Saturday, April 14, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 13, 2018

'I Might Have To Leave America’ She Says.

There's nothing wrong with adopting a child who happens to be of a different ethnic group from yourself. We're all God's children. There IS something wrong with purposefully adopting black children as a social and/or a career marketability statement, as they do in Hollywood.  And I'm really not sure how privileged children of a millionaire actress would need to fear America. But Hollywood is great at overreacting after all, since they're paid very well to do it. In an interview published in Elle magazine, South African born actress Charlize Theron warned that racism in America was so bad that she “might have to leave.” And no surprise to you I'm sure, among other things she blames the Trump administration. 

In the interview with the alleged comedian Chelsea Handler, the South African actress expressed her feelings on racism (since she’s from a country that had apartheid, she apparently is an expert). She give no specifics, but keeping with the Hollywood group-think, blames the "new administration" that's been around for lets see...... a year now. But wait, according to Ms.Theron, it’s not just the administration that’s to blame, it’s also America in and of itself: 
“Of course, I have two black kids, but that was always something I was passionate about. I don’t even know how to talk about the last year under our new administration. There are some places in this country where, if I got a job, I wouldn’t take it. I wouldn’t travel with my kids to some parts of America, and that’s really problematic. There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I’m like, if this continues, I might have to leave America. Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe.”
After coming under fire for comments comparing the press to rapists, mainly because she drew A LOT of unwanted attention for shacking up with the greasy leftist Sean Penn, Theron decided earlier this year to raise the feminist banner, calling herself “a fucking feminist.” And now, apparently, she has also decided now to condemn the United States all of a sudden as unsafe for her children, since “racism is much more alive and well than people thought.” 

Yes perhaps, Ms. Theron, you should take your five dollar feminism and run away from evil America before the violent black culture takes hold of your children. That's what you should really be concerned about. Maybe you would be more comfortable back in your homeland of South Africa where they are conquering racism by murdering children of farmers and landowners along with their parents. Worry not Ms. Theron, unlike Chicago they are killing mostly white children. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage! 

FCC Chair Tells Democrat Senators To Go Pound Sand

It seems one of the best government appointments to come out of Trump’s election was Ajit Pai as Chairman of the FCC. He’s stood in the fire against all manner of leftist hysteria and verbal non-sense when it comes to net neutrality, censorship, and federal overreach at the FCC. He also stood up to the President when he made the ridiculous suggestion that certain broadcasters should have their licenses pulled. Pai isn’t partisan, he’s principled.

Thursday, he reaffirmed those principles again by formally rejecting an insane request from a dozen Democrat Senators (including Lizzy Warren, Bernie Sanders and Cory 'Scatman' Booker) asking the FCC to “investigate” Sinclair broadcasting for “purposely distorting the news.” Yes, the same Democrat party that shits bricks every time Trump says “fake news” now wants to use the power of the Federal government to investigate the editorial decisions of news agencies because their own media allies got called out. I’d go ahead and call them all hypocrites, but would I be telling you anything you didn’t already know? 

Here’s the money quote from the Dem's Clown Posse's request… 
“We are concerned that Sinclair is engaged in a systematic news distortion operation that seeks to undermine freedom of the press and the robust localism and diversity of viewpoint that is the foundation of our national broadcasting laws,” the senators wrote. They added that it “may have violated the FCC’s longstanding policy against broadcast licensees deliberately distorting news by staging, slanting, or falsifying information.”
This is nuts for many reasons, i'll give you two.  For One, all Sinclair did was tape promos saying they’ll be honest, diligent, and not report fake or unsubstantiated stories. I’m no English major, but where in any of that did Sinclair “stage, slant, or falsify” information? Or are we saying because local news promos are staged, they are actually illegal?

And secondly, suggesting they should have their broadcast license pulled is exactly the kind of idiocy that Trump was
excoriated for by these very same Senators! The FCC does not have the power to, nor should they go around pulling broadcast licenses based on their determination of what is “slanted” or any other such qualifier on a free press.

Luckily for freedom loving Americans at least, FCC Chair Ajit Pai responded in kind Thursday, and he didn’t hold back…
"Dear Senator Cantwell: Thank you for your letter requesting that the Commission investigate a broadcaster based on the content of its news coverage and promotion of that coverage. In light of my commitment to protecting the First Amendment and freedom of the press, I must respectfully decline. 
A free media is vital to our democracy. That is why during my time at the Commission I have consistently opposed any effort to infringe upon the freedom of the press and have fought to eliminate regulations that impede the gathering and dissemination of news.
I understand that you disliked or disagreed with the content of particular broadcasts, but I can hardly think of an action more chilling of free speech than the federal government investigating a broadcast station because of disagreement with its news coverage or promotion of that coverage. Instead, I agree with Senator Markey that “any insinuation that elected officials could use the levers of government to control or sensor the news media would represent a startling degradation of the freedom of the press.” I also take this opportunity to reaffirm the commitment I made to several members of the Senate Commerce Committee last year that the Commission under my leadership would “not act in a manner that violates the First Amendment and stifles or penalizes free speech by electronic media, directly or indirectly."
While he does keep it civil, he points out just how ludicrous and “chilling” this request by Democrats was. The idea that any aspect of the Federal government should delve into judging editorial choices of the free press is antithetical to everything this country stands for. To have elected representatives demanding the FCC go after local broadcasters for filming a promo spot (that doesn’t even say anything false) is outright dangerous.  By that standard, there is no standard. The government could shut anyone down for basically any ginned up reason. Even worse, to do so would be blatantly unconstitutional. 

The 1st Amendment isn’t ambiguous, but then again, to democrats the constitution is only viable if it meets their usefulness. After this episode of foolishness, none of these Senators nor the larger contingent of Democrats who went after Sinclair, have any credibly to speak on freedom of the press. What they have made clear is they don’t actually believe what they’ve sold in the past. It was never about freedom of the press for these people. It was just about freedom for outlets they see as helpful to their cause.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It's Kinda Fun Watching Alan Dershowitz Drive the Media Nuts

BizPac - Reports of Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz having dinner with President Trump sent liberals into spasms. The constitutional and criminal law scholar was meeting with Trump, in part, to “talk about the Middle East,” CNN’s Gloria Borger noted during a panel on “The Situation Room” Tuesday.

The news and subsequent speculation was too much for CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin who was once a student of Dershowitz.
“To the surprise of many including me, Alan has become a deeply outspoken defender of the president on these legal issues. The president has cited him in tweets. He is now welcome in the white House. In Alan’s defense, he will say that he is a defender of civil liberties and not necessarily a defender of the president."
The panel continued to discuss Dershowitz who slammed the FBI raid on the office of longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen on Monday, calling it “a very dangerous day today for lawyer-client relations.” He told Fox News’ Sean Hannity his dinner with the president Tuesday was a “pre-arranged, pre-scheduled” meeting. Toobin could not reconcile that Dershowitz, who still considers himself a Democrat, would actually have dinner and talk with Trump. “I love Alan Dershowitz, he’s a great mentor of mine. But he’s picked sides here. He has picked sides,” Toobin ranted. “He’s with the president. And you don’t have to eat dinner with someone to support. He’s there eating dinner.”

Toobin recently accused Dershowitz of “carrying water” for Trump as the two sparred in a CNN interview. “How has this come about that in every situation over the past year you have been carrying water for Donald Trump?” Toobin asked his former professor. “This is not who you used to be. And you are doing this over and over again in situations that are just obviously ripe with conflict of interest. And it’s just, like, what’s happened with you?”

Dershowitz responded by once again schooling the student by basically saying in so many words he, unlike many in the media, doesn't hold up a hypocritical double-standard view of the constitution and the law. - Video at the Link. 

How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up, Winston?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tim Kaine: Uh Yeah, so maybe Obama and Kerry didn’t get all those Syrian chemical weapons after all

In case you’ve forgotten, and heaven knows I certainly have tried to, Tim Kaine is the Senator from  Virginia who had the political misfortune of attaching his rising star to Madam Clinton’s epic presidential catastrophe. He was selected as Clinton’s 2016 running mate because like millions upon millions of other Americans, he speaks Spanish. This little bit of transparent pandering was supposed to deliver the Hispanic vote, allowing Hillary to win without evil white males, who she felt were deplorable bitter clingers and totally unnecessary to her victory. If that strategy seems crazy to you, congratulations, you have better judgement that Tim Kaine, who speaks Spanish.

Anyway, MSNBC pulled Timmy out of the political dark shadows of the U.S. Senate this morning and asked him: Hey, didn’t Obama and Kerry say they’d eliminated all of Syria’s chemical weapons? Tim Kaine, who boldly chose to answer in English despite being a fluent Spanish-speaker, responded honestly. Yeah…..about that…. 

Whoops! Apparently, from 2013-2017, when Obama’s surrogates were telling every news show on the planet that they’d eliminated Assad’s stockpile and the lapdogs of the media were praising the “amazing” and “potentially groundbreaking” 2013 deal in which John Kerry(he fought in Vietnam you know)and Barky Obama entrusted Russian forces with the disposal of Assad’s chemical weapons arsenal, they weren’t quite telling the truth.

Someone should alert Politifact to this shocking turn of events, since they rated Kerry’s claims “mostly true.” I guess we now know that we can chalk-up the following video is yet another collection of the previous administration’s major league flim-flammery, hokum and other folksy homespun words for “blatant lies.”

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Silicon Valley Overlords Would Prefer to Silence You

 Moneyed Proglodytes and Silencing of the Right

Great read says the San Francisco based CEO of Twitter of an article titled 'The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War' that pretty much advocates eradication of the right. You know, the same dude deciding who American gets to hear from and who America doesn’t, and believes there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history  

If you have high blood pressure, don’t bother reading it. Let me sum it up for you: Republicans are very evil. Too evil to tolerate. They need to be shut out of government, and all political issues. Their opinions and ideas, and those of the people who vote for them, must be banished from all thought and action. Conservatism must be eradicated in all forms so we can have a green energy utopia where no one has gender or pronouns or guns and there’s a chicken in every pot, alive and well and taking a bath because everyone is a super woke vegan who hates the whites.

Exaggeration? Here's a taste:
"Now the entire Republican Party, and the entire conservative movement that has controlled it for the past four decades, is fully positioned for the final takedown that will cast them out for a long period of time in the political wilderness. They deserve it. Let’s just say what needs to be said: The Republican Party over the past 40 years has maneuvered itself into a position where they are the bad guys on the wrong side of history. For a long time, they have been able to hide this fact through a sophisticated series of veils, invoking cultural voodoo that fools a large enough number of Americans to stay in the game.' 
The Republican Party is the party of climate change denial. Trump is the denier-in-chief, but there are 180 climate science deniers in the current Congress (142 in the House and 38 in the Senate), and none of them are Democrats. The Republican Party for the past 40 years has mastered using dog whistles to gin up racial divides to get their white voters to the polls. Trump just disposes of niceties and flatly encourages white nationalists, bans Muslims, walls off Mexicans, and calls out “shithole” countries."
This argument for one party rule, with overt references to an actual civil war while claiming to be only about a theoretical or non-physical one, is awful popular right now among leftists. You know, the ones who put Democracy on all the signs they use to protest in favor of government’s fist turning a little more iron. Democrats, who even when out of the political majority can still decide how bathrooms work in your state and whether or not you’re allowed to use a particular word.

Social media matters, y’all. You can be old and out of it and pretend it doesn’t and turn your nose up at it, but it was instrumental in electing Trump. And the Democrats know it too, that’s why they are always ranting about Russian “bots”. And Twitter is the most immediate way to communicate in social media. For a lot of bloggers and journalists and right wing activists, it’s a direct line of communication. Considering conservatives are shut out of the mainstream press about 99 percent of the time, it’s one of the ONLY lines of communication to the public. And the wealthy leftist who runs The Tweeter thinks we need a one party system, crushing decent and cutting Republican values out of society by force if necessary, is a pretty neato idea.

Kurt Schlichter has an interesting take on this story over at TownHall.

H/T IOTWReport

Squinty & Meat Puppet Attempt To Troll The President

Morning Joe‘s Mika and guitar Joe decided to start the week off trying to be cute and were all ready to play a bright and early round of bingo based on Donald Trump‘s tweets. But their stunt fell flat by picking a slow Trump Twitter morning to troll the President. Their "Trump Twitter Bingo" board featuring words, phrases and nicknames that the president often uses in tweets, such as Crooked Hillary, Fake News and Democrats, Collusion, Mueller Probe, Failing New York Times, and the Morning Joe logo itself of course. I wonder if it took them all weekend to come up with this? *snork*

A Good Monday Morning