Thursday, November 18, 2010

Give em' up, Hillary.

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

Louisiana Cajun Philosopher and Democratic Strategist, James Carville, said at a Breakfast in Washington D.C. this morning, "If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he’d have two."

James, my man. For such an intelligent and astute political observer, you take a gigantic leap in logic. You're assuming Obama has any balls at all.

(Source: New Orleans Times Picayune) 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"He knows exactly how smart he is."

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

In David Remnick's biography of Barack Obama,"The Bridge' he quotes longtime Obama friend Valerie Jarrett: 
"I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability, the extraordinary, uncanny ability to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually."

"He's just too talented to do what ordinary people do. He knows exactly how smart he is." 

"So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. ... He's been bored to death his whole life." 
Narcissistic and egotistical  come to mind. But now unappreciated -- simultaneously called "pathetic" and "tone-deaf," respectively, by the left in The Progressive Magazine and the right in The Washington Times. Turns out that Valerie Jarrett is wrong.  As we have witnessed lately, there's nothing extraordinary about Obama's talent in reading people or understanding economics, and his political savvy has always been in doubt.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Home Alone

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day


Thank You.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pelosi Throws Party to Celebrate Accomplishments.

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

Let’s see: Bankrupting the nation, record unemployment, spearheading one of the greatest repudiations a political party has ever suffered, passing the most unpopular bill in history…yup, Princess Pelosi has a lot to celebrate.

 Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will host a reception Wednesday afternoon on Capitol Hill to celebrate “The accomplishments of the 111th Congress,” according to an invitation sent out Monday.
The event will offer congressional Democrats, many of whom will not be returning to Congress next January, an opportunity to reflect on the party’s legislative victories over the past two years. These have included the passage of major healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, and climate and energy legislation.
Not likely to be lost on attendees, however, is that the unpopularity of many of these “accomplishments” among voters went far to contribute to a wave of Democratic losses in last week’s mid-term elections, in which Democrats lost control of the House and their majority in the Senate was weakened.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Obama Dazzles Indian Lawmakers With His Amazing Teleprompter Reading Skills…


They should consider themselves lucky they weren’t subjected to 30 minutes worth of teleprompter-free ahhhs, uhhhs, ummms… 

 From the Washington Post:
He thrilled them by calling for India to have a permanent seat on an expanded U.N. Security Council. He flattered them by recalling India's historic achievements in science, philosophy and the invention of the digit "zero". And he amazed them by using that ubiquitous tool of modern American politics: the teleprompter. (emphasis, mine)
In India, politicians generally speak extemporaneously or from notes or text written on paper. The common perception, explained lawmaker Sanjay Nirupam of Mumbai, is that the really good speakers don't need to have text in front of them. 
h/t Weasel Zippers

Thursday, November 4, 2010

You Can Blame This on the Cruelty and Short-sightedness of Republicans.

 Denver Voters Reject Plans for 
Extraterrestrial Welcoming Committee.

Tuesday, Denver voters decided not to roll out the red carpet for space aliens by soundly rejecting a ballot initiative that would have required the city to establish an “Extra Terrestrial Affairs Committee.”
Ballot Initiative 300 would require the city to set up an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, stocked with Ph.D. scientists, to "ensure the health, safety and cultural awareness of Denver residents" when it comes to future contact "with extraterrestrial intelligent beings.”

Promoting the initiative was Jeff Peckman, a silver-haired entrepreneur who lives with his parents. "Low overhead," explains Mr. Peckman, a firm believer in intergalactic life, although he has never been personally contacted by an alien. That gives him more credibility; he says “it’s harder to dismiss him as biased”.

Even before the results came in, UFO buff Peckman, who ran the campaign for Initiative 300, was philosophical about the voters’ verdict on his plan for the city to study reports of UFOs and develop protocols for welcoming aliens to the Mile High City. Recognizing that ET contact protocols aren't foremost in the minds of voters these days, Mr. Peckman had to  refined his pitch on Initiative 300. These days, he promotes it as a jobs bill.

“It took, what, 18 years for health-care reform to happen,” Mr. Peckham said. “And how many years for women to get the vote? So some big things take a while to get going.”

Bryan Bonner, a ghost hunter and founder of the group Rocky Mountain Paranormal Nuts, asserts that "Peckman and his 'little green people' are not representative of the people of Denver." 

"Little green people," Mr. Peckman responds  with outrage, is a "racial slur."

So if aliens land in Denver, they will have to do so without government help.   

Having spent a lot of time in the Great State of Colorado and the city of Denver, I'm pretty sure any paranormal activity in the skies up there is likely to be flatulence and hot air rising from the People's Republic of Boulder.  D.S.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GOP Wins Big.....Nation Shudders in Fear!

House Falls to Republicans 

Related Election Stories:
*  Joy Behar vows not to shave beard until all votes are recounted.
*  Keith Olberman's Teddy Bear ask to be put in protective custody.
*  NYT's Columnist Maureen Dowd's Pharmacist on Alert! 
*  Rosie O'Donnell : "America should secede from the Union!"


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rally to Restore Sanity??

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

Billed this weekend as "the rally for the people who've been too busy to go to rallies", comedian Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity"  is to provide an arena for voices to be heard above what Stewart describes as "the more vocal and extreme 15–20 percent" of Americans who control the conversation of politics in the U.S.....

This from Bloomberg:
"Democrats are looking to a pair of comedians to do what President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton and dozens of other leaders haven’t done yet this election season: Get party members excited about voting. Comedy Central television hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert expect tens of thousands of fans to join them at the “Rally to Restore Sanity” in Washington Oct. 30, three days before congressional elections."
"Stewart is promoting the rally as a “million moderate march” to counter what he calls extreme rhetoric dominating the national political discussion.  Media experts say that just as fans rely on Stewart’s and Colbert’s “fake news” shows for real information, they view the rally as an actual political event."

When first announced, the democrats criticized Stewart for holding the Rally the weekend before the mid-term election as a stunt that could possible hurt democrat candidates by mocking their governance.
Stewart's response: "Suck It".

But everyone knows Stewart's political leanings, and he can't hide behind his comedy persona this time. What started out as a stunt, is now really an event to garner enthusiasm to vote for dems from Stewart's easily led and mostly political ignorant audience.

Million Moderate March? I don't think so!
On an appearance on The Daily Show recently, Zsa Zsa Huffington announced her leftist rag "The Huffington Post" would provide buses for as many people as need them and who show up at the New York City offices. Oprah Winfrey appeared on The Daily Show and gave the attending audience all free airline tickets to the rally in the same fashion as she would give away secret prizes to her own audience members.  Stephen Colbert did the same on his own show. S.E.I.U. members are all encouraged to attend, it's not known if they are encourage to bring baseball bats or not. But dems penning any hopes of help in the upcoming election from Stewart's audience just seems silly. Most are more worried about the quality of their weed than Nov. 2nd.

But, it will be interesting to see if the whole thing degenerates into a comedy retinue, much like the watching Joe Biden.

Billing this as an event of/for moderates.....regaining sanity in Government?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joe Biden: The gift that keeps on giving.

Posted by Publius Minimus

 You lookin' to wipe yer ass with a stump, Skippy? 
H/T Nickie Goomba 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Juan Last Word....

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

The recent firing of Juan Williams from NPR differs from other resent incidents of  late. Unlike CNN's resident goofball Rick Sanchez, who was fired for just being stupid, Mr. Williams got the axe for telling the truth. Imagine that.

But with all that has been written, there's one aspect of this whole thing that has not been addressed----the attack on Williams is the first big leftist attack designed to silence a certified liberal.   Juan Williams is one of America's most seasoned, respected, and articulate African-American journalists.  Whether you agree with him or not, and I don't most of the time, he is a spokesman for reasonable, moderate, non-radical liberal viewpoints.

When a conservative is being criticized and, given the left's suspicion toward that side of the political spectrum, many liberals have believed whatever they've been told by often highly partisan and dishonest sources, failing to insist on fair play. Such caution and care is rare nowadays. Up until now, a lot of people have been happy to see those they didn't like being bashed, fairly or otherwise, without asking too many questions. The same standards of accuracy and fairness should be applied to everyone. Then if you hear that someone said or did something outrageous you know that it's true and not just a smear.

But these are precisely the qualities that have declined as much of  mainstream journalism has turned into nothing but spitting, screeching , poop flinging  partisan propaganda outlets rather than places where people struggle for objectivity and accuracy and  truth.  NPR's official statements said that Williams had violated the network's political "line," thus admitting that this tax-supported station is an ideological political organ.

Due to ideology and arrogance, the left-pretending-to-be-liberals may have gone too far. People who have swallowed all of the often-false claims about conservatives, their ideological and political rivals, start to ask questions. Up until now, the majority of moderate liberals have said, in effect, that it didn't matter if "bad" people were treated unfairly.

The only thing worse than a witch hunt is a witch hunt being cynically manipulated to intimidate open discussion, and courageous individuals.

The firing of Juan Williams may help in getting real liberals to realize the extent that their institutions have been taken over by the anti-free speech political correctness of far left, which has used this power to trash professional ethics and transform media institutions into organs of lies and indoctrination. None of them are safe, as intellectuals or as journalist from attack and unemployment, respectively.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Fertile Breeding Ground of the Left

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica

Dr. Sanity gives an insightful take on the left's new 'Protected Matter' in her piece "Floating up to the top of the left's Victimhood Heirarchy. 
"If you needed more evidence that Islam has percolated to the top of the Left's victimhood food chain--other than the fact that they can abuse women and gays with impunity and nary a word of condemnation from the left--then observe how instead of condemning this oppressive culture, the left positively trips all over themselves defending it against people like Bill O'Reilly or Juan Williams."
Read the complete post Here


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Biden Says "It's On"

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica


Saturday, October 16, 2010

When Harry Met Sharron

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
October 16th, 2010


Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekend Rant

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
Friday, October 15. 2010

I recently watched a brainwashed college student on TV repeating the same old tired platitudes and recite a comprehensive list of sweeping generalizations about the letdowns our elected officials rain upon us. Everything her little spiel implied is what most people have wanted from government since kings were invented,  but have experienced only while riding unicorns under rainbows through enchanted forests up to cornucopias of food, drink, merriment, eternal good health, and sunshiny days with white puffy clouds and fountains in the park bubbling alternately with Merlot and Chablis.

The problem with her vision is that a high percentage of humans have at least moderate potential for nastiness of one kind or another. If everyone were truly good, if we all lived by the Golden Rule, no government would be needed. But since we can lapse into our more petty, savage, brutal, and selfish modes in an instant for no apparent reason, government becomes necessary to level the playing field so that the biggest, meanest dude in the valley doesn't wind up with all the gold, goodies, and girls.

And the irony in THAT is our dependence upon humans to form and operate that government, and being human, they're automatically flawed, whimsical, petty, crooked, mean-spirited, greedy, arrogant, flighty, incompetent, corrupt, selfish, egotistical, and sometimes downright evil.  Any government comprised of those individuals would sooner or later begin to exhibit the characteristic flaws of its constituency. Government is just like any other tool . . . hammer, fire, gun, screwdriver, rope, knife . . . and like fire, or like sharp instruments, it can be extremely dangerous if used carelessly or needlessly. What tends to happen is that someone enters government at a low level with the best of intentions, the highest of ethics, the noblest of goals, and before long becomes acutely aware of just how much wealth and power are available for the taking.

 Our recent congresses and executive administrations have established a pattern of unethical, immoral, and in some cases illegal behavior. The organizations designed to enact and enforce the laws of the land is not practicing what it's preaching. And that in turn generates disdain and contempt for the law, which then tells individuals that they don't have to obey laws they don't like because the laws are too complex or too cumbersome or too obscure, so each person is more or less left to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore.  And when you think about that concept, don't forget that this nation was actually created out of distrust of government. The men who designed our system built in safeguards so that the people could actually keep an eye on what government is up to. But over the decades, politicians have mastered the skill of hiding, masking, obfuscating, misdirecting, deceiving, , double talking, and equivocating to the point that most ordinary citizens can no longer even FIND, much less READ, proposed legislation (such as the 2000+ page health-care reform bills).

Nearly everything the central government gets involved with winds up either in failure or in massive cost overruns. Reagan once said that the most terrifying words a victim of natural disaster could hear are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." Will Rogers said the same thing another way: "I don't have to make jokes. I just watch the government in action and tell on 'em." And just a few years ago I heard a late-nite comedian say (after the government failed in turning profit on a foreclosed whorehouse), "Crime would go out of business if the government took it over and tried to run it."

When you think about it, most people probably consider anything they get from the government to be a result of social progress. But those same people very likely believe that anything the government does for somebody else is pure socialism.

The most convincing criticism of republican democracy you'll ever find will occur during a brief conversation with an average man-on-the-street headed for the ballot box.

Picture of the Week

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
October 15, 2010

Guaranteed To Drive Your Liberal
Friends Up The Wall!
  Image: Pookie's Toons

Monday, October 11, 2010

Time Magazine: O is in Over His Head

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
Monday, October 11,2010

Out of Touch, Arrogant and Clueless......Ya Think!
  They've just realize what we've know for a while now.

"With the exception of core Obama Administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusions: the White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters. This view is held by Fox News pundits, executives and anchors at the major old-media outlets, reporters who cover the White House, Democratic and Republican congressional leaders and governors, many Democratic business people and lawyers who raised big money for Obama in 2008, and even some members of the Administration just beyond the inner circle." 
Read the Rest Here

After Hours at O's House.

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
October 10,2010

Thank You iOwnTheWorld and Doug Ross for the Links


Obama Gets A Book Thrown At Him... 
 Then The Naked Guy Shows Up.

The Daily Mail:  "A book was apparently hurled at the head of U.S. President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Philadelphia. The flying missile narrowly missed hitting the President today."
"It is not clear what the book was, where it came from in the crowd, or why it was thrown at Mr Obama – who did not appear to notice the danger.  
"The rally was clearly an eventful one – other images showed a naked man being led away in handcuffs by police. It is not clear if the man was involved in the book-throwing incident – or why he was not wearing any clothes."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Secret is Out: Joe Biden's New Book

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
Sunday, Sept. 26

EXCLUSIVE: Excerpts From V.P.'s New Book

Recently someone threw a paper bag over the transom of Diogenes’ offices that was found to contained parts of the manuscript to Vice President Joe Biden’s super secret upcoming explosive blockbuster tell-all memoir of the 2008 campaign and first 2 years in office.

Here is a small sample of what it contained:

From the Chapter on Sarah Palin:
 "I do kinda  like that Alaskan broad Sarah Palin!. After the Vice Presidential debates were over, she sent over flowers and a bottle of excellent scotch to me with a note:
"How’s it feel  to get your little Delaware boy ass handed to you by a Lady? Ya know ya did, Joe!"
"Love and Kisses, The Pit bull."

"Then later the  Governor  sent over a signed copy of her #1 bestselling book "Going Rogue" with the inscription: 
 "To my favorite Joe, who could have been a contender, but wound up Champ!"
"Ol’ Joe almost teared up for a second. But the best surprise was she sent with the book a big picture of the cover of her follow up book due out  just in time for the midterm elections."
"Just gotta love her!" 

From the chapter on the Media:
“Barry is such a stuffed shirt when it comes to the whole press thing. I don't know why he gets so nervous when they point a camera or microphone in my direction?  They're all bending over backwards to make us look good, even those Mexicans and Black guys!”
“ I wonder if Wolf Blitzer’s momma named him that because he was born with that beard.  And what kinda  TV name is Rachel Maddow for a man anyway?”

He also talks about his one true love which he brought to D.C. with him.

Biden washing his classic 1981 Pontiac
Trans Am in the White House driveway 

"Back in the day we used to call 'em panty-melters. One babe caught a glimpse of those custom rims after a AC/DC concert in '86 and she couldn't get into that backseat fast enough."
"Gotta  keep her looking good so I can impress the chicks when I'm cruising up and down Pennsylvania Avenue."

Other revelations from the manuscript:

* Biden reveals who in Congress owns the best porno DVD collection.

* Addresses his controversial statement  about “radical Islamist having sex with goats” by clarifying he meant  ” only the ones who actually own goats.” 

* Reports about the in depth discussions at oval office meetings as to why after every return from an overseas mission, Hillary Clinton’s ass looks bigger than before.
* After the magnificent victory over Republicans in mid-term elections, Biden plans a whirlwind visit to all 57 states.

The working title to the book is slated to be
" The 2008 Campaign, the Best I can Remember "  


Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Progressive of Them.

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
Wednesday 25, 2010

Creator of Tea Party Kids Coloring Book 
Receiving Death Threats…

CBS News: Coloring books aren't just about Disney princesses and Dora the Explorer anymore.

 “The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids,” published by the St. Louis-based Really Big Coloring Books Inc. and sold online for around $4 at, has been a big seller – and is causing a stir.

Some are claiming that the book wasn’t made for children at all, but for right-leaning adults, as KSDK notes. Critics say passages in the books are overly political.

“When taxes are too high, the high tax takes away jobs and freedom,” reads one passage. “In 1773 we had a Tea Party and this led to freedom from high taxes. Today we are having another Tea Party and this will lead to freedom from high taxes again!”

According to Wayne Bell, the publisher at Really Big Coloring Books Inc. the purpose of the book is not political.

“We’re not really making a political statement,” he told Hotsheet, noting that his company publishes books on a range of topics, including the Rockettes and Cirque de Soleil. He stressed that the book did not include direct attacks on a political party and contains historical data and information on how a bill becomes a law.

He also noted that his company makes an Obama Coloring Book, which, like the Tea Party book, is featured on the front page of the company’s website. The Tea Party book, he said, is by far the better seller, with demand so high that new books must be printed every day to keep up. “We have sold many thousands,” said Bell, who penned the book.

Bell, who describes himself as a “very liberal, open minded guy,” denies that the Tea Party is behind the book or that any of the money from sales goes to the Tea Party movement.

He said he has even received death threats over the coloring book, both in writing and over the phone.


Just another fine example of intolerance by the left, who seems can't even let one of the more intelligent of their side make a living in peace.
H/T Weasel Zippers

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So Why Not Him?

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
September 16, 2010

In 1930, somewhere in Hungry, George Schwartz was born — not the best time and place to be born a Jew.

George’s father Theodore tried to change the family’s fortunes by changing their name to something less Jewish-sounding. It didn’t help. And soon war came. When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbors. Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

George moved to London after the war and then to New York, where he became a stockbroker. He’s rich now.  

He became known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" after he made a reported $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. In 2002 a French court convicted George of insider trading,  a felony   as defined under French securities laws, and fined him $2.3 million, which was roughly the amount that he made using  insider information.

In the United States, he is known for donating large sums of money in an effort to defeat President George W. Bush's bid for re-election in 2004. In an interview with The Washington Post on November 11, 2003, he said that removing George W. Bush from office was the "central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death." He said he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat President Bush, "if someone guaranteed it." During the 2003-2004 election cycle, he donated $23,581,000 to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating President Bush. A 527 group is a type of American tax-exempt organization named after a section of the United States tax code.

Forbes magazine says he’s the 35th richest man in the world. 

Maybe you’ve heard of him. He goes by the name his father invented: George Soros.

During  2003-2004, Soros helped set up the leftwing advocate groups to defeat Bush  and gave  $3 million to the Center for American Progress, $5 million to, and $10 million to America Coming Together. Today, members of these groups regularly appear on and work with the mainstream media to push a socialist agenda on America, while Soros stands in the background.

No one knows for sure the extent of his involvement…..the man behind the curtain?   With his power and money, some believe him a dangerous man.

 And how does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager?

Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? “Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.

A Nazi would steal the Jews’ property anyways.  So why not him?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh, how the mighty have fallen…

Posted By Diogenes Sarcastica
September 9,2010

Obama Couldn’t Even Fill Community College Recreation Center, Organizers Forced to Recruit Students…

Commander  Zero

Parma Ohio: With less than an hour before President Obama’s scheduled speech, 75 seats remained empty in the recreation center at Cuyahoga Community College’s Western Campus.
 So organizers went around campus and recruited more students to fill the seats. 
Student Jennifer Rahal, of Parma Heights, whose class was canceled today, was working on her art work in the coffee shop in the basement of the building when the call went out for more guests.After dropping off their stuff at a bag check, the newly invited guests cleared security and filed into the gym.
It's believed that city officials all had prior commitments...

H/T Weasel Zippers 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Barry and Michelle Come a Visitin'

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
August 30, 2010

Today the President and first....Lady flew into the great city of New Orleans to pay us a visit and celebrate the devastation and destruction of the city by his predecessor George W. Bush and that little storm that blew through five years ago. Inconspicuously absent were former Mayor Ray "I'm riding this sucker out in Dallas" Nagan, and former Governor Kathleen "What the hell am I suppose to do about it" Blanco. But all an all it was a star studded show of democrat losers that have managed to entertain most of the country with our political nonsense since reconstruction.

There's our fearless leader demonstrating one of his few
examples of Leadership since taking office,
leading the girls down the steps of Air Force one.

 The first bunch is greeted by our most excellent Governor Bobby Jindal.
From the look on the Governor's face I think he's thinking
what most of us are; who the hell is dressing this women?

 Before his speech at Xavier University, Barry and Michelle visit the
Columbia Pac Development to view newly built homes rebuilt 
below sea level and will flood again someday, and will again be rebuilt 
with your federal tax money.  Makes ya proud don't it?

Take Note: the Leader of the Free World, Harvard educated and
said to be the smartest man to ever hold the office, can't figure out how 
to get an umbrella through the gate to the other side! 

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landreiu here instructs the President how
to operate correctly an umbrella and maneuver gracefully
even while being distracted by the first lady's dress.

Take note: Group of democrats standing outside in the rain talking
instead of standing inside the building behind them.

 Here Barry and Michelle inspect the bobcat front-loader brought in to
scoop up all the bullshit expected from the president's visit. 
By days end, it was said to be well used.

 Our honorable Senator Mary "yes I can be bought for a price"Landreiu (D) about to either throw up or pee in her pants during the
presidents speech. The uninterested one to the right of Mary is
 our Senator David Vitter(R)  who is probably wishing he had
brought ear plugs and who the hell dresses the first lady.

 After the speech Barry and Michelle took time to spend some
time with the folks, spread around a little stimulus money and
create a few of those jobs we keep hearing about.*wink wink*

 In honor of his visit, we did dress the place up a  bit.
But being a red state, I doubt will see him much anytime soon.  


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Toilet Paper for Everybody!

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
August 28, 2010

Well, the much touted “Summer of Recovery” is coming to an end.  And quite a summer it’s been.

I think this goes without saying, but because I can, I'll say it anyway; this government is fat, bloated, bureaucratic, clueless and out of touch, expensive, unresponsive, and packed to the gills with the worst kind of tax evading career politicians that probably couldn’t pass an entry-level Civil Service exam.

 We now have a government  that couldn’t  order toilet paper without 100 hours of Congressional debate (so that even the “I bought me a seat with daddy’s money”  back-benchers can get 30 seconds of face time on TV), a battle royale between the talking heads of each party, complete with a demonization of both sides by their opponents, six or so teleprompter speeches  by “The Chosen One” on how AIG wrecked the toilet paper market, and the New Department of Anal Cleansing Instruments Czar empowered to make up regulations that affect your  person hygiene without  Congressional debate or approval  and  defend you against Big Charmin.

I can see it now; Keith Olbermann having  an on-air aneurysm over the plight of those who can't afford the two-ply and have to make do with the thin single-sheet that very quickly disintegrates and become embarrassing and uncomfortable, and  is outraged it’s not  to be covered under ObamaCare.

And by the time it's all over, the Government will have worked out some new law that promises "free" TP to every filthy tushy in 2021...and requires a tax on "The Rich", a class now defined as anyone who has at least 30-cents and a bottlecap in his pocket (Naturally, Congress will exempt itself from the TP tax). By the time the government actually purchases the TP from the mill in Congressman X's district, which happens to be the company in Which Senator Y Owns Substantial Stock, they will have underestimated the real need by at least half, and paid three times the going rate. And they would have stuff even worse than the One-Ply Wonder, and which probably scratched like sandpaper, and give half the people who used it tumors.

And don't be at all shocked when the government decides it has the right and responsibility to feed your children whatever it deems appropriate. You should know that the obvious reason why kids are fat is beyond the mental capacity of the typical government bureaucrat to comprehend; it is because they sit around all day playing video games and screwing around on Facebook and YouTube. Maybe if our government employees in the Education Dept. would stop meddling in the school systems, and schools would quit teaching them how to engage in sex, and hire a gym teacher, they wouldn't be so round, and we wouldn't need an expensive new tax payer funded "program" to feed kids rotten vegetables at gourmet prices.

So, it should come as no surprise that the people who brought you the Fannie and Freddie debacle, the Mortgage Bailout Program which Failed Spectacularly, who have recklessly spent billions of tax payer dollars ensuring that complete deadbeats can keep a house paid for by someone else's money long after they should have, and which devastated residential neighborhoods with an explosion of foreclosures, should suddenly decide that it knows everything about, and the money to spend, planning the healthy child and their brave new world.

So, when I read that the government can't count, and the people they hired to count for them are a bunch of crooks, I'm not surprised. And when we observe that the President of the United States is basically out of step with two thirds of the country, but still takes a victory lap for something he hasn't done, or worse, for something he's screwed up even more, I'm not surprised.

For me, November can't come soon enough!