Friday, January 24, 2020

Some Media Disturbed at Senator's Boredom and Disinterest at Schiff's Redundant Off-Broadway Spectacle

To listen to the media, we should all be showering Adam Schiff's with flowers over his dramatic prosecutorial marathon performance in the Senate Chamber the last few evenings. And while our friend DIANNY amply describes the resulting media talking head circle jerk, some in the media are a bit beside themselves that Schiff's senate comrades don't seem to hold the same enthusiasm for Schiff & Co. redundant, dot connecting interpretations and exercise in futility.  In Off-Broadway review speak, it might rate a characterization as "an overly dramatic presentation by a bad actor standing ankle deep in a box of cat shit." 

And what really bites em in the butt is cable news ratings indicate a significant drop as the audience shrunk by 19% between Tuesday’s session and when Democrats began making their case for why DJT should be removed from office.

According to BPR, MSNBC's resident soy boy, Chris Hayes, bluntly said Wednesday evening that any senators who find it difficult to sit still for eight or more hours during President Donald Trump’s ongoing Senate trial should “resign tomorrow and go get another job.” Hayes issued the remark while speaking with his cable news twin, master conspiracy theorist, Rick Maddow about the bipartisan boredom and disinterest being shown by Democrat and Republican senators.
"It is a little bit weird," Maddow complained. "We all thought it was within the rules that they had to be there. They had to attend and sit there and not eat or drink anything other than milk or water. And they needed to not have their phones and they needed to not speak."
To be fair, the rules of an impeachment trial are extremely strict. No coffee or snacking on the floor. No pacing, note-passing, scribbling on the wall or working on other matters or chit-chat. Technically, only water is allowed in the Senate chamber. Numerous senators were seen chewing on snacks or drinking something besides water. In their defense, they’re still human, after all.
"Courthouse News Service reported Bernie Sanders could be seen nodding off, slouched deep in his wooden desk with his chin bobbing on his chest."
And from the AP :
"A Democrat in the back row leaned on his right arm, covered his eyes and stayed that way for nearly a half-hour".
"Some openly snickered when lead prosecutor Adam Schiff said he’d only speak for 10 minutes. And when one of the freshman House prosecutors stood to speak, many of the senator-jurors bolted for the cloak rooms, where their phones are stored."
Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Di Feinstein reportedly said screw it and left Wednesday’s trial hearings at least an hour before its conclusion. Meanwhile, presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar hung around and was spotted apparently chewing her cud. 

Over at Fake News Central (CNN), John Berman was ranting and raving about the same issue. Their whiny attitude does seem to speak to the growing belief that so-called “journalists” are narcissistic, self-absorbed door slamming 9 year olds.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

President Lizzy Wants You To Know She's Gonna Clean Up All This Crap Straight Away!!!

On the first day of Donald Trump's impeachment trial, Lizzy Warren unveiled her plan to save us all on her website under the weighty title 'Restoring Integrity and Competence to Government After Trump.' No, I'm not kiddin':
"One year from today, the next president will begin her first full day of work. She will be inheriting a government in crisis and in desperate need of immediate course correction."
That's cute how Warren refers to the next president with a feminine pronoun. What comes first in President Warren's "course correction"? Firings, and lots of them!

Lizzy said she'll ask for the resignations of all Trump's political appointees on day one of her administration. That includes 93 US attorneys. (Bush 43 fired 9 and the Liberals went absolutely ape- shit).  Feeling her inner Stalin, Lizzy plans on going after political opponents. Comrade Warren will establish a Task Force (probably lead by the lovely AG Kamala Harris) that will investigate corruption in the Trump administration and hold the guilty parties accountable.  But Warren will also keep herself honest, not just more honest than Trump because any common gangster can limbo under a low bar. Nay, her administration will "adopt the strictest anti-corruption hiring rules of any administration in all of American History in the world!!"

Right off the bat she says she'll end Obama's policy of children in cages at detention facilities that was Trump's fault, end DJT's reckless foreign policy that endangers our country by killing terrorists who threaten us and end the bigoted ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries that breed worldwide terrorism. She'll also investigate US Border Control and Department of Homeland Security for violating Immigration laws.

President Lizzy insist her team will reflects the full diversity of America, including having at least 50% of Cabinet positions filled by women and non binary people. Even though Black women are disproportionately represented in the federal workforce and LGBTQRX people are represented across all levels of government, including in leadership roles, it don't matter.  Not diverse enough for Lizzy.  There will be recruiting from HBCUs, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and programs for federal jobs for formerly incarcerated individuals ex-convicts. And Lizzy wants to grow the government that is still bloated by reinstating government officials who left public service through a streamlined hiring process, and waive competitive hiring processes as a way of creating another generation of ambitious soft skull leftist government bureaucrats. 

To bring back integrity in government, Lizzy won't employ "senior executives at companies and banks that have broken federal law, are subject to enforcement actions, or are under investigation." That basically rules out 99% of the financial industry. But she hates them anyway, so no biggie. There's always the little commie midget, Robert Reich, who fancies himself an economist who'd probably jump on his big wheel and join up in a minute!

It's not stated outright but we also assume Warren staffers won't regularly violate the Hatch Act, but democrats gonna democrat. Senior staffers will have to pledge not to accept a lobbying job after their official duties end.....and that's for life. Man, you won't catch a grift if you ever work for Warren. That should thin the potential herd down quite a bit.

Donald Trump’s presidency has been a dark period in American history according to Lizzy's website.  A government that has been infected by corruption and incompetence, and his actions as president suggest that he is likely to do everything he can to undermine the next president. Ya Know, just like the last one did.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Onward Over Yonder Cliff.....

Julius Caesar is purported to have said "alea iacta est" (translation: The die is cast.when his armies crossed the Rubicon river. (The only living witness to this is Brian Williams, so we have to take his word for it.)  Caesar, who at the time was in the  midst of fighting the Roman Civil War, had taken his armies beyond what was then the northern boundary of Italy in defiance of the Roman Senate Guys. At that point, he knew he’d reached the point of no return.  This is where “crossing the Rubicon” comes from, as well, but there’s no better way to wax pseudo-intellectually than to use Latin phraseology in place of an English idiom wouldn't you say??

Anyway, Nan Pelosi and her House Committee flying monkeys had an "alea iacta est" moment a few weeks ago.  They were no doubt aware of how polling was trending when it came to the public opinion of their impeachment and attempt to remove DJT.  According to the RealClearPolitics average, since mid-December a plurality of Americans have been against it or the polling average has been a tie.

In December, the Democrats threw the die for the first time: an impeachment vote against Trump, which coincided almost precisely with the moment the polling average began turning against the Democrats.  They were no closer to removing him, but they’d rolled the dice and taken their chances.  And the polling average continued to turn against them.

Since then, they’ve cast the die again, this time in terms of their messaging in the run-up to the trial.  Majority Mitch refused to hold the Senate trial that Democrats would have preferred which is to say, messy and protracted, with privileges and protections afforded to Democrats in the Senate that Democrats would have never dreamed of extending to Republicans in the House, so Pelosi decided to sit on the articles and only handed them to the Senate last Wednesday.  Even then, the Democrats made sure to let America know how solemn and somber an occasion the delivery of the articles was, that is if you discount the pompous signing ceremony complete with those nifty custom pens.

Now that most Senate Republicans have made it clear they don’t support allowing new witnesses to be called because that should have been the House’s job, not the Senate’s, Democrats are predictably livid.  Right on cue Chuck Schumer said "That’s a cover-up, not a trial." This petulance, which is Chuck's major political attribute,  will last throughout the trial no matter how long it goes.

The die has been cast multiple times and the Rubicon has been crossed. There were plenty of times the Democrats could have turned back. But, even staring down poll numbers that should have disabused them of any desire to go the way of impeachment, they marched on unabated, straight for a cliff.

As they say, "Fools rush in to cry over spilled milk"...or something. At least Caesar became the dictator of the Roman Republic for his trouble. Nan and Chuck can’t even get a decent poll.

[Western Journal]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hug a Liberal Today and Keep Them Away From Open Windows

A Good Monday Morning

The NYT Editorial Board Couldn't Decide Which Kooky Democrat to Endorse, So They Cut Two Out of The Herd

The New York Times editorial board announced Sunday night that it was formally endorsing two candidates to be the best choices for the lone 2020 Democratic nominee to take on evil DJT: Lizzy Warren and Amy Klobuth...something.

Considering the schizophrenic tendencies of the different lunatic visions within the Democrat party these days, choosing candidates from competing wings of the Party, the extreme left progtard wing, Senator Lizzy, and the only slightly less extreme progtard wing, Senator Amy, was probably a easy choiceNo white guys up in here!
“Some in the party view President Trump as an aberration and believe that a return to a more sensible America is possible. Then there are those who believe that President Trump was the product of political and economic systems so rotten that they must be replaced.”
So, the country is no longer sensible and the we need someone who can kill capitalism. So what's more sensible and destructive then a post-menopausal woman?? Yeah, let's endorse Lizzy, everyone's vision of a self-medicated crazy cat lady, and another who reminds everyone of that one mean school teacher they all hated, and you just knew she secretly enjoyed getting drunk and kicking puppies.

Yeah, that's the NYTs. Power To The Correct People!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Once Again Class, It's He, She or Freak....

Sanity at Last: Court Refuses to Kowtow to Personal Pronouns. On Wednesday, a panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals refused a male prisoner's motion that the name on his order of confinement be changed and that he be addressed by female pronouns on account of his female gender identity. The ruling on personal pronouns sets an important precedent for free speech, judicial impartiality, and the basic meaning of pronouns against the transgender movement's bastardization of language.

The case involves Norman Varner, a federal prisoner who pleaded guilty in 2012 to attempted receipt of child pornography and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. "Varner cites no legal authority supporting this request. Instead, Varner’s motion simply states that 'I am a woman' and argues that failure to refer to him with female pronouns 'leads me to feel that I am being discriminated against based on my gender identity," the ruling explains. The panel made three key arguments against such a notion. No. No and No.

The panel also argued that "if a court were to compel the use of particular pronouns at the invitation of litigants, it could raise delicate questions about judicial impartiality." The judges referenced a pronoun usage guide from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee which lists 9 different kinds of pronouns. The guide includes wacky pronouns like "e/ey," "(f)ae," "xemself," and more......

The judges warned that granting preferred pronouns in cases like Varner's would set a precedent that courts should use bizarre pronouns like these.  Such pronouns are not only silly — they would make legal proceedings much harder to follow.
"Deploying such neologisms could hinder communication among the parties and the court. And presumably the court’s order, if disobeyed, would be enforceable through its contempt power."
If a man can force others to refer to him using female pronouns, why should he not be able to force any other neologisms as well? There is no reason to suggest the personal pronouns will be limited to the nine listed by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Speaking as a member of the True Sexual Elite, I uphold this decision, and I hereby decree the 5th Circuit to be Judicially Sexy.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, January 17, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Textbook Example of Tyranny

So Virginia introduces a bundle of radical laws to destroy 2nd amendment rights, militias, sale transfer and registration bills, and the People of Virginia says no, and we're going to vote you all out next term.

Virginia government responds by introducing a bill to eliminate voter ID.

Virginia says we're not going to wait, we'll petition your removal from office, and get almost a 3rd of the 240K signatures to remove the governor and starts petitions to remove delegates.

Virginia government responds by introducing a bill to raise the amount of signatures from 10% of the prevailing vote, to 25%.

Folks, this is the a textbook example of tyranny. "We're the government, and we'll do anything we want, whether you like it or not. We won't let you vote us out, we won't let you remove us from office.... And if you can't possess the weapons that a militia would need to force us out of office, then there's absolutely nothing you can do about it"

With good cause, and to counter the fake news media, I think it’s smart to verify what you say, so here are screenshots straight from the Virginia Legislative Information System:

Here,  Here,  Here and Here

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

The Impeachment Signing Photo You Weren't Supposed to See

Democrat committee members convene in private as the Speaker of the House loads a bowl for the group's partaking of celebratory bong hits before officially signing off on the Articles of Impeachment and delivery to the Senate Chamber. The most amazing feature of this historic photo is that it shows Nancy Pelosi actually cast a reflection in the mirror. 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~