Showing posts with label The Trumpster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Trumpster. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Irrelevant Gasbag & Soy Boy Prime Minister Team Up to Help Trump Re-election Campaign

Who’d a thunk it? Here we have Robert De Niro and Justin Trudeau, who personify elitism and hypocrisy, teamed up this weekend to do their part in helping re-elect Donald Trump. As if working in concert, the duo made their initial contributions to the Trump campaign within hours of each other over the weekend. Trudeau went first.

Long before the G7 summit, Trudeau had proclaimed: "World at ‘pivot point,’ needs to embrace free trade." Trudeau stated in an interview aired Sunday that the reasoning behind implementing new U.S. tariffs on Canada was "insulting and unacceptable. Canada is “polite, we’re reasonable but we also will not be pushed around," Trudeau added.

Aboard Air Force One heading for the Singapore Summit, Trump learned of Trudeau’s swipe and instantly directed his staff to unfix his name to the G7’s final communique. He also noted this of the much ballyhooed “pro-free trade” Canadian Prime Minister, by taking to the tweeter:
“Canada charges the U.S. a 270% tariff on Dairy Products! They didn’t tell you that, did they? Not fair to our farmers!” 
It is said one of  Donald Trump’s darkest talents is his ability to identify an opponent’s delicate spot and stab it remorselessly. *cough* CNN *cough* From his knack for condescending nicknames (Low Energy Jeb, Little Rocket Man) to inviting Bill Clinton’s accusers to the second presidential debate, there’s no denying the man has a skill for knifing sensitive spots. And now he has found Canada’s vulnerable flank: Dairy Tariffs. 

As the CBC reminded:
"Canada levies a tariff of 270 percent on milk, 245 percent on cheese and 298 percent on butter in an effort to keep U.S. and other foreign dairy imports out.” These tariffs exist almost exclusively for the benefit of the agriculture sector of Quebec, a province with a unique stranglehold on Canadian politics." 
Now, Trump having successfully pointed out that the Canadian Dairy Emperor is a hypocrite and has no free trading clothes, he has begun righting the ship of tariffs and I'm sure to the delight of American dairy farmers. A more basic contribution to his re-election, this one courtesy of Justin Trudeau, would be hard to imagine.

Hard to imagine, that is until Sunday evening.

Not to be outdone by a mere Canadian prime minister in the drive to re-elect Trump, actor Robert De Niro stepped to the nationally televised stage in NY City at Broadway’s Tony Awards. Standing in front of an audience of glitzy wealthy American liberal elites, De Niro proceeded to drive the TV censors crazy by launching his profanity-laced tirade of expletives that sparked a roaring reaction from the audience, with most standing up to cheer.

It would be hard to understate the value of De Niro’s contribution to the Trump campaign seeing all the media publicity it garnered. Taking Hillary's snooty “basket of deplorables” snobbery to an entirely new level, De Niro and his fellow Hollywood/Broadway light in the loafers elitist snoots effectively gave the middle finger to average Americans from coast to coast. One can only be amazed at the powerful combination of such utter, blatant and quite vivid hypocrisy (from Trudeau) combined with the even more haughty arrogance of a famous and rich liberal actor (De Niro) as they collectively made Donald Trump a truth-telling hero to Americans. Even some in the media had to agree. 

Justin Trudeau and Robert De Niro. Helping re-elect Trump to keep Making America Great Again. Who knew?


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reasons Why The Left Is Losing - And Deserves To Lose

America has changed since the fateful Inauguration of the 45th president. Unemployment has dropped to unprecedented & historic lows, the stock market is up by one third and for the first time on a long time, a majority of the public appear to have a positive view about their future. Meanwhile, in the past 6 months the democrat’s have seen their 15+ point lead in the generic ballot dwindle down to the margin of error, a measly +3.  The much vaunted Blue Wave appears be to look more like a Tidy Bowl Commercial than a revolution,  a giant sucking sound of their dreams of regaining Congress flushing down the toilet. Hopefully nothing but disappointment will greet Democrats in November rather than the sweet joy of Resistance revenge. Bless their hearts, the poor dears have survived by howling at the sky and counting the days until Mueller personally impeaches Trump, and still grappling with the existence of the Electoral College they don't understand. The left has become a caricature of a nursery school full of crying children run by drunken samurai.

Here are three reasons off the top of my head why I believe the left are losing, and most deservingly to keep losing.

First, the left’s pathological disdain for American values. In the 18 months of  Donald Trump's presidency, the American people have been told on a daily basis he’s a fascist, a Hitler in progress, not to mention racist, mentally unstable and of course a stupid liar, too. And yet his America First agenda has seen a resurgence of past US foreign policy moral clarity, strong and persistent economic growth that has notably benefited blacks, Hispanics (that's POC to the 'Woke') and women.

Between the daily Chicken Little warnings not coming true and the Democrats and their media lackeys chronic glass-is-half-empty response to every positive development, Trump’s polls have gone up as theirs have fallen. It’s a mystery that even Joe Biden should be able to solve; America is a center-right nation at heart and while we may have been hoodwinked by Hope and Change in 2008, we have no love for a party who won’t cheer for good news. There isn’t a single thing the Democrats and the left supports that’s objectively good for America. To the contrary, they are clearly on the wrong side of history, the rule of law, and even constitutional rights.

Second, America celebrates merit and achievement and believes everyone should have equal opportunity while the left clings to hoary feminist myths of gender pay gaps and glass ceilings. Instead of celebrating cabinet-level appointments of powerhouse women like UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, democrats dismiss or denigrate the First Lady and First Daughter at every opportunity. The left cherishes the narrative that they and they alone are the champions of Civil Rights.  Barky Obama’s incessant identity politics and the maxing out of the race card in the past decade has set back race relations decades, at least. What this is starting to show America is that the left does not, in fact, care about women or minorities, they only care about power. The Trump election seems to have ripped the mask right off and all the virtue signaling they can muster won’t cover the ugly inconvenient truth up again.

Thirdthe personal is now political and the political is personal.  The left got their wish. Decades of thinking globally and acting locally has had intended results that most Americans didn’t know were part of the plan all along. Like The Paris Accord, a disgraceful boondoggle and sell out of the American taxpayer to global elites who profit from the Climate Change hoax industry and a massive transfer of wealth to developing countries that Obama willed upon the American economy.

Hollywood and media celebrity have a platform to berate Trump and over 60 million voters who supported him. Yet, acting like a disturbed teenager who cuts themselves, their T.V. shows, movies, songs, and even SNL skits rub their own wounds of the 2016 election with salt as they pretend to laugh.  And the peaceful residents of places like Berkeley, Cal. have to endure repeated ‘days of action’ with masked Antifa thugs smashing, harassing and burning and beating. If you listen to the media or Democrat leaders, these masked fascists are heroes. It doesn’t help that SJW fascists have turned college campuses into indoctrination camps complete with kangaroo courts that leave young men to be guilty by accusation. These are the same SJW lunatics who attack anything that triggers their fascist fetish. Nothing is safe. Not movies, music, video games, or private citizens.

But the Twitter mob has overstayed its welcome, and you can look back to the disgusting reaction to Barbara Bush’s passing as one of the countless incidents that exposed the left as enemies of decency. You deserve to continue losing ground in the war for the soul of America, and to lose every election from now on. We’ve seen California, and we don’t like what you’ve done to a beautiful state that gave America and the world so much.

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Friday, June 1, 2018

And No Barky, You Didn't Build It.

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
GDP Estimate for 2018 Q2 

After strong gains in personal income and consumer spending in April, a bevy of Wall Street firms upped their GDP forecasts. Amherst Pierpont Securities raised its estimate to 4.5% from 4.2%. Macroeconomic Advisers increased its forecast to 4% from 3.6%. Natwest raised its projection to about 4% from 3.2%. Barclays also upped its estimate, but it was near the low end of forecasts. It raised its target to 3.3% from 3%. GDP has only topped 4% three times since the end of the Great Recession in mid-2009. - MarketWatch

Sunday, May 6, 2018

When Democrats Do It, It's Called Opposition Research

An article in the British leftist rag 'The Guardian' titled 'Revealed: Trump Team Hired Spy Firm for ‘Dirty Ops’ on Iran Arms Deal', a story supposedly authored through the Guardian's online mouth piece 'The Observer', makes the claim aides to Donald Trump hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a “dirty ops” campaign against key individuals from the Obama administration who helped negotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal. The piece goes on to say that according to "incendiary documents" shown the Observer by unnamed sources, of course, revealed investigators contracted by the private intelligence agency were told to dig into the personal lives and political careers of Obama's former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl, a national security adviser to the former VP Joe Biden.

After quotes from pompous British diplomats railing about how "bloody outrageous" such activity is, the author of the piece tells us of the oh-so nefarious inquirers:
"Among things they were looking at were personal relationships, any involvement with Iran-friendly lobbyists, and if they had benefited personally or politically from the peace deal. Investigators were also apparently told to contact prominent Iranian Americans as well as pro-deal journalists – from the New York Times, MSNBC television, the Atlantic, Vox website and Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper among others – who had frequent contact with Rhodes and Kahl in an attempt to establish whether they had violated any protocols by sharing sensitive intelligence. 
They are believed to have looked at comments made by Rhodes in which he admitted relying on "inexperienced reporters to create an “echo chamber” that helped sway public opinion" to secure the deal...." 
The report go on to say it is not clear how much work was actually undertaken, for how long or what became of any material, if any at all was unearthed.  And whether it appears unseemly or not, in today's world it's pretty tame stuff. It's call gathering information or as the democrats call such  things, like the  Steele Dossier, "Opposition Research".

With all that is come to light about the secretive and underhanded actions of Barky O's administration, coupled with the revelation that for the second time in two months John Kerry met with Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Khonsari to apparently strategise against the US government, makes this story if true, probably a necessary step in counter-intelligence. Or, it could just be another exaggerated deep state smear story planted with a foreign anti-Trump/anti- Israeli media source known for getting their limey pantaloons in a twist over most everything DJT.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

One Fabulous Protest Awaits Trump's Arrival In The U.K.

Having grown up in Europe I can tell you the only thing more annoying than your average British girl, are British Drag Queens. When Donald Trump visits the UK later this summer he will be met in London by throngs of ugly men in dresses & make-up preening and sashaying around in protest of his mythical anti-gay policies. What these drag queens hope to achieve is anyone’s guess. They may be still a tad mad about the Revolutionary War thing, or maybe that War of 1812 epic beatdown they got at the Battle of New Orleans.  But I suspect their anger is really sequin related.

In a Facebook event organized by a queen named 'Cheddar Gorgeous' - cleverly titled “Drag Protest Against Trump UK Visit” and set for Trump’s July visit, put out the call:
"Calling all drag kings, queens, queers and our allies to march against President Donald Trumps UK visit. Due to the appalling way the Trump administration has regarded the rights and welfare of LGBTQI communities of the US, the idea of a Trump visit to the UK is unacceptable. Let's get visible, stand with our sister's, brothers and others in America, and show that we are a country that celebrates diversity."
Yeah, we hear a lot about how well that British Death March into diversity is working out.

Cheddar Gorgeous tells us in a column in the leftist rag The Guardian why he/she they are so furious at our President:
"The actions of the US president have been decidedly unfriendly to LGBTQI people, people of colour, migrants and women have also been the subject of controversial policies, offensive remarks and ill-thought-out tweets. It feels as if the Trump administration seeks to use diversity as the scapegoat on which America is apparently made great again … and, to top it off, he failed to recognize pride month."
He failed to recognize pride month? *gasp* Finally we get to the bottom of this drag queen anger. Trump didn’t recognize National Doughnut Day or Talk Like A Pirate Day either, but that doesn’t mean he’s anti-bear claw or a Piratephobe. He’s the President of the most powerful country in the world and maybe he has bigger issues to deal with than giving a nod to unimportant crap. And just For the record, Donald Trump is the first US President to enter office as a supporter of gay marriage. Bill Clinton was against it and even signed a bill banning it. Barack Obama was against it until his second term, when he decided it was safe to support. But we all know know when it comes to Trump, lefties really hate those pesky facts.

(Downtrend)                                   Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
(The UK Guardian)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Wow, CBS. How’d This One Get Past the Editors?

Former Obama Political Operative Loretta L. and Her Onetime Homie Comey 

An unexpected take from the CBS website
"Lacking evidence of actual wrongdoing—in last night’s interview, Comey yet again refused to accuse President Trump of obstruction—Comey turned instead to the petty and political. He talked about Mr. Trump’s appearance (“His face appeared slightly orange with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles”), the size of his hands (“As he extended his hand, I made a mental note to check its size. It was smaller than mine, but did not seem unusually so.”) and he called the president “morally unfit.” It was the sort of snarky partisan punditry found on cable news 24/7." 
"Then again, should we be surprised? If Comey ever did see actual wrongdoing by Mr. Trump, do we really believe we’d just be hearing about it from a notoriously leak-friendly fellow like Comey?"
"...…As Nate Silver of tweeted, it’s “not particularly honorable, if you have information you believe is of immediate and vital national importance, to wait 11 months to release it until you can have a giant book launch and publicity tour.” Silver—no Trump fan– calls the book "A Higher Royalty."

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Liberals Lose Their Sh*t Over First Female CIA Boss

DT - It is a tumultuous Tuesday at the White House as President Trump has fired Rex Tillerson, moved CIA Director Mike Pompeo over to Foggy Bottom and in a move that is guaranteed to set off a cavalcade of exploding liberal heads, tabbed a woman as the nation’s top spook. It won’t impress the vengeful feminist fanatics of the #MeToo movement nor appease the Hillary Clinton dead-enders,  but veteran intelligence professional Gina Haspel has shattered the glass ceiling at Langley. The historic nature of Haspel’s ascension has not been met kindly by a media – especially CNN – that has become intoxicated from sniffing faded porn star Stormy Daniels’ panties.

Haspel is expected to bring a no-nonsense approach to the CIA after she ran one of the agency’s facilities where suspected terrorists were interrogated in the aftermath of 9/11 and where the practice that has become widely known as “waterboarding” took place. That will allow Democrats and their Never Trumper allies like John McCain and his ilk to contest her appointment on grounds other than sour grapes.

from the CIA website: 
"Ms. Haspel is a career intelligence officer, having joined the CIA in 1985. She has extensive overseas experience and served as Chief of Station in several of her assignments. In Washington, she has held numerous senior leadership positions, including as Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service, Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Foreign Intelligence and Covert Action, and Chief of Staff for the Director of the National Clandestine Service. Ms. Haspel is the recipient of numerous awards including the George H. W. Bush Award for excellence in counterterrorism; the Donovan Award; the Intelligence Medal of Merit; and the Presidential Rank Award, the most prestigious award in the federal civil service...."
For a woman who has served her country honorably, it didn’t take long for the winged monkeys to launch their smear campaign:
Richard Painter - She’s into torture? Is she bringing her waterboard to the confirmation hearing? Our senators need to make it clear today that this is not happening. No go. What to Know About Gina Haspel, the New Director of the CIA via @FortuneMagazine 
ProPublica - Trump has just named Gina Haspel as CIA chief. Last year, we reported that Haspel oversaw the waterboarding and other torture of Abu Zubaydah. 
Jake Tapper - Some background on new CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel and her role overseeing the torture of 2 alleged terrorists at a black site in Thailand
Someone should waterboard Jake Tapper and his fellow propagandists. The attack on Haspel once again show that there is nothing that the left hates more than a strong woman who kicks ass and takes names to defend America.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Flying Headlong Into The Belly of the Beast

Nestled in a gated community, the secretive nature of the event is by design, as Southern California isn’t exactly Trump country. Donald Trump’s fundraising dinner party on Tuesday at an undisclosed location will be very un-Hollywood. The President's surrogates have thus far done a remarkable job in keeping the venue — in or near Beverly Hills — a secret. Attendees have provided their personal information to the president’s security team and assured the powers that be that they’d not reveal details of the event, according to people who spoke to The Hollywood Reporter on condition of anonymity.

Several Facebook groups, in fact, are planning protests, even though they won’t know the president’s exact whereabouts. One industry invitee when asked about the unusual level of secrecy quipped:
"The atmosphere in Hollywood is so toxic — you wouldn’t know unless you were on the receiving end of it. We’re not talking about classy people like Cary Grant and Lauren Bacall, they’re worried that some nobody actor will scream 'motherfucker' at the president." 
"Obama would come to town with 30 cars and close down Wilshire Boulevard, but the President's people want to get in and out quickly."  
While the cheapest ticket runs $35,000, or $50,000 for a couple, some are encouraged to donate up to $250,000 to go to a variety of conservative causes. On the other hand, there will be some at the party who paid nothing, invited because Trump wants to meet with them or reward them for past support. - The Hollywood Reporter

Thank You Pookie@The Briefing Room for the Linkage!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Squinty & Meat Puppet Upset There's No Porn Stars on The Front Page of Their Morning Paper!

Joe & Mika's Circle Jerk of Smug, Out of Touch, Inside the Beltway Media Elites

Just when you think Squinty Scarborough can't say anything 
more stupid he says "where's the camera" 

How dare Donald Trump distract from a perfectly good scandal with something as frivolous as foreign policy!! Viewers of MSNBC will be relieved to know there is still at least one show determined to talk about the real issues. Joe and Mika can see straight through the charade of a Donald Trump meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un for what it truly is: an attempt to bury the Stormy Daniels scandal!!
"He makes a decision on North Korea because of Stormy Daniels, and people can deny that all they want, but if you're doing that, you're in the tank for Donald Trump, because it is painfully obvious that's exactly what's going on."
This bowl of stupidity is almost out-weighed by MSNBC's gender confused Ricky Maddow's near meltdown over possible talks with the Korean Fat Kid. That creepy little freak (I’m referring to Kim Jong-un, not Maddow– I see where there could be some confusion there) only responds to a show of power and intimidation. That’s what Trump’s been doing. DJT isn’t going over there to talk to an equal. It will be a sheltered kid who was handed the leadership of his country as a birthright versus someone from the cutthroat world of negotiations in New York real estate. He’s going over there to talk to a deranged lunatic. And does the left really believe Trump would walk into talks with the Kim without having done any homework?? No, but he managed to give the media another running shit fit!

[NewsBusters]                               Thank You RightNation.US for the Linkage!

Monday, January 29, 2018

And Bernie Makes Four....

Crazy Ol' Commie Coot To Rebut SOTU Address from His Alternative Universe 

As the Democrats continue to retreat into their make-believe world of Russian conspiracy theories, race-baiting, gender politics and betting the farm that voters will turn out for a party that is on the record as more concerned with illegal aliens than U.S. citizens, are getting ready to pour more gasoline on the smoldering wreckage of a party with their upcoming responses to President Trumps State of the Union address.

Today, communist coot Bernie Sanders announced that he would also be giving a rebuttal to the President's Tuesday State of the Union Address. He joins the privileged whiny self-obsessed celebrities and their idiotic “People’s State of the Union” address on Monday, the official Democratic rebuttal featuring the alabaster white Rep. Joe Kennedy III (aka Mr. Diversity whose selection can’t please the identity politics member of the crybaby caucus) and the Lunatic Fringe conspiracy theorist and race-baiting fanatic Maxine Waters who refuses to attend but will be giving her own twisted rebuttal on Black Entertainment Television
Sanders’s office didn’t hint at what the Vermont lawmaker will say. But he simultaneously blasted out a note to supporters from his campaign account knocking Trump and predicting what the president won’t discuss during the prime-time address. 
“He will surely not be apologizing for the many lies he told American voters: how he promised to defend the interests of working people, but then sold them out to Wall Street and the billionaire class,” Sanders said in the note to supporters. - The Hill
Power To The Correct People....or something. 

(The Hill)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Don’t Answer His Questions, Mr. President

By Ben Stein
"Donald R. Trump is a successful man. He has a jet plane. He’s President. He’s nobody’s idea of Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson, but he’s a smart guy.  Yet he has just done something foolish.  Let me tell you a few reasons why I say so:
One: There is no such crime as Russia/U.S. “Collusion.” The man who is running for President can talk to anyone he pleases. So can anyone who works for him.  They can talk about anything except to disclose secret defense material. No one is even hinting that such a thing happened.  So, there is no “there there” as my great, great Aunt Gertrude Stein said of Oakland. For heads of state to talk to other heads of state or their deputies is how the business of the world gets done. If you were to say it were illegal, you would have to say that all diplomacy is illegal. That’s a concept too Orwellian even for Trump’s haters.
Two: The Special Prosecutor is not a friend of Mr. Trump. He’s been in bed with Trump haters from the word “go”.  He has no special place in history unless he hurts Trump very badly.  He’s not going to just walk away from this without the trophy of inflicting heavy duty damage on Trump.  That’s just not the way Special Prosecutors operate.  Birds got to fly.  Fish got to swim.  Prosecutors got to prosecute.  It doesn’t have to be the biggest possible fish, but it has to be somebody. 
Mr. Mueller would not have asked to question Trump if he didn’t mean to harm him or someone close to him. Surely Mr. Trump should know this or if he doesn’t, there’s something seriously askew in his head.  There is just no upside in answering Mr. Mueller’s questions. It can only hurt someone close to Trump.
Three: Mr. Trump does not have to answer anyone’s f–king questions. He’s President. He can’t be cited for contempt. He can’t be indicted. He cannot be prosecuted especially for the non-existent crime of “collusion.” If he does not have to answer the questions and if the media will hurt him as much as they possibly can no matter what he does, why should he answer questions — especially under oath? 
We already know that Mr. Mueller is looking way in the past at Mr. Trump’s business dealings years ago. What can this possibly have to do with his acts as President? Every day Mr. Mueller sends out more requests for interrogations. Mr. Trump, sir, this man wants to hurt you. Don’t help him. When you get back to D.C. from Davos, explain that you spoke too hastily, that you had not consulted your counsel. That you will have a look at written interrogatories and consider answering them with the help of your lawyers. 
Mr. Trump, this man, Mr. Mueller, is part of a conspiracy to drive you from office. Take a tip from a man who worked for a President who was FAR too co-operative with the people sworn to kill him. Don’t answer his f–king questions."

Collusion is not a crime. At this point, all the testimony from Trump and his associates can amount to is obstruction of justice for what appears to be a non-existent “crime” that isn’t actually a crime and submitting false statements to federal investigators over the non-criminal probe.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Left's Long National Nightmare. It's Only Just Begun

  Weapons at the Ready, the Military Insure Barky and Mooshell Depart Washington - January 20, 2017

One of the great pleasures of the last 12 months has been watching the left, from Ivory Towers of Higher Learning to Major Network Organizations and their Late Night Hacks to Lefty bloggers, gleefully make epic fools of themselves. I particularly have enjoyed some websites falling flat on their faces in pathetic attempts at anti-Trump humor, and their inability (or perhaps just outright refusal) to discern the truth.

One in particular, a known vile little bunch with an extreme case of 'Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder" (TURD) who are an hilariously example of cursing the darkness while stumbling around with an unlit candle.  Their live blogging of the Trump Inaugural read like a slow motion mental breakdown, which seems to have further severely disrupted their already degenerating gray matter. Bless their hearts, they were losing 'Chicago Jesus',  and it was suppose to be Hillary's Big Day. 
"Oh God It’s happening, Oh God it’s really happening.  Nine years since we swore in our first black president who didn’t play the saxophone and now Donald and Melania Trump (who looks gorgeous … her husband looks like his normal thin-skinned, tiny-handed pathetic self) are at the White House doing the tea and coffee summit with Barry and Michelle, like TER-DITION SAYS......Mike Pence and his wife Karen are there meeting with Joe and Jill Biden.....and oh God, Joe Scarborough is on MSNBC saying some f**kin' bullshit about how you can’t root against this president without rooting against the country, to which we reply F**K YOU JOE....."

And as we all know, since that day Squinty Joe has tasted the utter alluring sexiness of Meat Puppet Mika, who now regularly drains the blood from his head and dissipates all sensibility.

But this is now, one year later.  Days as backward and dark as the middle ages in their eyes. Corruption all around. Corruption that is about to bite them in the ass and destroy their chosen Heroes.......

"As of today, it has been approximately 500 billion years since Trump first took the oath of office. We are weary, we have forgotten what it is like to not have agita — and yet somehow we soldier on, scandal after scandal, the odds that we will survive the next three years without coming face to face with a nuclear bomb growing ever less in our favor. 
We’ve lost net neutrality. We saw him condemn millions of suffering people all over the world to die of horrible diseases just because the hospital that gives them their malaria and HIV meds also performs abortions. We saw the ACA get fucked. We saw the rich get their taxes cut, taxes which will eventually have to be made up for by the rest of us. So, so many very bad things happened, and through it all, he just kept freaking tweeting. Tweeting and golfing, golfing and tweeting......."
Those words of twisted truth help prove Trump is on the right track. The left can't recognize good when they see it. And when they do, they lie about it. And just in case there are any snowflakes out there who managed to blocked out all of the horror over the past year, allow us to refresh your memory a bit...... 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Most Hated Doctor In America

Official White House doctor Ronny Jackson performed a thorough examination on President Trump, and like most Americans the president could stand to lose a pound or two, but the doctor declared Trump healthy and "Fit for Duty".  What's interesting was how the media responded. Surely the cognitive exam showed that the President was suffering from dementia or early onset Alzheimer’s or was just flat-out crazy. After all the Left and the Mainstream Media for over a year now have been beating their drums that Trump is clinically insane. Dr. Jackson, a highly trained and respected military doctor must have picked up on that, right?

What struck me as was the sheer amount of media that suddenly decided that they actually knew better than a trained, veteran doctor. They thought they knew better just because they had consulted Wikipedia and WebMD. In their sheer frustration even declared the man who Barack Obama hired as his doctor was a bought and paid for Trumpet fraud.

Dr. Jackson seen here colluding with President Barack Obama to conceal his successor's
medical records and fake their physical exams in the coming years…

This entire sordid episode is just more unending illustration of how completely unhinged the Left has become. The party that is supposedly all about science and rational thought is decidedly irrational, especially when presented with evidence that contradicts their worldview. Literally every attempt to discredit Trump and remove him from office has failed. Russian collusion didn’t work. Obstruction of justice didn’t work. Racism didn’t work. The 25th Amendment ship has now sailed. It will be interesting what new insanity will the Left try next. 

[Sparta Report]

Friday, January 5, 2018

College Conservative Groups See Numbers Surge

Democrats, who usually count on the traditionally uniformed and easily fooled liberal youth vote didn't see the train coming down the track in the form of energized conservative activism. As Donald Trump completes his first year in office, the leader of the Republican Party is activating an unconventional and untapped source of support, college campuses.

NTK- According to a report from Elaine Godfrey in The Atlantic, “The Future of Trumpism is on Campus,” college conservative groups are booming in the era of Trump. While national news surrounding political activism on campus swirls around Antifa violence against conservative speakers, pro-Trump groups have quietly been swelling in size: 
"At Arizona State, the club benefitted from a Trump wave. “He’s [increased the] numbers of College Republicans at ASU by incredible numbers,” the group’s president, Jennifer Custis, told me. Custis, a senior studying secondary education, history, and government, said deciding to support Trump was never an issue: “People loved him.” And Andrew Mendoza, the president of the University of California-Davis College Republicans, said he saw something special in Trump right from the beginning: “His out-and-out nationalism was amazing,” he said, adding that Trump’s ideology defies labels. “I think he’s an individual." 
Others who talked to Godfrey cited Trump’s use of social media and focus on immigration and economic nationalism as positives for a younger generation. But while numbers seem to be growing in conservative groups at colleges across the country, the divide between traditional College Republicans and pro-Trump groups has split some conservative campus blocs into two camps. At Penn State, The Bull-Moose Party split from the College Republicans to more strongly support Trump in his 2016 campaign. Ohio State experienced a similar rift among pro-Trump and more traditional GOP wings.

Thank You Zilla @Da Tech Guy for the Linkage!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

CNN's Premier Princesses Sit Down to Talk Trump

Tuesday night the President tweeted he planned to give out at the start of next week a series of 'Fake News Awards.' Accordingly, and right on cue, it caused the liberal media to have their little fits.
“I will be announcing the most dishonest and corrupt media awards of the year on Monday at 5:00. Subjects will cover dishonesty and bad reporting in various categories from the fake news media. Stay tuned.”
Shortly after the tweet appeared, CNN's effeminate princesses Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper sat down to talk, probably knowing they both were about to be awarded. LOL 

Cooper teed up Stelter for his inane divination by asking what Trump’s tweet told him about the year to come. “Madness,” Stelter declared in his most serious of tones. “And I think we should start to call it that. Shouldn’t we?” Stelter tried to back up his smear by citing other partisans who had been smearing Trump for well over a year.

“You know, when President Trump was inaugurated last January, some writers, some columnists like Andrew Sullivan started right away to raise concerns about the President’s mental health; about fitness for office."
Relying on Sullivan for a mentally balanced perspective proves Stelter’s partisan agenda and seething hatred for the President. After all, Sullivan was the guy who led the charge for the Trig Palin Truthers who viciously claimed that Sarah Palin wasn’t really the mother of her youngest son who had Down Syndrome. Stelter used the classic tactic of employing someone else to make your point when you don't want to or feel like saying it yourself. Time will tell if little Brian moves toward arguing that Trump should be removed from office due to his supposed mentally illness, or if he jumps from roof of CNN Headquarters. 

  via NewsBusters

Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump Ends 2017 Residing In His Enemies’ Head

by Kurt Schlichter@Townhall

As 2017 comes to a close, tumbleweeds roll down the empty Lido Deck while the Republican base answers the question, “What if Conservative, Inc., gave a cruise and nobody came?” The Democrats fled Washington under cover of darkness, desperate to keep their slobbering socialist wing from forcing them to commit ritual suicide by closing down the government over Christmas because the GOP Congress (for now) won’t hand a couple million illegal aliens citizenship. Robert Mueller’s Keystone Kop Korps started off with “unquestioned integrity” and ended the year with totally questioned integrity. 

Renowned Daytime Television Political Scientist
and Victim of Chronic TDS and TURD, Joy Behar
The mainstream media abandoned the principle of objectivity in favor of shrill advocacy, yet it is baffled that most Americans now consider its members like just another bunch of partisan hacks. In the White House, where everyone who was anyone told us Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit would reign, President Donald Trump finished the year by signing a tax reform bill that punished conservatives’ enemies and rewarded their friends. The Democrats get to go tell their base of blue state coastal swells, “Uh, sorry about losing those state tax deductions cuz we were too busy resisting to actually negotiate and thereby get a seat at the table.”

Cue the Sad Trombone. Trump plays for keeps, unlike the squish-cons who play for media hugs and invitations to the kool kidz’ parties. He was supposed to lose the primary, but he didn’t. He was supposed to lose the general, but he didn’t. He was supposed to fall victim to the covert schemes of leftist bureaucrats and the overt obstruction of The Resistance, but he didn’t. Instead, Donald Trump has prospered as the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. And it’s breaking the souls of his enemies. Deliciously. 

He just refuses to lose. He just refuses to submit. He just refuses to give a damn about what they say or what they think. And that infuriates them. He won’t take a knee, but he will offer them a finger. - Continue Reading

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trump Sends Out Happy Kwanzaa Greetings and Predictably Gets Slammed

DT - Unfortunately many people in America, especially those who are unrepentant bigots and refuse to see past their own biases, Donald Trump can do nothing right nor is anything that he says to be accepted at face value without him being savaged for it. This is the case again after the president respectfully sent his best wishes to those of the colored persuasion who choose to celebrate the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa, a celebration that has little in common with any tradition and was invented by a man with a disreputable background long long ago in 1966. 

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Kwanzaa 
 Issued on December 26, 2017:
Today marks the first day of Kwanzaa, a weeklong celebration of African American heritage and culture. Together, let us celebrate during this joyous time the richness of the past and look with hope toward a brighter future. 
As families and friends join to light the Kinara, Melania and I extend our warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season and a prosperous year to come.
And the responses were predictable:
@TheRootDonald Trump mustered up his best Google searches to compose three sentences that wished African Americans a Happy 
@NewsweekTrump's Kwanzaa statement leaves out Obama-era praise for African-American values 
@splinter_newsTrump gives shortest Kwanzaa statement since presidents started giving them
Let us not forget, “Kwanzaa Was Invented By An Insane Leftist Gangster Who Tortured Women” It’s a pretty safe bet that you will find nothing at all from those who are ripping Trump for his holiday wishes that acknowledges the history of Kwanzaa’s founder. It is intellectual dishonesty as well as vintage hypocrisy from people who should not throw stones if they themselves reside in glass houses. Jesus never tortured any women and Christmas is a real holiday.

Stilton Done This
[The Tweeter Thingy]