Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Second Group of Immigrants Rejected by Australia Fly to U.S.

A second group of asylum seekers from Australia's offshore detention centers are en route to their new homes in America as part of the controversial deal. The fifty-eight left Papua New Guinea on a Philippine Airlines flight on Tuesday bound for New York, according to the Refugee Action Coalition.

The men, mostly from Afghanistan and Pakistan, will be resettled in groups and as individuals across the country in locations including North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia as part of a deal struck in 2016 with then president Barack Obama to resettle 1250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru detention centers. Donald Trump has described the whole thing as a "dumb deal".

Australia refuses to resettle refugees who arrive by boat, and instead follows a policy of mandatory offshore detention. Some have been held on Manus Island and Nauru for more than four years. Tuesday's flight transported the men from Manus Island, and another group of around 130 on Nauru has been accepted for resettlement in the US and are expected to leave the island in the next few weeks. There’s still no clarity around how many people will come to the US, and how long before they are resettled here. The whole deal has been shrouded in secrecy.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Fake News Aficionado Newsman Dan Scores Gig With Leftist Internet Kool Kids

At 86 years old, the liberal icon and disgraced former CBS anchorman Dan Rather just won't seem to go away. At least in his newest gig as news guy, little or no one will see him. According to CNN, founder and CEO of the the little watched “Young Turds Turks” network, Cenk Uygur, offered Rather the opportunity to do a show on the online network. Rather is said to have jumped at the opportunity. Newsman Dan's  new offering will premiere tonight and I know you're excited.

The "Young Turks"network's primary audience are brain-numb progressives stoners on their Facebook page and YouTube channel, so you can bet most of their viewers have no friggin idea who Dan Rather is. And in case you've never seen it, the Young Turk's election night panel meltdown and descent into near suicidal madness remains one of the great YouTube clips of 2016.

Rather described the new show as being a “no bells and whistles” affair that will be filmed from Rather’s office (a step up from Keith Olbermann reporting from his moms basement) and focus on stories that he believes are not getting enough attention in the media, as well as on original reporting. Rather told CNN that he was motivated to launch the show by Donald Trump’s “attacks” on the press:
“I feel strongly that when you have a president who is continually, relentlessly damning the press, individuals by name, individual institutions and calling the press the enemy of the people — listen, this has to be resisted....”
Since being booted from the anchor chair at CBS for propagating fake news, Rather has been slowly circling the media drain, bouncing  around various liberal cable news network outlets including a multiple-year stint with Mark Cuban’s HDNet that no one has heard of either.

What's the Frequency Kenneth??

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Life Can Be Tough In DC During A Government Shutdown

Looks like the media may have to go to the emergency can goods and 
water from the White House rain gutters.........hang in there guys.  #SchumersShutdown

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Left's Long National Nightmare. It's Only Just Begun

  Weapons at the Ready, the Military Insure Barky and Mooshell Depart Washington - January 20, 2017

One of the great pleasures of the last 12 months has been watching the left, from Ivory Towers of Higher Learning to Major Network Organizations and their Late Night Hacks to Lefty bloggers, gleefully make epic fools of themselves. I particularly have enjoyed some websites falling flat on their faces in pathetic attempts at anti-Trump humor, and their inability (or perhaps just outright refusal) to discern the truth.

One in particular, a known vile little bunch with an extreme case of 'Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder" (TURD) who are an hilariously example of cursing the darkness while stumbling around with an unlit candle.  Their live blogging of the Trump Inaugural read like a slow motion mental breakdown, which seems to have further severely disrupted their already degenerating gray matter. Bless their hearts, they were losing 'Chicago Jesus',  and it was suppose to be Hillary's Big Day. 
"Oh God It’s happening, Oh God it’s really happening.  Nine years since we swore in our first black president who didn’t play the saxophone and now Donald and Melania Trump (who looks gorgeous … her husband looks like his normal thin-skinned, tiny-handed pathetic self) are at the White House doing the tea and coffee summit with Barry and Michelle, like TER-DITION SAYS......Mike Pence and his wife Karen are there meeting with Joe and Jill Biden.....and oh God, Joe Scarborough is on MSNBC saying some f**kin' bullshit about how you can’t root against this president without rooting against the country, to which we reply F**K YOU JOE....."

And as we all know, since that day Squinty Joe has tasted the utter alluring sexiness of Meat Puppet Mika, who now regularly drains the blood from his head and dissipates all sensibility.

But this is now, one year later.  Days as backward and dark as the middle ages in their eyes. Corruption all around. Corruption that is about to bite them in the ass and destroy their chosen Heroes.......

"As of today, it has been approximately 500 billion years since Trump first took the oath of office. We are weary, we have forgotten what it is like to not have agita — and yet somehow we soldier on, scandal after scandal, the odds that we will survive the next three years without coming face to face with a nuclear bomb growing ever less in our favor. 
We’ve lost net neutrality. We saw him condemn millions of suffering people all over the world to die of horrible diseases just because the hospital that gives them their malaria and HIV meds also performs abortions. We saw the ACA get fucked. We saw the rich get their taxes cut, taxes which will eventually have to be made up for by the rest of us. So, so many very bad things happened, and through it all, he just kept freaking tweeting. Tweeting and golfing, golfing and tweeting......."
Those words of twisted truth help prove Trump is on the right track. The left can't recognize good when they see it. And when they do, they lie about it. And just in case there are any snowflakes out there who managed to blocked out all of the horror over the past year, allow us to refresh your memory a bit...... 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Little Bitch on Blades Says He Will Shun Meeting With VP Pence

Looking Fabulous Like He Just Raided Nancy Kerrigan's Costume Closet

It's an honor to be a members of the US Olympic Team and represent the country on the biggest sports stage in the world. But one figure skater has decided to use the occasion to throw a gay diva temper tantrum and says he will not under any circumstance meet the Vice President Pence, who is set to lead the U.S. Olympic delegation to South Korea. This uptight little Rump Ranger is taking something that is supposed to be apolitical and about competition and sportsmanship and turning into a bitchy Trump resistance moment.

From USA Today:
Adam Rippon, the 2016 U.S. men’s figure skating champion who is believed to be the first openly gay U.S. Winter Olympian, criticized the White House’s selection of Vice President Mike Pence to lead the 2018 U.S. Olympic delegation to South Korea in a phone interview with USA TODAY Sports. 
Rippon, 28, who was selected to his first Olympic team earlier this month after finishing fourth at the U.S. national championships, said that he would not meet Pence during the traditional meet-and-greet between the official delegation and U.S. athletes in the hours leading to the opening ceremony. 
Rippon didn't hesitate at all to show he regularly has his head up his ass too: 
"I don’t think he has a real concept of reality. To stand by some of the things that Donald Trump has said and for Mike Pence to say he’s a devout Christian man is completely contradictory." 
"I don’t think the current administration represents the values that I was taught growing up. Mike Pence doesn’t stand for anything that I really believe in."
Of what values do you speak? Sodomy and disrespecting your own country? I guess in liberal terms those are values, but to normal people they seem pretty disgusting. Rippon also said he will skip the White House post-Olympic celebration hosted by President Trump. I'm sure The Don will be Okay with that, he prefers to be around winners anyway. 

It will be interesting to see if NBC Sports Olympic skating commentator Tara Lipinski and her embarrassingly clownish effeminate appendage, Johnny Weir choose to fawn a little extra over Rippon and his feminine out-fits. Truth be told, he placed 4th in the US Olympic trials and is 28-years-old, so he could be just an also-ran. And if he doesn't shut his mouth he'll have a good chunk of Americans viewers just waiting to see him spectacularly falls on his ass.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
[USA Today]
H/T Broadside Betty

Thursday, January 18, 2018

That's Not Very Comforting.......

Amid all the actually crazy shit going on in the world, people are now vaping Tide pods.

The Most Hated Doctor In America

Official White House doctor Ronny Jackson performed a thorough examination on President Trump, and like most Americans the president could stand to lose a pound or two, but the doctor declared Trump healthy and "Fit for Duty".  What's interesting was how the media responded. Surely the cognitive exam showed that the President was suffering from dementia or early onset Alzheimer’s or was just flat-out crazy. After all the Left and the Mainstream Media for over a year now have been beating their drums that Trump is clinically insane. Dr. Jackson, a highly trained and respected military doctor must have picked up on that, right?

What struck me as was the sheer amount of media that suddenly decided that they actually knew better than a trained, veteran doctor. They thought they knew better just because they had consulted Wikipedia and WebMD. In their sheer frustration even declared the man who Barack Obama hired as his doctor was a bought and paid for Trumpet fraud.

Dr. Jackson seen here colluding with President Barack Obama to conceal his successor's
medical records and fake their physical exams in the coming years…

This entire sordid episode is just more unending illustration of how completely unhinged the Left has become. The party that is supposedly all about science and rational thought is decidedly irrational, especially when presented with evidence that contradicts their worldview. Literally every attempt to discredit Trump and remove him from office has failed. Russian collusion didn’t work. Obstruction of justice didn’t work. Racism didn’t work. The 25th Amendment ship has now sailed. It will be interesting what new insanity will the Left try next. 

[Sparta Report]

Two Time "DMF ASSHAT OF THE YEAR" Award Winner Takes Trump's Top Honor.

Let's all raise a glass to the first place winner of Donald Trumps 'Fake News Awards', none other than the New York Times Paul Krugman, who boldly proclaimed on the day of President Trump’s historic landslide victory that the economy would never recover. 

Mr. Krugman (Anthropological Classification - Bozo Sapien) is no stranger to these pages and long time readers will remember Krugman as a two time winner of the prestigious Diogenes Middle Finger 'AssHat of the Year', 2011 and again in 2014.

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Krugman in his newest honor and for helping show to America that an Ivy League Education and a prestigious job with the NY Times doesn't necessary mean you have class or common sense. But I'm sure his cat is impressed....

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Now That Trump Has Passed A Mental Fitness Evaluation With Flying Colors, Could the "Unbiased" Media Maybe Suggest a Mental Evaluation of These Two??

Barack Obama Once Wrote: Becoming Donald Trump Was The American Dream.

Barky Day Dreaming of His Own Styrofoam Greek Columns

Donald Trump's name pops up a lot in books from the 1980s and 1990s. At the time he was most everyone's symbol for American wealth and success, here and abroad.  And apparently, Barack Obama once associated the current president with American success as well. In 1991, as a 29-year-old professional college student and soon-to-be Harvard Law School grad, Obama wrote a paper with a friend Robert Fisher called “Race and Rights Rhetoric.” Obama summed up the average American’s mindset with the following sentence: "I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don't make it, my children will." 

This quote came to light following the publishing last year of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, a 1,460-page biography of the former U.S. president by David J. Garrow. The quote was taken from the duo's law paper and was previously unpublished. Here’s the full excerpt:
 “[Americans have] a continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility, values that extend far beyond the issue of race in the American mind. The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average American—I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don't make it, my children will.”
Asfar as the book, the New York Times Book Review called it "a bloated, tedious and...ill-considered book that is in desperate need of editing, and way more exhausting than exhaustive.” It's not fair to dismiss a book based on one poor review, especially when it's the snooty elitist New York Times Book Review bunch. There is much they really don't want to read about their hero, never-before-seen (or at least rarely ever shared) insights, like Obama’s aforementioned thoughts on Trump and details on his very serious relationship with Sheila Miyoshi Jager, the white girl kept quietly in the shadows that he proposed marriage twice before settling for south side Michelle.

[New York Times Book Review]
H/T gop-tea-pub

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Squinty and Meat Puppet To Be Honored for Responsible Journalism. No, Really...

As if you really need any more evidence the left and their mouth pieces in the media have gone full Tard, we learn the blathering duo of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of NBC News' ugly stepsister MSNBC will be honored for the high practice of their honorable chosen craft of Trump bashing leftist propaganda Journalism.

"Two of most wildly irresponsible members of liberal media, MSNBC anchors Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are going to receive an award for being part of “a distinguished group of journalists and First Amendment leaders that exemplify responsible journalism and who practice their constitutionally guaranteed duty to seek and report the truth.” 
That’s not a joke, the Radio Television Digital News Foundation (RTDNF) will actually be honoring the Morning Joe co-hosts during the organization’s annual First Amendment Awards dinner on March 8 in Washington, D.C. The couple will specifically receive the Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award for “a radio or television journalist or news executive who has made a major contribution to the protection of First Amendment freedoms.” 
Well, one can certainly understand why they would be picked for such an honor, considering their important contributions....
"In just the past week, Scarborough and Brzezinki have attempted to diagnose Donald Trump with a myriad of mental illnesses while also labeling him an “evil” “racist” who loves Nazis. Over the course of the past year, the pair have routinely offered similarly unhinged commentary against the President. But apparently hurling outrageous accusations that violate every principle of journalistic ethics makes them eligible for an award."
I think the RTDNF announcement is to get ahead of Trump's "Fake News Awards" that Squinty and Meat Puppy are sure to score a win of some kind..... 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Who Knew You Could Buy a Journalist for the Price of a Hooker?

A contributor to the scuzzy feminist website 'Jezebel', and purportedly a self described comedian (?) Sara Benincasa, tweeted out Saturday that she would offer $300 to any journalist who asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with the country of Wakanda and gets him answering on video. If you're like me, you too have no idea where Wakanda is. Just so happens Wakanda is the name of the fictional place where the Marvel's cartoon superhero Black Panther comes from. Um-Kay....

Granted, a story of this caliber would, in fact, be a step up from Benincasa’s usual fare know for pieces like “I am So Not Sorry About My Vagina, and Other Apologies We Should Retract.” (sorry but I don't link to this website). In her lengthy thread on the tweeter, Benincasa encouraged others to offer monetary incentive saying she would start up a crowdfunding or Venmo thingy whereby any others who wish to thank the intrepid reporters bravery can add to the purse. Benincasa recommended that journalists who wanted to score the $300 prize could “casually drop the name of Wakanda in among a list of other things he’s never heard of, like Estonia and Ethics.”
"I am offering $300 to the journalist who very seriously asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with Wakanda and gets the question and answer recorded live on video. I know $300 doesn’t sound like a lot to some people but I also know what most reporters make so...$300. @SaraJBenincasa 
According to The Media Research Center, the Huffington Post’s Jason Linkins tweeted, “I will match Sara’s $300.” Best known for his articles in the HuffPo headlined, “Trump Era Ignorance Triumphs Over Shakespeare,” “James Comey Calls Donald Trump A Liar (Because He Is),” and “The Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory is Emblematic of the Trump Era,” the offer seems to fall in line with the rest of Linkins’ political narrative. TV Guide editor Alex Zalben threw in his two cents, tweeting:
 “If you follow this up with a question (that he answers) about whether Wakandan/American relations are complicated by them granting asylum to the terrorist fugitive James Buchanan Barnes, I will double the offer.” 
She also encouraged successful journalists to “donate the money" somewhere like the Committee to Protect Journalists. The CPJ recently placed President Trump on a list of authoritarian leaders with the label, “world’s worst press oppressors.” He was the winner of the “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom,“ and runner up for “Most Thin-skinned.” Trump was listed along with world leaders who use actual terrorism to influence the press. But that doesn’t matter. It’s all anti-Trump, which means it must be worthwhile, right?

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Maybe Someone Needs To Rethink The Saying "It's So Easy Even a Caveman Can Do It."


DT - The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results, but that wisdom is lost on Democrat Al Green and his quixotic mission to bring impeachment charges against President Trump.

Green is one of the more obnoxious members of the self-segregating Congressional Black Caucus as well as one of the butt-ugliest human beings that has ever prowled the halls of Congress. The former head of the Houston NAACP turned politician has repeatedly seen his efforts go down to defeat, often in an embarrassing manner. But for what Green lacks in intellectual firepower, he more than makes up for in persistence. Green is once again vowing to impeach Trump over referring to “shithole” counties as “shithole” countries because like everything to a black identity progtards with a twisted worldview EVERYTHING is racism when it comes from the man who replaced Barack Obama in the White House:
Congressional condemnation of racist bigotry is not enough. In Congress, talk is cheap-it’s how we vote that counts. Next week, I will again bring a resolution to impeach @realDonaldTrump. I will put my vote where my mouth is. #RepealandReplaceTrump.
Green’s imbecilic outburst should also provide fodder that a similar constitutional amendment be created mandating a basic civics test for members of Congress. The Constitution pretty much defines what is and is not an impeachable offense and unfortunately for goofy Green, having a serious case of red-ass over your guy losing an election isn’t one of them. This sorry excuse for a congressman wouldn’t recognize the document if it sneaked up behind him and bit him in his ignorant, grandstanding ass.

In a sane society with a functional media and political leadership that puts America first it would be funny to watch the Democrat clown car careening around but unfortunately, we don’t live in one. The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum since Hillary’s crushing loss and they are making a break for the fences… READ MORE

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Apparently, Not Wanting to Repeat Errors of the Past Makes you a Racist.

Sure, ideally it would be nice if the President of the United States wasn’t quoted as describing other countries as Shitholes. But these places are Shitholes. They’re places where for the most part the local culture is unquestionably dysfunctional, and where civil society as we know it does not exist. Personally, I don't care if he said it or not. And if he did, it accurately reflects the sentiments of much of America. Not wanting to repeat errors of the past does not make you a racist. This has nothing to do with color. It's about culture.

And really, is there any question Haiti is a Shithole?  If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be one of the most prominent recipients of American charity aid on Planet Earth. And it isn’t like this country has ignored Haiti — America has been trying to lift it out of shithole status for more than a century, with absolutely no result whatever. There is no poorer country in the Western Hemisphere than Haiti, though given time Communist Venezuela might well change that. And no, it’s not racist to note Haiti is a shithole.

And yes, El Salvador is also a shithole. When your country has the world’s highest murder rate, you qualify for shithole status. Know what you get when you take in an unlimited number of illegal Salvadorans? You get an MS-13 street gang spreading its vicious tentacles into every Hispanic community in America in the same way the Italian mafia achieved a chokehold in the Italian community in this country a century ago. It was the determination of  Ronald Reagan, by use of American treasure and a bit of blood as well, which kept El Salvador from becoming a Communist shithole rather than an ordinary one, an effort which has resulted in little thanks from anyone in that region.

Who’s up for more immigration from Somalia?  What has America derived from mass immigration from Somalia? Machete attacks on street corners in Columbus and mall stabbings in suburban Minneapolis. And if you like, you can ask the current and former residents of Lewiston, Maine, what a boon Somali immigration has been to that town. 

Afghanistan, anyone? How much of Afghan culture would we like to pour into our national melting pot? One imagines we have suitable populations of Hollywood and New York sophisticates who would find the Afghans’ use of little boys as sexual playthings rather quaint and charming. The open-borders crowd doesn’t want to talk about that, though, and it wants to call you racist if you’re opposed to a deluge of immigrants from an abusive cultural who have no desire to assimilate.

That’s why Trump’s “Shitholes” objection is big news rather than the fact there are so-called political leaders who can’t agree to reorient our immigration policy toward a merit based system and taking people who can contribute and successfully assimilate here.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Résille Vendredi

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Phony Steele Dossier Intelligence: Read For Yourself


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Dems Appoint Two Bonehead Leftist To Judiciary Committee

Democrats have taken advantage of the the present cultural and political climate to install two of their most radical and outspoken up & coming Barack Obama clones on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker both come from law backgrounds, (Harris slept her way to the top to California Attorney General) but have publicly professed support of Black Lives Matter and other radical minority organizations, and also have recently made statements which have given some pause because of their ignorance of constitutional matters and past history. 

But we all know that's not what they're there for. Harris and Booker, while both come from mixed race heritage, identify themselves as black and thus able to shield their radical partisanship and positions from criticism by the threat of racism accusations. 

According to the Washington Post, Harris was seen early on as a likely candidate to replace Al Franken after he announced he would resign amid accusations evidence of being a pervert.  Booker was more of a surprise since he had testified against Jeff Sessions when he was nominated for attorney general. That kind of move against a fellow senator was highly unusual at the time, but proved his worth as a useful idiot in doing the Dems racist dirty work.
The Trump administration has repeatedly demonstrated its hostility to the ideals of civil rights and equal justice for all,” Booker said in a statement on Tuesday. “As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will make it my mission to check and balance President Trump and Attorney General Sessions.” 
Democrats were able to appoint two members to the committee because of the new makeup of the Senate. When Doug Jones was elected to be the Senator from Alabama, his election shrunk the majority hold that Republicans had on the Senate.  Booker and Harris are generating buzz as 2020 presidential candidates and you can expect both to resist with a full-throated chorus any Trump Administration's future High Court nominees or policies/ civil rights initiatives. Get out-da-way Oprah!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Norks Break Their Silence on "The Oprah 2020"

Donald Trump Named Top Global Oppressor of the Press

U.S. News Media No Longer Allowed to Lick Their Own Balls

The Committee to Protect Journalists has named Donald Trump winner of its “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom” in its “Press Oppressors” awards. The CPJ named Trump as the leader who most undermined press freedoms in 2017, despite the fact numerous other world leaders actually work to block the free press in their countries.
"While previous U.S. presidents have each criticized the press to some degree, they have also made public commitments to uphold its essential role in democracy, at home and abroad. Trump, by contrast, has consistently undermined domestic news outlets and declined to publicly raise freedom of the press with repressive leaders such as [Chinese President] Xi, [Turkish President] Erdoğan, and [Egyptian President] Sisi."
He gets a lot done with those tiny hands, doesn't he. Just goes to show a little determination goes along way. I mean China has the great firewall that censors speech in real time and requires news outlets to have licenses. Turkey, well they just kills journalists Erdogan doesn’t like, all the while Trump hasn’t even proposed legislation against the fifth estate, he just tweets.

Meanwhile, journalists in countries hostile to a free press are facing persecution every day around the world. According to Reporters Without Borders, all Middle Eastern, Asian, eastern European and most South American, Central American, African and Caribbean countries have a less free press than in America, yet their leaders aren’t as oppressive to journalists as Trump?

The committee actually maintains a list of countries where journalists are most likely to be killed by the government. I suppose the fact America isn’t on the list was why committee felt comfortable presenting their award here despite having the worlds worst oppressor of journalists. Either that or these people being professional journalists are acquainted with uses of words the ordinary person might not be.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Another Fat Black Gurl in the White House? I don't Think So.

"Sunday night’s Golden Globe Awards was all that Hollywood has come to be about in their post-Hillary season of discontent. Scads of wealthy self-important, blathering reprobates all resplendent in their ANTIFA black and unifying behind the crusade against sexual harassment (translation: the war on men) as they mobilize to avenge the stunning loss of their champion Hillary.

What went down at the swanky Beverly Hills Hilton should be an ominous sign for the Democratic party which appears to be losing Hollywood as the celebs have become so arrogant and superior to everyone else in America, that they are about to go it alone. The gazillionaire talk show queen who presides over a vast entertainment empire gave a rousing speech, railing against the hated patriarchy and vowing that “a new day is coming” for this faction of the left.

It was the night that #MeToo officially became #FuckTrump because that is what all of this horseshit has ALWAYS been about – the poor shattered egos and fragile feelings of the Star-Bellied Sneetches on the left coast who were deprived of their black gown parties at the Hillary White House. Anyone who believes otherwise is a shmuck of a liberal, but I repeat myself.

The Democrats are NEVER going to capitulate to the celebrity snobs by running Oprah. There are too many within the party who have their eye on the prize and groveling for dollars to be with all of the beautiful people doesn’t translate into a desire to hand the keys of their political party to them. Let them split off and run Oprah, they won’t be drawing votes from Republicans, conservatives or Americans who have had enough of these egomaniacal bloviating hypocrites." - Donn Marten

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Joe Biden Says He Could Kick Howard Dean's Ass Too

There's some real testy old farts in the democrat party. Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont and head of the DNC and resident nutjob appeared on MSNBC saying stupid things including his perception of the American political climate, like that of the old people in the Democratic Party needed to “get the hell out of politics.” Dean says no democrat over the age of 50 should be allowed to run for president. I was certain that Hillary Clinton was going to be the one to lose their sh*t over this because you don't have to be a genius to figure out it was pointed mainly at her. After all, she is old and the rumor that she’s a woman makes it sexist to suggest that she should retire. But as is was, the elderly Joe Biden was the one who took issue with Dean’s statement.

The former vice president says he’s plenty young enough to run for president and could kick Howard Dean’s ass to prove it.

On The PBS NewsHour this week, crazy uncle Joe was asked if age would be a factor considering he’s a decrepit old geezer and he acknowledged that it could be. The host then brought up Howard Dean’s call for ancient democrats to mothball themselves. In Biden style he said “Tell Howard I can take him physically, okay?

It's classic Joe Biden being Joe Biden. He sometime has a real problem of his mouth outrunning it's supply line. Like on the campaign trail last year. Biden said that he didn’t want to debate Donald Trump but to beat him up:“I wish I were in high school, I could take him behind the gym. That’s what I wish.” Hey Joe, that is not very presidential now is it? 

I think Biden finds Donald Trump very threatening to his manhood and likes to shadow-box him in the company of such tough questioners as Stephen Colbert and Joy Behar. I truly hope he does run for president in 2020. He has no shot at winning, but you can bet his campaign will be hysterical when the cameras are turned on.....but without some ethically-challenged psychiatrist shrieking about his mental health.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Hononary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

College Conservative Groups See Numbers Surge

Democrats, who usually count on the traditionally uniformed and easily fooled liberal youth vote didn't see the train coming down the track in the form of energized conservative activism. As Donald Trump completes his first year in office, the leader of the Republican Party is activating an unconventional and untapped source of support, college campuses.

NTK- According to a report from Elaine Godfrey in The Atlantic, “The Future of Trumpism is on Campus,” college conservative groups are booming in the era of Trump. While national news surrounding political activism on campus swirls around Antifa violence against conservative speakers, pro-Trump groups have quietly been swelling in size: 
"At Arizona State, the club benefitted from a Trump wave. “He’s [increased the] numbers of College Republicans at ASU by incredible numbers,” the group’s president, Jennifer Custis, told me. Custis, a senior studying secondary education, history, and government, said deciding to support Trump was never an issue: “People loved him.” And Andrew Mendoza, the president of the University of California-Davis College Republicans, said he saw something special in Trump right from the beginning: “His out-and-out nationalism was amazing,” he said, adding that Trump’s ideology defies labels. “I think he’s an individual." 
Others who talked to Godfrey cited Trump’s use of social media and focus on immigration and economic nationalism as positives for a younger generation. But while numbers seem to be growing in conservative groups at colleges across the country, the divide between traditional College Republicans and pro-Trump groups has split some conservative campus blocs into two camps. At Penn State, The Bull-Moose Party split from the College Republicans to more strongly support Trump in his 2016 campaign. Ohio State experienced a similar rift among pro-Trump and more traditional GOP wings.

Thank You Zilla @Da Tech Guy for the Linkage!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

White Genocide Professor Already Has a New Gig

DT - When controversial radical egghead George Ciccariello-Maher announced that he was resigning his position from Philadelphia’s Drexel University effective Sunday, it was thought by some that he would have a tough time getting another gig. He blamed his departure on “right-wing” threats as he elaborated upon via Inside Higher Ed. After all, when you have a zany zealot who takes to social media to say that all that he wants for Christmas is “white genocide” and then blamed the Las Vegas massacre on the “white supremacist patriarchy” it hardly looks good on a resume to an educational institution looking to stay out of the headlines.

That wasn’t the case with the even more leftist New York University which moved quickly to add this unique talent to their already overflowing stable of leftist loons. 

This from WFB 

"The Drexel University professor who said “the narrative of white victimization” was behind the Las Vegas mass shooting has resigned after being suspended and investigated for those comments, and has taken a position with the prestigious New York University. George Ciccariello-Maher left his tenured post last week as an associate professor of politics and global studies to begin a visiting scholarship at NYU’s Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics. 
Ciccariello-Maher wrote on his personal Facebook page Thursday, “After nearly a year of harassment by right-wing, white supremacist media outlets and internet mobs, after death threats and threats of violence directed against me and my family, my situation has become unsustainable. Staying at Drexel in the eye of this storm has become detrimental to my own writing, speaking, and organizing.” Ciccariello-Maher went on to warn, “We are at war, and academia is a crucial front in that war.” 
Ciccariello-Maher’s new employer, the Hemispheric Institute, is a 20-year-old “collaborative, multilingual, and interdisciplinary consortium…working at the intersection of scholarship, artistic expression, and politics,” according to its Facebook page. The organization “explores embodied practice—performance—as a vehicle for the creation of new meaning and the transmission of cultural values, memory, and identity.”
One thing that Ciccariello-Maher is correct about is that “We are at war, and academia is a crucial front in that war” and the minds of the nation’s youth are being rewired in a very anti-American way by this turd and his fellow radicals. It was always common knowledge that Hitler was less interested in the current generation than the future ones and the radical leftist professors have embraced that concept as their mission in life.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

CNN's Premier Princesses Sit Down to Talk Trump

Tuesday night the President tweeted he planned to give out at the start of next week a series of 'Fake News Awards.' Accordingly, and right on cue, it caused the liberal media to have their little fits.
“I will be announcing the most dishonest and corrupt media awards of the year on Monday at 5:00. Subjects will cover dishonesty and bad reporting in various categories from the fake news media. Stay tuned.”
Shortly after the tweet appeared, CNN's effeminate princesses Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper sat down to talk, probably knowing they both were about to be awarded. LOL 

Cooper teed up Stelter for his inane divination by asking what Trump’s tweet told him about the year to come. “Madness,” Stelter declared in his most serious of tones. “And I think we should start to call it that. Shouldn’t we?” Stelter tried to back up his smear by citing other partisans who had been smearing Trump for well over a year.

“You know, when President Trump was inaugurated last January, some writers, some columnists like Andrew Sullivan started right away to raise concerns about the President’s mental health; about fitness for office."
Relying on Sullivan for a mentally balanced perspective proves Stelter’s partisan agenda and seething hatred for the President. After all, Sullivan was the guy who led the charge for the Trig Palin Truthers who viciously claimed that Sarah Palin wasn’t really the mother of her youngest son who had Down Syndrome. Stelter used the classic tactic of employing someone else to make your point when you don't want to or feel like saying it yourself. Time will tell if little Brian moves toward arguing that Trump should be removed from office due to his supposed mentally illness, or if he jumps from roof of CNN Headquarters. 

  via NewsBusters

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

If an You're Illegal Alien, a Felon or Just Like to Get High - Go West Young Man

Pranksters Troll California's Sanctuary Declaration

California officially became a “sanctuary state” on Jan. 1, because of a bill that California Gov. Moonbeam signed into law in October. In effect, the law shields California’s estimated 2.3 million illegal residents from federal immigration laws.

Not surprisingly, pranksters and opponents of the new declaration were there to troll Moonbeam and the Golden State’s government by posting official looking highway signs that greeted motorists entering from Nevada and Arizona that read: "Felons, Illegals and MS13 Welcome! Democrats Need The Votes!"

The signs are similar to one posted on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu last year, according to the Los Angeles Times. That sign read: “Official Sanctuary City ‘Cheap Nannies and Gardeners Make Malibu Great!’ (Boyle Heights Not So Much).” That sign was posted after Malibu declared itself a sanctuary city. The signs are similar to one posted on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu last year, according to the Los Angeles Times. That sign read: “Official Sanctuary City ‘Cheap Nannies and Gardeners Make Malibu Great!’ (Boyle Heights Not So Much).” That sign was posted after Malibu declared itself a sanctuary city.

With marijuana dispensaries now open on Jan 1 for sale of weed for recreational use, state government snubbing their nose at federal law protecting illegals and a social movement afoot soon to come to California to restore voting rights to convicted felons (a new democrat voting block - the prison vote) if your your a hip, self loathing white gender confused dem, a member of a violent Mexican street gang or experienced in ganja sales and service, Go West Young Man. Please, do us a favor, Go West...... 

[The LA Times]
[The Tweeter]