence 

The Only Known Picture of Elizabeth Warren With Her Mouth Shut!

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Pack Tightens in the Race for Fake News

It was the perfect storm to excite the already overly excited liberal media and a segment of the U.S. population wholly opposed to Donald Trump’s every word and move. But there was one problem: It wasn’t true. 

On Sunday, several progressive media personalities and liberal Twitter users, even an NBC News correspondent and Raw Story, a lefty news site covered the fake story, falling for a false post claiming a new billboard advertising Trump Tower Manila had been erected and featured the Ivanka Trump, who now serves as a senior White House adviser. 
“Ivanka Trump hawks family’s new development in Philippines as dad invites strongman to White House.-
The hubbub ensued when venture capitalist Peter Brack posted an image of the billboard to his Twitter account, tying the advertisement to Trump’s decision to invite controversial Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte to the White House. Brack wrote in the tweet that has garnered over 25,000 retweets, and has not been retracted.
“Assistant to POTUS models in an ad for POTUS’s new Tower in Manila.” -  
The sign, however, is five years old. And according to a spokesperson for the Trump organization, the billboard was taken down years ago.

Jon Lovett, who worked as a speech writer for former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, tweeted: 
“The conflicts are unchecked because the GOP Congress has put deregulation and tax cuts for millionaires above all other considerations.”- 
MSNBC correspondent affirmative action loud mouth Joy Reid sarcastically tweeted, 
“Well… the murderous autocrat [Duterte] did green light a Trump condo in his capitol, and Ivanka got a modeling gig out of it so…” - “Total coincidence I’m sure.” - 
It's like taking candy from a baby. I guess when you have spent your entire reporting career pushing gossip from the Tweeter and Facebook and failing to verifying stories, you are going to be easy pickings.

Another stellar day for the media.  And a Pox Upon All Their Houses! 

Another Anti-Trump Temper Tantrum Commences With ‘MAY DAY’ Protest

Yet another organized protest against Donald Trump is set to take place today as the ridiculous post-election temper tantrum spills into May. The weekends heavily promoted but falsely advertised People’s Climate March had barely ended when hordes of leftist cranks, Soros operatives, Hillary Dead enders, illegal aliens, communists, feminists and just general social miscreants revved up to take to the streets to gather together in a public hissy fit over their pet grievances.

The protests which are being held on a day traditionally celebrated by communists will take place across the nation and like all the others, receive fawning coverage by the media.
"We are tired of being demonized and scapegoated. We’ve had enough." #MayDay2017
Despite its original communist origins, the May Day festivities have been hijacked by the forced diversity Taliban and has been fueled by the left’s denial of the reality delivered to voters who resoundingly rejected Hillary Clinton. The groups that are organizing this insurrection are highly likely to have links to organizations within the George Soros octopus.

While the left pays lip service to “democracy” and “freedom” the way that things are done in America is that once the votes have been counted the results are accepted. The losers then lick their wounds and try to build a better mousetrap prior to the next election.

Unfortunately, that process has been subverted by the atmosphere of extreme hatred that the Democrats – specifically Team Hillary – and their media mouthpieces generated for Trump. Months of comparing Trump to Hitler and accusing him of being a homo-hating, pussy-grabbing racist (none of which were true) have instilled a lasting delusion in the minds of the type of nincompoops who are prone to gravitate to liberal politics.

(Crazy Cousin Olivia)
(USA Today)

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Study: SJW Protesters Causing Increase in Global Warming / Climate Change

Middle Finger News Service Wire: 

MFNS-HQ - According to study by Dr. Gunther Umph, a sociobiologist from Korkosaven University in Gorgamet, Denmark, the areas around the world with climbing temperature readings tend to be inhabited by more aggressive, bellicose peoples, or “hotheads,” as the study calls them, while colder zones are home to more peaceful, even timid populations.

In his studies most important finding, his team of scientists concluded that in the US the collective Social Justice Warrior protest movement's belligerence is a form of literal hot-headedness, in which screaming protesters transfer their body heat to the head and turns the mind into a stew of animal reactions, bypassing the brain’s rational faculties and driving the groups to childish displays of wonton irrationality and brutality, resulting in the release of tremendous amounts of heat in the immediate atmosphere.

Along with the atmospheric warming effect the large groups of hot headed SJW protesters emit, massive amounts of CO2 emissions from the screaming protest also bolsters the effects of Climate Change.

Since last summer, after the nomination of Donald Trump as President and the increasing number of rallies and protest over his every policy and word, large groups  of SJW protesters of all stripes have gathered in their ever increasing 'Hot Headedness' and become more intolerant while dramatical contributing to Climate Change Dr. Umph  told us.

The researchers tested their hypothesis by observing the facial expressions and by measuring the heat emitted from large groups of protesters at a recent Berkeley protest. Radical leftist became increasingly agitated, irrational and violent, some messing their underwear, as sweat streamed down their faces and dampening their clothes, raising local CO2 levels and a trail of refuge behind. 

In the words of Dr. Umph "These Social Justice protesters are going to kill us all!"

The reaction to the release of the Study was predictable. The leader of "Peace for the Planet" protest group called for massive nationwide protest against the study and violent overthrow of the new Presidential Administration.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY- Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director