Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tim Kaine: Uh Yeah, so maybe Obama and Kerry didn’t get all those Syrian chemical weapons after all

In case you’ve forgotten, and heaven knows I certainly have tried to, Tim Kaine is the Senator from  Virginia who had the political misfortune of attaching his rising star to Madam Clinton’s epic presidential catastrophe. He was selected as Clinton’s 2016 running mate because like millions upon millions of other Americans, he speaks Spanish. This little bit of transparent pandering was supposed to deliver the Hispanic vote, allowing Hillary to win without evil white males, who she felt were deplorable bitter clingers and totally unnecessary to her victory. If that strategy seems crazy to you, congratulations, you have better judgement that Tim Kaine, who speaks Spanish.

Anyway, MSNBC pulled Timmy out of the political dark shadows of the U.S. Senate this morning and asked him: Hey, didn’t Obama and Kerry say they’d eliminated all of Syria’s chemical weapons? Tim Kaine, who boldly chose to answer in English despite being a fluent Spanish-speaker, responded honestly. Yeah…..about that…. 

Whoops! Apparently, from 2013-2017, when Obama’s surrogates were telling every news show on the planet that they’d eliminated Assad’s stockpile and the lapdogs of the media were praising the “amazing” and “potentially groundbreaking” 2013 deal in which John Kerry(he fought in Vietnam you know)and Barky Obama entrusted Russian forces with the disposal of Assad’s chemical weapons arsenal, they weren’t quite telling the truth.

Someone should alert Politifact to this shocking turn of events, since they rated Kerry’s claims “mostly true.” I guess we now know that we can chalk-up the following video is yet another collection of the previous administration’s major league flim-flammery, hokum and other folksy homespun words for “blatant lies.”

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Silicon Valley Overlords Would Prefer to Silence You

 Moneyed Proglodytes and Silencing of the Right

Great read says the San Francisco based CEO of Twitter of an article titled 'The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War' that pretty much advocates eradication of the right. You know, the same dude deciding who American gets to hear from and who America doesn’t, and believes there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history  

If you have high blood pressure, don’t bother reading it. Let me sum it up for you: Republicans are very evil. Too evil to tolerate. They need to be shut out of government, and all political issues. Their opinions and ideas, and those of the people who vote for them, must be banished from all thought and action. Conservatism must be eradicated in all forms so we can have a green energy utopia where no one has gender or pronouns or guns and there’s a chicken in every pot, alive and well and taking a bath because everyone is a super woke vegan who hates the whites.

Exaggeration? Here's a taste:
"Now the entire Republican Party, and the entire conservative movement that has controlled it for the past four decades, is fully positioned for the final takedown that will cast them out for a long period of time in the political wilderness. They deserve it. Let’s just say what needs to be said: The Republican Party over the past 40 years has maneuvered itself into a position where they are the bad guys on the wrong side of history. For a long time, they have been able to hide this fact through a sophisticated series of veils, invoking cultural voodoo that fools a large enough number of Americans to stay in the game.' 
The Republican Party is the party of climate change denial. Trump is the denier-in-chief, but there are 180 climate science deniers in the current Congress (142 in the House and 38 in the Senate), and none of them are Democrats. The Republican Party for the past 40 years has mastered using dog whistles to gin up racial divides to get their white voters to the polls. Trump just disposes of niceties and flatly encourages white nationalists, bans Muslims, walls off Mexicans, and calls out “shithole” countries."
This argument for one party rule, with overt references to an actual civil war while claiming to be only about a theoretical or non-physical one, is awful popular right now among leftists. You know, the ones who put Democracy on all the signs they use to protest in favor of government’s fist turning a little more iron. Democrats, who even when out of the political majority can still decide how bathrooms work in your state and whether or not you’re allowed to use a particular word.

Social media matters, y’all. You can be old and out of it and pretend it doesn’t and turn your nose up at it, but it was instrumental in electing Trump. And the Democrats know it too, that’s why they are always ranting about Russian “bots”. And Twitter is the most immediate way to communicate in social media. For a lot of bloggers and journalists and right wing activists, it’s a direct line of communication. Considering conservatives are shut out of the mainstream press about 99 percent of the time, it’s one of the ONLY lines of communication to the public. And the wealthy leftist who runs The Tweeter thinks we need a one party system, crushing decent and cutting Republican values out of society by force if necessary, is a pretty neato idea.

Kurt Schlichter has an interesting take on this story over at TownHall.

H/T IOTWReport

Squinty & Meat Puppet Attempt To Troll The President

Morning Joe‘s Mika and guitar Joe decided to start the week off trying to be cute and were all ready to play a bright and early round of bingo based on Donald Trump‘s tweets. But their stunt fell flat by picking a slow Trump Twitter morning to troll the President. Their "Trump Twitter Bingo" board featuring words, phrases and nicknames that the president often uses in tweets, such as Crooked Hillary, Fake News and Democrats, Collusion, Mueller Probe, Failing New York Times, and the Morning Joe logo itself of course. I wonder if it took them all weekend to come up with this? *snork*

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Joe Biden Boasts of Keeping 'Brilliant Judge' Off Supreme Court


"More than 30 years after a relentless campaign of character assassination kept Robert Bork from a seat on the Supreme Court, one of the architects of that attack is belatedly crediting its target for his brilliance. Appearing on the podcast 'Pod Save America' Joe Biden revisited his role in derailing Bork's nomination to the court in 1987 while Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"I'm the guy that kept there from being a guy who was maybe the most brilliant conservative who was nominated for the Supreme Court (Favreau snickers) and I kept him off the court. And I was able to ... in the Judiciary Committee (to) defeat (Clarence) Thomas (nominated by the elder Bush four years later). Bork got flat defeated. Thomas got defeated in committee. But the Constitution says the Senate shall advise and consent, not a committee shall advise and consent. And one of the reasons why I think the president didn't picked the man we picked who was a really good guy, remember, some liberals were angry we didn't pick somebody way left, because the Constitution as written says the Senate has as much right to determine who is on the court as the president does. It says the president can propose, the Senate disposes."
As is his wont, Biden lets the cat out of the bag. The biggest problem for liberals when it came to Bork was not his originalist views of the Constitution, or that he pulled the trigger for Nixon in the so-called Saturday Night Massacre, but the fact that he was brilliant and could be expected to push the court to the right for generations to come -- hence he had to be destroyed.

How seemingly gracious of Biden to acknowledge Bork as legal exemplar, albeit long after it mattered and seeing how it is now beyond dispute." - Read More

It's worth noting that Judge Robert Bork's months-long nomination battle in 1987 roughly aligned with Biden's first doomed run for the presidency which ended amid growing evidence of his lack of integrity for plagiarizing remarks from other politicians. Also leading the charge against Bork that year was the womanizing drunken douche bag, Senator Ted Kennedy.

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 6, 2018

NY Times Op-Ed: Chappaquiddick is ‘Character Assassination’

WFB - In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, a liberal journalist and film critic complained the new film Chappaquiddick was a "character assassination" of its central character, Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy. In "How ‘Chappaquiddick’ Distorts a Tragedy", Neal Gabler, who is working on a biography of Kennedy complained the film, released in theaters Friday, has been "heavily promoted by conservative media outlets, and reviewers across the political spectrum have praised what they deem its damning but factual approach. Damning it is; factual it is not."

"There actually was no "cover-up" of Kennedy's car accident that led to the death of an aide, he claims, adding that "no one but the most lunatic conspiracy theorists see this as anything but a tragic accident in which nothing much was covered up."  The accident was caused by Kennedy's negligence and resulted in the death of his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, who was trapped inside the vehicle.  The screenwriters have said their efforts in making the film aren’t partisan and they aimed to tell the facts of the story. Gabler doesn't actually point to any factual errors in the film (save for the fact that Joe Kennedy, confined to a wheelchair by a stroke, likely wouldn't be able to grunt one-word dialogue like he does in the film). Instead, his criticism is limited more to the depiction of Kennedy as a character. "In this version, the Kennedy character leaves Kopechne to die as she gasps for air, and then, with the aid of his brothers’ old advisers, cooks up a scheme to salvage his presidential ambitions. A more callow, cunning, cowardly and self-interested yet moronic figure you couldn’t find," he wrote. 

Gabler claimed Kennedy actually felt "deep remorse and responsibility," and eventually grew to be "an indispensable legislator whose achievements included the 18-year-old vote, the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Children’s Health Insurance Program."

"It is very possible that over time, through the osmosis of social media, the despicable Kennedy of this movie will eradicate the honorable if flawed real one," Gabler wrote.


Yes Mr. Gabler, you may be right because the jig is up, as they say. You can continue the polish the turd known as the Lion of the Senate the Fredo of the Kennedy sons, who lied and stammered through a senate career from a safe seat riding the coat tails of his dead brothers, powered by Scotch and Bourbon.  You can gloss over his attempt to subvert a Presidential Election or treasonous offer to collude with the Soviet Union to undermine Ronald Reagan and America's National Security. And we won't mention his full throated push of the 1965 Immigration Act that has indeed, despite the pack lies to the contrary he feed America, has help turn the Great American Experiment inside out.  Yes Mr. Gabler, Ted Kennedy may very well have felt deep remorse. But that's between him and his maker to measure.  The fact he connived,  philandered, lied and drank his way through most of his political career, you and a hundred more glowing biographies can not erase.