Tuesday, January 31, 2017

He Told Us He Was Going To Continue To Be A Prick

Barky is Certainly Keeping His Word 

With Ma Clinton rebuked and put away wet and the far left superstars Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren circling Political Jupiter somewhere, Barky did tell us before leaving office he would try and set himself up as the reasoned voice of the Democrats. *snork *

"Obama warned that he would speak out if he determined there was “systematic discrimination being ratified in some fashion,” or if the press was mistreated (in a manner similar to how his Department of Justice targeted reporters, perhaps), or if his executive actions on immigration were repealed. Basically, Obama told the press to expect his return sooner rather than later. Few guessed, though, that sooner meant just 11 days. 
In a statement released by Obama’s spokesman, Kevin Lewis, the former president warned that “American values are at stake”—an indirect reference to President Donald Trump’s executive actions on refugees....." 
"Obama’s statement is an effort to craft a narrative (seven countries does not the Islamic world make, and no one has challenged Trump’s executive order on the basis that it discriminates against an entire religion). It is also, though, an attempt to thwart a damaging political realization from taking root in the Democratic subconscious. It was his administration and the last Congress that designated the countries in Trump’s executive order as potential threats...."
"The president, the most powerful man on earth, was reduced in his final days in office to drumming up enthusiasm for state assembly races. Today, when he should be focusing on building his library and serving as a sagacious ambassador to the world, he lowers himself to offer a muted and impotent burble of opposition to his successor. He will posture and preen and do whatever he can to make sure the Democratic Party’s next leader is cast in his mold. So long as Obama can fill the silence, Democrats won’t have time to reflect on the president’s legacy. When they finally do, Obama won’t appreciate many of the conclusions they reach."

The Left and Their New Face of " We The People "

Gone is any respectful symbol of the Eagle, or the Founding Patriot. Only Obama's in your face "Identity Politics" and disrespectful use of the flag as a Muslim Hijab. 

Acting AG’s Showboating a Fitting End to the Obama Era

"Acting US Attorney General Sally Yates, an Obama appointee, ordered the Department of Justice not to defend President Trump’s executive order on immigration.  I couldn’t think of a more fitting capstone to the Obama record on Justice than its showboating on the immigration order. The legal arguments weigh strongly in favor of the administration, and the Justice Department has a legal obligation to defend it. It can only refuse if there are no reasonable grounds on which to defend or the Justice Department has come to the conclusion that the law is unconstitutional, which it could only do it if disregarded existing statutes and case law. 

Once again the Obama Justice Department has put its left-wing politics before its legal duties. On the other hand, this is meaningless showboating. Attorney General Sessions will be confirmed soon, and on day one he will direct DOJ attorneys to defend the order. But I couldn’t think of a more fitting end to the Obama Justice Department then President Trump calling Sally Yates, and say: “you’re fired." - John Yoo

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Team Warns Creepy Future King: None of That Global Warming Crap!

Donald Trump is set to meet with Prince Charles this June when he visits Britain, which may turn out to be awkward given the fact that Trump previously told Howard Stern that he totally could have “nailed” Princess Diana and was also pretty obsessive about pursuing her after the royal pair broke up back in the ’90s. Reportedly, Trump sent her an absurd amount of flowers after her divorce. But it may be awkward for other reasons as well! Apparently, Prince Charles has already been warned by Team Trump to not “lecture” The President about climate change.

Here are some hilarious things that were reportedly said about the potential meeting, via The Times of London:
"A source close to Trump said: “He won’t put up with being lectured by anyone, even a member of the royal family. Frankly, they should think twice about putting him and Prince Charles in the same room together.”
"A senior government source familiar with the discussions said: “Trump’s people are worried about an awkward moment, with Charles saying ‘Why don’t you believe in climate change?’ or ‘Have you read my book?’  
“They do not want the president to be put in an awkward position where he’s being lectured. They want horses down the Mall, tea with William and Kate. They want all that pomp and for it to go seamlessly, and one of the risk factors is Charles."
THE BRITS WANT HORSES AND TEA!  HORSES. AND. TEA. And a golden goose that lays gold eggs for Easter. And the horses should be painted gold and have wings and they should all bow before the Prince as he walks past them. But everyone at the WH hopes William and Kate will drink tea with Donald and Melania and all the British rags will write stories about how nice they all looked doing that.

You see, Donald Trump has already made up his mind on climate change, and Prince Charles might just be jealous, because a billionaire and a man with real power lusted after his Ex Ol' Lady, and he has to wake up now every morning to Camilla!

So the Creepy Future King was advised to put a sock in it and be nice, and maybe he won't get some dumbass gifts like Barky had a habit of giving.

Thank You MJA for the Linky!
[The Daily Bitch Beast]                                       
[The Washington Times]
[The Times of London]

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

RIP Butch Trucks 1947-2017 

Brought to You by BLUESJUNKY- Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Kim Jong Un Taunts Trump on the Tweeter

House Chamber Temporarily Evacuated

MFNS-WASHINGTON - Late Friday night near panic struck the Chamber of the House of Representatives during a debate before those present of a bill sponsored by democrats for federal funding the construction of "Transgender Only Driving Lines" within California's Federal Highway system. The bill was Sponsored by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) 

The debate was interrupted when House Speaker Paul Ryan notice Pelosi, at the dais at the time, head began to violently quiver from side to side. Middle Finger News Congressional Correspondent, Ima Gonagetu spoke to Speaker Ryan after the incident:
"I knew something was wrong when Minority Leader Pelosi began slurring her words and her face began to contort and could hear a metallic popping sound...... and then heard the House Clerk scream and saw blood running down her forearm as she passed out and fell face first onto her desk....... I yelled THERE SHE BLOWS and headed for the door....."
What many who worked closely with Pelosi over the years feared would someday happen, happened. The permanent metal staples from her many massive face-lifts had begun to let loose. There was shrapnel in the air.

Along with the House Clerk, the august Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) also sustained a flying staple injury on the cheek. 

"I'm Okay. I feel honored to have shed blood in this hallowed hall in an honorable cause for our Transgendered citizens  ......as honored as when I got my head bashed in with a brick during the Civil Rights movement." 
The few in congress who were there ignoring Pelosi's speech ducked under their desk for cover while others ran for the door. Many of the members later found metal staples lodge in the back of their suit coats.

One such Congressman was Rep. Bullet-Head Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) who told us of his harrowing experience: 
"There was fear in the air when everyone realized what was going on. I hadn't been that scared since last time I walked through my district after dark! It was scary!" 
Minority Leader Pelosi was restrained and removed from the House floor, later to be spotted exiting an unmarked van at Walter Reed Army Hospital with a large Walmart bag over her head.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Fishnet Friday: Edition du Soir

This Should Put a Burr Under The Saddle of the MSM

Alex Jones' Infowars Has Been  Offered Press Credentials
for White House Press Briefings

When I first saw this story I started laughing, then broke out in a cold sweat.  No.  Please No!  Then I heard Jones say it himself.  But after a little thought, I told myself that this could really be fun and piss off the media in ways even I couldn't think of. The man who tells us all the school shootings are false flags and juice boxes turn kids gay, fully credentialed and attending the White House Press Briefing. Oh Yeah!

In an announcement to his fans and listeners and all of America, conspiracy theorist and 9/11 Truther Jones announced that his site, Infowars, had indeed been offered press credentials by the Trump White House. Jones said he hopes all the people from illegitimate fake news organizations like CNN get demoted from the front row, and replaced by Breitbart and Drudge and other "real reporters" like him.
"Here’s the deal, I know I get White House credentials, we’ve already been offered them, we're going to get them, but I’ve just got to spend the money. I want to make sure it's even worth it. I don't want to just sit up there like "I’m in the media, look our people are there." People don't understand this paradigm, we’re devolving in a good way."
"What's CNN doing in the front row, when press secretary Sean Spicer keeps going to them? And then the reporter yesterday goes, "Oh, maybe Trump wasn't even elected. That's why you say there's fraud." So they're like little kids up there. These aren't real journalists. Meanwhile, it's just crazy, you should see Breitbart and Drudge, and also just reporters that are known to tell the truth from mainstream.
Can't argue with Jones on that at all! And I realize Jones was one of Donald Trump's first and most fierce and loyal supporters. And I can't fault him for that either. But the important thing here is why Jim Hoft and Alex Jones are getting press credentials.

Conspiracy theories, contrary to what you might think, actually make people much more malleable. They make people believe that they are smarter than smart people. If you can convince someone that chemtrails exist and can be fought with vinegar, you can probably convince them Obama's EPA was turning all the frogs gay.

We can only just imagine Jones' dream first press briefing. Front row, sitting in the Helen Thomas memorial chair being called on:
Spicer  - Yes Mr. Jones. 
Jones - Now that the CIA director is firmly in place and had time to poke around, will the President be issuing a statement on , or release information about the Fake Moon Landings or the Lizard People that abducted Elvis?
[Media Matters] 
[Nutty Cousin Olivia]

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Touché Chienne!

Prosperity and President Trump's Political Fate:

"In truth, we are on the cusp of a great experiment. For decades, conservatives, both traditional and pro-growth supply-siders, have preached that deregulation, reasonable and predictable Federal Reserve interest rates, reduced government, a radically simplified and pruned-back tax code, new incentives for investment, an open energy market, and a can-do psychological landscape that encourages entrepreneurship will make the economy soar at rates of 4 percent GDP and more.
"We shall soon see. If Trump unleashes American know-how and strengthens the economy, then his cultural and domestic agendas, as well as his personal demeanor and language, however radical and jarring, will probably be accepted. In contrast, if he blows up the deficit and sees interest rates spike at Carter levels and the cost of debt service soar, if he allows unemployment to grow -- while never exceeding Obama's dismal economic growth rates -- then the Trump agenda will stall and the media will be liberated to obsess over the tweets, gaffes, and bombast of every nanosecond of his presidency. 
"Economic growth cuts through political orthodoxy; economic stagnation intensifies it. Regrettably or not, prosperity, not character per se, determines a president's political fate." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Boogers of Justice Stare into the Cold Steel Nose Hairs of Fascism

Would you risk your life to inspire resistance against the veils of Donald Trump? The Greenpeace protesters who are known for goofy, disruptive but ineffective results just scaled a giant crane located near the White House to hang a giant “RESIST” banner sure would. Golly gee, look at those crazy little boogers of social justice and self appointed defenders of mother earth starring into the cold steel nose hairs of fascism!

Beyond a perceived morale boost for Trump opponents, performing such daring, dangerous acts as this will show Trump et al. that they're willing to risk everything, up to and including our lives, to resist them. A person who will risk their life to fight against you is a dangerous opponent.

A police statement on Twitter was more blunt: “While we respect everyone’s right to protest, today’s actions are extremely dangerous and unlawful.” 

But I for one encourage them, the gene pool could use a little self cleansing.

One little-discussed yet potent power of the Women’s Marches, and indeed all mass demonstrations, is their kinetic potential. In simpler terms, if 500,000 people wanted to physically invade and occupy the White House and Congress, they could do it. It would be a dangerous act. People would likely die. But no force on earth could stop them in the end.

Secretaries Mattis and Kelly, please pickup on the White courtesy phones.

It seems increasingly likely that civil disobedience is going to be a major part of resisting Donald Trump and his Congress. And no one but protesters themselves will be responsible for what happens to their self- righteous ass if they get busted doing something dangerous and unlawful in service of their cause. There is a wide line between anarchy and peaceful civil disobedience.  

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!