Wednesday, March 6, 2019

This Isn’t Even a Wrist-Slap

"The House of Representatives had plans to vote today on a resolution that’s billed as a slap at Rep. Ilhan Omar over her persistent anti-Semitic remarks — but it doesn’t even mention her by name. Drafted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the help of New York’s own Eliot Engel and Jerry Nadler, the measure merely denounces a host of anti-Semitic tropes, such as “the myth of dual loyalty, including all allegations that Jews should be suspected of being disloyal neighbors or citizens.” 

"The resolution will be updated to include anti-Muslim bias and other forms of bigotry, likely pushing a vote to Thursday, a day later than they had originally hoped, according to two Democratic aides. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Democratic leaders about the change of plans Tuesday evening, one of the aides said......"

Volumes have already been written postulating on why Jews vote Democrat and think the way they do and it's too complicated to go into here without taking up the entire blog for at least a week.  What you have are the twin evils of Leftism and Islam teaming up to achieve a shared geopolitical vision of destroying post-Enlightenment Western civilization, its advances, everything it stands for, and supplanting it with their own. And Bernie Sanders, Donkey Chompers, Nadler, Schumer and all the rest are in for a very rude awakening about what will happen if they succeed.

Last night's sham of a mockery of a charade of two shams of a farce of that non-condemnation condemnation proves my point. To wit, the Democrat Party is an anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American entity that poses an existential threat to our existence. And it's not just the party which is the political apparatus in government. It is also the media and most crucially the schools. They are acting in concert, using the very freedoms they despise to proclaim that what they are doing is in the name of preserving them.

Another tactic taken up by Democrats, I've noticed, is trolling for supposedly anti-Semitic comments by Republicans to deflect and dilute the attention on Omar. On Monday Democrats found one such strawman, when the ranking member of the oversight committee, Jim Jordan, spelled liberal donor Tom Steyer's name with a dollar sign in a tweet. Liberals across the media quickly took up the cause: "Gee whiz, what if Ilhan Omar had done this?!" Well, if Omar had inserted a dollar sign into the name of a supposedly Jewish donor, considering her history, we'd have to assume she’d was clumsily trying to make another bigoted comment. - JJ Sefton

(New York Post)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

She's Not Running, But Vows To Hang Around and Annoy All of Us Mercilessly

In an appearance on local news in New York, Hillary Clinton confirmed Monday night that she really really isn't running for president in 2020, and will instead remain active in politics, bothering both right and left. She also ruled out any prospects of losing races for other offices like New York governor or mayor of New York City, although she added she loves New York and cares very much about its future.

In addition to helping to develop a Mars colony of enslaved children to serve the whims of the Hollywood and global elite's vast army of pedophiles, she intends to stay involved by meeting with 2020 Democratic candidates to offer them feedback and her winning strategy advice.  Clinton also said she was very encouraged by the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections and was "thrilled by the exciting, dynamic women who were elected to Congress," particularly if she can use her sophisticated mind control techniques to make them do her bidding, even after she is imprisoned in Guantanamo.

Clinton will likely occasionally appear on MSNBC and say crazy things,  like entirely new DaVinci Code-type reasoning for her presidential campaign losses or to reveal a juicy Russian/Trump conspiracy theory to drastically reduce the number of domestically produced English Muffins. A brief moment of silence followed by a 'Vagina Yell' will be held later today by the small but intense "Clinton's About to Run" feminist covens across the country who's dreams Clinton has selfishly stomped upon.

Monday, March 4, 2019

As Expected, He Never Had Anything

For two years now Sleazy Shitweasel Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed he was sitting on incontrovertible evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. He has never delivered on his claim, and of course the media never called him to account for his bluster. But the pressure is on now, because the Mueller investigation is about to wrap up and it’s not going to show any evidence of collusion. That’s going to leave Schiff, as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, to either explain his earlier claim that he had this so-called evidence of collusion, or pick up the probe as a committee matter. His method of dealing with that? This.
Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday there’s “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and he won’t let up on digging into Trump’s finances.
“I think there is direct evidence in the e-mails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump,” Schiff told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
So let’s recap: pencil neck was all over the news shows claiming he had direct evidence of collusion, but he wouldn’t say what it was and now that he’s getting asked about it again and he has to say something so he claims the “direct evidence” of which he’s been in possession for two years was nothing more than e-mails concerning a meeting everyone else in the world already knew about.

It’s not illegal to seek dirt on your political opponent from a Sexy Russian lady, and we’ve been over this before. So why does Schiff’s statement matter now? It matters because he needs to come up with a rationale for initiating a new committee probe after Mueller’s is done. Supposedly this big, incontrovertible evidence that he’d been sitting on for two years was going to provide that rationale. But it turns out the only thing he had was his own personal suspicion based on the same media narratives we’ve all been aware of for a very long time. He has no particular information the rest of us don’t have, and the rest of us don’t have anything that warrants continuing to investigate this once Mueller has wrapped things up. It’s too bad there isn’t some way to make this scumbag pay a price for this nonsense.....

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Michelle Malkin Scorches CPAC

"I wish I could stand here and chirp happily to you about positive news. Yes, unemployment rates are at historic lows, regulations and taxes are being cut, some stellar judges have been confirmed, and the reckless, feckless liberal media has finally, finally self-immolated like a slow-motion downing of the Hindenburg....." 

"My fellow Americans, we stand at the bridge as Horatius stood at the narrow bridge over the Tiber River alone facing fearful odds as hordes of Etruscans marched towards him and cowards cut and run behind him. Like his enemies, our enemies are both foreign AND domestic."

"Inside are flimsily defended borders, we are not at peace, or rather, the radical Left is not at peace with us. From the comfort of TV green rooms, Beltway backrooms, corporate boardrooms, and conference ballrooms, it may not look like civil war is imminent. But threats and outright violence against ordinary, law-abiding people are now regularized features, not random bugs, of political life in these dis-United States. College students are being punched, elderly citizens are being harassed, MAGA hat wearers are being kicked off planes and assaulted in school hallways and restaurants, conservative speakers are being mobbed and Molotov cocktailed, ICE agents and their families are being targeted, pro-lifers are being kicked and menaced, pro-Trump, anti-jihad moms on social media are being monitored and doxxed. The madness is beyond parody. Last week, social justice media warriors whipped up hysteria over a Mar a Lago pastry chef’s Instagram posts. Where are the sanctuary spaces for law-abiding conservatives who simply want to exercise their rights to free speech and peaceable assembly?"

"The divide in this country is between decent people who stand up for America and dastardly people who want to bring America to its knees....." - Michelle Malkin


H/T Doug Ross

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

A Stalinist By Any Other Name.......

If you haven't noticed, there are many striking similarities between today’s social justice warrior and yesterday’s totalitarians. Like the circular rhetoric of your typical Stalinist of old, today’s social justice rhetoric is just as circular and narrow. There is no original thought whatsoever and they actually resort to inventing words to make themselves sound smartaculous.  But if you listen, they are neither informed nor original. Everyone stays within the narrow confines of their rhetoric. They stick to the talking points which is why it is hard to argue or reason with them. They are like little automatons who spit out these talking points.

They have their appointed condemned groups of people who are the targets of their attacks. They are the ones blamed for society’s ills, mainly white heterosexual males, both past and present.  And this is where it starts to get a little tricky, as that scientific thing called genetics sometimes happens to get in the way. If you happen to be a white heterosexual male AND a social justice warrior, you will be relentlessly monitored to make sure the proper level of subordination is shown to the main victim group.  And as we learn everyday, the opponent for the social justice warrior is, primarily, conservatives. If you’re conservative, white, male and heterosexual, you wear a quadruple yoke of shame around your neck and don't deserve the air you breathe. 

The most powerful of the social justice warriors are the biggest perceived victim group at any given time. They become the forefront of the social justice revolution, the powerful group shifts with the changing of the seasons… or the latest police shooting.

Communism relied on economic arguments, but the means of attaining power and the form of social justice is basically the same absent the economic arguments.  The ideology of social justice is based more on racial and gender identity. A hierarchy of victimhood has replaced economic class. In social justice, racial and sexual class has replaced economic class and instead of class warfare prevalent in Communism, we see racial, sexual and gender warfare. (ever notice who the first or second person you see in almost every television commercial ad is, regardless of the product being sold?) 

So, what if social justice activists win the day? Like their economic Marxists cousins, they may seize power for a period, but eventually they would likely implode like most socialist countries. Stalinism left a trail of dead and destitute bodies in its wake. Social justice will not leave a trail of dead bodies; but it could help kill a thriving Republic.

(Konan The Bar Barron)

Friday, March 1, 2019

Biden Bows Down To The Dems Intolerant Left

Joe Biden found himself in hot water after he dared call Vice President Mike Pence a “decent guy” during a foreign policy discussion on Thursday. Biden, who has a tendency to occasionally say nice things about Republicans he has dealt with over the years, apologized after some on the far-left publicly chastised him for his heinous indiscretion.

In a tweet, Biden responded to criticism from one critic, the failed leftist candidate for governor of New York, radical activist and alleged actress Cynthia Nixon:
"You’re right, Cynthia. I was making a point in a foreign policy context, that under normal circumstances a Vice President wouldn’t be given a silent reaction on the world stage."
But Biden’s apology was not enough for the intolerant gay activist, who responded to Biden’s apology:
“Thanks [Joe Biden]. Appreciate the response. But please understand from where we sit, his dehumanizing of our community disqualifies [Mike Pence] for the honorific of ‘decent’, regardless of the context.”
Why Biden gave this angry queer mafia wacko any credence by answering her is beyond me. But the episode highlights the inevitable problems that a Biden for president campaign would face. After spending a lifetime in the deliberative body of the Senate, Joe is just a little too chummy with longtime Republican colleagues for many leftist liking, and who at the moment are attacking any party member reaching across the aisle, even now for something so mundane as a compliment.

If  Joe decides to run for 2020, he will have a epic battle on his hands with the anti-Semite, anti-capitalist, Socialist-Democrat Party Mob that hates everyone who fails to maintain strict compliance with its enforced conformity of intolerant opposition to diversity of thought.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Newest Hotbed of Racism

Beware of Possible Local Racist Knitting Circles 

For some people these days, every single thing is about race. This article in Vox, a web site for low-information young people, reads like a parody. But I am pretty sure it is serious. The topic? “The knitting community is reckoning with racism.” Personally, I didn’t even know there was a “knitting community.” It begins with a young knitter who expressed enthusiasm about an upcoming trip to India on social media:
"On January 7, she blogged excitedly about her upcoming trip to India. She wrote that 2019 would be her “year of color.” She said that as a child, India had fascinated her, and that when an Indian friend’s parents offered to take her with them on a trip, it was “like being offered a seat on a flight to Mars.” She spoke of her trip as if it were the biggest hurdle anyone could jump: “If I can go to India, I can do anything — I’m pretty sure."
Templer, it should be noted, is white. Que the nearest person with low self esteem who defines existence by skin color and waiting to be offended....
"As someone who is mixed-race Indian, to me, her post (though seemingly well-meaning) was like bingo for every conversation a white person has ever had with me about their “fascination” with my dad’s home country; it was just so colorful and complex and inspiring. It’s not that they were wrong, per se, just that the tone felt like they thought India only existed to be all those things for them." 
Following a major controversy in the online knitting community, the offender offered a Maoist apology:
"Templer has since apologized for her post, writing, “It took women of color pointing this out for me to see it … which is not their responsibility, and I am thankful to them for taking the time,” and that she’d be continuing to raise visibility of people of color (and specifically black/indigenous POC) knitters and their work."
Social media makes pointing out someones perceived or imaginary racism easier than ever. For weeks, knitters have used Instagram, and specifically Instagram stories, to share their observations, tag other knitters, and conduct polls about others’ experiences with racism in the community. Hundreds of people have shared stories of being ignored in knitting stores, or being told someone didn’t think black or Asian people knit.

Wow, who hasn't been ignored by a lazy retail employee? If lefties can turn knitting into a hotbed of racism, what can’t they do?

(Vox Media)