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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Bernie Sanders. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Noted Squad Member Throws Her Weave Into the Ring for VP

A day after Tank Abrams said she's available to be anyone's VP because racist won't let her run Georgia, and weeks after the anti-Semitic squad members Reps. Iham Omar, Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex and Rashy Tablet all endorsed an old white Jewish commie Bernie Sanders, squad member and fake hair weave enthusiast Ayanna Pressley ended the suspense and officially threw her endorsement to Senator Lizzy Warren for president.

Warren, Sanders, and Joe Biden all reportedly sought Pressley's endorsement, but Ms. High Horse was won over by Warren's plan-making kung fu. Warren's opponents have taken to mocking her plans, which is admittedly easier than coming up with different ones. Black supporters of Pressley were so disappointed in her choice of endorsing a privileged White Woman, some took Twitter to ask Pressley if she knew Warren stole all her ideas from Kamala Harris or that Warren was once a Republican and used to eat black babies at Federalist Society potlucks.

But as Pressley points out, Warren's "plans are about power: who has it, who refuses to let it go and who deserves more of it."  In other words POWER TO THE CORRECT PEOPLE!!!!

Pressley believes "big structural change" can't wait until Republicans decide to play nice or stop nominating corrupt racist demagogues. And y'all remember when Pressley read Trump his ass on the House floor before they'd even finished painting her office? Good Times.

You know throwing her weaves into the ring by endorsing Warren is really about consideration for Lizzy's VP, or at least a juicy high level cabinet post like 'Secretary of Population Re-education' or 'Administrator General of Slave Reparations'.

We all know Epstein didn't kill himself and there has to be a POC on the 2020 Dem ticket, or there will be an epic revolt, and the party will come apart at the seams.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport and 
LARWYN'S LINX@Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tater Tries His Hand at Hard Hitting Investigative Journalism

CNN’s media “hall monitor” Brian Stelter, devoted an entire segment on Sunday’s edition of the ironically name Reliable Sources, to obsessing over DJT's spelling mistakes on the Tweeter. While he did concede that “everybody makes spelling mistakes,” Stelter seemed to think that the President’s Twitter typos deserve double extra special scrutiny, implying that Trump's spelling habits have an impact on his ability to run the country effectively.

Tater spent the segment making the case that “Donald Trump makes a lot more spelling errors" than “most people.” The media critic complained that he had “never seen anyone do a comprehensive study of DJT's spelling errors or look at what they mean” before plugging an “excellent website” called Factbase that "has every single word the President says” and “looks at all of Trump’s tweets, even the deleted ones, for...typos and other screw-ups.”

According to Factbase, Trump has made “more than 188 spelling errors on Twitter” since taking office in early 2017. Stelter went on to highlight some specific examples of Trump’s Twitter typos, to then focusing on the data surrounding President Trump’s spelling errors and stacked the President up against Democrat politicians.  Bernie Sanders is said to have made only three mistakes, while Barky Obama of course has a spotless spelling record when it comes to his Twitter account.  Tater conveniently leaves out that Sanders nor Chicago Jesus are believed to actually posted their own tweets.

Stelter brought on an employee from Factbase, Bill Fischling, who advised President Trump to “turn on autocorrect.” Apparently, Fischling forgot that autocorrect doesn't always work like it should, and in some cases, the program can create errors rather than fix them.

This brings up two important questions. Why does there even exist and who funds a website devoted to tracking anyone's misspelled words on the tweeter?  And why is this effeminate, bulbous headed Telatubby looking excuse for a journalist on my TV.

[Clown News Network]

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Denial Ain't a River in....uh....You Know the Thing.

"For socialists and their fellow travelers everywhere, it's turning out to be a bummer of a summer. It's almost bad enough to make you feel sorry for Sen. Bernie Sanders. 
Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and their anti-American ilk are stuck defending economic authoritarianism abroad while its victims are pleading for the United States to save them. To the millions of downtrodden in Cuba, Haiti and most of Latin America, the US remains the shining city on the hill, even as AOC and her Squad demonize the greatest country ever created. 
It must break their tiny hearts to see Cuban protesters waving American flags and Haitian officials asking the White House for American troops to keep order. Don't those people know America is a racist, colonial power that feasts on the poor?" 
- Michael Goodwin, NYP

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mainstream Media Admits It May “Never Recover” from 2016 Election

AntiMedia - In a revealing statement that flew largely under the radar earlier this month, members of the mainstream media admitted it would never recover from its irresponsible and negligent coverage of the 2016 presidential election. A recent column published in the New York Post referred to the media’s reporting as “the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.”

In his article for the Post, Fox News contributor Michael Goodwin discussed the media’s pro-Clinton bias – one recognized by supporters of virtually every other presidential candidate, from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein to Gary Johnson and, of course, Donald Trump. Even Americans who don’t necessarily have a horse in the 2016 race notice the slant.
“By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton,” Goodwin wrote, “the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.”
Indeed, he is correct in this regard. The Clinton machine has effectively infiltrated corporate media. Last year, the Intercept reported MSNBC failed to disclose that multiple pundits who spoke favorably about Clinton were actually employees of a consulting firm hired by her campaign. More recently, embarrassing DNC leaks released in July revealed DNC officials attempted to craft narratives painting Sanders in a negative light to undermine his campaign. They also organized a secret fundraiser with the Washington Post and were careful to keep it under the radar.

There is no question the mainstream media has sided with the political establishment in its decision to craft narratives that paint Clinton as a competent leader who is the only option in the face of a catastrophic Trump presidency. Indeed, in spite of Clinton’s lack of popularity among the general population, the media continues to suggest she is the only thing standing between America and its descent into fascism.

While the degree of negative press Trump has received is undeniably staggering, Goodwin failed to recognize — at least in this article — that like Clinton, Trump is wildly unpopular and  the mainstream media is undoubtedly fervent in their coverage of Trump.  Therein lies the problem: rarely does the mainstream media devote as much time to questioning Hillary Clinton, her rhetoric, and her policies.

From the corporate media’s flagrantly irresponsible coverage of the Iraq War during the Bush years to the media’s ongoing blackouts of relevant news in favor of more superficial, inconsequential stories, Goodwin’s assertion that 2016 is the year American journalism died is as factual as the content churned out by Fox News.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Obama Reportedly Vetting Republican Governor for SCOTUS

The Spectacle 
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's office says its the first he's heard of it, but sources "close to the Nevada governor's office" are saying that the Obama Administration has begun the Supreme Court vetting process for the Republican moderate and former Federal district judge.
Supposedly, Harry Reid has been running interference for Obama as the plan comes together - a plan that makes very little sense when you consider Obama and Reid would be selling out their liberal constituents for ease of process, and, ostensibly, to protect a Republican Senate. But, apparently, the process continues unabated, and looks, at least for now, promising. 
Brian Sandoval, the centrist Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted by the White House for a possible nomination to the Supreme Court, according to two people familiar with the process.
Sandoval is increasingly viewed by some key Democrats as perhaps the only nominee President Obama could select who would be able to break a Republican blockade in the Senate…Sandoval met Monday with Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid, a fellow Nevadan with whom he enjoys cordial relations.
A person familiar with the conversation said that while Sandoval told Reid he had not made a final decision on whether he would accept a Supreme Court nomination, he would allow the vetting process to move forward. Another person in Nevada familiar with the process confirmed that the process is underway.
It's not that Sandoval is a bad guy. He's been mentioned routinely as a good, Republican choice to replace Harry Reid, and his name has been tossed around for Vice President a few times. But he's not exactly the scintillating legal mind that Barack Obama claims he wants on the court. 
He reportedly likes Justice Sandra Day O'Conner as a model for judicial excellence, which means he likes to go where the wind takes him on everything from Constitutional law to his lunch order.
There are obvious benefits to putting a moderate Republican forth. It would be the best conservatives could do, probably, with the prospect of President Donald Trump breathing down their necks, or worse, President Hillary Clinton or President Bernie Sanders. It also helps the Administration demonstrate their willingness to cooperate, however fake the willingness is, which would give a boost to people like Sen. Mark Kirk who want to push Sen. Mitch McConnell to open the confirmation process, rather than deny the President his SCOTUS pick. 
It's a good opportunity to troll: after all, how could Republicans in the Senate possibly refuse to confirm a member of their own party?  Obstructionism might cost the GOP the Senate, which would pave the way for either a President Hillary or Sanders to nominate the Westminster Kennel Club dog show judges if they so chose. Or worse, Barack Obama.
This seems like a weird gamble. But it also might just be a red herring, designed to play on Republican fears - after all, President Trump is looking likely, and any Republican would be better than whomever he'd nominate, probably. Scared enough and you'll go along with the Plan A.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Irony of Steve Wozniak

There was once a very bright young man who hit on an idea of making something useful. He put his mind together with all the opportunities available to Americans and the entrepreneurial spirit that made the nation the technology envy of the world.

A long with a few friends he helped create a revolution. Years later he was to make a deal with another young wiz kid who made software and also took advantage of America's generous capitalistic system. Both went on to become very very wealth. And all without government help or interference. He lived the American dream we all wish for.  But I guess money can change your feelings about how you see the world, and you can lose sight and perspective of how you got there. 

Having a free hand to do as he wished, start a company in a free economy, and help change the world in ways he could not have imagined, I find an irony in the fact this young man, now grown and extremely fortunate because of his successes sees a twisted anti-capitalist political philosophy and America's foremost wingnut advocate of such, in any way inviting......
Apple's co-founder, the man credited with actually building the early Apple computers by hand, has come out in favor of renegade Democrat and socialist candidate Bernie Sanders.
Steve Wozniak took to Twitter to denounce Republicans and Democrats and then used the hashtag popular with Sanders supporters, #FeelTheBern:
I'm thinking it's maybe the result of to many Grateful Dead concerts over the years..... 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Woman Who is Running For President Who Insist She Isn't Running For President Is Cranking Up A Presidential Campaign

She Slept Her Way To The Top in California. Now She Wants To Be Your Lady President

Kamala Harris, freshman senator from California who is has been referred to by some dems as Obama 2.0 and a potential candidate for president in 2020, is reported to have spent in upwards of $400,00 from her campaign's war chest on advertisements in just the first quarter of this year according to the Federal Election Commission. Harris, a former girlfriend of San Fran Mayor Willie Brown, insisted that she is not thinking about running for president, not thinking about it mainly because she's already decided she is, has spent vast sums of money on the ads despite only just beginning the second year of her six year term.

The Free Beacon has the 411 on the cash:
"Harris's campaign disbursed cash to Revolution Messaging, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive online media firm that is credited with propelling Sen. Bernie Sanders's dark horse candidacy against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary. The firm has won numerous awards for its work on behalf of the Sanders campaign. 
Harris's campaign made three payments totaling $356,539.43 to Revolution Messaging for web advertisements during the first quarter of 2018, which spans from Jan. 1 to March 30, the campaign's most recent filings show. Harris, who spent another $25,125 with Revolution for campaign consulting, paid $247,750 to Authentic Campaigns Inc., a digital strategy company, for consulting services during the first three months of the year. These expenditures came on the heels of the campaign spending $513,866.60 on web advertisements during the fourth quarter of last year. During the first three quarters of 2017, Harris's campaign disbursed a total of $567,487.20 on digital web ads."
The California senator has brought in a number of former Clinton campaign vets to work in her Washington, D.C. congressional office and her campaign is also renting office space from a small travel agency  just minutes away from the Capitol building. She's what you'd expect to support of single-payer health care and free college tuition, and despite being the former California Attorney General and presently sits on the Judiciary Committee, she has publicly supported the Black Lives Matter Movement. You can expect to see more of her during the roll up to mid-terms, and  the beginings of a  full court press in the media starting in early 2019. 


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Run For Them Hills Boys. We're Out Numbered!


Leading into the midterm elections, so far at least 29 30 House democrats have wussed out and are declining to run for reelection. This doesn’t bolster the democrat's media buttboys increasingly frantic message that American democracy hangs in the balance.  What it does imply is that the fleeing Democrats don’t want to serve in the minority because of the horrific concept of being a minority, because being a minority like the poor souls they have convinced they represent, is beneath them. And they whine like two year olds when they are. 

An article in the leftist rag 'The Nation' on the announced retirements and democrats’ anticipated “evisceration" and is relentlessly depressing for leftist faithful.  Some lawmakers, like Bernie Sanders, have publicly called for a change in strategy, saying that the democrat party has “turned its back on the working class.”

The democratic agenda last year focused on paying working people not to work,  keep kids out of school and screw you poor people, stay at home and eat chicken wings.”

If Sanders means “white” working class, he should say so directly. The “white” isn’t like the “l” in “salmon.” It’s not silent. But Biden and the dems remains deeply in denial about its failures, like the phony wealth transfer scheme called Build Back Better, to their doomed year-long push for federal take over of free and fair elections. Voting rights legislation failed because Senate Republicans were unified in blocking any Stop Democrats From Cheating bills, and their useful idiots in the media cared more about the filibuster than Black people voting. You can’t discuss Democrats’ woes without mentioning the outrageously partisan media performances.

The pandemic, which Biden promised to defeat, a core campaign bullshit promise, spiraled out of control due to the administration's incompetence and conflicting information . The monthly child tax credit payments, which Biden promised would cut child poverty in half, didn't, and have now ended. But in some areas increased substantially the 25'' rim shop businesses. 

Biden should’ve realized sooner that later his far left progtard wing are certified sociopaths.  Instead of 'Asteroid Collides With Earth',  it's 'Stupid Earth Fails To Avoid Asteroid Collision.'  Among other things, the progtard wing blames Biden for not keeping a campaign promise about student loan debt, another bullshit campaign promise he knew wouldn't fly, but the soft skulls rallied around. The White House’s attitude has been to double down on condescension, expressing contempt for law and order and the American working class, the very voters the democrats claim as their own.

The legitimate media should be shouting from the rooftops about the immense damage that may take years to repair if possible, that Biden and democrats have caused the country over the past year. Anything less is barely a notch above CNN.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Monday, November 21, 2016

Obama Confirms He will Remain a Prick

With Ma Clinton rebuked and put away wet and the far left superstars Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren circling Political Jupiter somewhere, it looks like Barky will try and set himself up as the reasoned voice of the Democrats. When asked if he will be like former President George W. Bush and pledge to stay out of politics and not criticize decisions made by his successor his answer was no surprise for the guy who believed he was always the smartest in the room.

At a press conference Sunday the president said he does not believe he will be the last Democratic president, for a while, and made no promise to not speak up if he feels it to be "helpful" and "necessary" for him to comment on President-elect Trump's proposals. 
"Look, I said before, President Bush could not have been more gracious to me when I came in and my intention is to certainly for the next two months. As an American citizen who cares deeply about our country, if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal but go to core questions about our values and our ideals, and if I think that it is necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals, I'll examine it when it comes."
And you can believe that after Barky and Mooch decided to stay in DC after he leaves office, the man who has divided the country as no other in modern times will continue to do so as the voice of the opposition in interviews on Sunday Talk shows. And his adoring lap-dog anti-Trump media will have his phone number and email just waiting with baited breath his every word and prognostication. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Red Flags, Red Flags Everywhere....

As soon as Christine Blasey Ford was identity as accuser of Judge Kavanaugh, red flags popped up everywhere. It didn’t take long for people to poke holes in her story from over 30 years ago. The one thing that stands out is Ford’s presumption that she thought Kavanaugh was going to rape her or even kill her…This is conjecture on her part, but now the media has jumped on the “rape” word and moved the ball down the field to accuse Kavanaugh of attempted rape and even attempted murder. If this is supposed to have happened 36 years ago, Brett Kavanaugh (53) would have still been a minor. 

Ford claims she was reluctant to come forward with her accusations. Yet, when Brett Kavanaugh’s name was first raised as a possible candidate for the nomination, she contacted both her Congresswoman, Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) and the Washington Post tip line. Kavanaugh had not even received the nomination and she had already written a letter to politician and contacted a major newspaper. Does that sound like someone who is wrestling with a decision? The version told now has changed from the version told in 2012 to her therapist and once again the media is complicit with the Democrats in their effort to smear a man who has spent his entire life as an accomplished judge and citizen.

Red Flags? Let's look at few important ones shall we:
  • Judge Kavanaugh has gone through 6 FBI background checks. Came through clean.
  • Christine Ford scrubbed her social media accounts of her activism before revealing herself. Ford, has donated money to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Friends Of Bernie Sanders, and other leftist organizations.
  • Ford’s attorney is a self-described Anti-Trump Resistance activist. 
  • It was reported that Brett Kavanaugh would be Romney’s first choice for SCOTUS if elected in 2012. That is when Ford suddenly told of the incident with Kavanaugh in couples therapy. It appears as though Ford recovered her memory at an opportune time.
  • Judge Kavanaugh’s mother presided over the bankruptcy trial of Christine Blasey Ford’s parents. Judge Kavanaugh’s mother ruled against the Batey parents.
Democrats have reached an all time low in their attempts to destroy anyone in their path. For Democrats, the ends justify the means…

(100% FedUp)
                                   Thank You Whatfinger News for the Linkage!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bernistas Preparing to Soil Madam Cankles' Coronation

Anyone who’s ever attended a specialty convention will tell you that it is a rather massive undertaking to coordinate several thousand like-minded individuals in a confined space. Whether it’s a gathering of animal costume fetishists, comic book geeks, porn stars and/or politicians, these meet-ups are logistical nightmares that require the cooperation of local authorities, police, and private security, as well as a venue large enough.

You'd think that some 180+ years after the first Democrat National Convention, the 46th time would be pretty easy. It’s done every four years, right?   

Just get some balloons and confetti, a couple cops, and find a stadium with air conditioning and a solid P.A. system where you can hold a bitchin’ laser light show, and wrap everything up with a break dancing Teddy Kennedy hologram. Offer up some cheap booze, some shitty fried food, and bing-bang-boom, you've got yourself a spectacle to soak up news coverage for days. What could go wrong?

Days of Future Passed
Well, they weren't counting on the Bernistas. According to the Daily Caller, more than twenty thousand leftist have committed to protest Hillary Clinton’s likely stolen nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. And that number is quickly growing. 

The protesters are united in their support for Bernie Sanders, and their opposition to “a fraudulent Hillary nomination,” according to the group’s website.

Their leaders have set up a Facebook group titled 'Occupy DNC Convention' to organize housing and transportation. One document issued by the group is titled “Why ‘Occupy DNC Convention’?” explains the protesters’ mission: we are contesting Hillary’s nomination on the grounds of fraud, voter suppression, and corruption. We show them who we want.

One group of black activists, the Philly Coalition for Real Justice, has planned a “resistance march” against the Democratic party for allegedly breaking its promises to black voters. Local news coverage describes the group as an affiliate of Black Lives Matter but the activists declined to either confirm or deny that fact.

The activists’ Facebook event says: 
“The Democratic Party has consistently betrayed their promises to the Black community and the 2016 presidential election is not going to be any different.”
“We must capitalize off of this moment with one goal in mind; and that is to resist the capitalist and racist power structures that allow white supremacy and capitalist oppression to flourish."
Philadelphia is no stranger to protest and rabble rousing, and have proved in the past they can tear gas with the best of em.  Stock up on popcorn boys and girls. I have a feeling the 2016 Democrat Convention may be an even bigger clusterf**k of a shit-show then the Republican Convention is expected to be.  

Monday, June 17, 2019

Democratic Socialism - Communism for Slow Learners

Denver City Council Member Candi CdeBaca 

When Barky Obama proclaimed a "Fundamental Transformation of America" most took it as a cultural reference. They were correct. Just look at the fabric of America 10 year past. We are now bombarded with the homosexual lifestyle and interracial couples on television, and all out war on white males in advertising and media. But some took his statement differently.

The college educated of the Obama years were spoon fed the downside of capitalism. Sighting as the ideal alternative, European Democratic Socialism. Of course, the downside of this system was passed over. Sure, in the northern counties, European healthcare is quite good, as opposed to the British disaster of National Health Care we hear so much about.

Having grown up in a northern European country, I can assure you it is sufficient for it's people. What is glossed over is a system where the average citizen does not own their own home, few own cars unless for business, and have little say so where their children attend school. Outside of the well-off, the government is the landlord. Public transportation and education, primary and Higher Ed. are free. The average European lives quite well, with much more leisure time than we here in America. It has also created a culture easily controlled, through TAXES.

The economic landscape in America as seen by the left is horrifying to them. They control almost every aspect of our culture, but not our economic philosophy and practice. We are now endanger of that. With the rise of Bernie sanders as a legit presidential candidate in 2016, media promotion of AOC and her Black and Hispanic gal pals, the most recent, Candi CdeBac. Voters had better start listening closely at what these people are advocating.  

CdeBaca, who is an avowed member of the Democratic Socialists Of America (the same communist organization that has blessed America with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) scored an upset in a runoff election after her appeal to the lowlifes, chiselers, and stoners who are drawn to promises of free stuff and state punishment of their oppressors. Her upset victory marks the most significant shift in Denver leadership in over 30 years.
“I don’t believe our current economic system actually works. Um, capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, and I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new. 
I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources , and whatever that morphs into is I think what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary.”
While the media largely glosses over these fanatical statements, if not outright glorifying them as in the case of AOC and voters remain tuned out, America is only a few elections away from sliding down the slope into a totalitarian style socialism. They are not advocating a European style democracy.  And as no less an expert than Vlad Lenin once famously remarked, the goal of socialism is communism.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Cackling Hens Go After The Psychedelic Warlord

With Whoopie Goldberg freshly arrived back after her absence for a once yearly shove through the local car wash to rinse out those nasty dreadlocks, it was no surprise to hear the Cackling Hens of 'The View' crank it back up and take on the newest clown to jump out of the trees and into the ring to battle for the democrat's 2020 version of our nation's savior. Whoopie wasted no time telling Beto the Boy Wonder not to get too big for his britches and be Careful' About Your 'White Male Privilege' there pretty boy. 
While journalists may be on the “Beto Bus,” the ladies of The View certainly aren’t, (yet anyway.) The hosts dragged the newly announced 2020 candidate for his “white male privilege,” Monday, after he made a series of gaffes over the weekend. Goldberg began by pointing out O’Rourke had broken Bernie Sanders’ fundraising record before slamming him as a privileged white male.  
"Something I heard him say was he realized he was a guy with white privilege and so he also felt he needed a female to run with him. Well, my question is what makes you think she wants to be your vice president? Why would you think she needed to you do that? You have to be careful with privilege like that because things slip out of your mouth, so you got to really sort of clamp down before you open it and have foot inserted. I don't use this all the time but it really is white male privilege to be like, ‘I was born to do this.’ If Hillary or Kamala or anyone had been on the cover of Vanity Fair saying ‘I was born to do this,’ the media would be going insane right now against it....." - Read More
It is funny to see the left eating their own over identity politics. Misgivings about Beto’s racial and chromosomal makeup were front and center on CNN’s New Day when they discovered that Democratic presidential hopeful was actually a white male, and they were not happy about it. The cable network went into race-baiting overdrive following the announcement of O’Rourke’s candidacy, airing hours of feverish handwringing over whether Beto’s “white maleness” rendered him an unacceptable choice for the Democratic Party nominee.

Beto also received this pushback from other CNN hosts, who slammed his “white male” status over 50 times in 24 hours, and from CBS This Morning host Gayle King, who asked the the in your face question, “Are you disadvantaged by being a privileged white man?

Funny thing, no one has yet questioned his sanity. This is gonna be so much fun to watch.......

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Deep Thoughts By AOC 🤪

If Socialism Doesn't Work, Then Why Are All My
Socialist Friends In DC Multi-Millionaires

Outspoken socialist Hasan Piker was trending on Twitter Wednesday after a leak revealed how much money he takes home every month: over $200,000. To many, it seemed like, well, a lot for a person who makes a living excoriating the rich with videos like "How the Ultra Rich Exploit Everything" and "NOBODY NEEDS THIS MUCH HOUSE". Especially since back in August, he made headlines for purchasing a nearly $3 million home in West Hollywood.

Many of the avatars of socialism in America today are rich. Very very rich. World class grifter and Black Lives Matter co-founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, recently purchased a $1.4 million dollar home in Los Angeles. Hollywood Land Whale Michael Moore, one of the more outspoken critics of American inequality and a champion of the Dictatorship of Hugo Chavez, is worth a reported $30 million. Fake negro Shaun King, an activist scam artist who regularly speaks out about Black poverty, recently bought an expensive lakefront home in an elitist area of New Jersey. Hell, even life long socialist curmudgeon Bernie Sanders is now a millionaire who owns three homes. And Bubble Brain Socialist Cover Girl AOC lives in an elitist DC neighborhood and drives a Tesla. 

Wealthy, privileged liberals are able to sleep at night thinking they're part of the solution because they say the right things ("Tax the Rich!") and buy the right books.



Like, OMG. Like "Food that comes out of dirt!" 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Buttimania Is All The Rage

Now that Beto O'Rourke has been exposed as the buffoonish imbecile that we always suspected he was from the beginning, the media have scrambled to help find a new standard-bearer for Democrats, and have settled as the flavor-of-the-day, Pete Buttigieg. Since so many in the media seem to be gay these days, Mayor Pete has become that new shiny thing that, unlike caustic loudmouths Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and commie curmudgeon Bernie Sanders, is like an adorable little pet. Kinda like a gerbil.

Buttigieg has been the subject of multiple glowing media stories over the last several weeks even though he has little political experience at anything other than overseeing the filling of potholes and is the hip midwestern millennial with the cute hubby that liberal media types are swooning over.  He has now joined the pack in rear ending our democracy,  spewing the party line by taken up the rallying cry to disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans, including those in his home state, by eliminating the Electoral College and allowing the coastal elitist and urban pavement dwellers to steal the democratic process away from ordinary citizens. Democrats seem more willing than ever to gut the Constitution if that is what it takes to regain the presidency and secure their place as our permanent overlords.

But some in the media are reluctant to play dutch rudder with Mayor Pete, seeing the hierarchy of victimhood is a complicated and often a conflicted issue for Democrats, given all the factors contributing to their precious identity & gender politics. As an openly gay man, Buttigieg’s candidacy is getting more traction that you might expect for a politician with such a limited resume, and that doesn’t appear to be sitting well with progressive women, who’ve been hammering away at their own perceived glass ceiling. Candidates like the Wicked Witch of the North, Amy Klobuchar, Bubble Brain Gillibrand, even fire spitting Kamala Harris with her very big rollout, haven't been getting as much attention at Buttigieg.

In today’s gender-fluid era, gender, race and sexual orientation just skim the surface of possible distinctions. Does the color of one’s skin trump being a woman, and does being gay rank higher or lower? Is it possible that a married gay white man from South Bend, Indiana is less threatening to some of the voters than a woman or a woman of color women? We'll see. The media is sure to let us know.....


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Clinton Allies Open To Backing A Different Loser in 2020

Today We Celebrate 500 Days Since Hillary Clinton Was Not Sworn in as President 

Now that Hillary Clinton has whined and blamed her way through the entire English speaking world and has exposed her physical frailties, thus burying most any chance of ever winning an election of any kind again (yes, there is a God) the floundering leaderless Democrats are still milling about like ants whose hill was stomped on by voters in 2016. And the 2020 field is in such disarray that if she were to say she'd run, America's favorite fat girl Oprah would probably be the leading contender.

Since the ambitious Senator Kirsten Gillibrand committed heresy by backstabbing Bill Clinton, many Clinton allies are looking elsewhere to throw their money and support. As the political rhetoric heats up, with their hair on fire the dems continue to run leftward. But not toward the leftist wingnut Bernie Sanders.  Like Gillibrand, they seriously eye another candidate who has the correct plumbing and who they believe also meets the number one job requirement of the Democrats; to convince Americans should prioritize electing the nation’s first female POTUS above any other trivial issues that may actually impact their lives.......

.....the cynical progressive phony who spouts hatred of capitalism, especially Wall Street, and could be the next dumpster fire for the Democrats - the only woman in politics who is even MORE grating and annoying than Hillary, Elizabeth Warren.  

A Campaign DMF Can Wholeheartedly Encourage!
“If Elizabeth Warren decides to run for president, she will find support both from Hillary diehards who still want to elect a qualified woman as president and from Hillary skeptics who want an unflinching champion against corporate greed as the party’s standard-bearer," said Seth Bringman, a Clinton ally who served as a spokesman for the Ready for Hillary super PAC. 
“She won many of us over not only with her endorsement of Hillary in 2016 but with the sincerity of it,” said Adam Parkhomenko, a longtime Clinton ally. I think there’s no doubt she has the utmost respect for Warren, though, and she obviously thinks she’s well-qualified.” - Read More
The shift towards Warren has to be a sucker punch right in the kisser for Kamala Harris, whose skin color would have seemed to have given her pole position heading into the primaries. But Harris is no Barack Obama. She's raw, dumb and too mired in the sort of California kookery that doesn’t sell in real America. The Dems probably also don’t want to count on a heavy black turnout at the polls because another two years is a lot of time for more of them to finally see that life on the Democrat plantation isn’t Sugarcandy Mountain after all.

(The Hill)

Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Shorts

Tom Brokaw Will Be Made to Care. On Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw said hispanic families in the United States need to work hard at assimilating into the country and ensure their children learn English. When my grandfather immigrated to the United States after the turn of the twentieth century, he was told basically the same thing — heavy on the learn English part. It is a bit of common sense.

But the left has decided this bit of common sense is racism and Brokaw is being savaged as a racist for saying it. It’s just truth. The outrage is amped up by a group of partisan progressives who have long decided that assimilation is somehow an embrace of whiteness instead of Americanness, but there is something else here too. The more a hispanic family assimilates into the United States, the more likely they are to identify as conservative. The left can’t have that. So to suggest they work to be part of the fabric of our common society is heresy. Tom Brokaw will have to repent.

Kamala Harris Action Figure – Bed Not Included In the span of a week, Sen. Kamala Harris has transformed into both a 2020 White House contender … and an action figure. The California Democrat is the latest political celebrity to get a mini-me version of herself from the company FCTRY.

Earlier this month, the Brooklyn-based manufacturer announced the release of its special counsel Robert Mueller action figure. It’s also fashioned figurines bearing the likenesses of Harris’s fellow 2020 White House contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former President Obama. The current president has an “Evil Trump” figure — complete with a pointed middle finger — made in his image.

Daddy Starbucks 2020? Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he’s considering running for president as an independent, telling “60 Minutes” he might jump into the race without party backing. The news that he might run a third-party bid had liberal heads exploding immediately. Frank Luntz was less than subtle in his immediate reaction:
"In all seriousness, Howard Schultz truly could unite the country… By having Democrats join Republicans in boycotting Starbucks."
If Schultz can attract a following among even a small subset of Democrats and a decent number of independents, he could siphon off sufficient votes to flip a bunch of states that Democrats probably have a good shot at carrying into Trump’s column.

Armed FBI Agents Raid Earl of Taint Studio  "The FBI raided my studio this morning and arrested me as if I were some kind of terrorist on charges stating I have repeatedly triggered multiple government officials “and other VIPS” in violation of federal law. I thought it was the pizza delivery guy. They kicked open the door after one knock – then tossed in a stun grenade and it worked. I was stunned."

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Big Blue Wave's HQ Donations Are So Weak They're Borrowing Money. Again.

The democrat's hangover from the 2016 election loss is still evident to this day, not only in their hysteria over the DJT, but in the bank also.  The DNC's financial woes began in 2016 and led to taking out a loan from Hillary Clinton’s criminal organization campaign. Clinton’s influence over the party later became the subject of controversy after it came out that the DNC was working behind the scenes to help her screw over Bernie Sanders. 

Things have only gotten worse since the DNC was turned over to a radical leftist last year, who some call an Incompetent Hispanic Boob, and a co-chair Anti-Semitic Muslim.  Some big money donors are a bit leary and laying back to see what comes next. Coupled with Hillary's embarrassing 'blame everybody but me tour' and the dems inability to fund-raise off a crisis or human suffering like school shootings has the DNC borrowing more money just months ahead of the Mid-term elections.

According to the Daily Caller, records show the Democratic National Committee had to take out another loan in February as the 2018 midterm elections loom. The national arm of the Democratic Party took out a $1.7 million loan in February, raising their total debt above $6 million.  The DNC has consistently failed to keep up with Republican's fundraising. The RNC brought in $12.8 million in February while the DNC only raised $6.9 million. The DNC now has just over $10 million on hand compared to the $42 million the RNC has in the can.

You'd think as hated as the media says Donald Trump is in America, the money would be rolling in to the DNC in truck fulls. Granted, candidates raise their own money, but national committees like the DNC play a big supporting role they cannot do without. But the left's ongoing ceaseless attacks on DJT, the Truth, Free Speech and Constitutional Guaranteed Rights has surely given some donors reason to pause. And who needs more enemies with Hillary,Tom Perez, Keith Ellison and Nancy & Chuck on your side?

*Thank You MJA for the Linkage! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Joe Biden is Really Confusing the Hell Out Of Democrats

Joe Biden - Former VP Code Named -'Silver Plugs'

Who of us really knows what's going on in that vast wilderness of Joe Biden's brain cavity these days? He is embarrassing not just himself but everyone who once loved him as the gaffe prone Court Jester of the Obama Administration. Now that he's in the chase to be HMFIC of the country, he really has the leftists upset and they believe he could danced on tables in nothing but a G-string and retain more of his dignity than schmoozing Wall Street tycoons by saying "what I've found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people.....'. Biden went on to promise his wealthy overlords that their lifestyles won't change if he's elected president. Nothing at all, in fact, would "fundamentally change." Put that on a bumper sticker. He's gone from riding shotgun on "hope and change" to only offering hope of no change.

Joe confronted the charge that he's too "old-fashioned" for today's Democratic Party by speaking fondly of the good old days when he happily collaborated with DEMOCRAT segregationists. Biden bragged about his relationship with Mississippi Senator, DEMOCRAT James O. Eastland, a leading foe of integration, which he thought would lead to "mongrelization." He described black people as an "inferior race.  So what exactly is he bragging about here?

Spartacus Booker
Biden also boasted about his relationship with Georgia Senator, DEMOCRAT Herman Talmadge. Talmadge was so racist that as governor he ordered schools closed rather than let black people in the "good" ones. Of course we all know who jumped on that. Spartacus Booker. His pants are in one hell of wad right now! Has Joe forgotten that he's running for the Democrat nomination? You're not suppose to talk about that, Joe! It's the party that leads African American black peoples of color around by the nose.  What's next? Scheduled a speech to the National Organization for Women about how well he got along with Bill Cosby and O.J. Simpson despite their differences?

Here's what Mr. Electable accomplished during his trip down segregation lane: He reminded everyone that he's old, which we already knew but we don't need rubbed in our faces. If most of the good friends you talk about are all dead, you're either a middle-aged rock star or an ancient politician. Worse, he reminded voters that straight-up white supremacists was always the hallmark of the Democratic Party.

Democrats criticize Bernie Sanders for his membership in their party. They point out that Elizabeth Warren only became a Democrat when she was in her late 40s. But if a lifelong Democrat like Biden is going to praise the racist legacy of his party,  then "Democrat" is just a label. I think Joe will eventually lose support and fold like a cheap lawn chair. His life long rambling inanities and Foot-in-Mouth disease is not a selling point. If he doesn' could very well be a TRUMP LANDSLIDE.