Wednesday, April 25, 2018

You Never Once Saw A Picture OF Michelle Obama Like This....

Shining a Light On the Media's Sycophantry

DT- Amy Chozick, a so-called “political reporter” for The New York Times published a new book Monday, “Chasing Hillary,” that recounts her experiences “chasing this luminous figure” since meeting her as a child, as reported by Kyle Smith of National Review.

In the book Chozick readily admits that she dreamed of she and Clinton trying on clothes together at a fashion retailer named Zara.
 She admitted that “it felt damn good” to “bask in the girl power” when Clinton won the Democrat nomination and that when she touched Clinton’s shoulder at a party she “felt the luscious satin of her chartreuse tunic beneath my palm." She also readily admits that she found Clinton’s email scandal uninteresting and irrelevantYes, of course, because who the hell cares if Clinton’s recklessness compromised the identity of a CIA informant who later wound up dead, right? RIGHT?

Chozick also admits that practically every other female leftist-media reporter felt the same way as her about their queen:

"Chozick says that perhaps 18 out of 20 reporters on the Hillary beat on a typical day were women, and she makes it clear that this wasn’t an accident: The crew were excited about the prospect of what they dubbed the “FWP,” for First Woman President. When awaiting an offer from the campaign to take a group photo with their idol, Chozick relates that the reporters excitedly chattered amongst themselves about the prospect in text messages. It doesn’t make the women look great."
Nor does it make them look great that when some pretty boy actor who supports Clinton showed up to talk to them, they started acting like horny monkeys:His ‘feral grey eyes’ caused the women ‘to abandon whatever story we were working on to flip our hair and ask useless questions.'” It also doesn’t help their image that after Clinton lost the election, they experienced a “breakdown” and had to comfort one another with shoulder patting. Yet Chozick had the audacity to write that “I still wanted, more than anything, for Hillary to see me as a fair reporter,” before admitting, “The less I interacted with Hillary, the greater her imperial hold on my brain became.

Behold the liberal mainstream media, ladies and gentlemen … These are same charlatans who argue daily “that the mainstream media should be the key verifiers of information, that alternative news outlets are somehow shoddy in their pursuit of the facts while outlets like the Times are the gold standard. 

These are likewise the same amoral, unethical swine who believe self-avowed commentators should be silenced because their perspectives lack legitimacy. And theirs DON’T? A far-left and utterly blind media, to be more specific, that still remains perplexed at why a majority of Americans view them as “fake news.” - Read More

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Woman Who is Running For President Who Insist She Isn't Running For President Is Cranking Up A Presidential Campaign

She Slept Her Way To The Top in California. Now She Wants To Be Your Lady President

Kamala Harris, freshman senator from California who is has been referred to by some dems as Obama 2.0 and a potential candidate for president in 2020, is reported to have spent in upwards of $400,00 from her campaign's war chest on advertisements in just the first quarter of this year according to the Federal Election Commission. Harris, a former girlfriend of San Fran Mayor Willie Brown, insisted that she is not thinking about running for president, not thinking about it mainly because she's already decided she is, has spent vast sums of money on the ads despite only just beginning the second year of her six year term.

The Free Beacon has the 411 on the cash:
"Harris's campaign disbursed cash to Revolution Messaging, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive online media firm that is credited with propelling Sen. Bernie Sanders's dark horse candidacy against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary. The firm has won numerous awards for its work on behalf of the Sanders campaign. 
Harris's campaign made three payments totaling $356,539.43 to Revolution Messaging for web advertisements during the first quarter of 2018, which spans from Jan. 1 to March 30, the campaign's most recent filings show. Harris, who spent another $25,125 with Revolution for campaign consulting, paid $247,750 to Authentic Campaigns Inc., a digital strategy company, for consulting services during the first three months of the year. These expenditures came on the heels of the campaign spending $513,866.60 on web advertisements during the fourth quarter of last year. During the first three quarters of 2017, Harris's campaign disbursed a total of $567,487.20 on digital web ads."
The California senator has brought in a number of former Clinton campaign vets to work in her Washington, D.C. congressional office and her campaign is also renting office space from a small travel agency  just minutes away from the Capitol building. She's what you'd expect to support of single-payer health care and free college tuition, and despite being the former California Attorney General and presently sits on the Judiciary Committee, she has publicly supported the Black Lives Matter Movement. You can expect to see more of her during the roll up to mid-terms, and  the beginings of a  full court press in the media starting in early 2019. 


Monday, April 23, 2018

Feminist Hope to Detoxify Masculinity by Dressing Up as Men (Who Act Like Women)

A Society That Believes All This Nonsense Probably 
Deserves to Die Out. 
PJM - "For a while now, feminists have been trying to find a way to combat “toxic masculinity.” The feminist belief that rape and other sexual crimes stem from societal norms about masculinity has caused the term “toxic” to come to encompass any behavior that is traditionally considered male. So, to combat toxic masculinity, one must weed out all behaviors that are seen as masculine. Which, of course, leaves only behaviors that are seen as feminine. Which means pretty much everyone would have to act like a woman.  

A recent article at HuffPost suggests a way to mainstream the idea that, in order to combat toxic masculinity, men must act like women. The article, called “It’s Time For Drag Kings To Detoxify Masculinity On TV,” is written by a drag king named Goldie Peacock. A drag king — for all you unenlightened sexist misogynists out there — is a woman who identifies as a woman but impersonates a man.

Peacock’s idea is that, because actual men have all been socially conditioned to be “toxic,” we need actual women to pretend to be men to show us what men could be like if they weren’t all so darn toxic.

Since there’s actually no such thing as men and women, a woman pretending to be a man pretty much is a man — the perfect man, according to feminists, because he acts like a woman, which isn’t really a thing, but never mind.

So, if we ditched the “male” and “female” labels for all human traits and just called them “traits,” feminists believe that all the traditionally “female” traits are good and all the traditionally “male” traits are bad. So, if we just throw out all the “male” stuff and everyone adopts the “female” stuff we’ll all be exactly the same and that sameness will be good because women are great and men are awful. Of course, there are no men or women but if there were, girls would rule and boys would drool. Hooray for Feminism......" - Read More

Ya see y'all, feminists really want us to think that because men have oppressed women in the past, women must take on masculine qualities in order to amass power for themselves. This means that the ideal woman has to act like a man in order to be powerful — but of course, she’s not toxic because she’s a woman, even though she’s acting like a man and men are toxic.

Does all this sound familiar? It should. It's virtually the same Propaganda/Strategy that's being daily rubbed in your face by another group of Whiny Bitches. Instead of Toxic Masculinity,  they call it 'White Privilege'.

Looks Like Miss Joy Gets Her Bigot Card Punched Again

The Insufferable Negress of MSNBC, Joy Ann Reid

It's always rich when someone on the left gets exposed as a major league hypocrite. And in this case, it couldn't have happened to a better person: the self-righteous Nutty Negress of MSNBC, Joy Ann Reid. The lovely Ms. Reid is infamous for slamming anyone who dares to criticize her political views by calling them bigots and racist. The lefty media website 'Mediate' claims to have obtained another series of homophobic rants posted on MSNBC's most controversial affirmative-action pundit's old blog. Only this time she pulls out the victim card and denies they were actually written by her. It was those damn Russians again I suppose..... 
"In an exclusive statement to Mediaite, the MSNBC host claims these posts from The Reid Report — which include defending homophobia, gay jokes, and the outright mocking of gay people and homosexuality — were somehow put in by an “external party” that “manipulated material from my now-defunct blog." 
While Reid apologized in December for writing homophobic content on a blog she ran long before her days as an icon of the #Resistance movement, she claims these new posts opposing gay marriage and cringing “at the sight of two men kissing” were part of a “fabricated” outside effort to paint her as “offensive and hateful.” These anti-gay articles from The Reid Report — a site that pre-dated Reid’s former MSNBC show of the same name — were originally shared on Twitter by user Jamie_Maz who found them using the Wayback Machine, an Internet archiving service that takes periodic screenshots of popular web pages to preserve them. 
While the amateur sleuth provided Mediaite with legitimate links to all of the posts they tweeted screenshots of, neither the actual defunct site nor its archived pages are currently accessible, as their Wayback Machine links mysteriously disappeared in December after Mediaite‘s initial story on Reid’s homophobic comments about Florida Congressman Charlie Crist."
It is worth noting that Reid does admit these posts came from her blog rather than claiming they are doctored images posted to Twitter with the caveat that they were added by some nefarious hackers after she had the site shut down. It’s unclear when these nefarious hackers would have hacked her blog and added the controversial post since it has been defunct for years and still is.
"A 2006 Reid Report post included a compilation of the top five “totally not gay celebrities of the year,” which was a satirical attempt — albeit, a lazy one — at suggesting everyone on the list was secretly gay. Singer Clay Aiken and CNN pundit Anderson Cooper both made the list, which — if the publishing date is correct — was posted years before they had come-out publicly. In another post dated to 2005, the author said Cooper is the “gayest thing on TV” and noted that they have it “on good authority that Cooper is totally gay.” He didn’t come out publicly until 2012. 
The post also repeatedly advocated against gay marriage on the site by criticizing liberals deemed too far left on the issue. Cable news host Rachel Maddow, who is openly gay and now works with Reid at MSNBC, was a recurring target in these Reid Report posts."
I guess it's easy to adopt political correct views when the money is right. Eh Joy? But it's going to be hard for her to push these allegations aside with ease considering other controversial comments Reid has publicly made on gay issues, include the her 2017 twitter storm against the supposedly “volatile & vulnerable” whistle-blower Chelsea Manning, a tirade that was deemed transphobic. Pass the popcorn please.......

H/T Broadside Betty

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Big Blue Wave's HQ Donations Are So Weak They're Borrowing Money. Again.

The democrat's hangover from the 2016 election loss is still evident to this day, not only in their hysteria over the DJT, but in the bank also.  The DNC's financial woes began in 2016 and led to taking out a loan from Hillary Clinton’s criminal organization campaign. Clinton’s influence over the party later became the subject of controversy after it came out that the DNC was working behind the scenes to help her screw over Bernie Sanders. 

Things have only gotten worse since the DNC was turned over to a radical leftist last year, who some call an Incompetent Hispanic Boob, and a co-chair Anti-Semitic Muslim.  Some big money donors are a bit leary and laying back to see what comes next. Coupled with Hillary's embarrassing 'blame everybody but me tour' and the dems inability to fund-raise off a crisis or human suffering like school shootings has the DNC borrowing more money just months ahead of the Mid-term elections.

According to the Daily Caller, records show the Democratic National Committee had to take out another loan in February as the 2018 midterm elections loom. The national arm of the Democratic Party took out a $1.7 million loan in February, raising their total debt above $6 million.  The DNC has consistently failed to keep up with Republican's fundraising. The RNC brought in $12.8 million in February while the DNC only raised $6.9 million. The DNC now has just over $10 million on hand compared to the $42 million the RNC has in the can.

You'd think as hated as the media says Donald Trump is in America, the money would be rolling in to the DNC in truck fulls. Granted, candidates raise their own money, but national committees like the DNC play a big supporting role they cannot do without. But the left's ongoing ceaseless attacks on DJT, the Truth, Free Speech and Constitutional Guaranteed Rights has surely given some donors reason to pause. And who needs more enemies with Hillary,Tom Perez, Keith Ellison and Nancy & Chuck on your side?

*Thank You MJA for the Linkage! 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 20, 2018

Running For President As A Progressive Means Introducing Another Crazy Idea

Friday, Senator Cory Booker, a rising star in the Democratic Party and a likely 2020 contender even though he faces considerable skepticism from within his own party for being somewhat of an asshole, all but formally announced his plans for a run at the white House by putting forth the latest of surely more to come crazy big government ideas from Proglodyte Democrats. Booker, who would surely have been unmercifully crucified for his recent angry and disrespectful questioning pointed at HLS Lady Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen if he had not been a democrat, announced his Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act. 

This little pile of progressive unicorn droppings would guarantee a full-time federal government job paying at least $15 and providing health care and paid sick/family leave for any adult that needs one.  This would begin with a three year pilot program in 15 local areas, (i.e. the urban areas ruled by dems) and be expanded throughout the United States. Expanded nationally would ensure that every American who wants a job has a job.

There are many other benefits to this scam jobs idea. If the government were to guarantee $15 an hour jobs with benefits to everyone who wanted them, private sector employers would have to raise their wages and benefits in order to attract and keep employees, and prices go through the roof. 

The Act is based on ideas long advocated by economists Mark Paul, William Darity, Jr. and Darrick Hamilton of  left-wing think tank 'Center on Budget and Policy Prioritiesand pushed for by Jesse Jackson during his presidential run in 1984. As the geniuses at Vox point out, a similar program in India, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, was found to not only increase household earnings for low-income households, both in the private and public sector. 

Yes, we really need to look for solutions to our ignorant and uneducated in a country where the average monthly wage is $392 USD,  just behind the economic paradise of Kyrgyzstan and Syria!

No, this is just a common temporary anti-poverty program used in developing third world countries, all wrapped in a pretty red bow of European socialism (and eerily similar to pre-WW2 German National Work Programs)  It's just a another hook to get uneducated minorities unionized and expand their government dependency, encourage more immigration and securing votes. Along with programs like this is more government regulation on business, higher taxes and less freedom. 

Would a program like this be expensive?  You Bet. The plan proposed by Paul, Darrity and Hamilton estimates its cost at $543 billion a year.  So like everything the government has ever gotten involved in and lied about the cost, you can probably triple that price and then add in a health dose of graft corruption and incompetence, you'd probably be closer to the real price tag

Booker and the dems, by continuing to embracing things like Medicare-for-all and programs like this one, are yet to learn one of the lessons of 2016, ......that progressive ideas are not as vastly appealing to centrists as have been in the past......

How many finger am I holding up Winston? 

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Democrats Go All In

Files Suit Against Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign, 
The Russian Government and the Wikileaks group. 
Claims Broad Conspiracy to Rig 2016 election.

Things haven't been breaking the Democrats way lately. The Comey memos are a dude, and it looks like after a year of threats, yelling, media propaganda and whining like children, the DNC can't get what it's wanted from Mueller. This law suit looks like a throw down. All in. Scorched earth. Total war. Last Ditch effort. PR stunt. Call it what you want. 

CNBC - "The multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that "In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in this effort" to mount "a brazen attack on American Democracy," which included Russian infiltration of the Democratic Party computer network. 
The suit says that "preexisting relationships with Russia and Russian oligarchs" with Trump and Trump associates "provided fertile ground for [the] Russia-Trump conspiracy." Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said the party's suit "is not partisan, it's patriotic." He called the alleged conspiracy "an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency." 
The DNC said that while it would be impossible "to fully repair the harm caused by the defendants, the DNC has filed this civil complaint ... to hold the defendants accountable for their misconduct and to ensure transparency." The suit says that the Trump campaign solicited Russia's illegal assistance and maintained secret communications with people linked to the Russian government, including a spy agency tasked with attacking the DNC...." - Read More 

The Democrats have just put some fresh bait on the hook to keep DJT tweeting and the media talking about Russia. The dems see the suit is a trap, because on their hopeful outside chance Special Counsel Robert Mueller can twist evidence to appear Trump in someway conspired with the Russians, the DNC will be set up to recover millions of dollars in damages from hacking. Yeah, good luck with that.....